Sunday, 09.10.2011.


Metropolitan accuses Montenegro of persecuting SPC

Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije has accused the Montenegrin authorities of persecuting the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and its priests.

Izvor: Tanjug

Metropolitan accuses Montenegro of persecuting SPC IMAGE SOURCE

8 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.
(avi, 9 October 2011 22:15)
I understand that Milo doesn't need competition but this is a man of God not a man of crime.
I admire the upbringing your parents gave you because you sound so respectful.

Tom in Lazybrook

pre 12 godina

"Amfilohije also said that SPC priests and himself were being persecuted in Montenegro, whereas the people who lead Montenegro to poverty and destroyed hundreds of companies were not prosecuted"

How about this. When the Serbian Orthodox Church stops advocating the denial of freedom of speech, petition, protest, assembly, association, and expression to minorities in Belgrade it may have some credibility to complain of persecution.


pre 12 godina

This guy by 12noon hates himself and after 12 o'clock he hates all the world, he likes publicity aswell and I think his god does not exist.
Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.
I'm no christian so don't me wrong, but all he is doing is saying words that every Serb is thinking.

Religion really has nothing to do with his comment(yes, I know he's a priest) but his comments are valid.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Milo Djuka knows the Montenegro identity project has failed with the SPC being voted as the most trusted institution in the country, an increase in citizens declaring themselves as Serbs and Serbian speakers and with the EU spiraling towards its inevitable demise.

Montenegro will willfully and democratically join up with Serbia again. However if I were Serbia I'd only support regional autonomy for Montenegro, if they want republic status then no thanks.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.


pre 12 godina

SPC and their priest are guilty of so many crimes, it is only natural to charge them. Each priest who preaches hatemongery must be arrested and the church closed, indefinitely. This is the not only language those priests understand, this is the way in countries where religion does not dictate politics.


pre 12 godina

SPC and their priest are guilty of so many crimes, it is only natural to charge them. Each priest who preaches hatemongery must be arrested and the church closed, indefinitely. This is the not only language those priests understand, this is the way in countries where religion does not dictate politics.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Milo Djuka knows the Montenegro identity project has failed with the SPC being voted as the most trusted institution in the country, an increase in citizens declaring themselves as Serbs and Serbian speakers and with the EU spiraling towards its inevitable demise.

Montenegro will willfully and democratically join up with Serbia again. However if I were Serbia I'd only support regional autonomy for Montenegro, if they want republic status then no thanks.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.

Tom in Lazybrook

pre 12 godina

"Amfilohije also said that SPC priests and himself were being persecuted in Montenegro, whereas the people who lead Montenegro to poverty and destroyed hundreds of companies were not prosecuted"

How about this. When the Serbian Orthodox Church stops advocating the denial of freedom of speech, petition, protest, assembly, association, and expression to minorities in Belgrade it may have some credibility to complain of persecution.


pre 12 godina

This guy by 12noon hates himself and after 12 o'clock he hates all the world, he likes publicity aswell and I think his god does not exist.
Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.
I'm no christian so don't me wrong, but all he is doing is saying words that every Serb is thinking.

Religion really has nothing to do with his comment(yes, I know he's a priest) but his comments are valid.


pre 12 godina

Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.
(avi, 9 October 2011 22:15)
I understand that Milo doesn't need competition but this is a man of God not a man of crime.
I admire the upbringing your parents gave you because you sound so respectful.


pre 12 godina

SPC and their priest are guilty of so many crimes, it is only natural to charge them. Each priest who preaches hatemongery must be arrested and the church closed, indefinitely. This is the not only language those priests understand, this is the way in countries where religion does not dictate politics.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.


pre 12 godina

This guy by 12noon hates himself and after 12 o'clock he hates all the world, he likes publicity aswell and I think his god does not exist.
Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

Milo Djuka knows the Montenegro identity project has failed with the SPC being voted as the most trusted institution in the country, an increase in citizens declaring themselves as Serbs and Serbian speakers and with the EU spiraling towards its inevitable demise.

Montenegro will willfully and democratically join up with Serbia again. However if I were Serbia I'd only support regional autonomy for Montenegro, if they want republic status then no thanks.

Tom in Lazybrook

pre 12 godina

"Amfilohije also said that SPC priests and himself were being persecuted in Montenegro, whereas the people who lead Montenegro to poverty and destroyed hundreds of companies were not prosecuted"

How about this. When the Serbian Orthodox Church stops advocating the denial of freedom of speech, petition, protest, assembly, association, and expression to minorities in Belgrade it may have some credibility to complain of persecution.


pre 12 godina

JohnC, it is not about priest here it is about a polititian covered up with religious dress. Look at his speeches...all they want is influence, money and power.
I'm no christian so don't me wrong, but all he is doing is saying words that every Serb is thinking.

Religion really has nothing to do with his comment(yes, I know he's a priest) but his comments are valid.


pre 12 godina

Just keep away from Montenegro, Montenegro does not need criminals.
(avi, 9 October 2011 22:15)
I understand that Milo doesn't need competition but this is a man of God not a man of crime.
I admire the upbringing your parents gave you because you sound so respectful.