Thursday, 19.04.2012.


SNS leader: I will review controversial privatizations

Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolić has said he will conduct a review of major privatizations if he wins the elections.

Izvor: Tanjug

SNS leader: I will review controversial privatizations IMAGE SOURCE

25 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

When this happen Serbia will be a rich country ,this government took so much of us that when this happen we will have enough money for a new life ,according to this you can see how bad our government is !!

Janet Tan

pre 12 godina

EU tell Serbian Government that they have 24 major privatizations who are not legal..Omg what kind of government you have people ,how did you let it happen ,who is responsible for that ,you have to deal with that ,anyone who done that to their own country should answer for that


pre 12 godina

Democratic party only see other parties and get their dirty laundry out ,what are they keep from us we will see after election .I am sure that we will find many skeletons in the closet of ruling party !!

Ein wahrer Bayer

pre 12 godina

How many people lost their jobs because of privatization.As I am aware of over 200,000.As i remember Tadic said on the last elections that he will provide over 400000 work places,but the opposite happened...However,these were just Tadic's lies to get votes!

Herr Schmidt

pre 12 godina

Mr. Nikolic,Serbia desperately needs changes on the political scene.As I see, you are the only solution for the recovery of Serbia and the Serbian people.


pre 12 godina

What will Nikolic say to Kostunica when its obvious that privatizations happened under Kostunica?
(MoRbIuS, 19 April 2012 13:55)

Don't worry, every political party was involved in dirty privatisations, except the SNS, but only because they were all radicals at the time,


pre 12 godina

This guy won't dare do this. He won't dare. Afterall, he simply stole this from Dveri. It is interesting, the closer we get to the elections the more we see parties stealing ideas from Dveri's platform. They notice that Dveri are more and more popular so they have to take Dveri's ideas and cast them as their own. The fact remains that these guys are indeed simply just old politicians that are no good. Especially Tadic and Nikolic.


pre 12 godina

WHatever it takes to improve the living standards of Serbian citizens, I am for it. Serbia is a sad country, but could get happy if they clean up the corrupt mess.


pre 12 godina

This is how the Serbian campaign looks like.
Tadic promises a better life, forgetting that he contributes to a worsening of the lives of Serbian citizens. Maybe he promises it to a narrow group of people around him.
Nikolic on the other hand, despite a negative media campaign around him, promises concrete measures, such as the issue with the shady privatisations.
I guess that for rational people the choice for whom to vote should be obvious.


pre 12 godina

It might be odd for most, but Nikolic appears to be a true European politician. Unlike some self-proclaimed European politicians, and you know who I mean, mr. Nikolic in his campaign focuses on the interests of citizens and how their lives have been devastated by a series of crooked governments (self-proclaimed European). 24 dubious privatisations are simply too much, and that is a score that should prevent DS from governing anything.

El Greco

pre 12 godina

One things is for sure, and that the only war mr. Nikolic wil fight is against poverty, crime and corruption.
I wish in Greece we had such politicians with an iron will and bravery to things with their name.


pre 12 godina

“If giving up Kosovo and Metohija is one of the conditions, neither he nor his associates will fulfill it, because the citizens do not want that,” Nikolić pointed out.

This guy NEED to READ and UNDERSTAND more THE EU LANGUAGE. Serbia has been already FORCED to GIVE UP Kosovo, it had no choice.

He thinks that Serbia is the center of the world....It is election time....))))


pre 12 godina

Most in the West regard Nikolic and SNS as a nationalist option in Serbian politics. However, where is the nationalism in this campaign? Nowhere. Is the care of one's own citizens nationalism? Of course not.

Greetings from Berlin


pre 12 godina

Under the auspices of EU integrations and modernization, Serbia has proven itself to be nothing more than a justification of the existing stereotypes about eastern european countries - corrupt and criminal.
I keep wondering, were the ruling governments so stupid to believe that by selling cheap economic resources to their pals and relatives they would still get plus points from the West?
Serbia really needs someone who would clean that mess up, and it needs it urgently.


pre 12 godina

75% of Serbian citizens are living worse than four years ago, and do expect mr. Nikolic that this number will rise for many reasons - the rapid fall of dinar and the disastrous policies of the last government. I surely hope that the next government will not include DS and SPS, as each party has proven itself in the last 20 years as catastrophic.


pre 12 godina

The old transition has failed - Serbs need a new one, to clean up the criminals and their accomplices (politicians) from the scene.
Hopefully Nikolic is serious in his promises.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

(a New Day, 19 April 2012 10:38)

I agree, our gov't has done a terrible job at defending our national interests. With that said, Kosovo* is nothing more than occupied territory. In fact, that is exactly what that asterisk means=a temporarily occupied part of Serbia.

With the current rising tensions in neighboring FYR Macedonia, look for that snowflake to melt away like you never imagined before. As Albanians are overvaluing themselves once again (as they did in Macedonia in 2001 and in Presevo) and think the West will come to their aid but this time things have changed.

Start investing in suitcases and travel luggage!


pre 12 godina

"It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo."

Five EU countries still do not recognize Kosovo as a country. The EU itself stated that it does not take any stance on the Kosovo status. Belgrade talks with Pristina on any equal footing as Berlin with Munich or Paris with Marseilles.
Kosovo ain't a UN member, nor a member of any relevant international organization.
So... Serbian politicians do have the right to express themselves on Kosovo.

a New Day

pre 12 godina

It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia has spent the better part of the last 2 years putting together reports, answering questionaires, negotiating candidate status all having to do with Serbia without Kosovo.
Serbia is participating in talks with Kosovo authorities on an equal basis talking about all non status issues(even though every politician in Serbia has said that any talks would have to cover status 1st)
Kosovo passport is accepted (with stamp of Republic of Kosova) throughout Europe.
Serbia has agreed to not hold local elections in Kosovo.
It took years to do it but Serbia has acknowledged 1244 which strips Serbia of any control over Kosovo.

But then politicians get up on a platform and make these promises and the sheep blindly follow.


pre 12 godina

This guy won't dare do this. He won't dare. Afterall, he simply stole this from Dveri. It is interesting, the closer we get to the elections the more we see parties stealing ideas from Dveri's platform. They notice that Dveri are more and more popular so they have to take Dveri's ideas and cast them as their own. The fact remains that these guys are indeed simply just old politicians that are no good. Especially Tadic and Nikolic.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

(a New Day, 19 April 2012 10:38)

I agree, our gov't has done a terrible job at defending our national interests. With that said, Kosovo* is nothing more than occupied territory. In fact, that is exactly what that asterisk means=a temporarily occupied part of Serbia.

With the current rising tensions in neighboring FYR Macedonia, look for that snowflake to melt away like you never imagined before. As Albanians are overvaluing themselves once again (as they did in Macedonia in 2001 and in Presevo) and think the West will come to their aid but this time things have changed.

Start investing in suitcases and travel luggage!


pre 12 godina

Under the auspices of EU integrations and modernization, Serbia has proven itself to be nothing more than a justification of the existing stereotypes about eastern european countries - corrupt and criminal.
I keep wondering, were the ruling governments so stupid to believe that by selling cheap economic resources to their pals and relatives they would still get plus points from the West?
Serbia really needs someone who would clean that mess up, and it needs it urgently.

Ein wahrer Bayer

pre 12 godina

How many people lost their jobs because of privatization.As I am aware of over 200,000.As i remember Tadic said on the last elections that he will provide over 400000 work places,but the opposite happened...However,these were just Tadic's lies to get votes!

a New Day

pre 12 godina

It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia has spent the better part of the last 2 years putting together reports, answering questionaires, negotiating candidate status all having to do with Serbia without Kosovo.
Serbia is participating in talks with Kosovo authorities on an equal basis talking about all non status issues(even though every politician in Serbia has said that any talks would have to cover status 1st)
Kosovo passport is accepted (with stamp of Republic of Kosova) throughout Europe.
Serbia has agreed to not hold local elections in Kosovo.
It took years to do it but Serbia has acknowledged 1244 which strips Serbia of any control over Kosovo.

But then politicians get up on a platform and make these promises and the sheep blindly follow.


pre 12 godina

75% of Serbian citizens are living worse than four years ago, and do expect mr. Nikolic that this number will rise for many reasons - the rapid fall of dinar and the disastrous policies of the last government. I surely hope that the next government will not include DS and SPS, as each party has proven itself in the last 20 years as catastrophic.


pre 12 godina

"It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo."

Five EU countries still do not recognize Kosovo as a country. The EU itself stated that it does not take any stance on the Kosovo status. Belgrade talks with Pristina on any equal footing as Berlin with Munich or Paris with Marseilles.
Kosovo ain't a UN member, nor a member of any relevant international organization.
So... Serbian politicians do have the right to express themselves on Kosovo.


pre 12 godina

WHatever it takes to improve the living standards of Serbian citizens, I am for it. Serbia is a sad country, but could get happy if they clean up the corrupt mess.


pre 12 godina

It might be odd for most, but Nikolic appears to be a true European politician. Unlike some self-proclaimed European politicians, and you know who I mean, mr. Nikolic in his campaign focuses on the interests of citizens and how their lives have been devastated by a series of crooked governments (self-proclaimed European). 24 dubious privatisations are simply too much, and that is a score that should prevent DS from governing anything.


pre 12 godina

Most in the West regard Nikolic and SNS as a nationalist option in Serbian politics. However, where is the nationalism in this campaign? Nowhere. Is the care of one's own citizens nationalism? Of course not.

Greetings from Berlin


pre 12 godina

“If giving up Kosovo and Metohija is one of the conditions, neither he nor his associates will fulfill it, because the citizens do not want that,” Nikolić pointed out.

This guy NEED to READ and UNDERSTAND more THE EU LANGUAGE. Serbia has been already FORCED to GIVE UP Kosovo, it had no choice.

He thinks that Serbia is the center of the world....It is election time....))))


pre 12 godina

The old transition has failed - Serbs need a new one, to clean up the criminals and their accomplices (politicians) from the scene.
Hopefully Nikolic is serious in his promises.


pre 12 godina

This is how the Serbian campaign looks like.
Tadic promises a better life, forgetting that he contributes to a worsening of the lives of Serbian citizens. Maybe he promises it to a narrow group of people around him.
Nikolic on the other hand, despite a negative media campaign around him, promises concrete measures, such as the issue with the shady privatisations.
I guess that for rational people the choice for whom to vote should be obvious.

El Greco

pre 12 godina

One things is for sure, and that the only war mr. Nikolic wil fight is against poverty, crime and corruption.
I wish in Greece we had such politicians with an iron will and bravery to things with their name.

Herr Schmidt

pre 12 godina

Mr. Nikolic,Serbia desperately needs changes on the political scene.As I see, you are the only solution for the recovery of Serbia and the Serbian people.


pre 12 godina

Democratic party only see other parties and get their dirty laundry out ,what are they keep from us we will see after election .I am sure that we will find many skeletons in the closet of ruling party !!


pre 12 godina

What will Nikolic say to Kostunica when its obvious that privatizations happened under Kostunica?
(MoRbIuS, 19 April 2012 13:55)

Don't worry, every political party was involved in dirty privatisations, except the SNS, but only because they were all radicals at the time,


pre 12 godina

When this happen Serbia will be a rich country ,this government took so much of us that when this happen we will have enough money for a new life ,according to this you can see how bad our government is !!

Janet Tan

pre 12 godina

EU tell Serbian Government that they have 24 major privatizations who are not legal..Omg what kind of government you have people ,how did you let it happen ,who is responsible for that ,you have to deal with that ,anyone who done that to their own country should answer for that


pre 12 godina

“If giving up Kosovo and Metohija is one of the conditions, neither he nor his associates will fulfill it, because the citizens do not want that,” Nikolić pointed out.

This guy NEED to READ and UNDERSTAND more THE EU LANGUAGE. Serbia has been already FORCED to GIVE UP Kosovo, it had no choice.

He thinks that Serbia is the center of the world....It is election time....))))


pre 12 godina

What will Nikolic say to Kostunica when its obvious that privatizations happened under Kostunica?
(MoRbIuS, 19 April 2012 13:55)

Don't worry, every political party was involved in dirty privatisations, except the SNS, but only because they were all radicals at the time,

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

(a New Day, 19 April 2012 10:38)

I agree, our gov't has done a terrible job at defending our national interests. With that said, Kosovo* is nothing more than occupied territory. In fact, that is exactly what that asterisk means=a temporarily occupied part of Serbia.

With the current rising tensions in neighboring FYR Macedonia, look for that snowflake to melt away like you never imagined before. As Albanians are overvaluing themselves once again (as they did in Macedonia in 2001 and in Presevo) and think the West will come to their aid but this time things have changed.

Start investing in suitcases and travel luggage!


pre 12 godina

This guy won't dare do this. He won't dare. Afterall, he simply stole this from Dveri. It is interesting, the closer we get to the elections the more we see parties stealing ideas from Dveri's platform. They notice that Dveri are more and more popular so they have to take Dveri's ideas and cast them as their own. The fact remains that these guys are indeed simply just old politicians that are no good. Especially Tadic and Nikolic.


pre 12 godina

It might be odd for most, but Nikolic appears to be a true European politician. Unlike some self-proclaimed European politicians, and you know who I mean, mr. Nikolic in his campaign focuses on the interests of citizens and how their lives have been devastated by a series of crooked governments (self-proclaimed European). 24 dubious privatisations are simply too much, and that is a score that should prevent DS from governing anything.


pre 12 godina

Most in the West regard Nikolic and SNS as a nationalist option in Serbian politics. However, where is the nationalism in this campaign? Nowhere. Is the care of one's own citizens nationalism? Of course not.

Greetings from Berlin


pre 12 godina

"It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo."

Five EU countries still do not recognize Kosovo as a country. The EU itself stated that it does not take any stance on the Kosovo status. Belgrade talks with Pristina on any equal footing as Berlin with Munich or Paris with Marseilles.
Kosovo ain't a UN member, nor a member of any relevant international organization.
So... Serbian politicians do have the right to express themselves on Kosovo.

El Greco

pre 12 godina

One things is for sure, and that the only war mr. Nikolic wil fight is against poverty, crime and corruption.
I wish in Greece we had such politicians with an iron will and bravery to things with their name.

a New Day

pre 12 godina

It amazes me that he is trying to sell this, we will do everything to get in the EU except give up Kosovo. It amazes me more that people are so eager to buy it.
Serbia signed SAA that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia signed visa liberalization that did not include Kosovo.
Serbia has spent the better part of the last 2 years putting together reports, answering questionaires, negotiating candidate status all having to do with Serbia without Kosovo.
Serbia is participating in talks with Kosovo authorities on an equal basis talking about all non status issues(even though every politician in Serbia has said that any talks would have to cover status 1st)
Kosovo passport is accepted (with stamp of Republic of Kosova) throughout Europe.
Serbia has agreed to not hold local elections in Kosovo.
It took years to do it but Serbia has acknowledged 1244 which strips Serbia of any control over Kosovo.

But then politicians get up on a platform and make these promises and the sheep blindly follow.


pre 12 godina

75% of Serbian citizens are living worse than four years ago, and do expect mr. Nikolic that this number will rise for many reasons - the rapid fall of dinar and the disastrous policies of the last government. I surely hope that the next government will not include DS and SPS, as each party has proven itself in the last 20 years as catastrophic.


pre 12 godina

The old transition has failed - Serbs need a new one, to clean up the criminals and their accomplices (politicians) from the scene.
Hopefully Nikolic is serious in his promises.


pre 12 godina

This is how the Serbian campaign looks like.
Tadic promises a better life, forgetting that he contributes to a worsening of the lives of Serbian citizens. Maybe he promises it to a narrow group of people around him.
Nikolic on the other hand, despite a negative media campaign around him, promises concrete measures, such as the issue with the shady privatisations.
I guess that for rational people the choice for whom to vote should be obvious.


pre 12 godina

WHatever it takes to improve the living standards of Serbian citizens, I am for it. Serbia is a sad country, but could get happy if they clean up the corrupt mess.

Herr Schmidt

pre 12 godina

Mr. Nikolic,Serbia desperately needs changes on the political scene.As I see, you are the only solution for the recovery of Serbia and the Serbian people.


pre 12 godina

Under the auspices of EU integrations and modernization, Serbia has proven itself to be nothing more than a justification of the existing stereotypes about eastern european countries - corrupt and criminal.
I keep wondering, were the ruling governments so stupid to believe that by selling cheap economic resources to their pals and relatives they would still get plus points from the West?
Serbia really needs someone who would clean that mess up, and it needs it urgently.

Ein wahrer Bayer

pre 12 godina

How many people lost their jobs because of privatization.As I am aware of over 200,000.As i remember Tadic said on the last elections that he will provide over 400000 work places,but the opposite happened...However,these were just Tadic's lies to get votes!


pre 12 godina

Democratic party only see other parties and get their dirty laundry out ,what are they keep from us we will see after election .I am sure that we will find many skeletons in the closet of ruling party !!


pre 12 godina

When this happen Serbia will be a rich country ,this government took so much of us that when this happen we will have enough money for a new life ,according to this you can see how bad our government is !!

Janet Tan

pre 12 godina

EU tell Serbian Government that they have 24 major privatizations who are not legal..Omg what kind of government you have people ,how did you let it happen ,who is responsible for that ,you have to deal with that ,anyone who done that to their own country should answer for that