Monday, 26.03.2012.


Suspected arsonist arrested for starting wildfires

A man has been arrested in western Serbia on suspicion that he deliberately started six fires in the area near the town of Ivanjica, all during last week.

Izvor: Tanjug

Suspected arsonist arrested for starting wildfires IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

Why don't they give this man's full name? Why protect the suspect when he's not a juvenile? Has this man traveled abroad in recent years?
It is best to give him a very long prison sentence as I suspect he'd be a repeat offender - and the next time someone may get killed from his actions.

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 12 godina

Wonder if that fool who committed arson will have to pay restitution? At least Serb authorities punished him for his idiocy by arresting him.


pre 12 godina

I hear from the police that there were six or more cars burnt out in Belgrade last night. There is also a major problem with graffiti. People are also fed up that law is not being enforced by the courts and that there is corruption with too many people having influence over proper process.

The answer is that a heavy hand is needed. Graffiti needs to be cleaned off immediately. Police need to be on the street and follow youths around. Arrests need to accompany levels of crime, and the courts need to do their job properly without interference.

I remember the famous story of Serbs travelling by train back to Serbia and having crossed the border opened the window and threw their rubbish out saying "We are home - we can throw litter now".

Interference is needed in the disturbed mental processes of the stupid youngsters who follow a typical pattern of untidiness and disrespect for their own country.


pre 12 godina

I hear from the police that there were six or more cars burnt out in Belgrade last night. There is also a major problem with graffiti. People are also fed up that law is not being enforced by the courts and that there is corruption with too many people having influence over proper process.

The answer is that a heavy hand is needed. Graffiti needs to be cleaned off immediately. Police need to be on the street and follow youths around. Arrests need to accompany levels of crime, and the courts need to do their job properly without interference.

I remember the famous story of Serbs travelling by train back to Serbia and having crossed the border opened the window and threw their rubbish out saying "We are home - we can throw litter now".

Interference is needed in the disturbed mental processes of the stupid youngsters who follow a typical pattern of untidiness and disrespect for their own country.


pre 12 godina

Why don't they give this man's full name? Why protect the suspect when he's not a juvenile? Has this man traveled abroad in recent years?
It is best to give him a very long prison sentence as I suspect he'd be a repeat offender - and the next time someone may get killed from his actions.

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 12 godina

Wonder if that fool who committed arson will have to pay restitution? At least Serb authorities punished him for his idiocy by arresting him.


pre 12 godina

I hear from the police that there were six or more cars burnt out in Belgrade last night. There is also a major problem with graffiti. People are also fed up that law is not being enforced by the courts and that there is corruption with too many people having influence over proper process.

The answer is that a heavy hand is needed. Graffiti needs to be cleaned off immediately. Police need to be on the street and follow youths around. Arrests need to accompany levels of crime, and the courts need to do their job properly without interference.

I remember the famous story of Serbs travelling by train back to Serbia and having crossed the border opened the window and threw their rubbish out saying "We are home - we can throw litter now".

Interference is needed in the disturbed mental processes of the stupid youngsters who follow a typical pattern of untidiness and disrespect for their own country.

resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada

pre 12 godina

Wonder if that fool who committed arson will have to pay restitution? At least Serb authorities punished him for his idiocy by arresting him.


pre 12 godina

Why don't they give this man's full name? Why protect the suspect when he's not a juvenile? Has this man traveled abroad in recent years?
It is best to give him a very long prison sentence as I suspect he'd be a repeat offender - and the next time someone may get killed from his actions.