Friday, 28.01.2011.


Mufti talks St. Sava, "Sandžak autonomy"

Islamic Community in Serbia Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlić says "Serb children will not be forced to celebrate Muslim holidays once Sandžak gains autonomy".

Izvor: Tanjug

Mufti talks St. Sava, "Sandžak autonomy" IMAGE SOURCE

26 Komentari

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Steve JP

pre 13 godina

Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlic said that Serb children will not be forced to celebrate Muslim holidays should Sandzak gain autonomy. While this may be true, sooner or later, as the years go by, Muslims shall coax Serb Christian kids, "bit by bit", to observe Muslim holidays and "join the fun" by celebrating them. Mufti Zukorlic also tried to boycott the holiday of Saint Sava. Let us realize that in the year 1594, the Muslim warrior-conqueror Sinan Pasha burned to ashes the bones of the Serbian Christian Saint Sveti Sava, who was born circa 1175 and died January 14, 1235.

The rest of us

pre 13 godina

As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!
(Nate J., 30 January 2011 23:18)

And you are? No one cares what you predicted ten years ago and no one will take you seriously now. Troll elsewhere.

Nate J.

pre 13 godina

Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam
(highduke, 28 January 2011 12:37)


As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!


pre 13 godina

Just 2 days ago, Ataman wrote that remnants of burnt chuches were in Prizren for everyone to see, last time he was there as a tourist, and asked : "How can you still claim that you never did anything to Serbs?"

Here is part of one respond

"Until Serbian Church calls for war, she will be targeted.
The day that the Serbian church becomes a church and not a Political entity that entices hatred, she will be left alone.
Was this response predictable Ataman?
(Gjergj Fishta, 28 January 2011 11:07) "

Priests are making political comments too often. That calls for burning of their religious objects?

And here we have religious leader talking about political autonomy....

To Gjergj Fishta this would be a reason to go and burn all the mosques in Sandjak, as this is what should be done to religious institutions talking politics...

But, for the rest of us, it's not that easy.

Tom Hall

pre 13 godina

The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.
(sj, 29 January 2011 07:00)


Either you're too young to remember Yugoslavia of the 1980's or you refuse to read anything written from the Serb point of view. You appear to be a bit confused. The reason why Slovenia and Croatia declared independence in 1991 is because they were tired of continually sending, year after year, more than their share of funds to Belgrade. The Serbs attempted to invade Slovenia and Croatia but were unprepared to face what awaited them. The rest, as they say, is history.


pre 13 godina

this kid, calling himself "Rocky" in here, is the perfect display of how our dear k-albanian friends are indoctrinated with totally absurd "theories" and propaganda.

claiming that the "Bosnians" are not slavs but "illyrian albanian" shows this deeply rooted inferiority complex among some of our friends here.

first of all, my dear Rocky, you are not the descendants of the illyrians, even if you repeat it a 1000 times more, it simply is an illusion, a dangerous illusion as we could see in the last decade.

2nd: even if the Albanians were descendants of the illyrians, what is not the case, you couldn´t claim the "Bosnians" to be Albanians, since it is commen knowledge since the Ottoman times, that these sad victims of the ottoman occupation were slavic poeple before they converted to the oppressors religion, not because Islam is in any way a relief, but only in order not to pay the horrific taxes that the non-muslims had to pay.

so, you should rather question your greater-albanian resources, since they make you look quite foolish here...

it made me laugh, though. ...so thanks for that one!

Dave (UK)

pre 13 godina

I can't see the EU or the west allowing any form of independece of this region, the whole Kosovo project as been more than they wanted. This will give grounds for the RS to split from Bosnia and again the west will not want this. The west have been foolish and allowed states to be split along ethnic lines this will lead to no goood, when will it stop, there are already parts of the UK which are mainly muslim what happens if they want there own state??


pre 13 godina

Bravo Yorgo!!!!!!!!!!!
Zukorlic forgot that their ancestors was Serbian ortodox!!!!
If he didn;t like living in Serbia and respect our county he can go.


pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."
(Yiorgos Bouas, 28 January 2011 12:31
-- ??
WRONG my Bosnian friends, you are not a slavs, you are ILLYRIAN ALBANIAN remember that. Think why Dubrovnik was our CAPITAL (ILLYRIAN TIME).


pre 13 godina

Serbia must learn that inter-religious tolerance is the way forward. The illusions of Pan-Slavo/Ortho dominance in the Balkans has created nothing but death and destruction. How horrible was the carnage in Bosnia. Do Serbs understand that Bosniaks share the same genetic haplogroup? Do Serbs understand that their Bosniak neighbors are genetic blood relatives? It is very upsetting what the harmonious Balkan peninsula has come to. The result of all this has been outside power intervention and a general degredation of our economies and political structures. You have more in common with your neighbor than with Russians or Americans!


pre 13 godina

(truthiness, 28 January 2011 21:13)
Why does everyone gravitate away from the Albanians? Look, I can understand them removing Serbs as they see them as their enemies, but they even ethnically cleansed Turks and Muslim Roma from Kosovo. Why did the Croats ethnically cleanse not only Serbs but Albanians and any other race from Croatia in the 1990s?
The true cause of the last conflict in the Balkans was the west and its obsession for regime change. So the only way to achieve this goal is to divide the ethnic groups. Have a good look at the situation; the Croats and Bosniaks went to war against each other in Bosnia, and they were allies at the time. There were Albanians that were pro Yugoslavia and did not want to separate but the likes of Thaci et al who worked for the US, made short work of them – anyone who opposed the new order was killed (ask the 40 Albanian villagers that the KLA and William Walker killed to blame the Serbs and start NATO’s war against Serbia).
Tell me who do the Bosniaks wish to live with? Or for that matter who do the Albanians want to live with? Or Croats?
The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.

NO to troublemakers

pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none.
(Mike, 28 January 2011 17:01)

Mufti's "attention" is used to create division,conflict,animosity,shunning and hate between the Muslim and Christian community. His goal is to divide the community thus preventing his followers from integrating with the rest of the community. This is exactly this man's goal for his followers. This way it's much easier to preach blame, fear, and play the infidel card, which we are all too familiar where that leads to.

Keep a close eye on this guy Europe,as he needs conflict and deep division in his attempt to achieve his ultimate goals--as evident by his actions so far.

It's 2011, 21st century. Wake up Europe!


pre 13 godina

Zukorlić is that silly or lives in a pararlell world where it’s the 1990s every day. This guy should have said this 10/15 years ago and there may have been a chance to obtain “autonomy”, but not today Zukorlić wants autonomy, but he also wants Belgrade to fund this self government.
Now in all the countries on this planet that have a majority of Muslims they are poor to extremely poor and the few that have money there is no freedom nor is there an elected government let alone voting by their women. In fact some don’t even allow them to drive a car. Is there something in the waters that these Muslims drink?
You can only shake your head at all of this. . The EU/US adventurism of the 1990s is over and it’s not coming back. Zukorlić cry all you like but it is all falling on deaf ears – too little too late.


pre 13 godina

Altho in no way do I support this mufti and his agenda , an intelligent person must ask " why do all the various ethnic groups gravititate away from Belgrade and the idea of being part of a "Serbdom". This question must be honestly asked and honeslty examined by both those for and against this Serbian ideal.

With the current talk on historical commisions , reconciliation and so on , this is the question that , regretfully , the Serbian side has not had the courage to address.

Rather than just screaming "Nazi" at anyone who opposes anything Serbian , perhaps the question should be asked -"why are they opposing our goals in the first place?"
"What exaclty is so hated and misunderstood that conflict is so often the inevitable conclusion."

Addressing this question HONESTLY by all sides , and you will have the true cause of conflict in that troubled region.


pre 13 godina

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.
(Roger7, 28 January 2011)

I think the correct phrase is "Another Serb cleric delivering another hate-speech." Seems like all the religious figures in Serbia are mastering hate speech. I've yet to hear a Serbian cleric deliver a message of peace.


pre 13 godina

The panel discussion that the mufti attended was dedicated to "forced assimilation and forced conversion of Bosniaks".

Zukorlić told his audience that it was not true St. Sava was marked in all schools in Serbia - saying that "only miserable Roma and sick Bosniaks were made to do it".

-- So what then is this Muf-Teabagger upset about? If he admits that not every Muslim (Bosniak) is forced to celebrate Serbian Christian holidays, why is he then saying that "Bosniaks" are being subjected to assimilation unless he's sympathizing with the "miserable Roma" and "sick Bosniaks"? Are non-Serbs in Vojvodina equally subjected to this type of hardline tolerance from Belgrade? Do Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, or Croats have problems? Perhaps only the "sick" and "miserable" ones.

“Once Sandžak gains autonomy, I guarantee to all Orthodox Serb children that they will not be forced to participate in a single celebration on the occasion of Bayram or any other Muslim holiday, but rather preserve their religious and national identity, individually and collectively,” Zukorlić said.

-- Great Ali's Ghost, give this man the Nobel Peace Prize. What a visionary. But again, by his own admission, not all Muslims of Sandzak are forced to celebrate Serbian Orthodox holidays, so what's his beef? And what's the point in guaranteeing something that all the good Serbian children are already blessed with having to not celebrate in Sandzak today?


pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none. No wonder that even Sweden is moving towards an anti immigration policy and lowest tolerence ever for this type of garbage. Take notice, right wing political parties are gaining more momentum based on movements like this. Shut up or move!


pre 13 godina

is this guy just stupid are what their bosniaks are not even a majority anymore in sandzak and its not even a big population at all and where was he planning to separate sandzak too serbia or republica srpska or montengero. and in montengro the serbs are majority in that part of the sandzak so maybe this guy should read books and learn something before he speaks because he does sound dumb. and then next i guess he wants croatia lol come and get it.


pre 13 godina

@Yiorgos Bouas

So, what ? And before that everybody was pagan for hundreds or years... Should everybody return to that too ? Ah yes, my ancestors didn't use electricity for thousands of years... Maybe I should drop that too.


pre 13 godina

Sandzak is part of Serbia. and there will be no autonomy, what for? only 3 municipality's have Bosniak Majority.
No point in doing it right!
St sava day is a national celebration, celebrated through the whole country.
Meanwhile Ramadan is only celebrated by Muslim minority's in the country.
thats the difference.
And I can't see Mr Zukorlic's problem. He is not forced to celebrate no one is , So it's simple if you want you can celebrate or be boring and stay home.


pre 13 godina

there is simply no need for any autonomy in that part of Serbia.

KiM is very likely to get autonomy after its reintegration because of the special historical developments in the last decades.

but Mr.Zukorlic shouldn´t play around, since he is not the one who should mix up religion with politics.

someone is overestimating hismelf here, it seems.
..or there is some foreign power giving him green light to provoke problems inside Serbia?

and if so, what could be the reason for that? perhaps the emerging problems for the US in regard to their support for a clompletely criminal mafia-infested little pseudo-state on southern serbian territory?

well, we will see. but who cares anyway, Serbia will prevail.


pre 13 godina

Zurkolic should either be celebrating St. Sava day as a real Serb(Orthodox) or celebrating Ramadan.Only a deliberate lunatic would fail to see the plans for Sandzak are exactly what they were for Kosovo.


pre 13 godina

Where is the shouting and screaming as we have so often seen on this site ...a religous cleric getting involved in political matters?

No nasty personal attacks like stupid man, funny hat, wears a dress?

Next he will condemn the Irish and Saint Patrick.

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.


pre 13 godina

'Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam

Yiorgos Bouas

pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."


pre 13 godina

This sectarian dinosaur has no credible support in either East or West and precious little at home, therefore his rantings are hardly worth reporting. Zukorlic should be consigned to the dustbin of history with criminal rubbish from the 90s like Slobo and Tudjman, and hopefully soon Thaci.

Yiorgos Bouas

pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."


pre 13 godina

(truthiness, 28 January 2011 21:13)
Why does everyone gravitate away from the Albanians? Look, I can understand them removing Serbs as they see them as their enemies, but they even ethnically cleansed Turks and Muslim Roma from Kosovo. Why did the Croats ethnically cleanse not only Serbs but Albanians and any other race from Croatia in the 1990s?
The true cause of the last conflict in the Balkans was the west and its obsession for regime change. So the only way to achieve this goal is to divide the ethnic groups. Have a good look at the situation; the Croats and Bosniaks went to war against each other in Bosnia, and they were allies at the time. There were Albanians that were pro Yugoslavia and did not want to separate but the likes of Thaci et al who worked for the US, made short work of them – anyone who opposed the new order was killed (ask the 40 Albanian villagers that the KLA and William Walker killed to blame the Serbs and start NATO’s war against Serbia).
Tell me who do the Bosniaks wish to live with? Or for that matter who do the Albanians want to live with? Or Croats?
The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.


pre 13 godina

'Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam


pre 13 godina

Where is the shouting and screaming as we have so often seen on this site ...a religous cleric getting involved in political matters?

No nasty personal attacks like stupid man, funny hat, wears a dress?

Next he will condemn the Irish and Saint Patrick.

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.


pre 13 godina

This sectarian dinosaur has no credible support in either East or West and precious little at home, therefore his rantings are hardly worth reporting. Zukorlic should be consigned to the dustbin of history with criminal rubbish from the 90s like Slobo and Tudjman, and hopefully soon Thaci.


pre 13 godina

Zurkolic should either be celebrating St. Sava day as a real Serb(Orthodox) or celebrating Ramadan.Only a deliberate lunatic would fail to see the plans for Sandzak are exactly what they were for Kosovo.


pre 13 godina

Sandzak is part of Serbia. and there will be no autonomy, what for? only 3 municipality's have Bosniak Majority.
No point in doing it right!
St sava day is a national celebration, celebrated through the whole country.
Meanwhile Ramadan is only celebrated by Muslim minority's in the country.
thats the difference.
And I can't see Mr Zukorlic's problem. He is not forced to celebrate no one is , So it's simple if you want you can celebrate or be boring and stay home.


pre 13 godina

is this guy just stupid are what their bosniaks are not even a majority anymore in sandzak and its not even a big population at all and where was he planning to separate sandzak too serbia or republica srpska or montengero. and in montengro the serbs are majority in that part of the sandzak so maybe this guy should read books and learn something before he speaks because he does sound dumb. and then next i guess he wants croatia lol come and get it.


pre 13 godina

there is simply no need for any autonomy in that part of Serbia.

KiM is very likely to get autonomy after its reintegration because of the special historical developments in the last decades.

but Mr.Zukorlic shouldn´t play around, since he is not the one who should mix up religion with politics.

someone is overestimating hismelf here, it seems.
..or there is some foreign power giving him green light to provoke problems inside Serbia?

and if so, what could be the reason for that? perhaps the emerging problems for the US in regard to their support for a clompletely criminal mafia-infested little pseudo-state on southern serbian territory?

well, we will see. but who cares anyway, Serbia will prevail.


pre 13 godina

@Yiorgos Bouas

So, what ? And before that everybody was pagan for hundreds or years... Should everybody return to that too ? Ah yes, my ancestors didn't use electricity for thousands of years... Maybe I should drop that too.


pre 13 godina

The panel discussion that the mufti attended was dedicated to "forced assimilation and forced conversion of Bosniaks".

Zukorlić told his audience that it was not true St. Sava was marked in all schools in Serbia - saying that "only miserable Roma and sick Bosniaks were made to do it".

-- So what then is this Muf-Teabagger upset about? If he admits that not every Muslim (Bosniak) is forced to celebrate Serbian Christian holidays, why is he then saying that "Bosniaks" are being subjected to assimilation unless he's sympathizing with the "miserable Roma" and "sick Bosniaks"? Are non-Serbs in Vojvodina equally subjected to this type of hardline tolerance from Belgrade? Do Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, or Croats have problems? Perhaps only the "sick" and "miserable" ones.

“Once Sandžak gains autonomy, I guarantee to all Orthodox Serb children that they will not be forced to participate in a single celebration on the occasion of Bayram or any other Muslim holiday, but rather preserve their religious and national identity, individually and collectively,” Zukorlić said.

-- Great Ali's Ghost, give this man the Nobel Peace Prize. What a visionary. But again, by his own admission, not all Muslims of Sandzak are forced to celebrate Serbian Orthodox holidays, so what's his beef? And what's the point in guaranteeing something that all the good Serbian children are already blessed with having to not celebrate in Sandzak today?


pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none. No wonder that even Sweden is moving towards an anti immigration policy and lowest tolerence ever for this type of garbage. Take notice, right wing political parties are gaining more momentum based on movements like this. Shut up or move!


pre 13 godina

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.
(Roger7, 28 January 2011)

I think the correct phrase is "Another Serb cleric delivering another hate-speech." Seems like all the religious figures in Serbia are mastering hate speech. I've yet to hear a Serbian cleric deliver a message of peace.


pre 13 godina

Zukorlić is that silly or lives in a pararlell world where it’s the 1990s every day. This guy should have said this 10/15 years ago and there may have been a chance to obtain “autonomy”, but not today Zukorlić wants autonomy, but he also wants Belgrade to fund this self government.
Now in all the countries on this planet that have a majority of Muslims they are poor to extremely poor and the few that have money there is no freedom nor is there an elected government let alone voting by their women. In fact some don’t even allow them to drive a car. Is there something in the waters that these Muslims drink?
You can only shake your head at all of this. . The EU/US adventurism of the 1990s is over and it’s not coming back. Zukorlić cry all you like but it is all falling on deaf ears – too little too late.


pre 13 godina

Serbia must learn that inter-religious tolerance is the way forward. The illusions of Pan-Slavo/Ortho dominance in the Balkans has created nothing but death and destruction. How horrible was the carnage in Bosnia. Do Serbs understand that Bosniaks share the same genetic haplogroup? Do Serbs understand that their Bosniak neighbors are genetic blood relatives? It is very upsetting what the harmonious Balkan peninsula has come to. The result of all this has been outside power intervention and a general degredation of our economies and political structures. You have more in common with your neighbor than with Russians or Americans!


pre 13 godina

Bravo Yorgo!!!!!!!!!!!
Zukorlic forgot that their ancestors was Serbian ortodox!!!!
If he didn;t like living in Serbia and respect our county he can go.


pre 13 godina

Altho in no way do I support this mufti and his agenda , an intelligent person must ask " why do all the various ethnic groups gravititate away from Belgrade and the idea of being part of a "Serbdom". This question must be honestly asked and honeslty examined by both those for and against this Serbian ideal.

With the current talk on historical commisions , reconciliation and so on , this is the question that , regretfully , the Serbian side has not had the courage to address.

Rather than just screaming "Nazi" at anyone who opposes anything Serbian , perhaps the question should be asked -"why are they opposing our goals in the first place?"
"What exaclty is so hated and misunderstood that conflict is so often the inevitable conclusion."

Addressing this question HONESTLY by all sides , and you will have the true cause of conflict in that troubled region.

Dave (UK)

pre 13 godina

I can't see the EU or the west allowing any form of independece of this region, the whole Kosovo project as been more than they wanted. This will give grounds for the RS to split from Bosnia and again the west will not want this. The west have been foolish and allowed states to be split along ethnic lines this will lead to no goood, when will it stop, there are already parts of the UK which are mainly muslim what happens if they want there own state??


pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."
(Yiorgos Bouas, 28 January 2011 12:31
-- ??
WRONG my Bosnian friends, you are not a slavs, you are ILLYRIAN ALBANIAN remember that. Think why Dubrovnik was our CAPITAL (ILLYRIAN TIME).


pre 13 godina

this kid, calling himself "Rocky" in here, is the perfect display of how our dear k-albanian friends are indoctrinated with totally absurd "theories" and propaganda.

claiming that the "Bosnians" are not slavs but "illyrian albanian" shows this deeply rooted inferiority complex among some of our friends here.

first of all, my dear Rocky, you are not the descendants of the illyrians, even if you repeat it a 1000 times more, it simply is an illusion, a dangerous illusion as we could see in the last decade.

2nd: even if the Albanians were descendants of the illyrians, what is not the case, you couldn´t claim the "Bosnians" to be Albanians, since it is commen knowledge since the Ottoman times, that these sad victims of the ottoman occupation were slavic poeple before they converted to the oppressors religion, not because Islam is in any way a relief, but only in order not to pay the horrific taxes that the non-muslims had to pay.

so, you should rather question your greater-albanian resources, since they make you look quite foolish here...

it made me laugh, though. ...so thanks for that one!

NO to troublemakers

pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none.
(Mike, 28 January 2011 17:01)

Mufti's "attention" is used to create division,conflict,animosity,shunning and hate between the Muslim and Christian community. His goal is to divide the community thus preventing his followers from integrating with the rest of the community. This is exactly this man's goal for his followers. This way it's much easier to preach blame, fear, and play the infidel card, which we are all too familiar where that leads to.

Keep a close eye on this guy Europe,as he needs conflict and deep division in his attempt to achieve his ultimate goals--as evident by his actions so far.

It's 2011, 21st century. Wake up Europe!

The rest of us

pre 13 godina

As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!
(Nate J., 30 January 2011 23:18)

And you are? No one cares what you predicted ten years ago and no one will take you seriously now. Troll elsewhere.

Steve JP

pre 13 godina

Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlic said that Serb children will not be forced to celebrate Muslim holidays should Sandzak gain autonomy. While this may be true, sooner or later, as the years go by, Muslims shall coax Serb Christian kids, "bit by bit", to observe Muslim holidays and "join the fun" by celebrating them. Mufti Zukorlic also tried to boycott the holiday of Saint Sava. Let us realize that in the year 1594, the Muslim warrior-conqueror Sinan Pasha burned to ashes the bones of the Serbian Christian Saint Sveti Sava, who was born circa 1175 and died January 14, 1235.


pre 13 godina

Just 2 days ago, Ataman wrote that remnants of burnt chuches were in Prizren for everyone to see, last time he was there as a tourist, and asked : "How can you still claim that you never did anything to Serbs?"

Here is part of one respond

"Until Serbian Church calls for war, she will be targeted.
The day that the Serbian church becomes a church and not a Political entity that entices hatred, she will be left alone.
Was this response predictable Ataman?
(Gjergj Fishta, 28 January 2011 11:07) "

Priests are making political comments too often. That calls for burning of their religious objects?

And here we have religious leader talking about political autonomy....

To Gjergj Fishta this would be a reason to go and burn all the mosques in Sandjak, as this is what should be done to religious institutions talking politics...

But, for the rest of us, it's not that easy.

Nate J.

pre 13 godina

Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam
(highduke, 28 January 2011 12:37)


As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!

Tom Hall

pre 13 godina

The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.
(sj, 29 January 2011 07:00)


Either you're too young to remember Yugoslavia of the 1980's or you refuse to read anything written from the Serb point of view. You appear to be a bit confused. The reason why Slovenia and Croatia declared independence in 1991 is because they were tired of continually sending, year after year, more than their share of funds to Belgrade. The Serbs attempted to invade Slovenia and Croatia but were unprepared to face what awaited them. The rest, as they say, is history.


pre 13 godina

This sectarian dinosaur has no credible support in either East or West and precious little at home, therefore his rantings are hardly worth reporting. Zukorlic should be consigned to the dustbin of history with criminal rubbish from the 90s like Slobo and Tudjman, and hopefully soon Thaci.


pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."
(Yiorgos Bouas, 28 January 2011 12:31
-- ??
WRONG my Bosnian friends, you are not a slavs, you are ILLYRIAN ALBANIAN remember that. Think why Dubrovnik was our CAPITAL (ILLYRIAN TIME).


pre 13 godina

Where is the shouting and screaming as we have so often seen on this site ...a religous cleric getting involved in political matters?

No nasty personal attacks like stupid man, funny hat, wears a dress?

Next he will condemn the Irish and Saint Patrick.

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.


pre 13 godina

'Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam


pre 13 godina

@Yiorgos Bouas

So, what ? And before that everybody was pagan for hundreds or years... Should everybody return to that too ? Ah yes, my ancestors didn't use electricity for thousands of years... Maybe I should drop that too.

Yiorgos Bouas

pre 13 godina

Emir Kusturica said "My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were Orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks."


pre 13 godina

Another muslim cleric delivering another hate-speech.
(Roger7, 28 January 2011)

I think the correct phrase is "Another Serb cleric delivering another hate-speech." Seems like all the religious figures in Serbia are mastering hate speech. I've yet to hear a Serbian cleric deliver a message of peace.


pre 13 godina

there is simply no need for any autonomy in that part of Serbia.

KiM is very likely to get autonomy after its reintegration because of the special historical developments in the last decades.

but Mr.Zukorlic shouldn´t play around, since he is not the one who should mix up religion with politics.

someone is overestimating hismelf here, it seems.
..or there is some foreign power giving him green light to provoke problems inside Serbia?

and if so, what could be the reason for that? perhaps the emerging problems for the US in regard to their support for a clompletely criminal mafia-infested little pseudo-state on southern serbian territory?

well, we will see. but who cares anyway, Serbia will prevail.


pre 13 godina

is this guy just stupid are what their bosniaks are not even a majority anymore in sandzak and its not even a big population at all and where was he planning to separate sandzak too serbia or republica srpska or montengero. and in montengro the serbs are majority in that part of the sandzak so maybe this guy should read books and learn something before he speaks because he does sound dumb. and then next i guess he wants croatia lol come and get it.


pre 13 godina

Zurkolic should either be celebrating St. Sava day as a real Serb(Orthodox) or celebrating Ramadan.Only a deliberate lunatic would fail to see the plans for Sandzak are exactly what they were for Kosovo.


pre 13 godina

Sandzak is part of Serbia. and there will be no autonomy, what for? only 3 municipality's have Bosniak Majority.
No point in doing it right!
St sava day is a national celebration, celebrated through the whole country.
Meanwhile Ramadan is only celebrated by Muslim minority's in the country.
thats the difference.
And I can't see Mr Zukorlic's problem. He is not forced to celebrate no one is , So it's simple if you want you can celebrate or be boring and stay home.


pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none. No wonder that even Sweden is moving towards an anti immigration policy and lowest tolerence ever for this type of garbage. Take notice, right wing political parties are gaining more momentum based on movements like this. Shut up or move!

NO to troublemakers

pre 13 godina

This guy really has nothing better to do than make problems. All he's doing is segregating his own people and society. I think that he just like's to get attention and create tension when there is none.
(Mike, 28 January 2011 17:01)

Mufti's "attention" is used to create division,conflict,animosity,shunning and hate between the Muslim and Christian community. His goal is to divide the community thus preventing his followers from integrating with the rest of the community. This is exactly this man's goal for his followers. This way it's much easier to preach blame, fear, and play the infidel card, which we are all too familiar where that leads to.

Keep a close eye on this guy Europe,as he needs conflict and deep division in his attempt to achieve his ultimate goals--as evident by his actions so far.

It's 2011, 21st century. Wake up Europe!


pre 13 godina

Zukorlić is that silly or lives in a pararlell world where it’s the 1990s every day. This guy should have said this 10/15 years ago and there may have been a chance to obtain “autonomy”, but not today Zukorlić wants autonomy, but he also wants Belgrade to fund this self government.
Now in all the countries on this planet that have a majority of Muslims they are poor to extremely poor and the few that have money there is no freedom nor is there an elected government let alone voting by their women. In fact some don’t even allow them to drive a car. Is there something in the waters that these Muslims drink?
You can only shake your head at all of this. . The EU/US adventurism of the 1990s is over and it’s not coming back. Zukorlić cry all you like but it is all falling on deaf ears – too little too late.


pre 13 godina

(truthiness, 28 January 2011 21:13)
Why does everyone gravitate away from the Albanians? Look, I can understand them removing Serbs as they see them as their enemies, but they even ethnically cleansed Turks and Muslim Roma from Kosovo. Why did the Croats ethnically cleanse not only Serbs but Albanians and any other race from Croatia in the 1990s?
The true cause of the last conflict in the Balkans was the west and its obsession for regime change. So the only way to achieve this goal is to divide the ethnic groups. Have a good look at the situation; the Croats and Bosniaks went to war against each other in Bosnia, and they were allies at the time. There were Albanians that were pro Yugoslavia and did not want to separate but the likes of Thaci et al who worked for the US, made short work of them – anyone who opposed the new order was killed (ask the 40 Albanian villagers that the KLA and William Walker killed to blame the Serbs and start NATO’s war against Serbia).
Tell me who do the Bosniaks wish to live with? Or for that matter who do the Albanians want to live with? Or Croats?
The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.


pre 13 godina

The panel discussion that the mufti attended was dedicated to "forced assimilation and forced conversion of Bosniaks".

Zukorlić told his audience that it was not true St. Sava was marked in all schools in Serbia - saying that "only miserable Roma and sick Bosniaks were made to do it".

-- So what then is this Muf-Teabagger upset about? If he admits that not every Muslim (Bosniak) is forced to celebrate Serbian Christian holidays, why is he then saying that "Bosniaks" are being subjected to assimilation unless he's sympathizing with the "miserable Roma" and "sick Bosniaks"? Are non-Serbs in Vojvodina equally subjected to this type of hardline tolerance from Belgrade? Do Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, or Croats have problems? Perhaps only the "sick" and "miserable" ones.

“Once Sandžak gains autonomy, I guarantee to all Orthodox Serb children that they will not be forced to participate in a single celebration on the occasion of Bayram or any other Muslim holiday, but rather preserve their religious and national identity, individually and collectively,” Zukorlić said.

-- Great Ali's Ghost, give this man the Nobel Peace Prize. What a visionary. But again, by his own admission, not all Muslims of Sandzak are forced to celebrate Serbian Orthodox holidays, so what's his beef? And what's the point in guaranteeing something that all the good Serbian children are already blessed with having to not celebrate in Sandzak today?


pre 13 godina

Serbia must learn that inter-religious tolerance is the way forward. The illusions of Pan-Slavo/Ortho dominance in the Balkans has created nothing but death and destruction. How horrible was the carnage in Bosnia. Do Serbs understand that Bosniaks share the same genetic haplogroup? Do Serbs understand that their Bosniak neighbors are genetic blood relatives? It is very upsetting what the harmonious Balkan peninsula has come to. The result of all this has been outside power intervention and a general degredation of our economies and political structures. You have more in common with your neighbor than with Russians or Americans!


pre 13 godina

Altho in no way do I support this mufti and his agenda , an intelligent person must ask " why do all the various ethnic groups gravititate away from Belgrade and the idea of being part of a "Serbdom". This question must be honestly asked and honeslty examined by both those for and against this Serbian ideal.

With the current talk on historical commisions , reconciliation and so on , this is the question that , regretfully , the Serbian side has not had the courage to address.

Rather than just screaming "Nazi" at anyone who opposes anything Serbian , perhaps the question should be asked -"why are they opposing our goals in the first place?"
"What exaclty is so hated and misunderstood that conflict is so often the inevitable conclusion."

Addressing this question HONESTLY by all sides , and you will have the true cause of conflict in that troubled region.

Tom Hall

pre 13 godina

The Serbs kept old Yugoslavia going; The Serbs financed it and gave more money to Croatia and Slovenia to try and keep them happy and in the union. Don’t try and lay all the blame on one doorstep as there are many guilty parties in this mess.
(sj, 29 January 2011 07:00)


Either you're too young to remember Yugoslavia of the 1980's or you refuse to read anything written from the Serb point of view. You appear to be a bit confused. The reason why Slovenia and Croatia declared independence in 1991 is because they were tired of continually sending, year after year, more than their share of funds to Belgrade. The Serbs attempted to invade Slovenia and Croatia but were unprepared to face what awaited them. The rest, as they say, is history.


pre 13 godina

Bravo Yorgo!!!!!!!!!!!
Zukorlic forgot that their ancestors was Serbian ortodox!!!!
If he didn;t like living in Serbia and respect our county he can go.

Steve JP

pre 13 godina

Chief Mufti Muamer Zukorlic said that Serb children will not be forced to celebrate Muslim holidays should Sandzak gain autonomy. While this may be true, sooner or later, as the years go by, Muslims shall coax Serb Christian kids, "bit by bit", to observe Muslim holidays and "join the fun" by celebrating them. Mufti Zukorlic also tried to boycott the holiday of Saint Sava. Let us realize that in the year 1594, the Muslim warrior-conqueror Sinan Pasha burned to ashes the bones of the Serbian Christian Saint Sveti Sava, who was born circa 1175 and died January 14, 1235.

Dave (UK)

pre 13 godina

I can't see the EU or the west allowing any form of independece of this region, the whole Kosovo project as been more than they wanted. This will give grounds for the RS to split from Bosnia and again the west will not want this. The west have been foolish and allowed states to be split along ethnic lines this will lead to no goood, when will it stop, there are already parts of the UK which are mainly muslim what happens if they want there own state??

Nate J.

pre 13 godina

Forced conversion'? Try being a Christian under Ottoman rule, which most Sandzak muslims were before taxation, exploitation & humiliation forced the ancestors of Muslims in Sandzak to abandon Orthodoxy. To Zukorlic forced conversion is bad unless one is being forced into Islam
(highduke, 28 January 2011 12:37)


As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!

The rest of us

pre 13 godina

As I predicted ten years ago, Sandzak and Vojvodina would seek independence from Serbia during the early part of the second decade of the 21st century. Expect to see both independent within two years. Remember, I said it first!
(Nate J., 30 January 2011 23:18)

And you are? No one cares what you predicted ten years ago and no one will take you seriously now. Troll elsewhere.


pre 13 godina

Just 2 days ago, Ataman wrote that remnants of burnt chuches were in Prizren for everyone to see, last time he was there as a tourist, and asked : "How can you still claim that you never did anything to Serbs?"

Here is part of one respond

"Until Serbian Church calls for war, she will be targeted.
The day that the Serbian church becomes a church and not a Political entity that entices hatred, she will be left alone.
Was this response predictable Ataman?
(Gjergj Fishta, 28 January 2011 11:07) "

Priests are making political comments too often. That calls for burning of their religious objects?

And here we have religious leader talking about political autonomy....

To Gjergj Fishta this would be a reason to go and burn all the mosques in Sandjak, as this is what should be done to religious institutions talking politics...

But, for the rest of us, it's not that easy.


pre 13 godina

this kid, calling himself "Rocky" in here, is the perfect display of how our dear k-albanian friends are indoctrinated with totally absurd "theories" and propaganda.

claiming that the "Bosnians" are not slavs but "illyrian albanian" shows this deeply rooted inferiority complex among some of our friends here.

first of all, my dear Rocky, you are not the descendants of the illyrians, even if you repeat it a 1000 times more, it simply is an illusion, a dangerous illusion as we could see in the last decade.

2nd: even if the Albanians were descendants of the illyrians, what is not the case, you couldn´t claim the "Bosnians" to be Albanians, since it is commen knowledge since the Ottoman times, that these sad victims of the ottoman occupation were slavic poeple before they converted to the oppressors religion, not because Islam is in any way a relief, but only in order not to pay the horrific taxes that the non-muslims had to pay.

so, you should rather question your greater-albanian resources, since they make you look quite foolish here...

it made me laugh, though. ...so thanks for that one!