Thursday, 16.12.2010.


K. Albanians: Marty report is "racist"

Acting Kosovo President Jakup Krasnici said on Wednesday that the <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2010&mm=12&dd=14&nav_id=71512" class="text-link" target= "_blank">draft report</a> by Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty is "racist".

Izvor: Tanjug

K. Albanians: Marty report is "racist" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 13 godina

Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am afraid your basic problems will remain for a while.

(The Swiss, 18 December 2010)

First the USA has done for us more than all the rest of the world combined. They are the strongest advocates of Kosova's independence. They are the one lobbying countries for recognitions.
That's not small thing. If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be independent.
I don't expect the US to build factories and employ 2 million Albanians, they're not doing that here in the States. It is up to us to make Kosova's economy a viable one.

As for USA's own interest in Bondsteel yes that is true but that's how diplomacy works, you scratch my back I scratch yours. USA has still army bases in Germany and Japan, some very powerful countries on their own, and yet I don't see the Germans complaining.

In this world divided along ideological lines we have chosen to side with the US just like Serbs chose to side with the Russians. And don't ever think that the Russians are backing the Serbs out of some sort "Slavic Brotherhood" or other romantic notions it's strictly business as their pipelines will go through Serbia and they bought Serbia's oil refineries dirt cheap.

It's all a game and I'm very well aware of that but as Albanians historically we've been dealt with a bad hand and had to choose the least evil option.

Since we're talking about crime I'm very well aware of the Albanians in Switzerland and their reputation there.
It's unfortunate since the Albanians are at the low end of the criminal networks totem pole. They are violent because they deal in a violent world.
Non-violent criminal networks, like the Swiss banking industry, rarely get noticed for their crimes even though they wreak havoc on people in a different way. You won't see Dick Marty investigating the Swiss banks for their wrongdoings they've left that to the Israelis (hunting for Jewish stolen properties) and the Americans (hunting for their tax evaders).

Don't the Swiss banking secrecy laws enable dictators worldwide by providing a safe haven for their money? DIdin't the Swiss banks hide Nazi gold for decades? Isn't Thaci rumored to have secret Swiss bank accounts?

Perhaps Marty should have started his investigation and maybe he has but won't mention it cause he has to keep his mouth shut. Or he should think about investigating the biggest known "Mafia Head of State" in Europe, Vladimir Putin, but I'm sure he won't. It's easier to go after easy targets like Thaci and the Albanians, nobody will stand up for us.

We live a cynical world where a guy walking into a golf store and stealing gold clubs gets sentenced to 25 years (true story in California) and guys in Wall St. who steal billions from the people walk free and make policy for the rest of us.

Unfortunately it's the world we live in.
We Albanians are at the bottom of the totem pole for now so keep swinging at us while you can while at the same time using Kosovar Albanian footballers in your national football team.

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.
(Zoti, 17 December 2010 22:18)

As I told you, before I came here I was fed by the foreign medias and as a result was considering the Serbs as the vilains of the region and was just waiting for them to be beaten up.
After 8 years in the region I had the chance to look at it from a different angle! My sources of information are coming not only from B92 but from newspaper all around the world that am reading everyday. as well as thru my connection with the diplomatic world. So am exposed to different sources of information and make then up my own opinion.
You might consider it as anti albanian, no problem, I would say anti-criminals doesn't matter where there are from.
As to the fail birth of kosovo, my opinion is very simple, you have been utilized by the US at one point and that's why you have criminals running kosovo. Just look a bit around the world and you will see a lot of paralell stories.
Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am affraid your basic problems will remain for a while.
When am talking to some of our well integrated k-a neighbors they would always say that they will never return to kosovo until the place will be cleaned from this gang, whatever it means...
Last but not least, you certainly know that the k-albanian mafia is controlling the heroin traffick in Switzerland (headlines in the newspaper yesterday), so do you think that this is helping your case, doubtfully.
I can't buy your argument that because of your "sovereignty is in danger, people are voting for criminals.... you don't have your "sovereignty because of them, but because the US said so....
You have definitely a long way to go and I can only wish you good luck and will certainly not change my opinion until I will see some cleaning happening there, for sure not, because at the end it does have a heavy impact on our streets in Switzerland !!


pre 13 godina

I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling down there!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.

(The Swiss, 17 December 2010 00:52)

Sir I must say that my impression of you is that of an anti-Albanian. I may be wrong but that is my impression from having read your cmments on B92 for over a year now. You are more prejudiced than some of the Serb posters and only someone like Zoran or MikeC can outdo you bias.

Now since you elaborated a little on your personal story here's my take:
1. You have been in the Balkans only in the last 8 years where Serbia has drastically improved its standing in the world. You weren't in the region during the war years or the reign of Milosevic when some of the most brutal oppression of the Albanians occurred.
You also have never been in Kosova so most of the news to you are fed by the Serb media.
2. Kosova has been in a limbo status wise and that hasn't helped at all the country in improving its economic standing. Everything that you take for granted in a sovereign country it's a struggle over there even basis stuff like having a country code or an internet code.
3. Kosova should have never been incorporated into Yugoslavia after the Ottomans lost the Balkan Wars. When it was, the Serbs tried every method in the book to colonize it and the Albanians were viewed as a problem that needed to be dealt with as opposed to having some sort of peaceful co-existence like you have in Switzerland. Serbs don't get along with the Bosnians with whom they even speak the same language. Now how do you expect the Serbs to get along with the Albanians?

Think about this for just a second:
Swtizerland has known only peace for pretty much of its existence (I wanna say 700 years) whereas Kosova has only known war for those 700 years with some relative peace in the last decade and still the situation remains tense.
Anyone with a brain or a will to have a better life will leave for the West be it Switzerland, Sweden, Germany or what have you.

Yes what you say about Thaci and many Kosovar politicians is true but it's the unsolved status that perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.


pre 13 godina

"None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????"

Let me enlighten you a litle bit the answer to your question.

In Albania there was an investigation in 2004 about such allegations but nothing true was found. In addition a team of UN investigator also visited the alleged place and in the same way nothing true has been found. For what kind of cooperation are you talking about!!!! Why should Albania bring up an issue that doesent exist??? I dont think that our country must provide pleasure everytime the serbs make up fictions which are good only for horror movies.
I have heard recently that Mr. Dick said "I gathered facts but no evidences".
According to the english dictionary facts mean:

"something which is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information." Please lt us know the proofs and we can discuss further Mr. Dick. Otherwise your report is so important as the last fiction book I read last.


pre 13 godina

@Milan T

investigations must be based on evidence... not fiction. there is no reason in the world to cater to propaganda. its that simple.

a report based on a report based on an accusation based on a rumor found in a book about a report based on a rumor...

Evidence? Something? Anything?


pre 13 godina

(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

No mate there was never a proper investigation into this matter because the US was involved. Here is something for you to think about – the recent “investigation into the North Korean sinking of a South Korean naval patrol boat”. One of the western specialists told a close family member that they were instructed by the US that they were to blame N/Korea. Just like this latest incident where due to US demands S/Korea provoked the North.
That will be the day the US allows a proper investigation because Thaci can implicate the US big time in more ways than you can imagine. The US is fully aware of Thaci’s involvement in this mess; in fact they know about his involvement in the murder of 40 Albanians that William Walker used to blame the Serbs for committing that crime.

Milan T

pre 13 godina

None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????



pre 13 godina

"Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. "
(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

Well, I remember when the first accusations (made by Del Ponte) came up, all that the Kosovo authorities have done was denying it and not supporting any investigations in the case, like: "No, it's impossible that it ever happened, so we don't need to investigate anything"

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.
(Zoti, 16 December 2010 22:48)

Wrong you are Zoti. First of all, I agree with you, Serbs carried it out way too long and believe it or not I use to look at them as the "bandits" !
They still have a long way to go but at least give them some credit, they finally started to confront their heavy past, likewise the croats with their new president.
The hazard of life brought me in the region and I started to understand that what the foreign press was feeding us with, wasn't necessarly the truth!
I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling downthere!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.
At the end am aiming at the same goal and am not tired after 2 days or whatever, but reading this ultra nationalist comments spitting on Mr Marty makes me sick and yes, for these trolls I have no merci, and you should have the same reaction if you really care for kosovo name.
At the end Mr Marty is only doing his job mandated by the COE like he did it with the CIA, MI5 secrete prisons, like he did against the italian mafia (being victim with Del Ponte of an assasination attempt), so only for this he deserves respect
These trolls are certainly the worst image you can have and I believe kosovo had had already enough of bad publicity.
Last but not least, my parents' neighbours are k-a, my uncle has been employing a lot of albanians (officially and not black) and I have no problem at all with them.
Ask any well integrated k-a in Switzerland what they think about your corrupted government and Thaci's gang and you will be surprised, but am sure you know it and know the answer...
Don't forget, Thaci, unfortunately was living in Switzerland, in Lausanne for a while an they know him too well...
and that's why nobody with a common sense would ever return there while this abject person is in power.


pre 13 godina

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....
(The Swiss, 16 December 2010)

The Serbs have been playing this game for almost 20 years now, where everyone in the world and their mother were on the Albanians' payroll. We've been doing it for 2 days and you're already tired of it?

I agree with a full investigation on the matter but I was just making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia.
P R O P A G A N D A and nothing else.
(Rocky, 16 December 2010 10:37)

You really made me laugh..., wondering how long it took you to writte this beautiful poem....

Amazing too read all these trolls angry comments. Soon Mr Marty will have a serbian mother, a russian father and will be on the parrol of the Sicilian mafia who is currently trying to take over the pink kosovo land...

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....


pre 13 godina

Asked by a Swiss newspaper (20 Minuten Online) Marty stated, that he has only gathered facts but no evidence. Others are responsible for gathering evidence.
Facts without evidence???


pre 13 godina

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.
(Top, 16 December 2010 16:01)

--It doesn't work like that buddy. This blind and neocon logic lead to a war that most of the world was against only a few years ago; and I'm not talking about the Balkans.

Also; there have already been investigations. Its not as if this was not investigated before. The thing with Serbs is that whenever they do not like something; they always have to ask for a do-over until it fits their views. Take anything that has happened in Serbia and Jugoslavia. Don't like Kosova's status within Jugoslavia- lets do over the Jugoslav constitution. Don't like the status offered to Serbs in Croatia- lets do it over. Don't like Dayton accords- lets do it over. Don't like the first set of talks on Kosova- lets do it over. Don't like the second set of talks- lets do it over. Don't like Kosova's status- let's do over the constitution. This patterns follows Serbia everywhere. Serbia is like a depressed soul that doesn't know what it wants and cannot make its mind up. A fickle little poor thing.

Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. We want one that is done through official international channels, through professional investigators, that he blessing of the UN and that goes to this all the way to the end. We want this to be a huge, professional, international investigation that once and for all levels the truth. We do not want to be hostage of Serbia's fickleness and its do over attitude through little political ploys, ad with people that clearly have personal agendas; such as the Serb prosecutor and Dick. Just about everyone is urging the state of Serbia not to remain silent and not silence the truth but converge urgently a UNSC meeting requesting an official international investigation and backing up this request with the proofs they say they have. The silence of Serbia is not only odd but an indicator of fear from the truth and such investigation.


pre 13 godina

'Ah, the reaction of those with no defence: "Is you a racist, innit?'
(kate, 16 December 2010 10:29)

LOL....good one Kate. 'Is it because I is black?'


pre 13 godina

All we are asking is to come up with any tangible evidence. The Serbs think they can continually make ridiculous accusations without anybody asking for proof. Where's the beef!


pre 13 godina

The best Pristina and Tirana can do is sound like a bunch of North Korean news anchors? They've been taking lessons from Bernie Kouchner?


pre 13 godina

The report may be biased...but racist? I only read about a certain sub-group of the KLA, this so-called "Drenica Group." I did not see anything at all that tarred all Albanians.
The problem with using "racist" too much is that it basically enforces the stereotype that others have about you. People can say all kinds of things, but if you know you're clean you don't give a damn, right?

I think the appropriate response by both Berisha and Thaci should have been "You've made some serious allegations...but for now we'll wait for the evidence that will be presented in January '11." If Marty fails to come up with anything credible in January...then you sue him for slander until his teeth fall off...but not before.


pre 13 godina

"If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find."

Works the other way around, the person making the accusation needs to prove it. So far Dick has provided ZERO evidence, just says 'I talked to...'

Provide them to EULEX and be ready to answer if you lied


pre 13 godina

Acting Kosovo President Jakup Krasnici said on Wednesday that the draft report by Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty is "racist". B92
Jakup, how can Matri's allegations against Thaci be viewed as racist, aren't they both caucasians? But wow, the Albaniaks and their supporters are really sweating bullets. I just hope Marti stands strong, as does not back down to America's/EU's pressure.


pre 13 godina

Denying, denying, denying. And sueing and defaming the people who try to shed light on things which probably happened.

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.


pre 13 godina

Evidence evidence evidence they cry. Difficult when you are dealing with a mafia, and the original evidence was destroyed by UNMIK in the big western cover up. How to loosen tongues? Well there must be bodies and they must be buried in Albania. So after the sea change of public opinion, pressure must be applied on the Albanian government. The bodies will turn up.

Then we can listen to new fairytales by PRN and other deluded Albanian posters to explain the bodies.


pre 13 godina

Rocky (and EA): "D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia." etc. etc.

Is that what you're being told? Talk about desperation. He's 'racist' too probably.

Dick Marty is no lightweight and was behind the evidence which showed that various nations were involved in rendition. He would not put himself on the line unless he was sure that it was on solid ground.

I suppose that Helena Ranta is also being paid by the Russian mafia, as well as the Spanish forensics expert who was sidelined so quickly in 1999?

Those Ruskis certainly seem to have a broad reach. Joe even accused them of being involved in Troicki's recent tennis victory in Moscow!


pre 13 godina

The report is political and there are no solid evidence. If Dick feels strongly about about it he should produce all his "findings or evidence" before the Court. If Dick doesnt do that that he should be taken to Court for slander and abuse of power. The report is aimed purely to damage the reputation of Kosovo Liberation Army and draw a paralelism with Milosevic Regime.


pre 13 godina

Rocky (and EA): "D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia." etc. etc.

Is that what you're being told? Talk about desperation. He's 'racist' too probably.

Dick Marty is no lightweight and was behind the evidence which showed that various nations were involved in rendition. He would not put himself on the line unless he was sure that it was on solid ground.

I suppose that Helena Ranta is also being paid by the Russian mafia, as well as the Spanish forensics expert who was sidelined so quickly in 1999?

Those Ruskis certainly seem to have a broad reach. Joe even accused them of being involved in Troicki's recent tennis victory in Moscow!


pre 13 godina

The report is political and there are no solid evidence. If Dick feels strongly about about it he should produce all his "findings or evidence" before the Court. If Dick doesnt do that that he should be taken to Court for slander and abuse of power. The report is aimed purely to damage the reputation of Kosovo Liberation Army and draw a paralelism with Milosevic Regime.


pre 13 godina

Evidence evidence evidence they cry. Difficult when you are dealing with a mafia, and the original evidence was destroyed by UNMIK in the big western cover up. How to loosen tongues? Well there must be bodies and they must be buried in Albania. So after the sea change of public opinion, pressure must be applied on the Albanian government. The bodies will turn up.

Then we can listen to new fairytales by PRN and other deluded Albanian posters to explain the bodies.


pre 13 godina

The best Pristina and Tirana can do is sound like a bunch of North Korean news anchors? They've been taking lessons from Bernie Kouchner?


pre 13 godina

The report may be biased...but racist? I only read about a certain sub-group of the KLA, this so-called "Drenica Group." I did not see anything at all that tarred all Albanians.
The problem with using "racist" too much is that it basically enforces the stereotype that others have about you. People can say all kinds of things, but if you know you're clean you don't give a damn, right?

I think the appropriate response by both Berisha and Thaci should have been "You've made some serious allegations...but for now we'll wait for the evidence that will be presented in January '11." If Marty fails to come up with anything credible in January...then you sue him for slander until his teeth fall off...but not before.


pre 13 godina

'Ah, the reaction of those with no defence: "Is you a racist, innit?'
(kate, 16 December 2010 10:29)

LOL....good one Kate. 'Is it because I is black?'

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia.
P R O P A G A N D A and nothing else.
(Rocky, 16 December 2010 10:37)

You really made me laugh..., wondering how long it took you to writte this beautiful poem....

Amazing too read all these trolls angry comments. Soon Mr Marty will have a serbian mother, a russian father and will be on the parrol of the Sicilian mafia who is currently trying to take over the pink kosovo land...

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....


pre 13 godina

Acting Kosovo President Jakup Krasnici said on Wednesday that the draft report by Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty is "racist". B92
Jakup, how can Matri's allegations against Thaci be viewed as racist, aren't they both caucasians? But wow, the Albaniaks and their supporters are really sweating bullets. I just hope Marti stands strong, as does not back down to America's/EU's pressure.


pre 13 godina

Denying, denying, denying. And sueing and defaming the people who try to shed light on things which probably happened.

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.


pre 13 godina

"If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find."

Works the other way around, the person making the accusation needs to prove it. So far Dick has provided ZERO evidence, just says 'I talked to...'

Provide them to EULEX and be ready to answer if you lied


pre 13 godina

Asked by a Swiss newspaper (20 Minuten Online) Marty stated, that he has only gathered facts but no evidence. Others are responsible for gathering evidence.
Facts without evidence???


pre 13 godina

"None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????"

Let me enlighten you a litle bit the answer to your question.

In Albania there was an investigation in 2004 about such allegations but nothing true was found. In addition a team of UN investigator also visited the alleged place and in the same way nothing true has been found. For what kind of cooperation are you talking about!!!! Why should Albania bring up an issue that doesent exist??? I dont think that our country must provide pleasure everytime the serbs make up fictions which are good only for horror movies.
I have heard recently that Mr. Dick said "I gathered facts but no evidences".
According to the english dictionary facts mean:

"something which is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information." Please lt us know the proofs and we can discuss further Mr. Dick. Otherwise your report is so important as the last fiction book I read last.


pre 13 godina

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.
(Top, 16 December 2010 16:01)

--It doesn't work like that buddy. This blind and neocon logic lead to a war that most of the world was against only a few years ago; and I'm not talking about the Balkans.

Also; there have already been investigations. Its not as if this was not investigated before. The thing with Serbs is that whenever they do not like something; they always have to ask for a do-over until it fits their views. Take anything that has happened in Serbia and Jugoslavia. Don't like Kosova's status within Jugoslavia- lets do over the Jugoslav constitution. Don't like the status offered to Serbs in Croatia- lets do it over. Don't like Dayton accords- lets do it over. Don't like the first set of talks on Kosova- lets do it over. Don't like the second set of talks- lets do it over. Don't like Kosova's status- let's do over the constitution. This patterns follows Serbia everywhere. Serbia is like a depressed soul that doesn't know what it wants and cannot make its mind up. A fickle little poor thing.

Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. We want one that is done through official international channels, through professional investigators, that he blessing of the UN and that goes to this all the way to the end. We want this to be a huge, professional, international investigation that once and for all levels the truth. We do not want to be hostage of Serbia's fickleness and its do over attitude through little political ploys, ad with people that clearly have personal agendas; such as the Serb prosecutor and Dick. Just about everyone is urging the state of Serbia not to remain silent and not silence the truth but converge urgently a UNSC meeting requesting an official international investigation and backing up this request with the proofs they say they have. The silence of Serbia is not only odd but an indicator of fear from the truth and such investigation.


pre 13 godina

All we are asking is to come up with any tangible evidence. The Serbs think they can continually make ridiculous accusations without anybody asking for proof. Where's the beef!


pre 13 godina

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....
(The Swiss, 16 December 2010)

The Serbs have been playing this game for almost 20 years now, where everyone in the world and their mother were on the Albanians' payroll. We've been doing it for 2 days and you're already tired of it?

I agree with a full investigation on the matter but I was just making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.


pre 13 godina

@Milan T

investigations must be based on evidence... not fiction. there is no reason in the world to cater to propaganda. its that simple.

a report based on a report based on an accusation based on a rumor found in a book about a report based on a rumor...

Evidence? Something? Anything?

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.
(Zoti, 16 December 2010 22:48)

Wrong you are Zoti. First of all, I agree with you, Serbs carried it out way too long and believe it or not I use to look at them as the "bandits" !
They still have a long way to go but at least give them some credit, they finally started to confront their heavy past, likewise the croats with their new president.
The hazard of life brought me in the region and I started to understand that what the foreign press was feeding us with, wasn't necessarly the truth!
I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling downthere!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.
At the end am aiming at the same goal and am not tired after 2 days or whatever, but reading this ultra nationalist comments spitting on Mr Marty makes me sick and yes, for these trolls I have no merci, and you should have the same reaction if you really care for kosovo name.
At the end Mr Marty is only doing his job mandated by the COE like he did it with the CIA, MI5 secrete prisons, like he did against the italian mafia (being victim with Del Ponte of an assasination attempt), so only for this he deserves respect
These trolls are certainly the worst image you can have and I believe kosovo had had already enough of bad publicity.
Last but not least, my parents' neighbours are k-a, my uncle has been employing a lot of albanians (officially and not black) and I have no problem at all with them.
Ask any well integrated k-a in Switzerland what they think about your corrupted government and Thaci's gang and you will be surprised, but am sure you know it and know the answer...
Don't forget, Thaci, unfortunately was living in Switzerland, in Lausanne for a while an they know him too well...
and that's why nobody with a common sense would ever return there while this abject person is in power.

Milan T

pre 13 godina

None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????



pre 13 godina

(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

No mate there was never a proper investigation into this matter because the US was involved. Here is something for you to think about – the recent “investigation into the North Korean sinking of a South Korean naval patrol boat”. One of the western specialists told a close family member that they were instructed by the US that they were to blame N/Korea. Just like this latest incident where due to US demands S/Korea provoked the North.
That will be the day the US allows a proper investigation because Thaci can implicate the US big time in more ways than you can imagine. The US is fully aware of Thaci’s involvement in this mess; in fact they know about his involvement in the murder of 40 Albanians that William Walker used to blame the Serbs for committing that crime.


pre 13 godina

I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling down there!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.

(The Swiss, 17 December 2010 00:52)

Sir I must say that my impression of you is that of an anti-Albanian. I may be wrong but that is my impression from having read your cmments on B92 for over a year now. You are more prejudiced than some of the Serb posters and only someone like Zoran or MikeC can outdo you bias.

Now since you elaborated a little on your personal story here's my take:
1. You have been in the Balkans only in the last 8 years where Serbia has drastically improved its standing in the world. You weren't in the region during the war years or the reign of Milosevic when some of the most brutal oppression of the Albanians occurred.
You also have never been in Kosova so most of the news to you are fed by the Serb media.
2. Kosova has been in a limbo status wise and that hasn't helped at all the country in improving its economic standing. Everything that you take for granted in a sovereign country it's a struggle over there even basis stuff like having a country code or an internet code.
3. Kosova should have never been incorporated into Yugoslavia after the Ottomans lost the Balkan Wars. When it was, the Serbs tried every method in the book to colonize it and the Albanians were viewed as a problem that needed to be dealt with as opposed to having some sort of peaceful co-existence like you have in Switzerland. Serbs don't get along with the Bosnians with whom they even speak the same language. Now how do you expect the Serbs to get along with the Albanians?

Think about this for just a second:
Swtizerland has known only peace for pretty much of its existence (I wanna say 700 years) whereas Kosova has only known war for those 700 years with some relative peace in the last decade and still the situation remains tense.
Anyone with a brain or a will to have a better life will leave for the West be it Switzerland, Sweden, Germany or what have you.

Yes what you say about Thaci and many Kosovar politicians is true but it's the unsolved status that perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.


pre 13 godina

"Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. "
(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

Well, I remember when the first accusations (made by Del Ponte) came up, all that the Kosovo authorities have done was denying it and not supporting any investigations in the case, like: "No, it's impossible that it ever happened, so we don't need to investigate anything"

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.
(Zoti, 17 December 2010 22:18)

As I told you, before I came here I was fed by the foreign medias and as a result was considering the Serbs as the vilains of the region and was just waiting for them to be beaten up.
After 8 years in the region I had the chance to look at it from a different angle! My sources of information are coming not only from B92 but from newspaper all around the world that am reading everyday. as well as thru my connection with the diplomatic world. So am exposed to different sources of information and make then up my own opinion.
You might consider it as anti albanian, no problem, I would say anti-criminals doesn't matter where there are from.
As to the fail birth of kosovo, my opinion is very simple, you have been utilized by the US at one point and that's why you have criminals running kosovo. Just look a bit around the world and you will see a lot of paralell stories.
Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am affraid your basic problems will remain for a while.
When am talking to some of our well integrated k-a neighbors they would always say that they will never return to kosovo until the place will be cleaned from this gang, whatever it means...
Last but not least, you certainly know that the k-albanian mafia is controlling the heroin traffick in Switzerland (headlines in the newspaper yesterday), so do you think that this is helping your case, doubtfully.
I can't buy your argument that because of your "sovereignty is in danger, people are voting for criminals.... you don't have your "sovereignty because of them, but because the US said so....
You have definitely a long way to go and I can only wish you good luck and will certainly not change my opinion until I will see some cleaning happening there, for sure not, because at the end it does have a heavy impact on our streets in Switzerland !!


pre 13 godina

Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am afraid your basic problems will remain for a while.

(The Swiss, 18 December 2010)

First the USA has done for us more than all the rest of the world combined. They are the strongest advocates of Kosova's independence. They are the one lobbying countries for recognitions.
That's not small thing. If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be independent.
I don't expect the US to build factories and employ 2 million Albanians, they're not doing that here in the States. It is up to us to make Kosova's economy a viable one.

As for USA's own interest in Bondsteel yes that is true but that's how diplomacy works, you scratch my back I scratch yours. USA has still army bases in Germany and Japan, some very powerful countries on their own, and yet I don't see the Germans complaining.

In this world divided along ideological lines we have chosen to side with the US just like Serbs chose to side with the Russians. And don't ever think that the Russians are backing the Serbs out of some sort "Slavic Brotherhood" or other romantic notions it's strictly business as their pipelines will go through Serbia and they bought Serbia's oil refineries dirt cheap.

It's all a game and I'm very well aware of that but as Albanians historically we've been dealt with a bad hand and had to choose the least evil option.

Since we're talking about crime I'm very well aware of the Albanians in Switzerland and their reputation there.
It's unfortunate since the Albanians are at the low end of the criminal networks totem pole. They are violent because they deal in a violent world.
Non-violent criminal networks, like the Swiss banking industry, rarely get noticed for their crimes even though they wreak havoc on people in a different way. You won't see Dick Marty investigating the Swiss banks for their wrongdoings they've left that to the Israelis (hunting for Jewish stolen properties) and the Americans (hunting for their tax evaders).

Don't the Swiss banking secrecy laws enable dictators worldwide by providing a safe haven for their money? DIdin't the Swiss banks hide Nazi gold for decades? Isn't Thaci rumored to have secret Swiss bank accounts?

Perhaps Marty should have started his investigation and maybe he has but won't mention it cause he has to keep his mouth shut. Or he should think about investigating the biggest known "Mafia Head of State" in Europe, Vladimir Putin, but I'm sure he won't. It's easier to go after easy targets like Thaci and the Albanians, nobody will stand up for us.

We live a cynical world where a guy walking into a golf store and stealing gold clubs gets sentenced to 25 years (true story in California) and guys in Wall St. who steal billions from the people walk free and make policy for the rest of us.

Unfortunately it's the world we live in.
We Albanians are at the bottom of the totem pole for now so keep swinging at us while you can while at the same time using Kosovar Albanian footballers in your national football team.


pre 13 godina

The report is political and there are no solid evidence. If Dick feels strongly about about it he should produce all his "findings or evidence" before the Court. If Dick doesnt do that that he should be taken to Court for slander and abuse of power. The report is aimed purely to damage the reputation of Kosovo Liberation Army and draw a paralelism with Milosevic Regime.


pre 13 godina

Rocky (and EA): "D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia." etc. etc.

Is that what you're being told? Talk about desperation. He's 'racist' too probably.

Dick Marty is no lightweight and was behind the evidence which showed that various nations were involved in rendition. He would not put himself on the line unless he was sure that it was on solid ground.

I suppose that Helena Ranta is also being paid by the Russian mafia, as well as the Spanish forensics expert who was sidelined so quickly in 1999?

Those Ruskis certainly seem to have a broad reach. Joe even accused them of being involved in Troicki's recent tennis victory in Moscow!


pre 13 godina

Evidence evidence evidence they cry. Difficult when you are dealing with a mafia, and the original evidence was destroyed by UNMIK in the big western cover up. How to loosen tongues? Well there must be bodies and they must be buried in Albania. So after the sea change of public opinion, pressure must be applied on the Albanian government. The bodies will turn up.

Then we can listen to new fairytales by PRN and other deluded Albanian posters to explain the bodies.


pre 13 godina

The best Pristina and Tirana can do is sound like a bunch of North Korean news anchors? They've been taking lessons from Bernie Kouchner?


pre 13 godina

All we are asking is to come up with any tangible evidence. The Serbs think they can continually make ridiculous accusations without anybody asking for proof. Where's the beef!


pre 13 godina

Acting Kosovo President Jakup Krasnici said on Wednesday that the draft report by Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty is "racist". B92
Jakup, how can Matri's allegations against Thaci be viewed as racist, aren't they both caucasians? But wow, the Albaniaks and their supporters are really sweating bullets. I just hope Marti stands strong, as does not back down to America's/EU's pressure.


pre 13 godina

Denying, denying, denying. And sueing and defaming the people who try to shed light on things which probably happened.

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.


pre 13 godina

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....
(The Swiss, 16 December 2010)

The Serbs have been playing this game for almost 20 years now, where everyone in the world and their mother were on the Albanians' payroll. We've been doing it for 2 days and you're already tired of it?

I agree with a full investigation on the matter but I was just making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.


pre 13 godina

"If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find."

Works the other way around, the person making the accusation needs to prove it. So far Dick has provided ZERO evidence, just says 'I talked to...'

Provide them to EULEX and be ready to answer if you lied


pre 13 godina

If KLA is so innocent, the Kosovo authorities should do everything to help in the investigations, if there's nothing to find. But not doing that but trying to block and hinder all investigations in the territory of Kosovo, everyone should see that they have something to hide.
(Top, 16 December 2010 16:01)

--It doesn't work like that buddy. This blind and neocon logic lead to a war that most of the world was against only a few years ago; and I'm not talking about the Balkans.

Also; there have already been investigations. Its not as if this was not investigated before. The thing with Serbs is that whenever they do not like something; they always have to ask for a do-over until it fits their views. Take anything that has happened in Serbia and Jugoslavia. Don't like Kosova's status within Jugoslavia- lets do over the Jugoslav constitution. Don't like the status offered to Serbs in Croatia- lets do it over. Don't like Dayton accords- lets do it over. Don't like the first set of talks on Kosova- lets do it over. Don't like the second set of talks- lets do it over. Don't like Kosova's status- let's do over the constitution. This patterns follows Serbia everywhere. Serbia is like a depressed soul that doesn't know what it wants and cannot make its mind up. A fickle little poor thing.

Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. We want one that is done through official international channels, through professional investigators, that he blessing of the UN and that goes to this all the way to the end. We want this to be a huge, professional, international investigation that once and for all levels the truth. We do not want to be hostage of Serbia's fickleness and its do over attitude through little political ploys, ad with people that clearly have personal agendas; such as the Serb prosecutor and Dick. Just about everyone is urging the state of Serbia not to remain silent and not silence the truth but converge urgently a UNSC meeting requesting an official international investigation and backing up this request with the proofs they say they have. The silence of Serbia is not only odd but an indicator of fear from the truth and such investigation.

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

D.Marty is Corrupted European who is working for Russian Mafia.
P R O P A G A N D A and nothing else.
(Rocky, 16 December 2010 10:37)

You really made me laugh..., wondering how long it took you to writte this beautiful poem....

Amazing too read all these trolls angry comments. Soon Mr Marty will have a serbian mother, a russian father and will be on the parrol of the Sicilian mafia who is currently trying to take over the pink kosovo land...

Get real guys, let's the justice make his way, what are you SO afraid of ?? Really something smell fishy there.....


pre 13 godina

Asked by a Swiss newspaper (20 Minuten Online) Marty stated, that he has only gathered facts but no evidence. Others are responsible for gathering evidence.
Facts without evidence???


pre 13 godina

The report may be biased...but racist? I only read about a certain sub-group of the KLA, this so-called "Drenica Group." I did not see anything at all that tarred all Albanians.
The problem with using "racist" too much is that it basically enforces the stereotype that others have about you. People can say all kinds of things, but if you know you're clean you don't give a damn, right?

I think the appropriate response by both Berisha and Thaci should have been "You've made some serious allegations...but for now we'll wait for the evidence that will be presented in January '11." If Marty fails to come up with anything credible in January...then you sue him for slander until his teeth fall off...but not before.


pre 13 godina

'Ah, the reaction of those with no defence: "Is you a racist, innit?'
(kate, 16 December 2010 10:29)

LOL....good one Kate. 'Is it because I is black?'

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

making an observation since I'm very well aware of your anti-Albanian bias.
(Zoti, 16 December 2010 22:48)

Wrong you are Zoti. First of all, I agree with you, Serbs carried it out way too long and believe it or not I use to look at them as the "bandits" !
They still have a long way to go but at least give them some credit, they finally started to confront their heavy past, likewise the croats with their new president.
The hazard of life brought me in the region and I started to understand that what the foreign press was feeding us with, wasn't necessarly the truth!
I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling downthere!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.
At the end am aiming at the same goal and am not tired after 2 days or whatever, but reading this ultra nationalist comments spitting on Mr Marty makes me sick and yes, for these trolls I have no merci, and you should have the same reaction if you really care for kosovo name.
At the end Mr Marty is only doing his job mandated by the COE like he did it with the CIA, MI5 secrete prisons, like he did against the italian mafia (being victim with Del Ponte of an assasination attempt), so only for this he deserves respect
These trolls are certainly the worst image you can have and I believe kosovo had had already enough of bad publicity.
Last but not least, my parents' neighbours are k-a, my uncle has been employing a lot of albanians (officially and not black) and I have no problem at all with them.
Ask any well integrated k-a in Switzerland what they think about your corrupted government and Thaci's gang and you will be surprised, but am sure you know it and know the answer...
Don't forget, Thaci, unfortunately was living in Switzerland, in Lausanne for a while an they know him too well...
and that's why nobody with a common sense would ever return there while this abject person is in power.


pre 13 godina

(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

No mate there was never a proper investigation into this matter because the US was involved. Here is something for you to think about – the recent “investigation into the North Korean sinking of a South Korean naval patrol boat”. One of the western specialists told a close family member that they were instructed by the US that they were to blame N/Korea. Just like this latest incident where due to US demands S/Korea provoked the North.
That will be the day the US allows a proper investigation because Thaci can implicate the US big time in more ways than you can imagine. The US is fully aware of Thaci’s involvement in this mess; in fact they know about his involvement in the murder of 40 Albanians that William Walker used to blame the Serbs for committing that crime.

Milan T

pre 13 godina

None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????



pre 13 godina

@Milan T

investigations must be based on evidence... not fiction. there is no reason in the world to cater to propaganda. its that simple.

a report based on a report based on an accusation based on a rumor found in a book about a report based on a rumor...

Evidence? Something? Anything?


pre 13 godina

"None of the Albanians on this site will answer this question.

If you want evidence and weren't hiding anything...WHY WOULD ALBANIA NOT COOPERATE WITH AN INVESTIGATION???????"

Let me enlighten you a litle bit the answer to your question.

In Albania there was an investigation in 2004 about such allegations but nothing true was found. In addition a team of UN investigator also visited the alleged place and in the same way nothing true has been found. For what kind of cooperation are you talking about!!!! Why should Albania bring up an issue that doesent exist??? I dont think that our country must provide pleasure everytime the serbs make up fictions which are good only for horror movies.
I have heard recently that Mr. Dick said "I gathered facts but no evidences".
According to the english dictionary facts mean:

"something which is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information." Please lt us know the proofs and we can discuss further Mr. Dick. Otherwise your report is so important as the last fiction book I read last.


pre 13 godina

I have been in the region for the last 8 years and understood a lot of things that are not written in newspapers! Though I have never been in Kosovo and have not immediate plans to go there....
I do not have an albanian or k-a biais but certainly do have a problem with the way this illegal UDI started as well do have a problem with the gang ruling down there!
Kosovo and his people are another collateral damage of the United States of Arrogance.
I believe that you are one of the very few that is looking for justice and I praise your comments for this.

(The Swiss, 17 December 2010 00:52)

Sir I must say that my impression of you is that of an anti-Albanian. I may be wrong but that is my impression from having read your cmments on B92 for over a year now. You are more prejudiced than some of the Serb posters and only someone like Zoran or MikeC can outdo you bias.

Now since you elaborated a little on your personal story here's my take:
1. You have been in the Balkans only in the last 8 years where Serbia has drastically improved its standing in the world. You weren't in the region during the war years or the reign of Milosevic when some of the most brutal oppression of the Albanians occurred.
You also have never been in Kosova so most of the news to you are fed by the Serb media.
2. Kosova has been in a limbo status wise and that hasn't helped at all the country in improving its economic standing. Everything that you take for granted in a sovereign country it's a struggle over there even basis stuff like having a country code or an internet code.
3. Kosova should have never been incorporated into Yugoslavia after the Ottomans lost the Balkan Wars. When it was, the Serbs tried every method in the book to colonize it and the Albanians were viewed as a problem that needed to be dealt with as opposed to having some sort of peaceful co-existence like you have in Switzerland. Serbs don't get along with the Bosnians with whom they even speak the same language. Now how do you expect the Serbs to get along with the Albanians?

Think about this for just a second:
Swtizerland has known only peace for pretty much of its existence (I wanna say 700 years) whereas Kosova has only known war for those 700 years with some relative peace in the last decade and still the situation remains tense.
Anyone with a brain or a will to have a better life will leave for the West be it Switzerland, Sweden, Germany or what have you.

Yes what you say about Thaci and many Kosovar politicians is true but it's the unsolved status that perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.


pre 13 godina

"Finally; just about everyone of us from this side of the isle want an investigation. "
(johny, 16 December 2010 19:49)

Well, I remember when the first accusations (made by Del Ponte) came up, all that the Kosovo authorities have done was denying it and not supporting any investigations in the case, like: "No, it's impossible that it ever happened, so we don't need to investigate anything"

The Swiss

pre 13 godina

perpetuates the situation. If the country's sovereignty was not threatened then people would look at some other politicians instead of former KLA leaders like Thaci and Haradinaj.
(Zoti, 17 December 2010 22:18)

As I told you, before I came here I was fed by the foreign medias and as a result was considering the Serbs as the vilains of the region and was just waiting for them to be beaten up.
After 8 years in the region I had the chance to look at it from a different angle! My sources of information are coming not only from B92 but from newspaper all around the world that am reading everyday. as well as thru my connection with the diplomatic world. So am exposed to different sources of information and make then up my own opinion.
You might consider it as anti albanian, no problem, I would say anti-criminals doesn't matter where there are from.
As to the fail birth of kosovo, my opinion is very simple, you have been utilized by the US at one point and that's why you have criminals running kosovo. Just look a bit around the world and you will see a lot of paralell stories.
Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am affraid your basic problems will remain for a while.
When am talking to some of our well integrated k-a neighbors they would always say that they will never return to kosovo until the place will be cleaned from this gang, whatever it means...
Last but not least, you certainly know that the k-albanian mafia is controlling the heroin traffick in Switzerland (headlines in the newspaper yesterday), so do you think that this is helping your case, doubtfully.
I can't buy your argument that because of your "sovereignty is in danger, people are voting for criminals.... you don't have your "sovereignty because of them, but because the US said so....
You have definitely a long way to go and I can only wish you good luck and will certainly not change my opinion until I will see some cleaning happening there, for sure not, because at the end it does have a heavy impact on our streets in Switzerland !!


pre 13 godina

Nearly 3 years passed and apart from some empty words what has the US done to help you, why should they, they got Bond Steel ! Now they dumped the hot potato to the EU who is unable and will be unable to decide anything for a long time to come; so am afraid your basic problems will remain for a while.

(The Swiss, 18 December 2010)

First the USA has done for us more than all the rest of the world combined. They are the strongest advocates of Kosova's independence. They are the one lobbying countries for recognitions.
That's not small thing. If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be independent.
I don't expect the US to build factories and employ 2 million Albanians, they're not doing that here in the States. It is up to us to make Kosova's economy a viable one.

As for USA's own interest in Bondsteel yes that is true but that's how diplomacy works, you scratch my back I scratch yours. USA has still army bases in Germany and Japan, some very powerful countries on their own, and yet I don't see the Germans complaining.

In this world divided along ideological lines we have chosen to side with the US just like Serbs chose to side with the Russians. And don't ever think that the Russians are backing the Serbs out of some sort "Slavic Brotherhood" or other romantic notions it's strictly business as their pipelines will go through Serbia and they bought Serbia's oil refineries dirt cheap.

It's all a game and I'm very well aware of that but as Albanians historically we've been dealt with a bad hand and had to choose the least evil option.

Since we're talking about crime I'm very well aware of the Albanians in Switzerland and their reputation there.
It's unfortunate since the Albanians are at the low end of the criminal networks totem pole. They are violent because they deal in a violent world.
Non-violent criminal networks, like the Swiss banking industry, rarely get noticed for their crimes even though they wreak havoc on people in a different way. You won't see Dick Marty investigating the Swiss banks for their wrongdoings they've left that to the Israelis (hunting for Jewish stolen properties) and the Americans (hunting for their tax evaders).

Don't the Swiss banking secrecy laws enable dictators worldwide by providing a safe haven for their money? DIdin't the Swiss banks hide Nazi gold for decades? Isn't Thaci rumored to have secret Swiss bank accounts?

Perhaps Marty should have started his investigation and maybe he has but won't mention it cause he has to keep his mouth shut. Or he should think about investigating the biggest known "Mafia Head of State" in Europe, Vladimir Putin, but I'm sure he won't. It's easier to go after easy targets like Thaci and the Albanians, nobody will stand up for us.

We live a cynical world where a guy walking into a golf store and stealing gold clubs gets sentenced to 25 years (true story in California) and guys in Wall St. who steal billions from the people walk free and make policy for the rest of us.

Unfortunately it's the world we live in.
We Albanians are at the bottom of the totem pole for now so keep swinging at us while you can while at the same time using Kosovar Albanian footballers in your national football team.