Sunday, 21.08.2011.


North Kosovo Serbs unblock KFOR unit

Leposavić municipality residents have unblocked a KFOR unit and allowed the troops to take a seized dredge from Srbija Šume plan near the village of Lešak.

Izvor: Tanjug

North Kosovo Serbs unblock KFOR unit IMAGE SOURCE

33 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

As usual, I’m very happy to support your brilliant arguments. Unfortunately, those who put the money where their mouth is disagree and they think US financial condition is one of the less worse in the world since they are fighting to lend money to the US. Nobody in his or her sane mind would lend money to somebody who is close to a “financial catastrophe”. I understand your passion, but I usually tend to trust those who gets to lose if they are not correct; you don’t lose anything (beside the face on this forum) if things are not as you say.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, if you want to call China “numero uno”, by all means, go ahead. However, I’d prefer to be called “numero cento” and earn, on average, 6x more than be called “numero uno” and live in poverty. But, of course, everybody has its own preferences. Some people like better the labeling that the actual living.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, than means than that the BBB becomes the new top rating :) Don’t you understand that whatever the US rating is, that becomes the top rating. Indeed, as soon as the US rating was lowered, investors started to fight even more to lend money to the US, lowering the rates further.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s good. Hopefully in the long term the average Chinese will finally achieve the standard of living of the average American.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Oh yeah, it will be felt and big time. But China and US have both a vested interest to not allow that. So rest assured.

You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s great. Everybody would like all countries to develop and escape poverty which only produces conflicts. Of course, they have to construct after they announce them. But does China actually need them ? Or just for the heck of it to please you ?

Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Precisely… China is US’s biggest creditor and both countries get to profit from that.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Wow, you sj was the only one to see it. It must have been a very important newspaper since it had a circulation of 1.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control –
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Why should the US bring the Serbs are control ? Why should the US fear the Serbs ? US soldiers are in Kosovo as part of KFOR under 1244, and, as far as I know, Serbs say that they strongly support 1244.

In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

FYI, US has done that already 10+ years ago when it voted to approve 1244 and when it recognized Kosovo’s UDI which was in accordance with 1244.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Dude, compose yourself and start to think. What the construction of highways has to do with the merchandise that China produces for internal or external buyers.

You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Woow, we should then go to China which is well known for its openness and the very alternative and independent sources of information.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Sj, I’ve tried to follow your advice for many years waiting for the thud, but that damn thud refuses and refuses to come. Please give us an ETA because we don’t have 100 yrs to live to hear it.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Even though I’m not an American, I’d do it immediately. Just tell me (and the 13 million people who applied for the US immigration lottery last year) where should we go since you know much better than all of us.


pre 13 godina

The (pss, 22 August 2011 16:03)

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.

This is not the 1930s because you can’t compare apples with pears. To bring this mess under control would require a massive cut in defence to the point where the US would not have any bases overseas and its military power would be non existent.

The US has the most archaic account system on this planet where budgets do not allow for making provision of specific expenditure, but you people simply pay as you receive the bills.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.

You have a very good long look at the Asian markets and you will see that they are going well, extremely well.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term. Believe it or not but this is what the US had some 40 years ago. Today you have politicians who are self serving sell outs who will help the Corporations rape and pillage the government and leave the bill to the people.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information. You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward. Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.

Until the 1990s I never gave Serbia a second thought, but it was the demonization of my people that woke me up not a “learned hatred of Albanians”. What you guys don’t reaslise is that the US is using you to achieve their end and once done will throw you away like a disused dish rag. The only Albanians I know of were refugees from Kosovo that could not go back because their lives were in danger from the new Thaci regime or were in mixed marriages and their neighbours would have killed them.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.

Everything can be packaged up and sold.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control – Iraq and Afghanistan are wonderful classrooms for even the dumbest American. In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways. You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.

If Serbia received all those donations alone it would have the best road system in the world. Its cities would be in pristine condition and its industry would be back on its feet, but it neither of these things. Aid is big time BS.

Earlier this year the former East Timorese President, a fantastic man who fought for his freedom with both courage and humanity, called the UN to pack up and leave because after 8 years and $8 billion in aid his country is poorer now than before. You see all the money spent on UN personnel is counted as aid. You see the UN hired a passenger ship and docked it in Eats Timor and all UN people live in air-conditioned luxury.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.


pre 13 godina

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

KFOR is doing the work that 1244 has mandated them to do; i.e. to ensure the freedom of movement in Kosovo.

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

The purpose of Thaci was to not allow Serbian goods to enter Kosovo until Serbia allows Kosovo’s good to enter Serbia. Based on what you’re saying, he has exceeded even his own expectations because he is achieving the above without even having to control the access roads from Serbia to Kosovo. The result counts, not the means.

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

Please cite the article of 1244 which says that Kosovo’s government is not allowed to send police wherever it wants within Kosovo. KFOR needs the article in 1244 to act to not allow that.

That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

That’s interesting; it appears even just their tail is sufficient to enforce the border controls :)

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

To the contrary, I found it very interesting what you said. Remember, I said “Woow, that's a very interesting news”. So I was asking for B92 to give us the opportunity to discuss in depth about deaths in the world. I hope the moderators will give us that opportunity. I’d love to discuss about deaths… Unfortunately Albanian media centers don’t give that opportunity to discuss deaths in the world because they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

I did not say they are there to die for the Albanians or the Serbs; not sure who (the KFOR soldiers ?) told you that they are there to die for the Albanians. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244.


pre 13 godina

(Loyal Albanian, 22 August 2011 17:45)

These comments are getting more and more absurd by the day. If you take a car and drive from Chicago to Detroit you would think you are in a third world country. If you go anywhere in Middle America along the Mississippi River it looks like the Congo. Open your eyes before making comparisons. Step outside of Manhattan and you’ll see poverty that would horrify you.

Please if you don’t understand what Asia is about just avoid commenting. The Chinese economy exports 15% to the US; that is all. It has over 2 trillion dollars in cash with 800 billion in US bonds – how much does the US have in reserve again?

Now when you people run out of puff you then go on about the Soviet Union and non democratic countries blah, blah. If your US government is that good why did it experiment on African Americans in the 1950s with various drugs and diseases? People who live in glass houses should NEVER throw stones.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.
(The Caveman they call 'Ug', 22 August 2011 18:52)


Well then, I guess we are both in the "Stone Age" but, since you insist we were there first then I guess we Albanians have seniority and you Serbs loose again!

p.s. For what is "Ug" a nickname.

The Caveman they call 'Ug'

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ and Mladen - You guys keep suggesting that the USA is on its last leg and that China is going to be the new super power, but thats just incorrect.

Suggesting that China is going to be the next super power is roughly equivalent to similar claims made in the late 1980s about Japan replacing the U.S. You have to remember that China is very much a Third World country. Of the 1.3 billion Chinese, well over 1.1 billion have a standard living on the order of Nigeria. If you go to Shanghai and drive to Pudong, you can get the illusion that this is a European or American country, but just walk blocks away from the centre and you’ll see a very different China which is anything but pretty.

Secondly, the Chinese economy is a hostage of the foreign international system, but primarily of the American economy. China is incapable of domestic consumption on the order of production. So, when the United States catches cold, China gets pneumonia and that really is an important thing to understand – that China does not have an economy as we understand it in the sense of substantial domestic consumption. The Chinese economy is overwhelmingly export-oriented and therefore China is a hostage to its consumers. I would look not to the value of the dollar alone but to the health of a nation's citizenry. At this point, it's a race to the bottom: which nation kills off its citizenry first: the U.S., with its illness-producing glorification of a fat and sugar-loaded diet which has sparked an obesity epidemic, or China, whose poor air quality is shortening the lives and productivity of hundreds of millions of its citizenry. In every totalitarian society, the leader is given false glowing reports by his subordinates like the former Soviet Union. We all know what happened in the end for them. Serbia is very much like these countries....you believe what your government officials tell you.


pre 13 godina

(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)
I am neither brainwashed nor blind and I am definitely not gullible. I know your comments are geared toward your ultranationalists buddies trying to rally the troops. I just try to dispel some of your mistruths.
Is the US going through a financial crisis right now? yes, is the end of the US? I do not think so. Will it be felt around the globe? most definitely. What happened to your Asian markets the day after the S&P downgrade. The credit rating went from AAA to AA+ not exactly falling off a mountain.
The US needs a cold water splash to the face. But I remember October 19, 1987 when the stock markets crashed, I lost more than $10,000 that one day, however it was just on paper, if one did not panic and sell the stocks regained, it actually took more than a year to return to the same level. The US survived the Great Dpression of the 1930's and then went on to become a super power.
The reasons I doubt your credentials are easy:
1 If you were born and raised in Asia and do not live in Serbia, you would not have such a deep rooted hatred for Albanians, it is a learned trait and not a genetic one. Your personal interactions with Albanians would be limited in that region.
2 If you were a financial wizard in Asia you would realize that as the number 1 economy the fall of the US will affect the global market big time.
3 China's economy directly reflects the Japan of the 70's.

As far as proving your points, you are the one who will items (such as the selling of all student loans by the US govt) that is not seen in print anywhere and then say you can not reveal your confidential sources. Total BS in capital letters.

You say things like the US military is afraid of Serbs, what a joke.
China's success depends on having a market to buy their goods collapse of the the west economy and a huge portion of Chinas market just shut down.
Russia is building on its oil exports, its success is based on supply and demand. Do you really think the European market is going to collapse and still maintain a big demand for Russian oil?

Serbia depends big time on foreign loans and donations and export of goods. Dry up the loans, donations, and then cut the exports to a fraction and where do you see Serbia in a years time?

The internet is full of comments and opinions and rumors about most any subject and one can sit at a computer and rehash the theories on most any subject including the financial situation of the US, but someone who is actually involved in global finance would understand todays global financial network is intermingled and what happens in Hong Kong is felt in New York and vice versa, and would not be so foolish as to be happy about a huge recession or depression in the west.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)


Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.

Dan UK

pre 13 godina

What is a "dredge"? This is not the correct English-language word for one of these machines, which should correctly be called an "excavator" of "digger". A dredge (or more usually a dredger) is a type of boat used for clearing mud off a channel or riverbed.


pre 13 godina

Ignore the serbian flag and serbian driver and serbian criminals and then it looks like a multi-ethnic destoyer dredge to me too.


pre 13 godina

(pss, 21 August 2011 21:04)

You are either blind or so brainwashed that you are clueless. What proof do you want me to give you? Mate this is not college where you quote specific texts to prove your point – this is real life where events happen on a daily basis that may be part of some text/reference book in about 10 years time.

Have a very good look at your stock exchange and see how well things are going, you don’t get this level of volatility nor do you have the price of gold hitting the $1800 mark because the US is doing fine. Who ever tells you that they know the exact time, date to the minute a stock would reach its peak I’d suggest that you stay well away from that person because NO ONE can give such a prediction.

You want charade, then have a look at your US media; you know how well things are and how your unemployment is down to 10%. Please wake up and stop dreaming in Lady Gaga land. What you are afraid is reality and rely on CNN, Fox et al to calm your nerves.

I DO NOT LIVE IN SERBIA – now get that through your thick head once and for all!!!!! I was not even born in Serbia. I have lived all my life in Asia, but being an American I would guess you would not know where that is.

You find it incredible that someone in my position can support Serbia because you judge me based on your brainwashed beliefs – that is why I have achieved a modicum of success because I don’t believe US BS.

The US is now only afraid of the body bag count because even the poor in the land of opportunity and freedom are towards the end of their willingness to put up with their children coming home to be buried while the middle class and rich avoid this messy business. If the US troops in Kosovo are not afraid then I’d suggest they take action against the Serbs and reunite North Kosovo with the rest now. You keep on preaching that the US is mighty, well why not show it.

What is bothering most of you Albos is why the west does not crush the Serbs for you. They cannt that’s why mate; that the reason.

(Toni_UK, 21 August 2011 18:08)

Iraq – failed western intervention; Afghanistan – failed western intervention.

Now please rewrite what you want to say in coherent sentences without the western BS and I can provide you with an answer otherwise stick to CNN and not B92.

I mention what members of KFOR think of your Albanians because it comes from Poles, Danish, Italians, Ukraine, Hungarian, Spanish, and even some British. They think you guys are one step away from home erectus.

(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

Who is we bro? Last time your Albanians counted themselves as the most numerous in the world you lot took into account China – always holding onto mom’s apron.
761 bases and they have lost 2 major wars LOL.

(icj1, 21 August 2011 16:51)

“Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say... “

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.

“It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :) “

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.

“I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.”

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police. That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.

“Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world. “

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

“Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244”

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.


pre 13 godina

Mladen the US with its 14+ Trillion dollars in Debt will fail very shortly just like how the EU is failing on its debt crisis, cutting down its budgets especially when their military who are dieing in Afghanistan, the worlds "superpower" is losing to old men who live in caves what a joke, the U.S is.
"kosova" as a nation is a joke, with high debt, unemployment, and discrimination that failed state will collapse very shortly, and Serbs will return to their christian mother land, in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. it will be good day when the evils of the Zionist, Muslims and Free-Masons will end on that day.


pre 13 godina

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.
(Steve B., 21 August 2011 21:33)

It was Serbian hooligans who burnt down the border crossing along with a couple Gypsy sympathizers. The entire world knows that Serbia has a huge internal problem with hooliganism, extremism, racism and hate groups in general. Serbians will not be taken seriously until they address their own internal problems.


pre 13 godina

Steve B.,

Do you really believe in what you are saying! The time when people would believe this type of fiction has passed. Balkan reality is still full of conspiracies, intrigues, and lies... which does not take long to understand. That is why steps have been taken to change it.

May be the Albanians were involved in the first burning too...they are also blocking the roads...

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.
(Njeri, 21 August 2011 15:02)

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.


pre 13 godina

(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)
You have proven the fact that a person cannot daily come in and pretend to be someone they are not and spew out fantasies and try to represent them as facts. And when being asked for some type of proof , any proof, respond with you cannot release top secret documents to support your claims, or "you will have to wait and see". One cannot keep up that charade without eventually totally losing their base in reality.
But I have to admit a couple of times I almost believed you were a business man living outside of Serbia that had achieved some modicom of success.
US troops afraid of Serbs??????????/????????


pre 13 godina


are you suggesting that "Serbian: -gangs, -paramilitary, -MUP and their leaders" = "Terrorists in Afghanistan" & "Terrorists in Iraq"!

FYI it has been seen this way by others for a very long time now, hence the specific policies of the International Community regarding some regions of the World (Balkan included)in the last two decades.


pre 13 godina

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)
(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

"Best Allies in the world"
well maybe in 1999, open in your and see the Chinese future.
USA is yesterday.


pre 13 godina

Well, NATO cannot possibly guard Albanians indefinitely. Sooner or later they will drop their guard or the tide will turn against them and then we know how Serbs will react, they will reclaim what is rightfully theirs. And the most beautiful thing is it will all be legal. Kosovo will not be able to request help from UN since it is not a member and it never will be, and Americans will not be able to pass any resolution since resolution 1244 is still in effect and it always will be.


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say...

We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :)

Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.

Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world.

Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

No need for anybody to start a conflict. All parties concerned support 1244.

The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244

nicelydone :/

pre 13 godina

"To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us"

Hahaha, the brave skinhead squad is loose again... whats wrong dude no more football season to terrorize?

Nobody is scared , but its 2011, nobody was scared when Yugoserbia had the 3rd largest army, let alone the asylum seeking landlocked place.

We should be scared now ey? Killing peace is normal i guess in some lala lands.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ - "Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid."

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)


pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.


pre 13 godina


As for NATO Soldiers and our views of Albanians, being Polish, American, Scandinavians etc facts in the most recent history appear to clearly contradict your opinion, and we would kindly request you don't speak on our name.

You should count yourself lucky though, you are situated in the heart for Europe and not in regions mentioned above. However no one, and I mean absolutely no one should push their luck as one poster mentions the term "indefinitely".

Time for the majority of Serbs which I am convinced do not think like "Sj" to start making their voice heard. You don't do that pre and during Milosevic times, and we all know the rest of the story. It is in nobodies interest to repeat tragic episodes of history.

It's time to move on.

Apache Helicopters

pre 13 godina

“The citizens have blocked the only way out, and the talks with KFOR on a solution for the current situation are underway,”

Can't wait to see the result of these 'negotiations.'


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

And they're back at it again! Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results". Keep it up Serbs....this move worked so well for you previously, might as well try it again(being sarcastic).

As I said before, The Albanians dont have to lobby against Serbia, Serbia does a fine job of lobbying and doing things against their best interest ALL THE TIME. Blocking KFOR troops IN? LOL Thats funny. Maybe the locals will bring the world to their knees...


pre 13 godina

That "dredge" has not only been used to block roads but also for the attack against Jarinje. Even Polish KFOR troops have been engaged by this vehicle.

Confiscation is the only logic result of that terrorist usage. Or destroy that thing.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

And they're back at it again! Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results". Keep it up Serbs....this move worked so well for you previously, might as well try it again(being sarcastic).

As I said before, The Albanians dont have to lobby against Serbia, Serbia does a fine job of lobbying and doing things against their best interest ALL THE TIME. Blocking KFOR troops IN? LOL Thats funny. Maybe the locals will bring the world to their knees...


pre 13 godina

That "dredge" has not only been used to block roads but also for the attack against Jarinje. Even Polish KFOR troops have been engaged by this vehicle.

Confiscation is the only logic result of that terrorist usage. Or destroy that thing.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ - "Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid."

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)


pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.

nicelydone :/

pre 13 godina

"To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us"

Hahaha, the brave skinhead squad is loose again... whats wrong dude no more football season to terrorize?

Nobody is scared , but its 2011, nobody was scared when Yugoserbia had the 3rd largest army, let alone the asylum seeking landlocked place.

We should be scared now ey? Killing peace is normal i guess in some lala lands.


pre 13 godina


As for NATO Soldiers and our views of Albanians, being Polish, American, Scandinavians etc facts in the most recent history appear to clearly contradict your opinion, and we would kindly request you don't speak on our name.

You should count yourself lucky though, you are situated in the heart for Europe and not in regions mentioned above. However no one, and I mean absolutely no one should push their luck as one poster mentions the term "indefinitely".

Time for the majority of Serbs which I am convinced do not think like "Sj" to start making their voice heard. You don't do that pre and during Milosevic times, and we all know the rest of the story. It is in nobodies interest to repeat tragic episodes of history.

It's time to move on.

Apache Helicopters

pre 13 godina

“The citizens have blocked the only way out, and the talks with KFOR on a solution for the current situation are underway,”

Can't wait to see the result of these 'negotiations.'


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.


pre 13 godina

(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)
You have proven the fact that a person cannot daily come in and pretend to be someone they are not and spew out fantasies and try to represent them as facts. And when being asked for some type of proof , any proof, respond with you cannot release top secret documents to support your claims, or "you will have to wait and see". One cannot keep up that charade without eventually totally losing their base in reality.
But I have to admit a couple of times I almost believed you were a business man living outside of Serbia that had achieved some modicom of success.
US troops afraid of Serbs??????????/????????


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say...

We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :)

Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.

Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world.

Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

No need for anybody to start a conflict. All parties concerned support 1244.

The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244


pre 13 godina


are you suggesting that "Serbian: -gangs, -paramilitary, -MUP and their leaders" = "Terrorists in Afghanistan" & "Terrorists in Iraq"!

FYI it has been seen this way by others for a very long time now, hence the specific policies of the International Community regarding some regions of the World (Balkan included)in the last two decades.


pre 13 godina

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)
(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

"Best Allies in the world"
well maybe in 1999, open in your and see the Chinese future.
USA is yesterday.

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.
(Njeri, 21 August 2011 15:02)

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.

Dan UK

pre 13 godina

What is a "dredge"? This is not the correct English-language word for one of these machines, which should correctly be called an "excavator" of "digger". A dredge (or more usually a dredger) is a type of boat used for clearing mud off a channel or riverbed.


pre 13 godina

Well, NATO cannot possibly guard Albanians indefinitely. Sooner or later they will drop their guard or the tide will turn against them and then we know how Serbs will react, they will reclaim what is rightfully theirs. And the most beautiful thing is it will all be legal. Kosovo will not be able to request help from UN since it is not a member and it never will be, and Americans will not be able to pass any resolution since resolution 1244 is still in effect and it always will be.


pre 13 godina

Steve B.,

Do you really believe in what you are saying! The time when people would believe this type of fiction has passed. Balkan reality is still full of conspiracies, intrigues, and lies... which does not take long to understand. That is why steps have been taken to change it.

May be the Albanians were involved in the first burning too...they are also blocking the roads...


pre 13 godina

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.
(Steve B., 21 August 2011 21:33)

It was Serbian hooligans who burnt down the border crossing along with a couple Gypsy sympathizers. The entire world knows that Serbia has a huge internal problem with hooliganism, extremism, racism and hate groups in general. Serbians will not be taken seriously until they address their own internal problems.


pre 13 godina

(pss, 21 August 2011 21:04)

You are either blind or so brainwashed that you are clueless. What proof do you want me to give you? Mate this is not college where you quote specific texts to prove your point – this is real life where events happen on a daily basis that may be part of some text/reference book in about 10 years time.

Have a very good look at your stock exchange and see how well things are going, you don’t get this level of volatility nor do you have the price of gold hitting the $1800 mark because the US is doing fine. Who ever tells you that they know the exact time, date to the minute a stock would reach its peak I’d suggest that you stay well away from that person because NO ONE can give such a prediction.

You want charade, then have a look at your US media; you know how well things are and how your unemployment is down to 10%. Please wake up and stop dreaming in Lady Gaga land. What you are afraid is reality and rely on CNN, Fox et al to calm your nerves.

I DO NOT LIVE IN SERBIA – now get that through your thick head once and for all!!!!! I was not even born in Serbia. I have lived all my life in Asia, but being an American I would guess you would not know where that is.

You find it incredible that someone in my position can support Serbia because you judge me based on your brainwashed beliefs – that is why I have achieved a modicum of success because I don’t believe US BS.

The US is now only afraid of the body bag count because even the poor in the land of opportunity and freedom are towards the end of their willingness to put up with their children coming home to be buried while the middle class and rich avoid this messy business. If the US troops in Kosovo are not afraid then I’d suggest they take action against the Serbs and reunite North Kosovo with the rest now. You keep on preaching that the US is mighty, well why not show it.

What is bothering most of you Albos is why the west does not crush the Serbs for you. They cannt that’s why mate; that the reason.

(Toni_UK, 21 August 2011 18:08)

Iraq – failed western intervention; Afghanistan – failed western intervention.

Now please rewrite what you want to say in coherent sentences without the western BS and I can provide you with an answer otherwise stick to CNN and not B92.

I mention what members of KFOR think of your Albanians because it comes from Poles, Danish, Italians, Ukraine, Hungarian, Spanish, and even some British. They think you guys are one step away from home erectus.

(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

Who is we bro? Last time your Albanians counted themselves as the most numerous in the world you lot took into account China – always holding onto mom’s apron.
761 bases and they have lost 2 major wars LOL.

(icj1, 21 August 2011 16:51)

“Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say... “

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.

“It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :) “

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.

“I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.”

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police. That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.

“Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world. “

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

“Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244”

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)


Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.


pre 13 godina

Ignore the serbian flag and serbian driver and serbian criminals and then it looks like a multi-ethnic destoyer dredge to me too.

The Caveman they call 'Ug'

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.


pre 13 godina

Mladen the US with its 14+ Trillion dollars in Debt will fail very shortly just like how the EU is failing on its debt crisis, cutting down its budgets especially when their military who are dieing in Afghanistan, the worlds "superpower" is losing to old men who live in caves what a joke, the U.S is.
"kosova" as a nation is a joke, with high debt, unemployment, and discrimination that failed state will collapse very shortly, and Serbs will return to their christian mother land, in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. it will be good day when the evils of the Zionist, Muslims and Free-Masons will end on that day.


pre 13 godina

(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)
I am neither brainwashed nor blind and I am definitely not gullible. I know your comments are geared toward your ultranationalists buddies trying to rally the troops. I just try to dispel some of your mistruths.
Is the US going through a financial crisis right now? yes, is the end of the US? I do not think so. Will it be felt around the globe? most definitely. What happened to your Asian markets the day after the S&P downgrade. The credit rating went from AAA to AA+ not exactly falling off a mountain.
The US needs a cold water splash to the face. But I remember October 19, 1987 when the stock markets crashed, I lost more than $10,000 that one day, however it was just on paper, if one did not panic and sell the stocks regained, it actually took more than a year to return to the same level. The US survived the Great Dpression of the 1930's and then went on to become a super power.
The reasons I doubt your credentials are easy:
1 If you were born and raised in Asia and do not live in Serbia, you would not have such a deep rooted hatred for Albanians, it is a learned trait and not a genetic one. Your personal interactions with Albanians would be limited in that region.
2 If you were a financial wizard in Asia you would realize that as the number 1 economy the fall of the US will affect the global market big time.
3 China's economy directly reflects the Japan of the 70's.

As far as proving your points, you are the one who will items (such as the selling of all student loans by the US govt) that is not seen in print anywhere and then say you can not reveal your confidential sources. Total BS in capital letters.

You say things like the US military is afraid of Serbs, what a joke.
China's success depends on having a market to buy their goods collapse of the the west economy and a huge portion of Chinas market just shut down.
Russia is building on its oil exports, its success is based on supply and demand. Do you really think the European market is going to collapse and still maintain a big demand for Russian oil?

Serbia depends big time on foreign loans and donations and export of goods. Dry up the loans, donations, and then cut the exports to a fraction and where do you see Serbia in a years time?

The internet is full of comments and opinions and rumors about most any subject and one can sit at a computer and rehash the theories on most any subject including the financial situation of the US, but someone who is actually involved in global finance would understand todays global financial network is intermingled and what happens in Hong Kong is felt in New York and vice versa, and would not be so foolish as to be happy about a huge recession or depression in the west.


pre 13 godina

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

KFOR is doing the work that 1244 has mandated them to do; i.e. to ensure the freedom of movement in Kosovo.

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

The purpose of Thaci was to not allow Serbian goods to enter Kosovo until Serbia allows Kosovo’s good to enter Serbia. Based on what you’re saying, he has exceeded even his own expectations because he is achieving the above without even having to control the access roads from Serbia to Kosovo. The result counts, not the means.

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

Please cite the article of 1244 which says that Kosovo’s government is not allowed to send police wherever it wants within Kosovo. KFOR needs the article in 1244 to act to not allow that.

That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

That’s interesting; it appears even just their tail is sufficient to enforce the border controls :)

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

To the contrary, I found it very interesting what you said. Remember, I said “Woow, that's a very interesting news”. So I was asking for B92 to give us the opportunity to discuss in depth about deaths in the world. I hope the moderators will give us that opportunity. I’d love to discuss about deaths… Unfortunately Albanian media centers don’t give that opportunity to discuss deaths in the world because they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

I did not say they are there to die for the Albanians or the Serbs; not sure who (the KFOR soldiers ?) told you that they are there to die for the Albanians. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ and Mladen - You guys keep suggesting that the USA is on its last leg and that China is going to be the new super power, but thats just incorrect.

Suggesting that China is going to be the next super power is roughly equivalent to similar claims made in the late 1980s about Japan replacing the U.S. You have to remember that China is very much a Third World country. Of the 1.3 billion Chinese, well over 1.1 billion have a standard living on the order of Nigeria. If you go to Shanghai and drive to Pudong, you can get the illusion that this is a European or American country, but just walk blocks away from the centre and you’ll see a very different China which is anything but pretty.

Secondly, the Chinese economy is a hostage of the foreign international system, but primarily of the American economy. China is incapable of domestic consumption on the order of production. So, when the United States catches cold, China gets pneumonia and that really is an important thing to understand – that China does not have an economy as we understand it in the sense of substantial domestic consumption. The Chinese economy is overwhelmingly export-oriented and therefore China is a hostage to its consumers. I would look not to the value of the dollar alone but to the health of a nation's citizenry. At this point, it's a race to the bottom: which nation kills off its citizenry first: the U.S., with its illness-producing glorification of a fat and sugar-loaded diet which has sparked an obesity epidemic, or China, whose poor air quality is shortening the lives and productivity of hundreds of millions of its citizenry. In every totalitarian society, the leader is given false glowing reports by his subordinates like the former Soviet Union. We all know what happened in the end for them. Serbia is very much like these countries....you believe what your government officials tell you.


pre 13 godina

(Loyal Albanian, 22 August 2011 17:45)

These comments are getting more and more absurd by the day. If you take a car and drive from Chicago to Detroit you would think you are in a third world country. If you go anywhere in Middle America along the Mississippi River it looks like the Congo. Open your eyes before making comparisons. Step outside of Manhattan and you’ll see poverty that would horrify you.

Please if you don’t understand what Asia is about just avoid commenting. The Chinese economy exports 15% to the US; that is all. It has over 2 trillion dollars in cash with 800 billion in US bonds – how much does the US have in reserve again?

Now when you people run out of puff you then go on about the Soviet Union and non democratic countries blah, blah. If your US government is that good why did it experiment on African Americans in the 1950s with various drugs and diseases? People who live in glass houses should NEVER throw stones.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.
(The Caveman they call 'Ug', 22 August 2011 18:52)


Well then, I guess we are both in the "Stone Age" but, since you insist we were there first then I guess we Albanians have seniority and you Serbs loose again!

p.s. For what is "Ug" a nickname.


pre 13 godina

The (pss, 22 August 2011 16:03)

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.

This is not the 1930s because you can’t compare apples with pears. To bring this mess under control would require a massive cut in defence to the point where the US would not have any bases overseas and its military power would be non existent.

The US has the most archaic account system on this planet where budgets do not allow for making provision of specific expenditure, but you people simply pay as you receive the bills.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.

You have a very good long look at the Asian markets and you will see that they are going well, extremely well.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term. Believe it or not but this is what the US had some 40 years ago. Today you have politicians who are self serving sell outs who will help the Corporations rape and pillage the government and leave the bill to the people.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information. You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward. Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.

Until the 1990s I never gave Serbia a second thought, but it was the demonization of my people that woke me up not a “learned hatred of Albanians”. What you guys don’t reaslise is that the US is using you to achieve their end and once done will throw you away like a disused dish rag. The only Albanians I know of were refugees from Kosovo that could not go back because their lives were in danger from the new Thaci regime or were in mixed marriages and their neighbours would have killed them.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.

Everything can be packaged up and sold.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control – Iraq and Afghanistan are wonderful classrooms for even the dumbest American. In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways. You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.

If Serbia received all those donations alone it would have the best road system in the world. Its cities would be in pristine condition and its industry would be back on its feet, but it neither of these things. Aid is big time BS.

Earlier this year the former East Timorese President, a fantastic man who fought for his freedom with both courage and humanity, called the UN to pack up and leave because after 8 years and $8 billion in aid his country is poorer now than before. You see all the money spent on UN personnel is counted as aid. You see the UN hired a passenger ship and docked it in Eats Timor and all UN people live in air-conditioned luxury.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.


pre 13 godina

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

As usual, I’m very happy to support your brilliant arguments. Unfortunately, those who put the money where their mouth is disagree and they think US financial condition is one of the less worse in the world since they are fighting to lend money to the US. Nobody in his or her sane mind would lend money to somebody who is close to a “financial catastrophe”. I understand your passion, but I usually tend to trust those who gets to lose if they are not correct; you don’t lose anything (beside the face on this forum) if things are not as you say.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, if you want to call China “numero uno”, by all means, go ahead. However, I’d prefer to be called “numero cento” and earn, on average, 6x more than be called “numero uno” and live in poverty. But, of course, everybody has its own preferences. Some people like better the labeling that the actual living.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, than means than that the BBB becomes the new top rating :) Don’t you understand that whatever the US rating is, that becomes the top rating. Indeed, as soon as the US rating was lowered, investors started to fight even more to lend money to the US, lowering the rates further.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s good. Hopefully in the long term the average Chinese will finally achieve the standard of living of the average American.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Oh yeah, it will be felt and big time. But China and US have both a vested interest to not allow that. So rest assured.

You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s great. Everybody would like all countries to develop and escape poverty which only produces conflicts. Of course, they have to construct after they announce them. But does China actually need them ? Or just for the heck of it to please you ?

Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Precisely… China is US’s biggest creditor and both countries get to profit from that.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Wow, you sj was the only one to see it. It must have been a very important newspaper since it had a circulation of 1.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control –
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Why should the US bring the Serbs are control ? Why should the US fear the Serbs ? US soldiers are in Kosovo as part of KFOR under 1244, and, as far as I know, Serbs say that they strongly support 1244.

In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

FYI, US has done that already 10+ years ago when it voted to approve 1244 and when it recognized Kosovo’s UDI which was in accordance with 1244.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Dude, compose yourself and start to think. What the construction of highways has to do with the merchandise that China produces for internal or external buyers.

You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Woow, we should then go to China which is well known for its openness and the very alternative and independent sources of information.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Sj, I’ve tried to follow your advice for many years waiting for the thud, but that damn thud refuses and refuses to come. Please give us an ETA because we don’t have 100 yrs to live to hear it.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Even though I’m not an American, I’d do it immediately. Just tell me (and the 13 million people who applied for the US immigration lottery last year) where should we go since you know much better than all of us.


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.


pre 13 godina

That "dredge" has not only been used to block roads but also for the attack against Jarinje. Even Polish KFOR troops have been engaged by this vehicle.

Confiscation is the only logic result of that terrorist usage. Or destroy that thing.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

And they're back at it again! Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results". Keep it up Serbs....this move worked so well for you previously, might as well try it again(being sarcastic).

As I said before, The Albanians dont have to lobby against Serbia, Serbia does a fine job of lobbying and doing things against their best interest ALL THE TIME. Blocking KFOR troops IN? LOL Thats funny. Maybe the locals will bring the world to their knees...

Steve B.

pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.
(Njeri, 21 August 2011 15:02)

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.


pre 13 godina

Prishtina send it's police to the north without using force or anything. This only to ensure the rule of law in that part of the territory. Serb criminals (not local serbs) burned down jarinje and blocked roads for weeks. Serbia has the guts to blaim Prishtina for causing trouble at the UN???

Now again we can see the serb criminals in action against Kfor peacekeeping soldiers. This story is getting tired and it's time to put this criminals in place. They are making life harder for the serb residents of Kosovo loyal to Prishtina.

nicelydone :/

pre 13 godina

"To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us"

Hahaha, the brave skinhead squad is loose again... whats wrong dude no more football season to terrorize?

Nobody is scared , but its 2011, nobody was scared when Yugoserbia had the 3rd largest army, let alone the asylum seeking landlocked place.

We should be scared now ey? Killing peace is normal i guess in some lala lands.


pre 13 godina

Well, NATO cannot possibly guard Albanians indefinitely. Sooner or later they will drop their guard or the tide will turn against them and then we know how Serbs will react, they will reclaim what is rightfully theirs. And the most beautiful thing is it will all be legal. Kosovo will not be able to request help from UN since it is not a member and it never will be, and Americans will not be able to pass any resolution since resolution 1244 is still in effect and it always will be.


pre 13 godina


As for NATO Soldiers and our views of Albanians, being Polish, American, Scandinavians etc facts in the most recent history appear to clearly contradict your opinion, and we would kindly request you don't speak on our name.

You should count yourself lucky though, you are situated in the heart for Europe and not in regions mentioned above. However no one, and I mean absolutely no one should push their luck as one poster mentions the term "indefinitely".

Time for the majority of Serbs which I am convinced do not think like "Sj" to start making their voice heard. You don't do that pre and during Milosevic times, and we all know the rest of the story. It is in nobodies interest to repeat tragic episodes of history.

It's time to move on.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ - "Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces. Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid."

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)


pre 13 godina

In war soldiers die. With over 761 US military bases in the world and being the worlds only superpower, I dont think you're version of events of US soldiers being "scared" mirrors reality. The USA is about 300 years old and look at what they've accomplished in the world! We run the show whether you want to believe it or not. Kosovars have the best allies you can have in the world! You guys have Russia, a country that never cared about you and still doesnt. Just keep selling off state owned factories for nothing to them. Hand over everything to your Russian Imperialist masters. The USA provides Kosova with an Air Force and a military. Have a great day SJ. Just remember the facts;)
(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

"Best Allies in the world"
well maybe in 1999, open in your and see the Chinese future.
USA is yesterday.


pre 13 godina

(pss, 21 August 2011 21:04)

You are either blind or so brainwashed that you are clueless. What proof do you want me to give you? Mate this is not college where you quote specific texts to prove your point – this is real life where events happen on a daily basis that may be part of some text/reference book in about 10 years time.

Have a very good look at your stock exchange and see how well things are going, you don’t get this level of volatility nor do you have the price of gold hitting the $1800 mark because the US is doing fine. Who ever tells you that they know the exact time, date to the minute a stock would reach its peak I’d suggest that you stay well away from that person because NO ONE can give such a prediction.

You want charade, then have a look at your US media; you know how well things are and how your unemployment is down to 10%. Please wake up and stop dreaming in Lady Gaga land. What you are afraid is reality and rely on CNN, Fox et al to calm your nerves.

I DO NOT LIVE IN SERBIA – now get that through your thick head once and for all!!!!! I was not even born in Serbia. I have lived all my life in Asia, but being an American I would guess you would not know where that is.

You find it incredible that someone in my position can support Serbia because you judge me based on your brainwashed beliefs – that is why I have achieved a modicum of success because I don’t believe US BS.

The US is now only afraid of the body bag count because even the poor in the land of opportunity and freedom are towards the end of their willingness to put up with their children coming home to be buried while the middle class and rich avoid this messy business. If the US troops in Kosovo are not afraid then I’d suggest they take action against the Serbs and reunite North Kosovo with the rest now. You keep on preaching that the US is mighty, well why not show it.

What is bothering most of you Albos is why the west does not crush the Serbs for you. They cannt that’s why mate; that the reason.

(Toni_UK, 21 August 2011 18:08)

Iraq – failed western intervention; Afghanistan – failed western intervention.

Now please rewrite what you want to say in coherent sentences without the western BS and I can provide you with an answer otherwise stick to CNN and not B92.

I mention what members of KFOR think of your Albanians because it comes from Poles, Danish, Italians, Ukraine, Hungarian, Spanish, and even some British. They think you guys are one step away from home erectus.

(Loyal Albanian, 21 August 2011 15:37)

Who is we bro? Last time your Albanians counted themselves as the most numerous in the world you lot took into account China – always holding onto mom’s apron.
761 bases and they have lost 2 major wars LOL.

(icj1, 21 August 2011 16:51)

“Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say... “

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.

“It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :) “

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.

“I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.”

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police. That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.

“Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world. “

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

“Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244”

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.

Apache Helicopters

pre 13 godina

“The citizens have blocked the only way out, and the talks with KFOR on a solution for the current situation are underway,”

Can't wait to see the result of these 'negotiations.'


pre 13 godina

To all Albanian trolls, EULEX, KFOR and any other FOR you might think of, let me tell you that they will not lift a little finger against the Serbs because they are afraid of us – very afraid and we will keep on spitting at these slim balls who claim to be neutral but back Albanians and their masters the United States of Failures.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Why should they lift a finger ?! Serbs support 1244 so at the end will be done what the 1244 mandated authorities say...

We Serbs are going blockade all KFOR for as long as it takes to have our way and no one – let me repeat NO ONE will stop us.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

It does not appear Serbs are being able to blockade anything. Even for the roads that they blockaded nobody intervened because that was blocking the traffic from Serbia as Pristina's government decided. So, there is no need for anybody to stop you. By all means go ahead :)

Look at the members of KFOR and especially the US troops scared like little rabbits that the region might go up in flames and they might get burn – even these dumb US soldiers now know they are not invincible.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

I don't think they are afraid because all parties support 1244.

Ahh another 12 US troops got the chop this week in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4 were due to sniper fire in Iraq alone – every time these Americans rear their heads beyond their bases they get blown to pieces.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Woow, that's a very interesting news. I'd suggest B92 to open a forum where people can spend time discussing about deaths in the world.

Now you might understand why US soldiers are very afraid. The Germans will run 100 kilometers away before they will start any conflict with the Serbs as their history with the region is still fresh in people’s memories.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

No need for anybody to start a conflict. All parties concerned support 1244.

The Polish troops don’t give a hoot about the Albanians in fact they don’t think much of them. For that matter most Scandinavian soldiers think the same.
(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)

Of course that's true. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244


pre 13 godina

(sj, 21 August 2011 14:38)
You have proven the fact that a person cannot daily come in and pretend to be someone they are not and spew out fantasies and try to represent them as facts. And when being asked for some type of proof , any proof, respond with you cannot release top secret documents to support your claims, or "you will have to wait and see". One cannot keep up that charade without eventually totally losing their base in reality.
But I have to admit a couple of times I almost believed you were a business man living outside of Serbia that had achieved some modicom of success.
US troops afraid of Serbs??????????/????????


pre 13 godina


are you suggesting that "Serbian: -gangs, -paramilitary, -MUP and their leaders" = "Terrorists in Afghanistan" & "Terrorists in Iraq"!

FYI it has been seen this way by others for a very long time now, hence the specific policies of the International Community regarding some regions of the World (Balkan included)in the last two decades.


pre 13 godina

Mladen the US with its 14+ Trillion dollars in Debt will fail very shortly just like how the EU is failing on its debt crisis, cutting down its budgets especially when their military who are dieing in Afghanistan, the worlds "superpower" is losing to old men who live in caves what a joke, the U.S is.
"kosova" as a nation is a joke, with high debt, unemployment, and discrimination that failed state will collapse very shortly, and Serbs will return to their christian mother land, in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. it will be good day when the evils of the Zionist, Muslims and Free-Masons will end on that day.

The Caveman they call 'Ug'

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.


pre 13 godina

Genius, it wasn't serb criminals that burnt it. It was multi-ethnic criminals. Yes, that could be your precious Albanians too. Taking into account that 90% of the global Albo population is also criminals in one way or another.
(Steve B., 21 August 2011 21:33)

It was Serbian hooligans who burnt down the border crossing along with a couple Gypsy sympathizers. The entire world knows that Serbia has a huge internal problem with hooliganism, extremism, racism and hate groups in general. Serbians will not be taken seriously until they address their own internal problems.


pre 13 godina

Ignore the serbian flag and serbian driver and serbian criminals and then it looks like a multi-ethnic destoyer dredge to me too.


pre 13 godina

Steve B.,

Do you really believe in what you are saying! The time when people would believe this type of fiction has passed. Balkan reality is still full of conspiracies, intrigues, and lies... which does not take long to understand. That is why steps have been taken to change it.

May be the Albanians were involved in the first burning too...they are also blocking the roads...


pre 13 godina

(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)
I am neither brainwashed nor blind and I am definitely not gullible. I know your comments are geared toward your ultranationalists buddies trying to rally the troops. I just try to dispel some of your mistruths.
Is the US going through a financial crisis right now? yes, is the end of the US? I do not think so. Will it be felt around the globe? most definitely. What happened to your Asian markets the day after the S&P downgrade. The credit rating went from AAA to AA+ not exactly falling off a mountain.
The US needs a cold water splash to the face. But I remember October 19, 1987 when the stock markets crashed, I lost more than $10,000 that one day, however it was just on paper, if one did not panic and sell the stocks regained, it actually took more than a year to return to the same level. The US survived the Great Dpression of the 1930's and then went on to become a super power.
The reasons I doubt your credentials are easy:
1 If you were born and raised in Asia and do not live in Serbia, you would not have such a deep rooted hatred for Albanians, it is a learned trait and not a genetic one. Your personal interactions with Albanians would be limited in that region.
2 If you were a financial wizard in Asia you would realize that as the number 1 economy the fall of the US will affect the global market big time.
3 China's economy directly reflects the Japan of the 70's.

As far as proving your points, you are the one who will items (such as the selling of all student loans by the US govt) that is not seen in print anywhere and then say you can not reveal your confidential sources. Total BS in capital letters.

You say things like the US military is afraid of Serbs, what a joke.
China's success depends on having a market to buy their goods collapse of the the west economy and a huge portion of Chinas market just shut down.
Russia is building on its oil exports, its success is based on supply and demand. Do you really think the European market is going to collapse and still maintain a big demand for Russian oil?

Serbia depends big time on foreign loans and donations and export of goods. Dry up the loans, donations, and then cut the exports to a fraction and where do you see Serbia in a years time?

The internet is full of comments and opinions and rumors about most any subject and one can sit at a computer and rehash the theories on most any subject including the financial situation of the US, but someone who is actually involved in global finance would understand todays global financial network is intermingled and what happens in Hong Kong is felt in New York and vice versa, and would not be so foolish as to be happy about a huge recession or depression in the west.

Loyal Albanian

pre 13 godina

SJ and Mladen - You guys keep suggesting that the USA is on its last leg and that China is going to be the new super power, but thats just incorrect.

Suggesting that China is going to be the next super power is roughly equivalent to similar claims made in the late 1980s about Japan replacing the U.S. You have to remember that China is very much a Third World country. Of the 1.3 billion Chinese, well over 1.1 billion have a standard living on the order of Nigeria. If you go to Shanghai and drive to Pudong, you can get the illusion that this is a European or American country, but just walk blocks away from the centre and you’ll see a very different China which is anything but pretty.

Secondly, the Chinese economy is a hostage of the foreign international system, but primarily of the American economy. China is incapable of domestic consumption on the order of production. So, when the United States catches cold, China gets pneumonia and that really is an important thing to understand – that China does not have an economy as we understand it in the sense of substantial domestic consumption. The Chinese economy is overwhelmingly export-oriented and therefore China is a hostage to its consumers. I would look not to the value of the dollar alone but to the health of a nation's citizenry. At this point, it's a race to the bottom: which nation kills off its citizenry first: the U.S., with its illness-producing glorification of a fat and sugar-loaded diet which has sparked an obesity epidemic, or China, whose poor air quality is shortening the lives and productivity of hundreds of millions of its citizenry. In every totalitarian society, the leader is given false glowing reports by his subordinates like the former Soviet Union. We all know what happened in the end for them. Serbia is very much like these countries....you believe what your government officials tell you.


pre 13 godina

The (pss, 22 August 2011 16:03)

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.

This is not the 1930s because you can’t compare apples with pears. To bring this mess under control would require a massive cut in defence to the point where the US would not have any bases overseas and its military power would be non existent.

The US has the most archaic account system on this planet where budgets do not allow for making provision of specific expenditure, but you people simply pay as you receive the bills.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.

You have a very good long look at the Asian markets and you will see that they are going well, extremely well.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term. Believe it or not but this is what the US had some 40 years ago. Today you have politicians who are self serving sell outs who will help the Corporations rape and pillage the government and leave the bill to the people.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information. You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward. Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.

Until the 1990s I never gave Serbia a second thought, but it was the demonization of my people that woke me up not a “learned hatred of Albanians”. What you guys don’t reaslise is that the US is using you to achieve their end and once done will throw you away like a disused dish rag. The only Albanians I know of were refugees from Kosovo that could not go back because their lives were in danger from the new Thaci regime or were in mixed marriages and their neighbours would have killed them.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.

Everything can be packaged up and sold.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control – Iraq and Afghanistan are wonderful classrooms for even the dumbest American. In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways. You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.

If Serbia received all those donations alone it would have the best road system in the world. Its cities would be in pristine condition and its industry would be back on its feet, but it neither of these things. Aid is big time BS.

Earlier this year the former East Timorese President, a fantastic man who fought for his freedom with both courage and humanity, called the UN to pack up and leave because after 8 years and $8 billion in aid his country is poorer now than before. You see all the money spent on UN personnel is counted as aid. You see the UN hired a passenger ship and docked it in Eats Timor and all UN people live in air-conditioned luxury.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)


Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.

Dan UK

pre 13 godina

What is a "dredge"? This is not the correct English-language word for one of these machines, which should correctly be called an "excavator" of "digger". A dredge (or more usually a dredger) is a type of boat used for clearing mud off a channel or riverbed.

The Count of Kosova

pre 13 godina

Well, at least NATO/Kfor didn't bomb us back to the Stone Age. Again, your comments are without substantiation.
(The Count of Kosova, 22 August 2011 15:34)

You never left the stone age.
(The Caveman they call 'Ug', 22 August 2011 18:52)


Well then, I guess we are both in the "Stone Age" but, since you insist we were there first then I guess we Albanians have seniority and you Serbs loose again!

p.s. For what is "Ug" a nickname.


pre 13 godina

That’s what you Albos want – someone to do the work for you or even better to hold the Serbs down while you guys beat then and sell their body organs.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

KFOR is doing the work that 1244 has mandated them to do; i.e. to ensure the freedom of movement in Kosovo.

The purpose of Thaci was to gain control and seal off all roads to Serbia. Now that thug is keeping quiet because he did not succed.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

The purpose of Thaci was to not allow Serbian goods to enter Kosovo until Serbia allows Kosovo’s good to enter Serbia. Based on what you’re saying, he has exceeded even his own expectations because he is achieving the above without even having to control the access roads from Serbia to Kosovo. The result counts, not the means.

If they supported 1244 they would never have allowed Thaci to send in those Albanian criminals dressed as police.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

Please cite the article of 1244 which says that Kosovo’s government is not allowed to send police wherever it wants within Kosovo. KFOR needs the article in 1244 to act to not allow that.

That action was supported by the US and when it failed they put their tails between their legs and scurried off back to their rock in Pristina.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

That’s interesting; it appears even just their tail is sufficient to enforce the border controls :)

B92 is a Serbs media site and if you don’t like what is said here then go to your Albanian media centre – opps I forgot they are still trying to get used to the type writer.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

To the contrary, I found it very interesting what you said. Remember, I said “Woow, that's a very interesting news”. So I was asking for B92 to give us the opportunity to discuss in depth about deaths in the world. I hope the moderators will give us that opportunity. I’d love to discuss about deaths… Unfortunately Albanian media centers don’t give that opportunity to discuss deaths in the world because they are still trying to get used to the type writer.

No they are not going to die for your Albanians. There are many documented incidents where KFOR troops have treated your Albanians with distain and revulsion. I’ve met many who hate your people and think they are savages.
(sj, 22 August 2011 05:29)

I did not say they are there to die for the Albanians or the Serbs; not sure who (the KFOR soldiers ?) told you that they are there to die for the Albanians. They are not there to give a hoot about anybody. They are there and are paid to follow the orders in accordance with 1244.


pre 13 godina

(Loyal Albanian, 22 August 2011 17:45)

These comments are getting more and more absurd by the day. If you take a car and drive from Chicago to Detroit you would think you are in a third world country. If you go anywhere in Middle America along the Mississippi River it looks like the Congo. Open your eyes before making comparisons. Step outside of Manhattan and you’ll see poverty that would horrify you.

Please if you don’t understand what Asia is about just avoid commenting. The Chinese economy exports 15% to the US; that is all. It has over 2 trillion dollars in cash with 800 billion in US bonds – how much does the US have in reserve again?

Now when you people run out of puff you then go on about the Soviet Union and non democratic countries blah, blah. If your US government is that good why did it experiment on African Americans in the 1950s with various drugs and diseases? People who live in glass houses should NEVER throw stones.


pre 13 godina

US is not going through “a financial crises” as you call it, but it’s closer to a financial catastrophe. Let me just give you a simple example – the US borrows $1 trillion to cover social security pensions; lets repeat that for you; the US borrows money to pay for the basics.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

As usual, I’m very happy to support your brilliant arguments. Unfortunately, those who put the money where their mouth is disagree and they think US financial condition is one of the less worse in the world since they are fighting to lend money to the US. Nobody in his or her sane mind would lend money to somebody who is close to a “financial catastrophe”. I understand your passion, but I usually tend to trust those who gets to lose if they are not correct; you don’t lose anything (beside the face on this forum) if things are not as you say.

The US government owes at the moment over $14.77 trillion and by December it will be $15.6 trillion. In August next year it will exceed well over $17 trillion. At today’s rate the US owes 102% of its GDP by August 2012 it will be 125%. At today’s rates the US has a liability of $115 trillion and by August next year that will rise to $120 trillion. Let me put this to you; if you think that the US economy was numero uno this fall then who or what took into account the fall of houses prices, up to 59% in some areas, into account when doing their maths. Even better in December 2009 China surpassed the Japanese economy but it was not until January this year the west admitted to this fact – it trying to ease the pain. They are telling you lies.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, if you want to call China “numero uno”, by all means, go ahead. However, I’d prefer to be called “numero cento” and earn, on average, 6x more than be called “numero uno” and live in poverty. But, of course, everybody has its own preferences. Some people like better the labeling that the actual living.

Standard and Poors is irrelevant and so are most of the other western rating agencies since 2007 because they gave the toxic loans the AAA+ rating so announcing a down grading of US is of no consequence as most Asians have their own agencies now. It’s Standard and Poors trying hard to boost their credibility. For your information the true rating for the US is somewhere between AA- and BBB. Cold water on the face is not enough.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Well, than means than that the BBB becomes the new top rating :) Don’t you understand that whatever the US rating is, that becomes the top rating. Indeed, as soon as the US rating was lowered, investors started to fight even more to lend money to the US, lowering the rates further.

I’ll tell you the difference between the Chinese communists and the US democracy. The Chinese maybe communists and there is a lot of corruption, but they are patriots first to their people and when they make a decision its always long term.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s good. Hopefully in the long term the average Chinese will finally achieve the standard of living of the average American.

The Chinese have $2.5 trillion in cash and $800 billion in US bonds. Yes if the US falters it will be felt, but the world will not fall over for your information.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Oh yeah, it will be felt and big time. But China and US have both a vested interest to not allow that. So rest assured.

You see all China has to do is announce the construction of another 10 cities and their economy leaps forward.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

That’s great. Everybody would like all countries to develop and escape poverty which only produces conflicts. Of course, they have to construct after they announce them. But does China actually need them ? Or just for the heck of it to please you ?

Why Joe Biden is over in Beijing trying to reassure the Chinese that their investments in US bonds is safe? Do the maths.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Precisely… China is US’s biggest creditor and both countries get to profit from that.

Sale of student loans and remaining gold reserves of 400 billion was raised by about 2 months ago by your Treasury secretary. Not everything is published in the media but funny enough it was covered in the Australian newspaper, a national publication in Australia.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Wow, you sj was the only one to see it. It must have been a very important newspaper since it had a circulation of 1.

If the US has no fear of the Serbs and what might happened then go ahead and bring them under control –
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Why should the US bring the Serbs are control ? Why should the US fear the Serbs ? US soldiers are in Kosovo as part of KFOR under 1244, and, as far as I know, Serbs say that they strongly support 1244.

In your eyes the US is the only super power left, why not give it a try and see how long it will take before the US waves 1244 and how everyone should abide by that agreement.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

FYI, US has done that already 10+ years ago when it voted to approve 1244 and when it recognized Kosovo’s UDI which was in accordance with 1244.

China only exports something like 15% to the US while the vast amount of production goes to meet their people’s needs – this is not 1950. China has brand new 16 lane highways.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Dude, compose yourself and start to think. What the construction of highways has to do with the merchandise that China produces for internal or external buyers.

You people in the US are like mushroom; kept in the dark and fed on BS via your media telling you how wonderful the US is. The Russians are in the process of piping direct their oil to China.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Woow, we should then go to China which is well known for its openness and the very alternative and independent sources of information.

As far as loans are concerned, yes that is true Serbia does borrow but its the same with the US. As Serbia has not progressed far its fall will be small but watch out for that thud when the US collapses.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Sj, I’ve tried to follow your advice for many years waiting for the thud, but that damn thud refuses and refuses to come. Please give us an ETA because we don’t have 100 yrs to live to hear it.

You Americans do need to leave your shores and travel some. This is not 1960, but 2011. The world has changed Mr Frodo, big time and it does not centre around the US.
(sj, 23 August 2011 05:33)

Even though I’m not an American, I’d do it immediately. Just tell me (and the 13 million people who applied for the US immigration lottery last year) where should we go since you know much better than all of us.