Sunday, 06.11.2011.


President: I won’t renounce national interests

Serbian President Boris Tadić has said that he cannot sign <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=11&dd=05&nav_id=77201" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO)</a> program.

Izvor: Tanjug

President: I won’t renounce national interests IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I read it and I did not see any embargo from Albanians after September 2011 when Serbia agreed to accept the Kosovo Customs stamps. The flow of goods via the Merdare crossing is normal. At this point, as far as KFOR is concerned, the Brnjak and Jarinje border crossings are open, too, similarly to Merdare. The only difference is that goods cannot pass from Brnjak and Jarinje because of the barricades, but it’s not Albanians that have erected barricades.

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I fully agree as soon as UNMIK’s regulation no 3 of 1999 which mandates customs taxes for goods entering Kosovo (from non-CEFTA countries) is abolished. But as long as UNMIK orders that customs taxes be collected, they will be collected whether Albanians or Serbs like it or not. I remind you that 1244 is still in force.


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.
(icj1, 7 November 2011 02:15)

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.


pre 12 godina

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?
(dori tirana, 7 November 2011 09:04)

1)Did Albanians like to be governed by the others? A lot was made to integrate them to YU society in Tito's time, still they were not satisfied, they tried to push Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo and organized rally for separation long before Milosevic came to power. Actually they led Milosevic to power.
2)You people should first learn how to govern themselves and then offer their government services to others.
3)Since rather reasonable and good leader has come to power in Belgrade (Tadic that is) now what’s the problem if Serbia governs the KAlbanians?
4) Actually now Serbs want to govern only themselves.

Paul Barness

pre 12 godina

Stubbornly aligning himself with the most regressive political forces in Serbia, Boris Tadić is condemning his children to isolation from the most progressive family of nations. I don't want to forbid him to educate his children any way he deems appropriate, but who givers him the right to punish my children with his short-sighted policking?!

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?


pre 12 godina

"Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million "
(dori tirana, 6 November 2011 17:56)

The best option is that Kosovo starts fighting the imminent crime and corruption, getting rid of the criminal leaders who are conencted to mafia groups, and concentrates on the major problems which are clearly located in the south of Kosovo. With honorable leaders and reasonable politics based on dialogue (and not on creating trouble and tension, only to draw the attention away from scandals and lack of progress), there could be some improvement in the economy. Of course, Kosovo needs some real democratic parties, and not nationalist extremists, and especially not a prime minister who came to power due to election faking. It needs some professional state institutions, especially a non-biased and democratic police and justice system that doesn't look for ethnicity when it comes to prosecute and arrest criminals. It needs state institutions that fight the most urgent problems first, which is the corruption, drug mafia and black economy. If all these problems are solved, you can concentrate on minor issues like fuel and food 'smuggling'. A democratic Kosovo that shares European values is the benefit not only for some 1.7 million Kosovo Albanians, but for the neighbours.


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.

Sara, Paris

pre 12 godina

These words allow Tadic not to work on the real serbian issues, and to spent his time and the Serbians'time on demagogy. To work for the economy of Serbia is so far harder than to play a comedy about Kosova... 1999-2011, so more than 12 years of Cetnik music in Kosova. Enough is enough.


pre 12 godina

dori tirana,

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North


pre 12 godina

"The key point is for Serbia to preserve its identity in Kosovo and Metohija and get what is rightfully hers, that is, the right to protect its integrity, and this cannot be done if the country is in conflict with the rest of the world,” Tadić concluded"

This guy is dangerous; when are Serbs going to replace him with somebody like Vuk or Vojislav before he manages to cause complications for Kosovo by getting Serbia to become an EU member ?


pre 12 godina

"Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. "
(MikeC, 6 November 2011 14:45)

What's so new with these words of Tadic? He had the same point of view for years, he didn't realize anything new, he didn't change his policies at all.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

I agree with that. Every responsible President in any place should work for national interest. To do this the leaders of Serbia must do an opportunity cost exercise.
First option is to say pathetically Kosova is Serbia, we never will give up Kosova, even you know that this impossible in the next 100 years at least, cause too international conjecture(I imagine that leaders of Serbia don’t have the unrealistic dream of powerful China or Russia in the next years that some simple Serbs have here in B92).In these case you win some electoral nationalist votes but you keep a frozen conflict in the region which mean a negative environment for business first for Serbia itself and second for all the region.
Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million Serbs that live there, but also is a strong support for all Serbs that lives in other states of Balkan. A strong and wealthy Serbia is also the benefit of Albanians and other neighbors of Serbia. Yes I know that this approach is not very popular for the moment in Serbia, but a real leader has the duty to tell the truth to its people even with the risk that they will not understand him, or will not vote him. It happens some time in history that visionary leaders have changed the direction and mentality of one nation.


pre 12 godina

Why is it so important for Albanians to have Kosovo North under Prishtina control?

Probably Albanians as many other peoples have a proverb saying that greediness will ruin you?


pre 12 godina

Kosova has been an entity with its borders(actually borders) during Yugoslavia. Milosevic abolish the autonomy and the right of self determination for the citizens of Kosova. They don’t accept this and he try the ethnic cleaning with the silent support of citizens of Serbia. After the horror of Bosnia West cannot accept the horror that commence in Kosova. This is the turning point for the self determination and the independence of Kosova. Now tell which of the facts that I mention is the same for N.Mitrovica. So not Albanian, but entity of Kosova is allowed to split from Serbia, cause if it was an ethnic logic, even the Albanian of Presevo must be allowed to split from Serbia etc.etc. So please don’t complicate things that are just know too complicated
(dori tirana, 4 November 2011 22:49)

1)Not all administrative borders can become state borders.
2)Everybody understand that Kosovo conflict was an ethnic conflict between Serbs and Kalbanians, not a conflict between administrative region and a central government. The West tries to portray it as an administrative conflict just to bring some legitimacy to the land grab.


pre 12 godina

Yes, after he caused all the tension and trouble in the north by his stupid (and unsuccessful) ROSU operation some months ago, now KFOR has to suffer the consequences. Probably he has to be told to stay away now by the EU/US, after everyone condemned his unilateral and uncoordinated act.
(Analyst, 4 November 2011 16:17)

Do you understand why nevertheless KFOR supported Thaci action? Couldn't KFOR people just told him to relex and concentrate on the South Kosovo ecomonical and other problems?


pre 12 godina

Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. The west wan't to use Serbia to fulfill its own objectives in the Balkans and then tell Serbia to go to hell. Serbia will end up recognizing Kosovo and then remain outside of the EU. If some Western countries won't stup us from joining the EU then Croatia or Hungary will by puttin demands that they know Serbia won't fulfill. Serbia should continue to fight for what is right for its people and nothing else. Forget about the EU and prevent albanian theives from stealing our holy land.


pre 12 godina

He finally got tired getting spat upon by the bankrupt unravelling so-called "West". He obviously doesn't want to line up with yesterday's quislings, the stale LDP and the ruined irrelevant Draskovic. Two cheers but he still needs to be replaced by reliable patriots. He is still over-estimating the strength of the hollowed out "West" and underestimating the jihadist threat.


pre 12 godina

Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. The west wan't to use Serbia to fulfill its own objectives in the Balkans and then tell Serbia to go to hell. Serbia will end up recognizing Kosovo and then remain outside of the EU. If some Western countries won't stup us from joining the EU then Croatia or Hungary will by puttin demands that they know Serbia won't fulfill. Serbia should continue to fight for what is right for its people and nothing else. Forget about the EU and prevent albanian theives from stealing our holy land.


pre 12 godina

He finally got tired getting spat upon by the bankrupt unravelling so-called "West". He obviously doesn't want to line up with yesterday's quislings, the stale LDP and the ruined irrelevant Draskovic. Two cheers but he still needs to be replaced by reliable patriots. He is still over-estimating the strength of the hollowed out "West" and underestimating the jihadist threat.


pre 12 godina

Kosova has been an entity with its borders(actually borders) during Yugoslavia. Milosevic abolish the autonomy and the right of self determination for the citizens of Kosova. They don’t accept this and he try the ethnic cleaning with the silent support of citizens of Serbia. After the horror of Bosnia West cannot accept the horror that commence in Kosova. This is the turning point for the self determination and the independence of Kosova. Now tell which of the facts that I mention is the same for N.Mitrovica. So not Albanian, but entity of Kosova is allowed to split from Serbia, cause if it was an ethnic logic, even the Albanian of Presevo must be allowed to split from Serbia etc.etc. So please don’t complicate things that are just know too complicated
(dori tirana, 4 November 2011 22:49)

1)Not all administrative borders can become state borders.
2)Everybody understand that Kosovo conflict was an ethnic conflict between Serbs and Kalbanians, not a conflict between administrative region and a central government. The West tries to portray it as an administrative conflict just to bring some legitimacy to the land grab.


pre 12 godina

Why is it so important for Albanians to have Kosovo North under Prishtina control?

Probably Albanians as many other peoples have a proverb saying that greediness will ruin you?


pre 12 godina

"The key point is for Serbia to preserve its identity in Kosovo and Metohija and get what is rightfully hers, that is, the right to protect its integrity, and this cannot be done if the country is in conflict with the rest of the world,” Tadić concluded"

This guy is dangerous; when are Serbs going to replace him with somebody like Vuk or Vojislav before he manages to cause complications for Kosovo by getting Serbia to become an EU member ?


pre 12 godina

"Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million "
(dori tirana, 6 November 2011 17:56)

The best option is that Kosovo starts fighting the imminent crime and corruption, getting rid of the criminal leaders who are conencted to mafia groups, and concentrates on the major problems which are clearly located in the south of Kosovo. With honorable leaders and reasonable politics based on dialogue (and not on creating trouble and tension, only to draw the attention away from scandals and lack of progress), there could be some improvement in the economy. Of course, Kosovo needs some real democratic parties, and not nationalist extremists, and especially not a prime minister who came to power due to election faking. It needs some professional state institutions, especially a non-biased and democratic police and justice system that doesn't look for ethnicity when it comes to prosecute and arrest criminals. It needs state institutions that fight the most urgent problems first, which is the corruption, drug mafia and black economy. If all these problems are solved, you can concentrate on minor issues like fuel and food 'smuggling'. A democratic Kosovo that shares European values is the benefit not only for some 1.7 million Kosovo Albanians, but for the neighbours.


pre 12 godina

"Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. "
(MikeC, 6 November 2011 14:45)

What's so new with these words of Tadic? He had the same point of view for years, he didn't realize anything new, he didn't change his policies at all.


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.
(icj1, 7 November 2011 02:15)

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.


pre 12 godina

Yes, after he caused all the tension and trouble in the north by his stupid (and unsuccessful) ROSU operation some months ago, now KFOR has to suffer the consequences. Probably he has to be told to stay away now by the EU/US, after everyone condemned his unilateral and uncoordinated act.
(Analyst, 4 November 2011 16:17)

Do you understand why nevertheless KFOR supported Thaci action? Couldn't KFOR people just told him to relex and concentrate on the South Kosovo ecomonical and other problems?

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

I agree with that. Every responsible President in any place should work for national interest. To do this the leaders of Serbia must do an opportunity cost exercise.
First option is to say pathetically Kosova is Serbia, we never will give up Kosova, even you know that this impossible in the next 100 years at least, cause too international conjecture(I imagine that leaders of Serbia don’t have the unrealistic dream of powerful China or Russia in the next years that some simple Serbs have here in B92).In these case you win some electoral nationalist votes but you keep a frozen conflict in the region which mean a negative environment for business first for Serbia itself and second for all the region.
Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million Serbs that live there, but also is a strong support for all Serbs that lives in other states of Balkan. A strong and wealthy Serbia is also the benefit of Albanians and other neighbors of Serbia. Yes I know that this approach is not very popular for the moment in Serbia, but a real leader has the duty to tell the truth to its people even with the risk that they will not understand him, or will not vote him. It happens some time in history that visionary leaders have changed the direction and mentality of one nation.


pre 12 godina

dori tirana,

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.

Paul Barness

pre 12 godina

Stubbornly aligning himself with the most regressive political forces in Serbia, Boris Tadić is condemning his children to isolation from the most progressive family of nations. I don't want to forbid him to educate his children any way he deems appropriate, but who givers him the right to punish my children with his short-sighted policking?!

Sara, Paris

pre 12 godina

These words allow Tadic not to work on the real serbian issues, and to spent his time and the Serbians'time on demagogy. To work for the economy of Serbia is so far harder than to play a comedy about Kosova... 1999-2011, so more than 12 years of Cetnik music in Kosova. Enough is enough.


pre 12 godina

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?
(dori tirana, 7 November 2011 09:04)

1)Did Albanians like to be governed by the others? A lot was made to integrate them to YU society in Tito's time, still they were not satisfied, they tried to push Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo and organized rally for separation long before Milosevic came to power. Actually they led Milosevic to power.
2)You people should first learn how to govern themselves and then offer their government services to others.
3)Since rather reasonable and good leader has come to power in Belgrade (Tadic that is) now what’s the problem if Serbia governs the KAlbanians?
4) Actually now Serbs want to govern only themselves.


pre 12 godina

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I read it and I did not see any embargo from Albanians after September 2011 when Serbia agreed to accept the Kosovo Customs stamps. The flow of goods via the Merdare crossing is normal. At this point, as far as KFOR is concerned, the Brnjak and Jarinje border crossings are open, too, similarly to Merdare. The only difference is that goods cannot pass from Brnjak and Jarinje because of the barricades, but it’s not Albanians that have erected barricades.

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I fully agree as soon as UNMIK’s regulation no 3 of 1999 which mandates customs taxes for goods entering Kosovo (from non-CEFTA countries) is abolished. But as long as UNMIK orders that customs taxes be collected, they will be collected whether Albanians or Serbs like it or not. I remind you that 1244 is still in force.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

I agree with that. Every responsible President in any place should work for national interest. To do this the leaders of Serbia must do an opportunity cost exercise.
First option is to say pathetically Kosova is Serbia, we never will give up Kosova, even you know that this impossible in the next 100 years at least, cause too international conjecture(I imagine that leaders of Serbia don’t have the unrealistic dream of powerful China or Russia in the next years that some simple Serbs have here in B92).In these case you win some electoral nationalist votes but you keep a frozen conflict in the region which mean a negative environment for business first for Serbia itself and second for all the region.
Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million Serbs that live there, but also is a strong support for all Serbs that lives in other states of Balkan. A strong and wealthy Serbia is also the benefit of Albanians and other neighbors of Serbia. Yes I know that this approach is not very popular for the moment in Serbia, but a real leader has the duty to tell the truth to its people even with the risk that they will not understand him, or will not vote him. It happens some time in history that visionary leaders have changed the direction and mentality of one nation.


pre 12 godina

Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. The west wan't to use Serbia to fulfill its own objectives in the Balkans and then tell Serbia to go to hell. Serbia will end up recognizing Kosovo and then remain outside of the EU. If some Western countries won't stup us from joining the EU then Croatia or Hungary will by puttin demands that they know Serbia won't fulfill. Serbia should continue to fight for what is right for its people and nothing else. Forget about the EU and prevent albanian theives from stealing our holy land.


pre 12 godina

He finally got tired getting spat upon by the bankrupt unravelling so-called "West". He obviously doesn't want to line up with yesterday's quislings, the stale LDP and the ruined irrelevant Draskovic. Two cheers but he still needs to be replaced by reliable patriots. He is still over-estimating the strength of the hollowed out "West" and underestimating the jihadist threat.


pre 12 godina

"The key point is for Serbia to preserve its identity in Kosovo and Metohija and get what is rightfully hers, that is, the right to protect its integrity, and this cannot be done if the country is in conflict with the rest of the world,” Tadić concluded"

This guy is dangerous; when are Serbs going to replace him with somebody like Vuk or Vojislav before he manages to cause complications for Kosovo by getting Serbia to become an EU member ?

Sara, Paris

pre 12 godina

These words allow Tadic not to work on the real serbian issues, and to spent his time and the Serbians'time on demagogy. To work for the economy of Serbia is so far harder than to play a comedy about Kosova... 1999-2011, so more than 12 years of Cetnik music in Kosova. Enough is enough.

Paul Barness

pre 12 godina

Stubbornly aligning himself with the most regressive political forces in Serbia, Boris Tadić is condemning his children to isolation from the most progressive family of nations. I don't want to forbid him to educate his children any way he deems appropriate, but who givers him the right to punish my children with his short-sighted policking?!


pre 12 godina

"Wow, I can't believe that these are the words of Tadic. It looks like he has realized too that the West can't be trusted and that albanians don't have any intention of allowing any Serbs what so ever to remain in Kosovo after a peaceplan is signed, unless Serbs themselves are incharge of their territory. "
(MikeC, 6 November 2011 14:45)

What's so new with these words of Tadic? He had the same point of view for years, he didn't realize anything new, he didn't change his policies at all.


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.


pre 12 godina

"Second option is to let apart Kosova and to concentrate in the internal problems economic growth(and for this is needed a good political environment good relations with neighbors) and strong democratic institutions. A strong and a developed Serbia is the benefit for 7.2 million "
(dori tirana, 6 November 2011 17:56)

The best option is that Kosovo starts fighting the imminent crime and corruption, getting rid of the criminal leaders who are conencted to mafia groups, and concentrates on the major problems which are clearly located in the south of Kosovo. With honorable leaders and reasonable politics based on dialogue (and not on creating trouble and tension, only to draw the attention away from scandals and lack of progress), there could be some improvement in the economy. Of course, Kosovo needs some real democratic parties, and not nationalist extremists, and especially not a prime minister who came to power due to election faking. It needs some professional state institutions, especially a non-biased and democratic police and justice system that doesn't look for ethnicity when it comes to prosecute and arrest criminals. It needs state institutions that fight the most urgent problems first, which is the corruption, drug mafia and black economy. If all these problems are solved, you can concentrate on minor issues like fuel and food 'smuggling'. A democratic Kosovo that shares European values is the benefit not only for some 1.7 million Kosovo Albanians, but for the neighbours.


pre 12 godina

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I read it and I did not see any embargo from Albanians after September 2011 when Serbia agreed to accept the Kosovo Customs stamps. The flow of goods via the Merdare crossing is normal. At this point, as far as KFOR is concerned, the Brnjak and Jarinje border crossings are open, too, similarly to Merdare. The only difference is that goods cannot pass from Brnjak and Jarinje because of the barricades, but it’s not Albanians that have erected barricades.

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.
(aaayyy, 7 November 2011 13:18)

I fully agree as soon as UNMIK’s regulation no 3 of 1999 which mandates customs taxes for goods entering Kosovo (from non-CEFTA countries) is abolished. But as long as UNMIK orders that customs taxes be collected, they will be collected whether Albanians or Serbs like it or not. I remind you that 1244 is still in force.


pre 12 godina

dori tirana,

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North


pre 12 godina

Kosova has been an entity with its borders(actually borders) during Yugoslavia. Milosevic abolish the autonomy and the right of self determination for the citizens of Kosova. They don’t accept this and he try the ethnic cleaning with the silent support of citizens of Serbia. After the horror of Bosnia West cannot accept the horror that commence in Kosova. This is the turning point for the self determination and the independence of Kosova. Now tell which of the facts that I mention is the same for N.Mitrovica. So not Albanian, but entity of Kosova is allowed to split from Serbia, cause if it was an ethnic logic, even the Albanian of Presevo must be allowed to split from Serbia etc.etc. So please don’t complicate things that are just know too complicated
(dori tirana, 4 November 2011 22:49)

1)Not all administrative borders can become state borders.
2)Everybody understand that Kosovo conflict was an ethnic conflict between Serbs and Kalbanians, not a conflict between administrative region and a central government. The West tries to portray it as an administrative conflict just to bring some legitimacy to the land grab.


pre 12 godina

Why is it so important for Albanians to have Kosovo North under Prishtina control?

Probably Albanians as many other peoples have a proverb saying that greediness will ruin you?


pre 12 godina

Yes, after he caused all the tension and trouble in the north by his stupid (and unsuccessful) ROSU operation some months ago, now KFOR has to suffer the consequences. Probably he has to be told to stay away now by the EU/US, after everyone condemned his unilateral and uncoordinated act.
(Analyst, 4 November 2011 16:17)

Do you understand why nevertheless KFOR supported Thaci action? Couldn't KFOR people just told him to relex and concentrate on the South Kosovo ecomonical and other problems?


pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North
(aaayyy, 6 November 2011 21:47)

but that option has already been implemented; Kosovo's Constitution already recognizes the right of the N. Kosovo municipalities to govern their own local affairs as they are indeed doing. The North Kosovo affairs are indeed being run by the people elected by the North Kosovo inhabitants and not by Pristina, in accordance with Kosovo's Constitution.
(icj1, 7 November 2011 02:15)

Prishtina is trying to send ethnic Albanians to control central Serbia - Northern Kosovo border implementing embargo there. Yes, that's their main purpose, read BBC if you don't believe me. I've already provided the link for you, have you read it?

The main thing now which ruins national/international affairs is central Serbia-Northern Kosovo border and the only thing one could do about it is to negotiate canceling of this border - that is let everybody live as though this border didn't exist. Shallow juridical tricks and lies practiced by you, will not help anybody.

dori tirana

pre 12 godina

... and the third option: reasonable Kalb leader will come to power who will concentrate on South Kosovo problem without claiming to control the North

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?


pre 12 godina

I’ll be very glad to have reasonable leader in Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade, but you people have conceptual problem. Nobody is asking to control, but to govern. It’s so difficult for you to accept to be governed by others. Only Serbs are born to rule, to control, because as I see you don’t know to govern.
And if comes reasonable and good leader in Pristina what’s the problem if they govern the KSerbs?
(dori tirana, 7 November 2011 09:04)

1)Did Albanians like to be governed by the others? A lot was made to integrate them to YU society in Tito's time, still they were not satisfied, they tried to push Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo and organized rally for separation long before Milosevic came to power. Actually they led Milosevic to power.
2)You people should first learn how to govern themselves and then offer their government services to others.
3)Since rather reasonable and good leader has come to power in Belgrade (Tadic that is) now what’s the problem if Serbia governs the KAlbanians?
4) Actually now Serbs want to govern only themselves.