Tuesday, 22.11.2011.


Dačić: Serbia can survive without EU

Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says Serbia should not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo "even if this means not joining the EU".

Izvor: Beta

Daèiæ: Serbia can survive without EU IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina


at the risk of sounding too philosophica, your point is very easy to disprove. guess which name suddenly became popular in say the time of Muhammed? you guessed it, Muhamed. Let me tell you a little something about my own family heritage. You see, if I go back 300 years (and I know my great, great...great grandfathers names that far back) one of them happens to be called Bog. Now Bog, means nothing in Albanian, it means God in Serbian however. the one after him, funnily enough happnes to be called Ali. now Ali is not Albanian name either. you see where I'm going with this. Just like namiong a child Sava would have been a popular choice in say 12th or 14th C Kosovo, not because its a Serbian name, but because its an Orthodox name. So, whilst I do not rule out the possibilty that there may indeed be Serbian blood in me (in fact, I'd be very shocked if there wasn't), I also am open to the possibility that Bog was a name popular with the peoples of an Orthodox persuasion.

Again though, history does not lead us anythwere now


pre 12 godina


I said that now only small part of ALL Albanians (especially in Kosovo) are Orthodox (about 6%), not small part of CHRISTIAN Albanians. Please read more carefully.

In XIV-XV centuries religion played more important role than ethnicity, but I don't think one couldn't differentiate Orthodox Albanians and Orthodox Serbs by their names back then. They don't have the same names now do they?

dori tirana,
In the first part of XX century, (that time is in the memory of living generation) Serbs constitued a third of population - very big minority. Since then Serbs have been gradualy leaving Kosovo, being pushed away by Albanians. Tendency is ethnically pure Kosovo. That was exactly the tendency which brought Serbian Army to Kosovo in 90th.


pre 12 godina

Good, Serbia should leave the EU membership. The independent Kosova doesn't accept their entry in to the EU anyway.
(Albanski Kebab, 23 November 2011 04:18)

Is anyone actually asking "Kosova"?


pre 12 godina


do not address me as 'your people'. i do not represent 'my people', i speak for myself.

i told you once and i will tell you again, linguists (meaning those who study languages and its development) have classified Albanian as an Indo-European language distinct form any other branch. It does not belong in the Caucasus. If you believe them to be wrong, do the following. Study Albanian and Albanology, visit that part of Asia and demonstrate how it is that they come from there. However, do not believe something to be true if it fails in simple logic. that is to be dogmatized


pre 12 godina

@ adriatik
@ Dori Tirana
Thus began: where are your people flooded the web with a history of the Serbs then began to dig into Greek and Roman books. It's been not returned back to the facts, should work for a better tomorrow.


pre 12 godina


...as I said, linguists have dismissed ANY connection between the two. if you think they're wrong, go and study Albanology, visit that part of Asia and show a relations between the two peoples

out of interest though, why does it even matter? how is this goijng to help solve the problem now?

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 21:37)

You are right Adriatik, but for Serbs is not a question of the rights of peoples that live now in Kosova, but for the rights of peoples of 15 century that they believe was Serbs. Has been always so since 1878. For them are more important the dead people of 15 century than the people that live today. This believe comes from e simplest interpretation of story. I see that they don’t know that the concept of ethnicity was not so important at that time. Religion was the most important for geopolitical purposes. The century of nations is 19th. From19th till now Kosova second Serbian census is majority Albanian. But from 1912 when they commence the Colonization of Kosova for them are more important the dead people of 15th century and the stones of the Churches of 13th century than the people that live every day life in the houses they are born


pre 12 godina

"What some commentators here serb like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious"
Greek historian Michael Anatoilite - wrote a book "Historia" in 11 century.
Read this book as a reference, and see the process as far as your comment above is correct.


pre 12 godina


if you do not know Balkan history you really shouldnt bother. the majoriy of christian albanians, even now, happen to be orthodox, nevermind in the 15th century. however, this contributes nothing to the issues we have to deal with nowadays


pre 12 godina

I can not believe that Serbian people pay taxes to sponsor leaders such as Dacic and the others who do nothing about the poverty in Serbia, or the economy of the state. Pure nationalism and myths comes from those leaders while the majority people live under the poverty.
Wake up people soon we are entring 2012.


pre 12 godina

That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity.

Did/do Serbs and Albanians hve the same names?


pre 12 godina

It looks like that Dacic is preparing a swift in his policy, away from the DS towards Nikolic's SNS. I always thought that they are closer to each other. Though their stance can't be put in reality which they know. As a non-Eu-island on the Balkans Serbia has no chance to survive. The country fails to have resources like Switzerland or Norway, both independent but with very close ties to the block. The future will remain: Serbia and Kosovo as the whole of the Balkans in the EU, all as 'independent states'.


pre 12 godina

Mr ''to adriatic''?!,i was curious and i followed YOUR link.Now,look very carefully what i found:

The colonisation of Kosovo began during the Balkan Wars.[36] After the World War I began systematic colonization as a state project of Yugoslavian Kingdom. The table shows total number of registered settlers in each Kosovo area[37]:
Regional Center Number of Colonists
Uroševac 15.381
Đakovica 15.824
Prizren 3.084
Peć 13.376
Mitrovica 429
Vučitrn 10.169
Total 58.263
The process was a result of the agrarian reform pursued by the Yugoslavian authorities. "Tax and property incentives for Serbs to move to Kosovo produced a measurable demographic change in Kosovo’s cities by 1929, but the province’s overall ethnic balance remained roughly 60% Albanian, 35% Serb,[7]"..''

I understand that you are a Serb,but why on earth use Ignorance as argument in ur favour.It says SERB COLONISTS instead of ALBANIAN COLONISTS.
My question 2 u: What do u want to prove with that link ???
Honestly,Sir ''to adriatic'',what is ur point???
I'm,honestly,having hard time to unerstand u.


pre 12 godina

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina.

I don't think they want to govern Prishtina, they just want their symbolic presence.


pre 12 godina

I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

Thanks for your comment. I read a comment like that for the first time.

I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.

At that time census mentioned religion, now we talk about ethnicity, not a big deal.
Do you mean that when Ottoman census mentioned Orthodox people, it could be also Orthodox Albanians, not only Serbs? But I guess only small part of Albanians were/are Orthodox.

to adriatik

pre 12 godina

15th century

The ethnic composition of Kosovo's population during this period included Serbs, Albanians, and Vlachs along with a token number of Greeks, Armenians, Saxons, and Bulgarians, according to Serbian monastic charters or chrysobulls (Hrisovulja). A majority of the given names in the charters are overwhelmingly Serbian (Of 24,795 names, 23,774 were ethnic Serb names, 470 of Roman origin, 65 of Albanian origin and 61 of Greek origin).

Researches of the early Turkish cadastre (Defter) is often interpreted in two ways. Serbian scholars draw the conclusion that Serbs were majority until the 17th century. Alain Ducellier claims that the population of Kosovo in the 14th and 15th centuries was in fact "still Albanian and Christian

that what wiki says - turks indeed do not mention explicitly ethnicities but if one interprets turkish data and monastic charters the only conclusion is that majority in KiM were at this time Slavs.
And you have to add earlier Serbian chronicles though, "illyrians" have so far failed to bring forward any kind of documents from that period to compare with...lol - only when their tribesmen turks`arrival seems to have brought them some literacy ?



pre 12 godina

A really interesting assertion we now have. Apparently, we know 15th centruy Kosovo was full of Serbs because of Serbian names. That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity. They say everything about say popularity of the time, religious denomination etc. most Albanians, in fact most people in the Balkans were of Orthodox persuasion in 15th century Balkans, including the majority of Albanians. leaving that aside, as Ottomoan sources say nothing of ethincity, where on io idd you read that they say Serbs were the overwhelming majpority?

as for the origin of the albanians, though i have no wish to talk history (it is only useful as an academic discipline) i will engage you. the Albanian language is not Slavic, is not Greek, is not Latin, is not Turkish, it is in fact unique in the sense that it is a distinct Indo-European language that does not belong to any other existing branch. what some serb commentators here like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious. However, linguists have totally and utterly dismissed this notion beyond ANY doubt. so now we can discount that theory altogether. as i said, i merely said this as a refute to the stupid theories that are to be found here. if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in


pre 12 godina

Dacic supports partrition but the west has rejected over and over again that it will not support such move.

Its not the Albanians that need convincing to let go of the north its the west.

If serbia wants the north then it must first at minimum awcknowledge implicitly prishtina independent only if both countires agree beforehand to exchange territories afterwards.

This will not influence seccessionist movements in other regions in the ballkans since its a mutulally agreed solution between two states.

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina. This thus led to the Albanian UDI.

No serb politician can sit at a table to discuss terms of territorial exchange since their own constitution forbids such a move and the nationalist might threaten to assasinate them even if some serb politician changes serbia's constitution.

In my view serbia is stuck because the best they could do is offer the infamous "more then automnomy less than independence" when Prishtina's independence is now irreversible.

Bottom line is beograd cannot join EU and can never again govern prishtina.


pre 12 godina


By the West's own admission, $60 Billion dollars of infrastructure was destroyed. That doesn't include LOSS OF BUSINESS REVENUES from damages and loss of $$$ due to sanctions for 10 years (Albania didn't have any sanctions, and was not bombed). Not to mention the west came in and "bought" up a bunch of businesses they bombed for dirt cheap. (ie: steel and cigarette factories). Plus they occupied our province that has TRILLIONS of dollars worth of mineral deposits. Kosovo is actually the most mineral rich piece of real estate in all of Europe. I find it funny how the West only likes to spread its "democracy" in territories that offer great "potential" for them to make and or save $$$.


pre 12 godina

Dačić: Serbia can survive without EU

Comment -

Serbia will never ever be a Member of EU.

Serbia will survive without EU but,
EU will not survive.



pre 12 godina


I have no idea what it is you're talking about. You have failed to articulate how it is in Serbia's interest to keep Kosovo. Try again.


I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

"What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?"

If you cannot comprehend what you read, don't bother. Who on Earth asked were there Ottomans who had perfected the art of wrting? I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.


pre 12 godina

first and foremost Kosmet is not a gambling chip.Secondly can anyone explain to me why any country would want to join the EU.Spain,england,ireland portugal,italy,greece are all in the toilet.Any Serbian politician that advocates joing the EU obviously wants the destruction of Serbia.The EU is finally showing its facist colours.The EU "government" remove a countries democratically elected official and install a puppet of theirs that is nt elected by the member states citizens.This has been the plan all along .ONly faith in God and our own nation and people will help us weather this storm.God bless Kosmet.


pre 12 godina

"Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo"?
very easy bro. Who was born in Kosovo remains, who is not born going back to where it came from, I'm positive Kosovo will be half empty, problem is over, don't worry and be happy.


pre 12 godina

"If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people".
@dori tirana,
Don't not think to much for Serbs, it's better to think about themselves.


pre 12 godina

The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.
(Zoran, 22 November 2011 15:11)

Only 100 billon? No, 1000s of fantastillions of damage! Seriously, probably the whole infrastructure in Serbia hasn't been worth 100 billions in the 90th.


pre 12 godina

Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo?
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 11:05)

How it is in KAlbs interest to maintain northern Kosovo?

"As i recall even turkish sources counted more Serbs than albanians in Kosovo after they had conquered Kosovo. "

Which sources would those be and in which year? Seriously do people on here ever think before writing stupidity?

What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?


pre 12 godina

Present time reminds me of the clever Milos Obrenovic.
Turk did not hate him, he was respected, also received credit for his wisdom. At end he succeeded.


pre 12 godina

''...Ivica Dačić says Serbia should not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo "even if this means not joining the EU"....''

Well said,Mr.Dačić.It seems that u are a man with a very clear vision 4 the future.
Therefore u have to stop every form of co-operation with Europe and stop whining.
I am 100% sure,u will perform better on ur own as a Nation,and the future Serb generations will always remember You as a ''wise'' and ''visionary'' man.
Go for it,my ''friend'',you never know.At the end of the day,politics like life,is nothing but Gambling.U might be ''lucky''.Plus,u have my support 2.


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.
(ben, 22 November 2011 10:48)
The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people.


pre 12 godina

Mr. Dacic! Please tell this to Tadic so that he will not forget. Serbia should not give up Kosovo province even if EU membership be put as a form of blackmail.


pre 12 godina

So if Dacic actually meant this then he would be lobbying for the rest of the government to abandon EU membership. Anyone with half a brain can see that Kosovo and the EU cannot both be had by Serbia, and I really dont think ministers such as Dacic are stupid enough to believe that is a reality. Sadly im pretty sure this is nothing but election rhetoric, after the elections opinions like this wont be kept.


pre 12 godina

The minister said many EU members wanted Serbia to recognize Kosovo, denouncing this as "unprincipled and hypocritical." With that kind of mentality and way of thinking Serbia fails to meet the EU standards. It is as simple as that. I hope the EU members are able and capable to read that. Natural place for Serbia with these kind of polititians is join the Russian Federation. Nazdrovi!


pre 12 godina

Whenever the two sides are between talks, I notice Belgrade officials almost never state concretely about not recognizing Kosovo but when talks are going on then they are adamantly against it. This is an obvious diplomatic move. Dacic especially says so many contradictory things at different times that many statements must be a ploy to confuse the other side.


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.

If you add to that the IMF and World Bank it goese to a serious ammount of money you have received from the "evel" west.

Kosova and Albania togather have not received even half of that money.

Now you can still continua with the old partizan lies as your fathers but it would be better you evolve and start behaving as modern and responsable politicians: Serbia can do without EU political coverage but it CANNOT do it without EU money. So stop with these lies alla Srpski Hero since no smart man buy that crap.


pre 12 godina

Mr. Dacic! Please tell this to Tadic so that he will not forget. Serbia should not give up Kosovo province even if EU membership be put as a form of blackmail.


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.
(ben, 22 November 2011 10:48)
The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.


pre 12 godina

The minister said many EU members wanted Serbia to recognize Kosovo, denouncing this as "unprincipled and hypocritical." With that kind of mentality and way of thinking Serbia fails to meet the EU standards. It is as simple as that. I hope the EU members are able and capable to read that. Natural place for Serbia with these kind of polititians is join the Russian Federation. Nazdrovi!


pre 12 godina

So if Dacic actually meant this then he would be lobbying for the rest of the government to abandon EU membership. Anyone with half a brain can see that Kosovo and the EU cannot both be had by Serbia, and I really dont think ministers such as Dacic are stupid enough to believe that is a reality. Sadly im pretty sure this is nothing but election rhetoric, after the elections opinions like this wont be kept.


pre 12 godina

Whenever the two sides are between talks, I notice Belgrade officials almost never state concretely about not recognizing Kosovo but when talks are going on then they are adamantly against it. This is an obvious diplomatic move. Dacic especially says so many contradictory things at different times that many statements must be a ploy to confuse the other side.


pre 12 godina

"Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo"?
very easy bro. Who was born in Kosovo remains, who is not born going back to where it came from, I'm positive Kosovo will be half empty, problem is over, don't worry and be happy.


pre 12 godina

first and foremost Kosmet is not a gambling chip.Secondly can anyone explain to me why any country would want to join the EU.Spain,england,ireland portugal,italy,greece are all in the toilet.Any Serbian politician that advocates joing the EU obviously wants the destruction of Serbia.The EU is finally showing its facist colours.The EU "government" remove a countries democratically elected official and install a puppet of theirs that is nt elected by the member states citizens.This has been the plan all along .ONly faith in God and our own nation and people will help us weather this storm.God bless Kosmet.


pre 12 godina

Present time reminds me of the clever Milos Obrenovic.
Turk did not hate him, he was respected, also received credit for his wisdom. At end he succeeded.


pre 12 godina

"If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people".
@dori tirana,
Don't not think to much for Serbs, it's better to think about themselves.


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.

If you add to that the IMF and World Bank it goese to a serious ammount of money you have received from the "evel" west.

Kosova and Albania togather have not received even half of that money.

Now you can still continua with the old partizan lies as your fathers but it would be better you evolve and start behaving as modern and responsable politicians: Serbia can do without EU political coverage but it CANNOT do it without EU money. So stop with these lies alla Srpski Hero since no smart man buy that crap.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people.


pre 12 godina

Dačić: Serbia can survive without EU

Comment -

Serbia will never ever be a Member of EU.

Serbia will survive without EU but,
EU will not survive.



pre 12 godina


By the West's own admission, $60 Billion dollars of infrastructure was destroyed. That doesn't include LOSS OF BUSINESS REVENUES from damages and loss of $$$ due to sanctions for 10 years (Albania didn't have any sanctions, and was not bombed). Not to mention the west came in and "bought" up a bunch of businesses they bombed for dirt cheap. (ie: steel and cigarette factories). Plus they occupied our province that has TRILLIONS of dollars worth of mineral deposits. Kosovo is actually the most mineral rich piece of real estate in all of Europe. I find it funny how the West only likes to spread its "democracy" in territories that offer great "potential" for them to make and or save $$$.


pre 12 godina

A really interesting assertion we now have. Apparently, we know 15th centruy Kosovo was full of Serbs because of Serbian names. That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity. They say everything about say popularity of the time, religious denomination etc. most Albanians, in fact most people in the Balkans were of Orthodox persuasion in 15th century Balkans, including the majority of Albanians. leaving that aside, as Ottomoan sources say nothing of ethincity, where on io idd you read that they say Serbs were the overwhelming majpority?

as for the origin of the albanians, though i have no wish to talk history (it is only useful as an academic discipline) i will engage you. the Albanian language is not Slavic, is not Greek, is not Latin, is not Turkish, it is in fact unique in the sense that it is a distinct Indo-European language that does not belong to any other existing branch. what some serb commentators here like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious. However, linguists have totally and utterly dismissed this notion beyond ANY doubt. so now we can discount that theory altogether. as i said, i merely said this as a refute to the stupid theories that are to be found here. if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in

to adriatik

pre 12 godina

15th century

The ethnic composition of Kosovo's population during this period included Serbs, Albanians, and Vlachs along with a token number of Greeks, Armenians, Saxons, and Bulgarians, according to Serbian monastic charters or chrysobulls (Hrisovulja). A majority of the given names in the charters are overwhelmingly Serbian (Of 24,795 names, 23,774 were ethnic Serb names, 470 of Roman origin, 65 of Albanian origin and 61 of Greek origin).

Researches of the early Turkish cadastre (Defter) is often interpreted in two ways. Serbian scholars draw the conclusion that Serbs were majority until the 17th century. Alain Ducellier claims that the population of Kosovo in the 14th and 15th centuries was in fact "still Albanian and Christian

that what wiki says - turks indeed do not mention explicitly ethnicities but if one interprets turkish data and monastic charters the only conclusion is that majority in KiM were at this time Slavs.
And you have to add earlier Serbian chronicles though, "illyrians" have so far failed to bring forward any kind of documents from that period to compare with...lol - only when their tribesmen turks`arrival seems to have brought them some literacy ?



pre 12 godina


I have no idea what it is you're talking about. You have failed to articulate how it is in Serbia's interest to keep Kosovo. Try again.


I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

"What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?"

If you cannot comprehend what you read, don't bother. Who on Earth asked were there Ottomans who had perfected the art of wrting? I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.


pre 12 godina

''...Ivica Dačić says Serbia should not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo "even if this means not joining the EU"....''

Well said,Mr.Dačić.It seems that u are a man with a very clear vision 4 the future.
Therefore u have to stop every form of co-operation with Europe and stop whining.
I am 100% sure,u will perform better on ur own as a Nation,and the future Serb generations will always remember You as a ''wise'' and ''visionary'' man.
Go for it,my ''friend'',you never know.At the end of the day,politics like life,is nothing but Gambling.U might be ''lucky''.Plus,u have my support 2.


pre 12 godina

Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo?
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 11:05)

How it is in KAlbs interest to maintain northern Kosovo?

"As i recall even turkish sources counted more Serbs than albanians in Kosovo after they had conquered Kosovo. "

Which sources would those be and in which year? Seriously do people on here ever think before writing stupidity?

What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?


pre 12 godina

The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.
(Zoran, 22 November 2011 15:11)

Only 100 billon? No, 1000s of fantastillions of damage! Seriously, probably the whole infrastructure in Serbia hasn't been worth 100 billions in the 90th.


pre 12 godina

"What some commentators here serb like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious"
Greek historian Michael Anatoilite - wrote a book "Historia" in 11 century.
Read this book as a reference, and see the process as far as your comment above is correct.


pre 12 godina

Good, Serbia should leave the EU membership. The independent Kosova doesn't accept their entry in to the EU anyway.
(Albanski Kebab, 23 November 2011 04:18)

Is anyone actually asking "Kosova"?


pre 12 godina

Dacic supports partrition but the west has rejected over and over again that it will not support such move.

Its not the Albanians that need convincing to let go of the north its the west.

If serbia wants the north then it must first at minimum awcknowledge implicitly prishtina independent only if both countires agree beforehand to exchange territories afterwards.

This will not influence seccessionist movements in other regions in the ballkans since its a mutulally agreed solution between two states.

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina. This thus led to the Albanian UDI.

No serb politician can sit at a table to discuss terms of territorial exchange since their own constitution forbids such a move and the nationalist might threaten to assasinate them even if some serb politician changes serbia's constitution.

In my view serbia is stuck because the best they could do is offer the infamous "more then automnomy less than independence" when Prishtina's independence is now irreversible.

Bottom line is beograd cannot join EU and can never again govern prishtina.


pre 12 godina

@ adriatik
@ Dori Tirana
Thus began: where are your people flooded the web with a history of the Serbs then began to dig into Greek and Roman books. It's been not returned back to the facts, should work for a better tomorrow.


pre 12 godina


I said that now only small part of ALL Albanians (especially in Kosovo) are Orthodox (about 6%), not small part of CHRISTIAN Albanians. Please read more carefully.

In XIV-XV centuries religion played more important role than ethnicity, but I don't think one couldn't differentiate Orthodox Albanians and Orthodox Serbs by their names back then. They don't have the same names now do they?

dori tirana,
In the first part of XX century, (that time is in the memory of living generation) Serbs constitued a third of population - very big minority. Since then Serbs have been gradualy leaving Kosovo, being pushed away by Albanians. Tendency is ethnically pure Kosovo. That was exactly the tendency which brought Serbian Army to Kosovo in 90th.


pre 12 godina


if you do not know Balkan history you really shouldnt bother. the majoriy of christian albanians, even now, happen to be orthodox, nevermind in the 15th century. however, this contributes nothing to the issues we have to deal with nowadays


pre 12 godina

I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

Thanks for your comment. I read a comment like that for the first time.

I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.

At that time census mentioned religion, now we talk about ethnicity, not a big deal.
Do you mean that when Ottoman census mentioned Orthodox people, it could be also Orthodox Albanians, not only Serbs? But I guess only small part of Albanians were/are Orthodox.


pre 12 godina

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina.

I don't think they want to govern Prishtina, they just want their symbolic presence.


pre 12 godina

Mr ''to adriatic''?!,i was curious and i followed YOUR link.Now,look very carefully what i found:

The colonisation of Kosovo began during the Balkan Wars.[36] After the World War I began systematic colonization as a state project of Yugoslavian Kingdom. The table shows total number of registered settlers in each Kosovo area[37]:
Regional Center Number of Colonists
Uroševac 15.381
Đakovica 15.824
Prizren 3.084
Peć 13.376
Mitrovica 429
Vučitrn 10.169
Total 58.263
The process was a result of the agrarian reform pursued by the Yugoslavian authorities. "Tax and property incentives for Serbs to move to Kosovo produced a measurable demographic change in Kosovo’s cities by 1929, but the province’s overall ethnic balance remained roughly 60% Albanian, 35% Serb,[7]"..''

I understand that you are a Serb,but why on earth use Ignorance as argument in ur favour.It says SERB COLONISTS instead of ALBANIAN COLONISTS.
My question 2 u: What do u want to prove with that link ???
Honestly,Sir ''to adriatic'',what is ur point???
I'm,honestly,having hard time to unerstand u.


pre 12 godina


do not address me as 'your people'. i do not represent 'my people', i speak for myself.

i told you once and i will tell you again, linguists (meaning those who study languages and its development) have classified Albanian as an Indo-European language distinct form any other branch. It does not belong in the Caucasus. If you believe them to be wrong, do the following. Study Albanian and Albanology, visit that part of Asia and demonstrate how it is that they come from there. However, do not believe something to be true if it fails in simple logic. that is to be dogmatized


pre 12 godina

That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity.

Did/do Serbs and Albanians hve the same names?


pre 12 godina

I can not believe that Serbian people pay taxes to sponsor leaders such as Dacic and the others who do nothing about the poverty in Serbia, or the economy of the state. Pure nationalism and myths comes from those leaders while the majority people live under the poverty.
Wake up people soon we are entring 2012.


pre 12 godina

It looks like that Dacic is preparing a swift in his policy, away from the DS towards Nikolic's SNS. I always thought that they are closer to each other. Though their stance can't be put in reality which they know. As a non-Eu-island on the Balkans Serbia has no chance to survive. The country fails to have resources like Switzerland or Norway, both independent but with very close ties to the block. The future will remain: Serbia and Kosovo as the whole of the Balkans in the EU, all as 'independent states'.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 21:37)

You are right Adriatik, but for Serbs is not a question of the rights of peoples that live now in Kosova, but for the rights of peoples of 15 century that they believe was Serbs. Has been always so since 1878. For them are more important the dead people of 15 century than the people that live today. This believe comes from e simplest interpretation of story. I see that they don’t know that the concept of ethnicity was not so important at that time. Religion was the most important for geopolitical purposes. The century of nations is 19th. From19th till now Kosova second Serbian census is majority Albanian. But from 1912 when they commence the Colonization of Kosova for them are more important the dead people of 15th century and the stones of the Churches of 13th century than the people that live every day life in the houses they are born


pre 12 godina


...as I said, linguists have dismissed ANY connection between the two. if you think they're wrong, go and study Albanology, visit that part of Asia and show a relations between the two peoples

out of interest though, why does it even matter? how is this goijng to help solve the problem now?


pre 12 godina


at the risk of sounding too philosophica, your point is very easy to disprove. guess which name suddenly became popular in say the time of Muhammed? you guessed it, Muhamed. Let me tell you a little something about my own family heritage. You see, if I go back 300 years (and I know my great, great...great grandfathers names that far back) one of them happens to be called Bog. Now Bog, means nothing in Albanian, it means God in Serbian however. the one after him, funnily enough happnes to be called Ali. now Ali is not Albanian name either. you see where I'm going with this. Just like namiong a child Sava would have been a popular choice in say 12th or 14th C Kosovo, not because its a Serbian name, but because its an Orthodox name. So, whilst I do not rule out the possibilty that there may indeed be Serbian blood in me (in fact, I'd be very shocked if there wasn't), I also am open to the possibility that Bog was a name popular with the peoples of an Orthodox persuasion.

Again though, history does not lead us anythwere now


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.

If you add to that the IMF and World Bank it goese to a serious ammount of money you have received from the "evel" west.

Kosova and Albania togather have not received even half of that money.

Now you can still continua with the old partizan lies as your fathers but it would be better you evolve and start behaving as modern and responsable politicians: Serbia can do without EU political coverage but it CANNOT do it without EU money. So stop with these lies alla Srpski Hero since no smart man buy that crap.


pre 12 godina

The minister said many EU members wanted Serbia to recognize Kosovo, denouncing this as "unprincipled and hypocritical." With that kind of mentality and way of thinking Serbia fails to meet the EU standards. It is as simple as that. I hope the EU members are able and capable to read that. Natural place for Serbia with these kind of polititians is join the Russian Federation. Nazdrovi!

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people.


pre 12 godina

Between EU, US and individual country donations in the last 10 years Serbia has received from them as unrefoundable (gift) loans over 5bn €.
(ben, 22 November 2011 10:48)
The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.


pre 12 godina

Mr. Dacic! Please tell this to Tadic so that he will not forget. Serbia should not give up Kosovo province even if EU membership be put as a form of blackmail.


pre 12 godina

So if Dacic actually meant this then he would be lobbying for the rest of the government to abandon EU membership. Anyone with half a brain can see that Kosovo and the EU cannot both be had by Serbia, and I really dont think ministers such as Dacic are stupid enough to believe that is a reality. Sadly im pretty sure this is nothing but election rhetoric, after the elections opinions like this wont be kept.


pre 12 godina

The EU/US and NATO caused about 100 billion in damages during the bombing so only 95 billion left to pay us. And that's after they've removed themselves from KiM.
(Zoran, 22 November 2011 15:11)

Only 100 billon? No, 1000s of fantastillions of damage! Seriously, probably the whole infrastructure in Serbia hasn't been worth 100 billions in the 90th.


pre 12 godina

Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo?
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 11:05)

How it is in KAlbs interest to maintain northern Kosovo?

"As i recall even turkish sources counted more Serbs than albanians in Kosovo after they had conquered Kosovo. "

Which sources would those be and in which year? Seriously do people on here ever think before writing stupidity?

What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?

to adriatik

pre 12 godina

15th century

The ethnic composition of Kosovo's population during this period included Serbs, Albanians, and Vlachs along with a token number of Greeks, Armenians, Saxons, and Bulgarians, according to Serbian monastic charters or chrysobulls (Hrisovulja). A majority of the given names in the charters are overwhelmingly Serbian (Of 24,795 names, 23,774 were ethnic Serb names, 470 of Roman origin, 65 of Albanian origin and 61 of Greek origin).

Researches of the early Turkish cadastre (Defter) is often interpreted in two ways. Serbian scholars draw the conclusion that Serbs were majority until the 17th century. Alain Ducellier claims that the population of Kosovo in the 14th and 15th centuries was in fact "still Albanian and Christian

that what wiki says - turks indeed do not mention explicitly ethnicities but if one interprets turkish data and monastic charters the only conclusion is that majority in KiM were at this time Slavs.
And you have to add earlier Serbian chronicles though, "illyrians" have so far failed to bring forward any kind of documents from that period to compare with...lol - only when their tribesmen turks`arrival seems to have brought them some literacy ?



pre 12 godina

Whenever the two sides are between talks, I notice Belgrade officials almost never state concretely about not recognizing Kosovo but when talks are going on then they are adamantly against it. This is an obvious diplomatic move. Dacic especially says so many contradictory things at different times that many statements must be a ploy to confuse the other side.


pre 12 godina

''...Ivica Dačić says Serbia should not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo "even if this means not joining the EU"....''

Well said,Mr.Dačić.It seems that u are a man with a very clear vision 4 the future.
Therefore u have to stop every form of co-operation with Europe and stop whining.
I am 100% sure,u will perform better on ur own as a Nation,and the future Serb generations will always remember You as a ''wise'' and ''visionary'' man.
Go for it,my ''friend'',you never know.At the end of the day,politics like life,is nothing but Gambling.U might be ''lucky''.Plus,u have my support 2.


pre 12 godina

Dacic supports partrition but the west has rejected over and over again that it will not support such move.

Its not the Albanians that need convincing to let go of the north its the west.

If serbia wants the north then it must first at minimum awcknowledge implicitly prishtina independent only if both countires agree beforehand to exchange territories afterwards.

This will not influence seccessionist movements in other regions in the ballkans since its a mutulally agreed solution between two states.

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina. This thus led to the Albanian UDI.

No serb politician can sit at a table to discuss terms of territorial exchange since their own constitution forbids such a move and the nationalist might threaten to assasinate them even if some serb politician changes serbia's constitution.

In my view serbia is stuck because the best they could do is offer the infamous "more then automnomy less than independence" when Prishtina's independence is now irreversible.

Bottom line is beograd cannot join EU and can never again govern prishtina.


pre 12 godina

Since serbia passed its constitution in 2006 considering prishtina its province they never had any intention compromise because they though they could still gouvern Prishtina.

I don't think they want to govern Prishtina, they just want their symbolic presence.


pre 12 godina

Dačić: Serbia can survive without EU

Comment -

Serbia will never ever be a Member of EU.

Serbia will survive without EU but,
EU will not survive.



pre 12 godina


I have no idea what it is you're talking about. You have failed to articulate how it is in Serbia's interest to keep Kosovo. Try again.


I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

"What is stupidity here? You don't believe that in XII-XV centuries there were people in Ottoman Empire (at least a few of them) who could count, read and write?"

If you cannot comprehend what you read, don't bother. Who on Earth asked were there Ottomans who had perfected the art of wrting? I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.


pre 12 godina

I have said before and I will say it here as well, Kosovo has to give up the North. Simple as that. It'll cost the Albanians a lot more in the long run to try and keep it than to simply get rid of it. When I say cost, I mean in mometary terms. The people in the North do not want to pay tax for the gov. of Prishtina, do not want to contribute to the enactement of laws (even if they're being invited) so they should simply get rid of it.

Thanks for your comment. I read a comment like that for the first time.

I asked where the gentleman who claimed Turkish sources supported the assertion that Kosovo was full of Serbs in the 14-th and 15-th centuries had read them, becasue let me tell you, no Ottoman census has ever mentioned ethnicity.

At that time census mentioned religion, now we talk about ethnicity, not a big deal.
Do you mean that when Ottoman census mentioned Orthodox people, it could be also Orthodox Albanians, not only Serbs? But I guess only small part of Albanians were/are Orthodox.


pre 12 godina

first and foremost Kosmet is not a gambling chip.Secondly can anyone explain to me why any country would want to join the EU.Spain,england,ireland portugal,italy,greece are all in the toilet.Any Serbian politician that advocates joing the EU obviously wants the destruction of Serbia.The EU is finally showing its facist colours.The EU "government" remove a countries democratically elected official and install a puppet of theirs that is nt elected by the member states citizens.This has been the plan all along .ONly faith in God and our own nation and people will help us weather this storm.God bless Kosmet.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in
(adriatik, 22 November 2011 21:37)

You are right Adriatik, but for Serbs is not a question of the rights of peoples that live now in Kosova, but for the rights of peoples of 15 century that they believe was Serbs. Has been always so since 1878. For them are more important the dead people of 15 century than the people that live today. This believe comes from e simplest interpretation of story. I see that they don’t know that the concept of ethnicity was not so important at that time. Religion was the most important for geopolitical purposes. The century of nations is 19th. From19th till now Kosova second Serbian census is majority Albanian. But from 1912 when they commence the Colonization of Kosova for them are more important the dead people of 15th century and the stones of the Churches of 13th century than the people that live every day life in the houses they are born


pre 12 godina


...as I said, linguists have dismissed ANY connection between the two. if you think they're wrong, go and study Albanology, visit that part of Asia and show a relations between the two peoples

out of interest though, why does it even matter? how is this goijng to help solve the problem now?


pre 12 godina

"If your goal is to survive, yes you can. But I think that Serbs doesn't enter at the list of the species in extinction. I think that the goal of Serbs is a welfare nation, with welfare people".
@dori tirana,
Don't not think to much for Serbs, it's better to think about themselves.


pre 12 godina


at the risk of sounding too philosophica, your point is very easy to disprove. guess which name suddenly became popular in say the time of Muhammed? you guessed it, Muhamed. Let me tell you a little something about my own family heritage. You see, if I go back 300 years (and I know my great, great...great grandfathers names that far back) one of them happens to be called Bog. Now Bog, means nothing in Albanian, it means God in Serbian however. the one after him, funnily enough happnes to be called Ali. now Ali is not Albanian name either. you see where I'm going with this. Just like namiong a child Sava would have been a popular choice in say 12th or 14th C Kosovo, not because its a Serbian name, but because its an Orthodox name. So, whilst I do not rule out the possibilty that there may indeed be Serbian blood in me (in fact, I'd be very shocked if there wasn't), I also am open to the possibility that Bog was a name popular with the peoples of an Orthodox persuasion.

Again though, history does not lead us anythwere now


pre 12 godina


By the West's own admission, $60 Billion dollars of infrastructure was destroyed. That doesn't include LOSS OF BUSINESS REVENUES from damages and loss of $$$ due to sanctions for 10 years (Albania didn't have any sanctions, and was not bombed). Not to mention the west came in and "bought" up a bunch of businesses they bombed for dirt cheap. (ie: steel and cigarette factories). Plus they occupied our province that has TRILLIONS of dollars worth of mineral deposits. Kosovo is actually the most mineral rich piece of real estate in all of Europe. I find it funny how the West only likes to spread its "democracy" in territories that offer great "potential" for them to make and or save $$$.


pre 12 godina

Mr ''to adriatic''?!,i was curious and i followed YOUR link.Now,look very carefully what i found:

The colonisation of Kosovo began during the Balkan Wars.[36] After the World War I began systematic colonization as a state project of Yugoslavian Kingdom. The table shows total number of registered settlers in each Kosovo area[37]:
Regional Center Number of Colonists
Uroševac 15.381
Đakovica 15.824
Prizren 3.084
Peć 13.376
Mitrovica 429
Vučitrn 10.169
Total 58.263
The process was a result of the agrarian reform pursued by the Yugoslavian authorities. "Tax and property incentives for Serbs to move to Kosovo produced a measurable demographic change in Kosovo’s cities by 1929, but the province’s overall ethnic balance remained roughly 60% Albanian, 35% Serb,[7]"..''

I understand that you are a Serb,but why on earth use Ignorance as argument in ur favour.It says SERB COLONISTS instead of ALBANIAN COLONISTS.
My question 2 u: What do u want to prove with that link ???
Honestly,Sir ''to adriatic'',what is ur point???
I'm,honestly,having hard time to unerstand u.


pre 12 godina

@ adriatik
@ Dori Tirana
Thus began: where are your people flooded the web with a history of the Serbs then began to dig into Greek and Roman books. It's been not returned back to the facts, should work for a better tomorrow.


pre 12 godina


do not address me as 'your people'. i do not represent 'my people', i speak for myself.

i told you once and i will tell you again, linguists (meaning those who study languages and its development) have classified Albanian as an Indo-European language distinct form any other branch. It does not belong in the Caucasus. If you believe them to be wrong, do the following. Study Albanian and Albanology, visit that part of Asia and demonstrate how it is that they come from there. However, do not believe something to be true if it fails in simple logic. that is to be dogmatized


pre 12 godina

"Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me how it is in Serbia's interest to maintain Kosovo"?
very easy bro. Who was born in Kosovo remains, who is not born going back to where it came from, I'm positive Kosovo will be half empty, problem is over, don't worry and be happy.


pre 12 godina


I said that now only small part of ALL Albanians (especially in Kosovo) are Orthodox (about 6%), not small part of CHRISTIAN Albanians. Please read more carefully.

In XIV-XV centuries religion played more important role than ethnicity, but I don't think one couldn't differentiate Orthodox Albanians and Orthodox Serbs by their names back then. They don't have the same names now do they?

dori tirana,
In the first part of XX century, (that time is in the memory of living generation) Serbs constitued a third of population - very big minority. Since then Serbs have been gradualy leaving Kosovo, being pushed away by Albanians. Tendency is ethnically pure Kosovo. That was exactly the tendency which brought Serbian Army to Kosovo in 90th.


pre 12 godina

I can not believe that Serbian people pay taxes to sponsor leaders such as Dacic and the others who do nothing about the poverty in Serbia, or the economy of the state. Pure nationalism and myths comes from those leaders while the majority people live under the poverty.
Wake up people soon we are entring 2012.


pre 12 godina

Present time reminds me of the clever Milos Obrenovic.
Turk did not hate him, he was respected, also received credit for his wisdom. At end he succeeded.


pre 12 godina

A really interesting assertion we now have. Apparently, we know 15th centruy Kosovo was full of Serbs because of Serbian names. That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity. They say everything about say popularity of the time, religious denomination etc. most Albanians, in fact most people in the Balkans were of Orthodox persuasion in 15th century Balkans, including the majority of Albanians. leaving that aside, as Ottomoan sources say nothing of ethincity, where on io idd you read that they say Serbs were the overwhelming majpority?

as for the origin of the albanians, though i have no wish to talk history (it is only useful as an academic discipline) i will engage you. the Albanian language is not Slavic, is not Greek, is not Latin, is not Turkish, it is in fact unique in the sense that it is a distinct Indo-European language that does not belong to any other existing branch. what some serb commentators here like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious. However, linguists have totally and utterly dismissed this notion beyond ANY doubt. so now we can discount that theory altogether. as i said, i merely said this as a refute to the stupid theories that are to be found here. if you wish to discuss history this is not the place to do it in


pre 12 godina

That takes all of one sentence to refute. names say nothing about ethnicity.

Did/do Serbs and Albanians hve the same names?


pre 12 godina

It looks like that Dacic is preparing a swift in his policy, away from the DS towards Nikolic's SNS. I always thought that they are closer to each other. Though their stance can't be put in reality which they know. As a non-Eu-island on the Balkans Serbia has no chance to survive. The country fails to have resources like Switzerland or Norway, both independent but with very close ties to the block. The future will remain: Serbia and Kosovo as the whole of the Balkans in the EU, all as 'independent states'.


pre 12 godina


if you do not know Balkan history you really shouldnt bother. the majoriy of christian albanians, even now, happen to be orthodox, nevermind in the 15th century. however, this contributes nothing to the issues we have to deal with nowadays


pre 12 godina

"What some commentators here serb like to put foward, without any rational thought, is that the Albanians came from the Caucasious"
Greek historian Michael Anatoilite - wrote a book "Historia" in 11 century.
Read this book as a reference, and see the process as far as your comment above is correct.


pre 12 godina

Good, Serbia should leave the EU membership. The independent Kosova doesn't accept their entry in to the EU anyway.
(Albanski Kebab, 23 November 2011 04:18)

Is anyone actually asking "Kosova"?