Wednesday, 07.09.2011.


“Territorial integrity, EU integration remain priorities”

Preservation of territorial integrity and the EU integration process remain Serbian government’s priorities, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić has said.

Izvor: B92

“Territorial integrity, EU integration remain priorities” IMAGE SOURCE

20 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.
(cees, 7 September 2011 16:16)

guys, don't be harsh on him. He is one of the best assets that Kosovo has. With his initiatives he has done much more for Kosovo's UDI than any Kosovo official. Albanians in Kosovo should hope that Vuk remains FM as long as possible, or, even better, become Serbia's president so that nobody can stop him in his brilliant initiatives.


pre 13 godina

Its strange how Kosova is so important to Serbia that for some reason over 90% of people that live there are Albanians ? ( please don`t say that albanians ethnically cleaned all the serbs from Kosova because how come albanians have had so much power in the past to get rid of all the serbs ...WOW and the world just let that happen )

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

It's always fun to see the same lame Albanian trolls coming to a Serbian site day in and day out to piss and moan and act like they're experts on, well, anything. But I guess since they think they need to be heard, they're going to shout like little kiddies, which they probably are,

Oh yeah, two countries just withdrew recognition for Kosovo. :)

Diasporas are so funny :)


pre 13 godina

I love how this boy is behaving. I would like to see more Serbian Politicians behaving in this way. This will be great victory for Kosova without spending any money on lobbing.


pre 13 godina

Wow the fish a biting tonight, this one's my favourite-

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ... Tony (definately never picked up a history book).

Wasn't Kosovo the cradle of Serbian civilisation? I think it was the last time I looked. Did I miss a meeting?

Isn't Kosova a Serbian name with the last letter originally an 'o' replaced with an 'a' by some lazy Albanian linguist? I mean if your going to claim something that isn't yours atleast come up with an Albanian name for it. Altering the Serbian name by one letter just makes you look like a bunch of clowns and insults everybody's intelligence.


pre 13 godina

This clown only cares about keeping his seat warm. How can vuk fight to "preserve" Kosovo or Serbia's territorial integrity when not once has he EVER stepped foot in Kosovo?

Seriously, be quiet angry little child.



pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does..."

Hey, wait a minute Vuce! You're disqualifying the whole BRIC and the Non-aligned in such a diletant way...

...or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward..."

Let me seriosly doubt this one. And let me doubt of your professional and ethical level.
You're sending the wrong message for Serbia anyway.


pre 13 godina

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ...

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...
(Bam Bam, 7 September 2011 13:03)

Is that why the Serbian people yell to the Serbian Police to "Go protect Kosovo"...? And by the way, Kosovo will ALWAYS be a part of Serbia. Resoultion even states that it is just an occupied part of Serbia.


pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.

OTAN Brussels

pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said.

LOL!!! At least he reveals how corrupt this world functions and the level of corruption one needs to get somewhere. We can certainly give credit to Albanians for being pragmatic when it comes to occupational forces, the Ottomans, the Nazi's and even NATO. Albanians have been very quick to support them but this has tended to backfire on them.


pre 13 godina

"Jeremić said that a two-day Non-Aligned Movement ministerial conference in Belgrade had been an excellent opportunity to speak about Kosovo to all the participants."

Did you tell the Palestinians that Kosovo is your Jerusalem? Probably not.

This is fantastic:
"We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said. "


pre 13 godina

"“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said"

This guy just insluted over 82 countries of the world.

Bam Bam

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...


pre 13 godina

I actually think Serbia has more than it thinks in terms of support from the International Community. You just haven't realised it yet! Keep going down the path you have chosen in terms of European integration. Once you become an EU candidate country much more will start to happen for the economy, jobs and better investment. In my previous visits over the last ten years to this part of the world I see changes everytime. Changes in the right direction too.


pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does"

The only words in the entire interview that needs publishing, the rest is blah, blah. blah and has no real meaning.

Bam Bam

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...


pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does"

The only words in the entire interview that needs publishing, the rest is blah, blah. blah and has no real meaning.


pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.


pre 13 godina

"“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said"

This guy just insluted over 82 countries of the world.


pre 13 godina

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ...


pre 13 godina

I actually think Serbia has more than it thinks in terms of support from the International Community. You just haven't realised it yet! Keep going down the path you have chosen in terms of European integration. Once you become an EU candidate country much more will start to happen for the economy, jobs and better investment. In my previous visits over the last ten years to this part of the world I see changes everytime. Changes in the right direction too.


pre 13 godina

"Jeremić said that a two-day Non-Aligned Movement ministerial conference in Belgrade had been an excellent opportunity to speak about Kosovo to all the participants."

Did you tell the Palestinians that Kosovo is your Jerusalem? Probably not.

This is fantastic:
"We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said. "


pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does..."

Hey, wait a minute Vuce! You're disqualifying the whole BRIC and the Non-aligned in such a diletant way...

...or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward..."

Let me seriosly doubt this one. And let me doubt of your professional and ethical level.
You're sending the wrong message for Serbia anyway.

OTAN Brussels

pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said.

LOL!!! At least he reveals how corrupt this world functions and the level of corruption one needs to get somewhere. We can certainly give credit to Albanians for being pragmatic when it comes to occupational forces, the Ottomans, the Nazi's and even NATO. Albanians have been very quick to support them but this has tended to backfire on them.

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...
(Bam Bam, 7 September 2011 13:03)

Is that why the Serbian people yell to the Serbian Police to "Go protect Kosovo"...? And by the way, Kosovo will ALWAYS be a part of Serbia. Resoultion even states that it is just an occupied part of Serbia.


pre 13 godina

This clown only cares about keeping his seat warm. How can vuk fight to "preserve" Kosovo or Serbia's territorial integrity when not once has he EVER stepped foot in Kosovo?

Seriously, be quiet angry little child.


Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

It's always fun to see the same lame Albanian trolls coming to a Serbian site day in and day out to piss and moan and act like they're experts on, well, anything. But I guess since they think they need to be heard, they're going to shout like little kiddies, which they probably are,

Oh yeah, two countries just withdrew recognition for Kosovo. :)

Diasporas are so funny :)


pre 13 godina

Its strange how Kosova is so important to Serbia that for some reason over 90% of people that live there are Albanians ? ( please don`t say that albanians ethnically cleaned all the serbs from Kosova because how come albanians have had so much power in the past to get rid of all the serbs ...WOW and the world just let that happen )


pre 13 godina

Wow the fish a biting tonight, this one's my favourite-

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ... Tony (definately never picked up a history book).

Wasn't Kosovo the cradle of Serbian civilisation? I think it was the last time I looked. Did I miss a meeting?

Isn't Kosova a Serbian name with the last letter originally an 'o' replaced with an 'a' by some lazy Albanian linguist? I mean if your going to claim something that isn't yours atleast come up with an Albanian name for it. Altering the Serbian name by one letter just makes you look like a bunch of clowns and insults everybody's intelligence.


pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.
(cees, 7 September 2011 16:16)

guys, don't be harsh on him. He is one of the best assets that Kosovo has. With his initiatives he has done much more for Kosovo's UDI than any Kosovo official. Albanians in Kosovo should hope that Vuk remains FM as long as possible, or, even better, become Serbia's president so that nobody can stop him in his brilliant initiatives.


pre 13 godina

I love how this boy is behaving. I would like to see more Serbian Politicians behaving in this way. This will be great victory for Kosova without spending any money on lobbing.


pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does"

The only words in the entire interview that needs publishing, the rest is blah, blah. blah and has no real meaning.


pre 13 godina

"“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said"

This guy just insluted over 82 countries of the world.

Bam Bam

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...

OTAN Brussels

pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said.

LOL!!! At least he reveals how corrupt this world functions and the level of corruption one needs to get somewhere. We can certainly give credit to Albanians for being pragmatic when it comes to occupational forces, the Ottomans, the Nazi's and even NATO. Albanians have been very quick to support them but this has tended to backfire on them.


pre 13 godina

I actually think Serbia has more than it thinks in terms of support from the International Community. You just haven't realised it yet! Keep going down the path you have chosen in terms of European integration. Once you become an EU candidate country much more will start to happen for the economy, jobs and better investment. In my previous visits over the last ten years to this part of the world I see changes everytime. Changes in the right direction too.


pre 13 godina

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ...

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Serbia wants to enter the E.U but not recognise the Independent Kosovo. Let me tell you one thing the longer Serbia holds out the poorer it will become. Serbs in Serbia proper couldn't care less about there Southern counterparts. Serbian citizens want to be able to put food on the table and clothe there kids and not waste tax payers money on a Kosovo myth that will never ever be a part of Serbia...
(Bam Bam, 7 September 2011 13:03)

Is that why the Serbian people yell to the Serbian Police to "Go protect Kosovo"...? And by the way, Kosovo will ALWAYS be a part of Serbia. Resoultion even states that it is just an occupied part of Serbia.


pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.


pre 13 godina

This clown only cares about keeping his seat warm. How can vuk fight to "preserve" Kosovo or Serbia's territorial integrity when not once has he EVER stepped foot in Kosovo?

Seriously, be quiet angry little child.



pre 13 godina

“We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does..."

Hey, wait a minute Vuce! You're disqualifying the whole BRIC and the Non-aligned in such a diletant way...

...or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward..."

Let me seriosly doubt this one. And let me doubt of your professional and ethical level.
You're sending the wrong message for Serbia anyway.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

It's always fun to see the same lame Albanian trolls coming to a Serbian site day in and day out to piss and moan and act like they're experts on, well, anything. But I guess since they think they need to be heard, they're going to shout like little kiddies, which they probably are,

Oh yeah, two countries just withdrew recognition for Kosovo. :)

Diasporas are so funny :)


pre 13 godina

"Jeremić said that a two-day Non-Aligned Movement ministerial conference in Belgrade had been an excellent opportunity to speak about Kosovo to all the participants."

Did you tell the Palestinians that Kosovo is your Jerusalem? Probably not.

This is fantastic:
"We do not have at our disposal support of some great powers like Priština does, or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward,” he said. "


pre 13 godina

Wow the fish a biting tonight, this one's my favourite-

Kosova never was and never will be part or Serbia, so the sooner you realize that the better for you , Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia and now is a state accepted by 81 countries including US , UK Germany etc so deal with it ... Tony (definately never picked up a history book).

Wasn't Kosovo the cradle of Serbian civilisation? I think it was the last time I looked. Did I miss a meeting?

Isn't Kosova a Serbian name with the last letter originally an 'o' replaced with an 'a' by some lazy Albanian linguist? I mean if your going to claim something that isn't yours atleast come up with an Albanian name for it. Altering the Serbian name by one letter just makes you look like a bunch of clowns and insults everybody's intelligence.


pre 13 godina

I love how this boy is behaving. I would like to see more Serbian Politicians behaving in this way. This will be great victory for Kosova without spending any money on lobbing.


pre 13 godina

Its strange how Kosova is so important to Serbia that for some reason over 90% of people that live there are Albanians ? ( please don`t say that albanians ethnically cleaned all the serbs from Kosova because how come albanians have had so much power in the past to get rid of all the serbs ...WOW and the world just let that happen )


pre 13 godina

"or millions of dollars in unregistered cash from narcotics trafficking that you can give away in suitcases around the world afterward" With a sentence like this, which maybe could be a part of a chat somewhere in a pub in Belgrade, but doesn't belong into the vocabulary of a representative of a government who has to deal with an international oriented field, this guy is disqualifying himself, as he already did on the international stage many times before.
(cees, 7 September 2011 16:16)

guys, don't be harsh on him. He is one of the best assets that Kosovo has. With his initiatives he has done much more for Kosovo's UDI than any Kosovo official. Albanians in Kosovo should hope that Vuk remains FM as long as possible, or, even better, become Serbia's president so that nobody can stop him in his brilliant initiatives.