Tuesday, 01.03.2011.


Croat couple sells daughter "for horse and cash"

A couple from the Croatian town of Sisak is suspected of selling their 15-year-old daughter for a total of EUR 1,080.

Izvor: Tanjug

Croat couple sells daughter "for horse and cash" IMAGE SOURCE

20 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.
(ida, 2 March 2011 19:28)

Well , we are still waiting. Where is this documentation?


pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.


pre 13 godina

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.
(ida, 2 March 2011 16:41)
Saying someone has documentation and actually having documentation are sometimes two totally different things.
It is easy to make claims as long as no ones requires you to show some proof--just ask Marty.
By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel


pre 13 godina

"Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee"

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.

The truth hurts

pre 13 godina

Ilyrian from Vushtrri and all other albanians who don't believe children are being sold and kidnapped in Albania, BY THIER OWN!!!

Children sold in Albania


Ilyrian from Vushtrri

pre 13 godina

highduke wrote: "Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery". Mr.,you are completely out of space!


pre 13 godina

"Police believe that the parents gave their child away in exchange for a horse they had bought - which was valued at EUR 675 - and for EUR 405 in cash. "

From certain logic it even makes sense.

My wife's comments:

1) Parents did think, they can make few more daughters.
2) EUR 405 will buy a nice equipment they can use to dismount electric cables of Croatian Railway.
3) The horse can carry the cables.

All sounds pretty horrible but it's the daily thing in a large area.
Little is known, but REAL slavery did exist all over Austro-Hungarian Empire and beyond it - well after the serfdom was abolished. In some areas it was even official. The Romani slaves were sold on the market.

Like U.S. is still paying dearly for the slavery - so does Central and East Europe. The worst: who was arrested do not even understand the crime - they were born into that and their ancestors were born into that "reality".

Hungary and Romania receive large grants from EU to integrate Roma... unfortunately most of the money is stolen by politicians before a single Roma can see it.

I applaud the French Auchan grocery supermarket chain - they try employ Roma in Hungary where it's possible. You see "familiar" Roma faces in Auchan uniform all over the store... and what a change in the attitude! They try to be prove that they can do the job better than the others. It's really appreciated. I can imagine, it wasn't an easy job for Auchan.


pre 13 godina


Have you ever heard of FALSE ACCUSATORY ATTACKS? It is well known in all psychological circles - covering the truth through accusation after accusation. That is all you and the Croatians have...you have no SCIENTIFIC DATA NO TRUTH. Tell me something tough guy, if Milosevic was such a butcher why are there countless Muslims living in Serbia proper that have lived there for centuries and decades without a hair touched on their heads? Even though they fought with every oppressive empire the Turks, the Austrain/Hungarians, the Nazi's. If you can find me one racist, hateful speech that Milosevic or Karadzic or any OTHER Serbian leader/general made - I will write you a blank check and with my resources you would be retired immediately. Go ahead search and find one statement surely if they are the butchers you constantly accuse them of and repeat the same boring story over and over again there would be some evidence.

Your story is tired and old and has no truth, no evidence...

Tell me something have you written about the 200 churches in Kosovo that have been erased from existence under NATO's "democratic" eyes? Have you written that Sarajevo used to have 200,000 Serbs and now have less then 5,000? Have you written how Croatia is an ethnically pure state when it used to have 30% Serbs and now has 2%? Have you gone to Kosovo and see how the Christian Serbs live there?

Am I an apologist or is it the truth? All you have are accusations, come on all go to Serbia yourself and see the Truth. See that 400,000 Serbs were cleansed out of Kosovo and live in Shipping in containers today while you get your cafethere are over 700,000 IDP's and refugees living in Serbia.

We have scientific facts and we are coming...


pre 13 godina

''Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it
(highduke, 1 March 2011 16:48) ''

...''western'' NGO-s, huh? I always thought stormfront considered those same western NGOs as jewish organisation conspiring in to ruling the world...how come cetnic is a swearing in stormfront ?


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.
(ida, 1 March 2011 18:03)

Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee
(out of that whole tragedy that was the Balkans in the '90s you have managed to reference only one unidentified source?!!????) about a "death camp".

After 20 years , oddly enough you are the first to profess the existence of such a death camp - and Im referencing 20 years of both pro and anti Croat media here - please tell us where exactly this camp was, how many persons were killed and who was in charge.

I mean if one unidentified person from Tennesee claims it -- and then you quote it - well then it MUST be true!. Because we all know that everything you myth makers say is 'always' true right.

Like the fact that during the NATO defence of the Kosovo Albanians , all the Kosovo refugees were actually "actors" bought in from Albania to discretid Serbia. That Dubrovnik was , despite being over 90% Croat was infact serbian and therfore needed to be attcked ( go figure that out). Srebrenica was western propaganda , and the Mladic is a war hero.

***BREAKING NEWS*** an un named , un identified person from somewhere who has a brother whos friend has an aunt , whos sister heard from the second cousin of someone who heard has told us that Serbians are under attack in ...umm ,errrr , well we dont know but that doesnt mattter , thats not important .- But what all believers in a "Veliki Srbija' must be told is that now all Serbs are victims of something (not really sure what tho) , and all non-serbs in the region are murdering , child selling , death camp making nazis.***..source - "ida"


pre 13 godina


Even if you are right, why does it matter where someone is born and where does he work?
For example, I hold a PhD degree in engineering, live and work in EU and agree with 'highduke', based on the limited information I have gathered so far. Do my job and residence place make a difference?

Google also confirms what highduke says. Whether we should trust Google is a different matter though.

In any case, you should approve or deny his words, not guess his origin/residence/job.



pre 13 godina

Danilo, based on his rhetoric, I would say that he is in the US. One can clearly see islamic paranoia of the american fashion, along with a problematic support of libertarianism of the american fashion too. I think that he is an old immigrant or someone who grew up here and who has taken in what appears to be the worst of capitalistic economic though, along with racist bigotry. But with all that said and done, Serbia would in fact be a better place if we all thought like him on his nationalistic side - though on his economic side he's whacked.


pre 13 godina

"I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back."


Highduke is just some kid, born in and living in Australia, that works in a call centre.


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.

Agim Kelmendi

pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.
(highduke, 1 March 2011 14:30)

This story has nothing to do with Albanians at all. Why are even commenting, is beyond me. I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back.


pre 13 godina

Yeah, this country is ready to enter the eu.

"You, how much for your wife? Your daughters? The little girl? Sell me your children!" - Jake Blues


pre 13 godina

Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it


pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.


pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.


pre 13 godina

Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it

Agim Kelmendi

pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.
(highduke, 1 March 2011 14:30)

This story has nothing to do with Albanians at all. Why are even commenting, is beyond me. I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back.


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.


pre 13 godina

Yeah, this country is ready to enter the eu.

"You, how much for your wife? Your daughters? The little girl? Sell me your children!" - Jake Blues


pre 13 godina

"I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back."


Highduke is just some kid, born in and living in Australia, that works in a call centre.


pre 13 godina


Have you ever heard of FALSE ACCUSATORY ATTACKS? It is well known in all psychological circles - covering the truth through accusation after accusation. That is all you and the Croatians have...you have no SCIENTIFIC DATA NO TRUTH. Tell me something tough guy, if Milosevic was such a butcher why are there countless Muslims living in Serbia proper that have lived there for centuries and decades without a hair touched on their heads? Even though they fought with every oppressive empire the Turks, the Austrain/Hungarians, the Nazi's. If you can find me one racist, hateful speech that Milosevic or Karadzic or any OTHER Serbian leader/general made - I will write you a blank check and with my resources you would be retired immediately. Go ahead search and find one statement surely if they are the butchers you constantly accuse them of and repeat the same boring story over and over again there would be some evidence.

Your story is tired and old and has no truth, no evidence...

Tell me something have you written about the 200 churches in Kosovo that have been erased from existence under NATO's "democratic" eyes? Have you written that Sarajevo used to have 200,000 Serbs and now have less then 5,000? Have you written how Croatia is an ethnically pure state when it used to have 30% Serbs and now has 2%? Have you gone to Kosovo and see how the Christian Serbs live there?

Am I an apologist or is it the truth? All you have are accusations, come on all go to Serbia yourself and see the Truth. See that 400,000 Serbs were cleansed out of Kosovo and live in Shipping in containers today while you get your cafethere are over 700,000 IDP's and refugees living in Serbia.

We have scientific facts and we are coming...


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.
(ida, 1 March 2011 18:03)

Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee
(out of that whole tragedy that was the Balkans in the '90s you have managed to reference only one unidentified source?!!????) about a "death camp".

After 20 years , oddly enough you are the first to profess the existence of such a death camp - and Im referencing 20 years of both pro and anti Croat media here - please tell us where exactly this camp was, how many persons were killed and who was in charge.

I mean if one unidentified person from Tennesee claims it -- and then you quote it - well then it MUST be true!. Because we all know that everything you myth makers say is 'always' true right.

Like the fact that during the NATO defence of the Kosovo Albanians , all the Kosovo refugees were actually "actors" bought in from Albania to discretid Serbia. That Dubrovnik was , despite being over 90% Croat was infact serbian and therfore needed to be attcked ( go figure that out). Srebrenica was western propaganda , and the Mladic is a war hero.

***BREAKING NEWS*** an un named , un identified person from somewhere who has a brother whos friend has an aunt , whos sister heard from the second cousin of someone who heard has told us that Serbians are under attack in ...umm ,errrr , well we dont know but that doesnt mattter , thats not important .- But what all believers in a "Veliki Srbija' must be told is that now all Serbs are victims of something (not really sure what tho) , and all non-serbs in the region are murdering , child selling , death camp making nazis.***..source - "ida"


pre 13 godina


Even if you are right, why does it matter where someone is born and where does he work?
For example, I hold a PhD degree in engineering, live and work in EU and agree with 'highduke', based on the limited information I have gathered so far. Do my job and residence place make a difference?

Google also confirms what highduke says. Whether we should trust Google is a different matter though.

In any case, you should approve or deny his words, not guess his origin/residence/job.



pre 13 godina

''Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it
(highduke, 1 March 2011 16:48) ''

...''western'' NGO-s, huh? I always thought stormfront considered those same western NGOs as jewish organisation conspiring in to ruling the world...how come cetnic is a swearing in stormfront ?


pre 13 godina

Danilo, based on his rhetoric, I would say that he is in the US. One can clearly see islamic paranoia of the american fashion, along with a problematic support of libertarianism of the american fashion too. I think that he is an old immigrant or someone who grew up here and who has taken in what appears to be the worst of capitalistic economic though, along with racist bigotry. But with all that said and done, Serbia would in fact be a better place if we all thought like him on his nationalistic side - though on his economic side he's whacked.


pre 13 godina

"Police believe that the parents gave their child away in exchange for a horse they had bought - which was valued at EUR 675 - and for EUR 405 in cash. "

From certain logic it even makes sense.

My wife's comments:

1) Parents did think, they can make few more daughters.
2) EUR 405 will buy a nice equipment they can use to dismount electric cables of Croatian Railway.
3) The horse can carry the cables.

All sounds pretty horrible but it's the daily thing in a large area.
Little is known, but REAL slavery did exist all over Austro-Hungarian Empire and beyond it - well after the serfdom was abolished. In some areas it was even official. The Romani slaves were sold on the market.

Like U.S. is still paying dearly for the slavery - so does Central and East Europe. The worst: who was arrested do not even understand the crime - they were born into that and their ancestors were born into that "reality".

Hungary and Romania receive large grants from EU to integrate Roma... unfortunately most of the money is stolen by politicians before a single Roma can see it.

I applaud the French Auchan grocery supermarket chain - they try employ Roma in Hungary where it's possible. You see "familiar" Roma faces in Auchan uniform all over the store... and what a change in the attitude! They try to be prove that they can do the job better than the others. It's really appreciated. I can imagine, it wasn't an easy job for Auchan.

Ilyrian from Vushtrri

pre 13 godina

highduke wrote: "Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery". Mr.,you are completely out of space!

The truth hurts

pre 13 godina

Ilyrian from Vushtrri and all other albanians who don't believe children are being sold and kidnapped in Albania, BY THIER OWN!!!

Children sold in Albania



pre 13 godina

"Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee"

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.


pre 13 godina

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.
(ida, 2 March 2011 16:41)
Saying someone has documentation and actually having documentation are sometimes two totally different things.
It is easy to make claims as long as no ones requires you to show some proof--just ask Marty.
By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel


pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.


pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.
(ida, 2 March 2011 19:28)

Well , we are still waiting. Where is this documentation?

Agim Kelmendi

pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.
(highduke, 1 March 2011 14:30)

This story has nothing to do with Albanians at all. Why are even commenting, is beyond me. I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back.


pre 13 godina

Google: 'Albanians sell their daughters' and you will read credible reports of Albanians selling their own daughters into sex-slavery.


pre 13 godina

Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.


pre 13 godina

A UN worker from Tennessee (who was in Croatia during the war) said that the Croats operated a death camp for Serbs in Sisak at the start of the war. If Croats there are so callous towards their own children, as here, you can bet it was full-out evil towards the Serbs.
(ida, 1 March 2011 18:03)

Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee
(out of that whole tragedy that was the Balkans in the '90s you have managed to reference only one unidentified source?!!????) about a "death camp".

After 20 years , oddly enough you are the first to profess the existence of such a death camp - and Im referencing 20 years of both pro and anti Croat media here - please tell us where exactly this camp was, how many persons were killed and who was in charge.

I mean if one unidentified person from Tennesee claims it -- and then you quote it - well then it MUST be true!. Because we all know that everything you myth makers say is 'always' true right.

Like the fact that during the NATO defence of the Kosovo Albanians , all the Kosovo refugees were actually "actors" bought in from Albania to discretid Serbia. That Dubrovnik was , despite being over 90% Croat was infact serbian and therfore needed to be attcked ( go figure that out). Srebrenica was western propaganda , and the Mladic is a war hero.

***BREAKING NEWS*** an un named , un identified person from somewhere who has a brother whos friend has an aunt , whos sister heard from the second cousin of someone who heard has told us that Serbians are under attack in ...umm ,errrr , well we dont know but that doesnt mattter , thats not important .- But what all believers in a "Veliki Srbija' must be told is that now all Serbs are victims of something (not really sure what tho) , and all non-serbs in the region are murdering , child selling , death camp making nazis.***..source - "ida"


pre 13 godina


Have you ever heard of FALSE ACCUSATORY ATTACKS? It is well known in all psychological circles - covering the truth through accusation after accusation. That is all you and the Croatians have...you have no SCIENTIFIC DATA NO TRUTH. Tell me something tough guy, if Milosevic was such a butcher why are there countless Muslims living in Serbia proper that have lived there for centuries and decades without a hair touched on their heads? Even though they fought with every oppressive empire the Turks, the Austrain/Hungarians, the Nazi's. If you can find me one racist, hateful speech that Milosevic or Karadzic or any OTHER Serbian leader/general made - I will write you a blank check and with my resources you would be retired immediately. Go ahead search and find one statement surely if they are the butchers you constantly accuse them of and repeat the same boring story over and over again there would be some evidence.

Your story is tired and old and has no truth, no evidence...

Tell me something have you written about the 200 churches in Kosovo that have been erased from existence under NATO's "democratic" eyes? Have you written that Sarajevo used to have 200,000 Serbs and now have less then 5,000? Have you written how Croatia is an ethnically pure state when it used to have 30% Serbs and now has 2%? Have you gone to Kosovo and see how the Christian Serbs live there?

Am I an apologist or is it the truth? All you have are accusations, come on all go to Serbia yourself and see the Truth. See that 400,000 Serbs were cleansed out of Kosovo and live in Shipping in containers today while you get your cafethere are over 700,000 IDP's and refugees living in Serbia.

We have scientific facts and we are coming...

Ilyrian from Vushtrri

pre 13 godina

highduke wrote: "Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery". Mr.,you are completely out of space!


pre 13 godina


Even if you are right, why does it matter where someone is born and where does he work?
For example, I hold a PhD degree in engineering, live and work in EU and agree with 'highduke', based on the limited information I have gathered so far. Do my job and residence place make a difference?

Google also confirms what highduke says. Whether we should trust Google is a different matter though.

In any case, you should approve or deny his words, not guess his origin/residence/job.



pre 13 godina

''Stormfront, among many other sites, just links to the original sources: Western NGOs operating in KiM & Albania. This couple fqom CRO may be Roma (Gypsy) but ethnic Albanians do this kind of thing, as well as randomly kidnapping their own cousins for sex-slavery. THAT'S WHY 15 000 Albanian women married Serbs. Google it
(highduke, 1 March 2011 16:48) ''

...''western'' NGO-s, huh? I always thought stormfront considered those same western NGOs as jewish organisation conspiring in to ruling the world...how come cetnic is a swearing in stormfront ?


pre 13 godina

"I think you are one of the K-Serbs that did horrible things in Kosova during the war and you know that you can never come back."


Highduke is just some kid, born in and living in Australia, that works in a call centre.


pre 13 godina

Danilo, based on his rhetoric, I would say that he is in the US. One can clearly see islamic paranoia of the american fashion, along with a problematic support of libertarianism of the american fashion too. I think that he is an old immigrant or someone who grew up here and who has taken in what appears to be the worst of capitalistic economic though, along with racist bigotry. But with all that said and done, Serbia would in fact be a better place if we all thought like him on his nationalistic side - though on his economic side he's whacked.


pre 13 godina

Yeah, this country is ready to enter the eu.

"You, how much for your wife? Your daughters? The little girl? Sell me your children!" - Jake Blues

The truth hurts

pre 13 godina

Ilyrian from Vushtrri and all other albanians who don't believe children are being sold and kidnapped in Albania, BY THIER OWN!!!

Children sold in Albania



pre 13 godina

"Police believe that the parents gave their child away in exchange for a horse they had bought - which was valued at EUR 675 - and for EUR 405 in cash. "

From certain logic it even makes sense.

My wife's comments:

1) Parents did think, they can make few more daughters.
2) EUR 405 will buy a nice equipment they can use to dismount electric cables of Croatian Railway.
3) The horse can carry the cables.

All sounds pretty horrible but it's the daily thing in a large area.
Little is known, but REAL slavery did exist all over Austro-Hungarian Empire and beyond it - well after the serfdom was abolished. In some areas it was even official. The Romani slaves were sold on the market.

Like U.S. is still paying dearly for the slavery - so does Central and East Europe. The worst: who was arrested do not even understand the crime - they were born into that and their ancestors were born into that "reality".

Hungary and Romania receive large grants from EU to integrate Roma... unfortunately most of the money is stolen by politicians before a single Roma can see it.

I applaud the French Auchan grocery supermarket chain - they try employ Roma in Hungary where it's possible. You see "familiar" Roma faces in Auchan uniform all over the store... and what a change in the attitude! They try to be prove that they can do the job better than the others. It's really appreciated. I can imagine, it wasn't an easy job for Auchan.


pre 13 godina

"Let me get this right - you reference one (1) unnamed person from Tennessee"

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.


pre 13 godina

Actually her (maiden) name was Stephanie Bond, but she married some Russian UN officer who worked in Croatia as well. She posts on the forum FreeRepublic and is very smart and versed on what she witnessed in Croatia. She also worked as a return officer in Croatia until 1998.
She says she has documentation on this death camp.
(ida, 2 March 2011 16:41)
Saying someone has documentation and actually having documentation are sometimes two totally different things.
It is easy to make claims as long as no ones requires you to show some proof--just ask Marty.
By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel


pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.


pre 13 godina

"By the way I am from Tennessee so in your book my word is gospel"

Did you serve there during the war? Let's hear your information. I can tell that your writing and logic is much, much, much poorer quality than hers.
(ida, 2 March 2011 19:28)

Well , we are still waiting. Where is this documentation?