Wednesday, 17.11.2010.


"Serbs love Kosovo, EU enthusiasm declines"

The percentage of the people in Serbia who think it would be good for their country to join the EU has dropped from 50 to 44 percent over the last year.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Serbs love Kosovo, EU enthusiasm declines" IMAGE SOURCE

25 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

As Ireland collapses, Greece collapsed and Spain begins to collapse, the EU is for fools. Germany and others will leave before Serbia ever joins so give up this joke now.


pre 13 godina

"And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation."

-- This logic is flawed. If you think you got problems from Kosova Albanians, you'd be wishing Albanians did not even exist in this world if Albania actually joined in.( Maybe you actually do but whatever). Jugoslavia would be dissolved within the year. It would have never make it as long as it made it.
Also your logic is flawed because if your own brothers wanted out as late as 3 years ago; if people who speak the same language and have the same customs as you wanted out in the 90's, what makes you actually think that someone as foreign in language and customs and as aggressive towards Serb rule would be ok with it.


pre 13 godina


Ignorance is not something to be proud of. EU forcing countries to join? It is not possible to exit EU? At least try to Google some info.

Greenland actually exited the EU. Althouh it is more common to beg for membership and wait decades to be accepted.

Again, I stress it does not mean an automatic redemption and fanfares, it is up to the individual country if they benefit or not.


pre 13 godina

Je¿ europejski

Read my comment again, where did you read the words Hungary, happiness, better life?

I wrote: Do yourself a favour and don't join the EU. THis is better for all of us, with no retrospective effect, whether you like it or not.

Stop breathing the fumes of hatred, or at least do it elegantly, not off topic.


pre 13 godina

@Ment, thanks. I didn't know that Lisbon introduced an exit clause. I got my info from the Irish documentary "End of Nations" and that film was made before the Lisbon Treaty.


pre 13 godina

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.

(roberto, 18 November 2010 05:02)

I find a lot of highduke's stuff foolish in the extreme. but for you of all people to call someone a "hate-perpetrator" shows either an advanced sense of irony or a total lack of self-awareness. I suspect the latter.


pre 13 godina

-- I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply..-- bla bla bla.

i'm sick of yr homophobia and nauseating right-wing rhetoric. you may represent some extremely conservative and hateful serbs, but not "all." at any rate, yr vicious homophobia and incessant personal attacks have no place here.

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.


Je¿ europejski

pre 13 godina

Please do us and yourself a favour and do not join the EU.
(Hruz, 17 November 2010 18:54)


You ow me an explanation than, what made you happier since Hungary joined E.U.

I can testify - the only thing what made me happier is that *** hopefully *** some anti-constitutional moves of O.V. can be over-ruled by Strasbourg. But that's merely HOPEFULLY.

No other benefit, only pain in the a*s, and more importantly: pain in the valet. Regardless, are they thieves from MSZP, thieves from FIDESZ, neo-libsi LMP or neo-nazi nuts of JOBBIK. Which one is your choice? Mine? Given these choices I don't vote by intent.


pre 13 godina

And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation.But it isn't too late, it can still be possible,
The western Balkan countries need to become better country's for themselves, and to do that is the need of new politicians who care for their country and try to make their country better and not taking peoples money in to their pocket!
(Sadly that's now happing in the western Balkans)


pre 13 godina


EU is a prison of nations you can't leave from?

Wow...that's pretty strong...and very wrong.

Lisbon treaty has an exit clause for those that wish to withdraw.


The EU is no "Hotel California" or former Yugoslavia for that matter...so relax.


pre 13 godina

1000 in Serbia. I wonder how many of those are actually Orthodox Serbs and which area they come from.
How the question was asked and age of the people polled is also important.

Polls can be manipulated simply by those things I mentioned so I really don't take any notice of polls.
How about Serbs go to a referendum and be asked if they wish to join EU if recognizing Kosovo is required and if they wish to join EU at all.


pre 13 godina

Haha, since when did joining EU become "voluntary"? The EU has forced country after country to join. In Sweden a majority were against joining EU one week before the referendum and in the last week there were major irregularities.

In the 15 years that passed after the referendum support for EU has NEVER gone above 50%. Sweden was tricked into giving up it's sovereignty by politicians without scruples or principles.

The EU is a prison of nations. Once you are in there is no way out. Even if 99% of the population wants to leave the EU there is no way to do it. There are only rules for joining. The rules for leaving are simply not there. After you join you're not supposed to leave. Leaving Yugoslavia was a piece of cake compared to the struggles that would be required for leaving EU.


pre 13 godina

@ highduke

huh? all I did was point out that something you stated is incorrect.

You stated "Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

But, most it is, in fact, held by Serbs (seeing as 63% of people polled would vote for EU and 15% of Serbia is comprised of minorities according to the last census)

What part of that are you having trouble with? The 63-15 part?


pre 13 godina

As far as the EU goes, I think Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and the rest of the West Balkans countries joining the EU is a good idea in the medium/long term...but for now, none of us are ready. For our own sakes, we should not get anywhere close to the EU without solidly addressing problems like corruption, ethnic nationalism, and absence of the rule of law first. Otherwise we risk being in the position of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia...countries with similar problems to the West Balkans but no outside stick to force them to change their ways.

For now, I think a "privileged status", in terms of trade and infrastructure with the EU would be good enough for all western Balkans countries.

In the mean time, the EU can focus on sorting out its own internal issues (finance, fisheries, agricultural policies and what not).


pre 13 godina

'Danilo' I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply this at all nor have I recently. Thanks again for discrediting yourself by making dumb statements just to get my attention. You admitted to being openly gay during the parade fiasco, so I hope your trolling of my posts here doesn't underly anything but criticism from a Gay perspective doesnt fly with Serbs


pre 13 godina

"Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

according to the article, 63% would vote to join the EU

Serbia is comprised of 15% "minorities". So, if as you say, 100% of them are voting for the EU, then 48% of the people in favour are Serbs.

Perhaps fewer Serbs are sharpening their opanke than you think.


pre 13 godina

"70 percent of Serbians also believe that the economic situation in the country has worsened, according to the poll. "

30 percent of Serbians don't pay any attention to B92?

Joe A

pre 13 godina

That is interesting. Anti EU sentiments in Western Europe run high lately. Could be that people of the Balkans might be one day more enthusiastic about the EU than people in Western Europe.


pre 13 godina

The title says it all: we Serbs are a healthy nation. Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities, not ethnic Serbs. We Serbs wont give up our control of the country, our traditional family values, the Holy Orthodox faith and the Serb Jerusalem KiM for The West's Materialism. Be proud and let the foreigners overcome their destructive jelaousy as they watch & learn how a successful ethnicity defends its collective interest CCCC


pre 13 godina

The title says it all: we Serbs are a healthy nation. Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities, not ethnic Serbs. We Serbs wont give up our control of the country, our traditional family values, the Holy Orthodox faith and the Serb Jerusalem KiM for The West's Materialism. Be proud and let the foreigners overcome their destructive jelaousy as they watch & learn how a successful ethnicity defends its collective interest CCCC


pre 13 godina

"70 percent of Serbians also believe that the economic situation in the country has worsened, according to the poll. "

30 percent of Serbians don't pay any attention to B92?


pre 13 godina

1000 in Serbia. I wonder how many of those are actually Orthodox Serbs and which area they come from.
How the question was asked and age of the people polled is also important.

Polls can be manipulated simply by those things I mentioned so I really don't take any notice of polls.
How about Serbs go to a referendum and be asked if they wish to join EU if recognizing Kosovo is required and if they wish to join EU at all.


pre 13 godina

'Danilo' I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply this at all nor have I recently. Thanks again for discrediting yourself by making dumb statements just to get my attention. You admitted to being openly gay during the parade fiasco, so I hope your trolling of my posts here doesn't underly anything but criticism from a Gay perspective doesnt fly with Serbs


pre 13 godina

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.

(roberto, 18 November 2010 05:02)

I find a lot of highduke's stuff foolish in the extreme. but for you of all people to call someone a "hate-perpetrator" shows either an advanced sense of irony or a total lack of self-awareness. I suspect the latter.

Joe A

pre 13 godina

That is interesting. Anti EU sentiments in Western Europe run high lately. Could be that people of the Balkans might be one day more enthusiastic about the EU than people in Western Europe.


pre 13 godina

"Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

according to the article, 63% would vote to join the EU

Serbia is comprised of 15% "minorities". So, if as you say, 100% of them are voting for the EU, then 48% of the people in favour are Serbs.

Perhaps fewer Serbs are sharpening their opanke than you think.


pre 13 godina

Haha, since when did joining EU become "voluntary"? The EU has forced country after country to join. In Sweden a majority were against joining EU one week before the referendum and in the last week there were major irregularities.

In the 15 years that passed after the referendum support for EU has NEVER gone above 50%. Sweden was tricked into giving up it's sovereignty by politicians without scruples or principles.

The EU is a prison of nations. Once you are in there is no way out. Even if 99% of the population wants to leave the EU there is no way to do it. There are only rules for joining. The rules for leaving are simply not there. After you join you're not supposed to leave. Leaving Yugoslavia was a piece of cake compared to the struggles that would be required for leaving EU.


pre 13 godina

@ highduke

huh? all I did was point out that something you stated is incorrect.

You stated "Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

But, most it is, in fact, held by Serbs (seeing as 63% of people polled would vote for EU and 15% of Serbia is comprised of minorities according to the last census)

What part of that are you having trouble with? The 63-15 part?


pre 13 godina


EU is a prison of nations you can't leave from?

Wow...that's pretty strong...and very wrong.

Lisbon treaty has an exit clause for those that wish to withdraw.


The EU is no "Hotel California" or former Yugoslavia for that matter...so relax.


pre 13 godina

-- I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply..-- bla bla bla.

i'm sick of yr homophobia and nauseating right-wing rhetoric. you may represent some extremely conservative and hateful serbs, but not "all." at any rate, yr vicious homophobia and incessant personal attacks have no place here.

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.



pre 13 godina

As far as the EU goes, I think Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and the rest of the West Balkans countries joining the EU is a good idea in the medium/long term...but for now, none of us are ready. For our own sakes, we should not get anywhere close to the EU without solidly addressing problems like corruption, ethnic nationalism, and absence of the rule of law first. Otherwise we risk being in the position of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia...countries with similar problems to the West Balkans but no outside stick to force them to change their ways.

For now, I think a "privileged status", in terms of trade and infrastructure with the EU would be good enough for all western Balkans countries.

In the mean time, the EU can focus on sorting out its own internal issues (finance, fisheries, agricultural policies and what not).


pre 13 godina

As Ireland collapses, Greece collapsed and Spain begins to collapse, the EU is for fools. Germany and others will leave before Serbia ever joins so give up this joke now.


pre 13 godina

"And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation."

-- This logic is flawed. If you think you got problems from Kosova Albanians, you'd be wishing Albanians did not even exist in this world if Albania actually joined in.( Maybe you actually do but whatever). Jugoslavia would be dissolved within the year. It would have never make it as long as it made it.
Also your logic is flawed because if your own brothers wanted out as late as 3 years ago; if people who speak the same language and have the same customs as you wanted out in the 90's, what makes you actually think that someone as foreign in language and customs and as aggressive towards Serb rule would be ok with it.


pre 13 godina

And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation.But it isn't too late, it can still be possible,
The western Balkan countries need to become better country's for themselves, and to do that is the need of new politicians who care for their country and try to make their country better and not taking peoples money in to their pocket!
(Sadly that's now happing in the western Balkans)

Je¿ europejski

pre 13 godina

Please do us and yourself a favour and do not join the EU.
(Hruz, 17 November 2010 18:54)


You ow me an explanation than, what made you happier since Hungary joined E.U.

I can testify - the only thing what made me happier is that *** hopefully *** some anti-constitutional moves of O.V. can be over-ruled by Strasbourg. But that's merely HOPEFULLY.

No other benefit, only pain in the a*s, and more importantly: pain in the valet. Regardless, are they thieves from MSZP, thieves from FIDESZ, neo-libsi LMP or neo-nazi nuts of JOBBIK. Which one is your choice? Mine? Given these choices I don't vote by intent.


pre 13 godina

Je¿ europejski

Read my comment again, where did you read the words Hungary, happiness, better life?

I wrote: Do yourself a favour and don't join the EU. THis is better for all of us, with no retrospective effect, whether you like it or not.

Stop breathing the fumes of hatred, or at least do it elegantly, not off topic.


pre 13 godina


Ignorance is not something to be proud of. EU forcing countries to join? It is not possible to exit EU? At least try to Google some info.

Greenland actually exited the EU. Althouh it is more common to beg for membership and wait decades to be accepted.

Again, I stress it does not mean an automatic redemption and fanfares, it is up to the individual country if they benefit or not.


pre 13 godina

@Ment, thanks. I didn't know that Lisbon introduced an exit clause. I got my info from the Irish documentary "End of Nations" and that film was made before the Lisbon Treaty.


pre 13 godina

The title says it all: we Serbs are a healthy nation. Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities, not ethnic Serbs. We Serbs wont give up our control of the country, our traditional family values, the Holy Orthodox faith and the Serb Jerusalem KiM for The West's Materialism. Be proud and let the foreigners overcome their destructive jelaousy as they watch & learn how a successful ethnicity defends its collective interest CCCC


pre 13 godina

-- I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply..-- bla bla bla.

i'm sick of yr homophobia and nauseating right-wing rhetoric. you may represent some extremely conservative and hateful serbs, but not "all." at any rate, yr vicious homophobia and incessant personal attacks have no place here.

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.



pre 13 godina

'Danilo' I never said EU-membership is unpatriotic and against national interests nor does the political scene in Serbia imply this at all nor have I recently. Thanks again for discrediting yourself by making dumb statements just to get my attention. You admitted to being openly gay during the parade fiasco, so I hope your trolling of my posts here doesn't underly anything but criticism from a Gay perspective doesnt fly with Serbs


pre 13 godina

"Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

according to the article, 63% would vote to join the EU

Serbia is comprised of 15% "minorities". So, if as you say, 100% of them are voting for the EU, then 48% of the people in favour are Serbs.

Perhaps fewer Serbs are sharpening their opanke than you think.


pre 13 godina

"70 percent of Serbians also believe that the economic situation in the country has worsened, according to the poll. "

30 percent of Serbians don't pay any attention to B92?


pre 13 godina

@ highduke

huh? all I did was point out that something you stated is incorrect.

You stated "Most pro-EU/NATO sentiment is held by minorities"

But, most it is, in fact, held by Serbs (seeing as 63% of people polled would vote for EU and 15% of Serbia is comprised of minorities according to the last census)

What part of that are you having trouble with? The 63-15 part?


pre 13 godina

As far as the EU goes, I think Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and the rest of the West Balkans countries joining the EU is a good idea in the medium/long term...but for now, none of us are ready. For our own sakes, we should not get anywhere close to the EU without solidly addressing problems like corruption, ethnic nationalism, and absence of the rule of law first. Otherwise we risk being in the position of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia...countries with similar problems to the West Balkans but no outside stick to force them to change their ways.

For now, I think a "privileged status", in terms of trade and infrastructure with the EU would be good enough for all western Balkans countries.

In the mean time, the EU can focus on sorting out its own internal issues (finance, fisheries, agricultural policies and what not).


pre 13 godina

1000 in Serbia. I wonder how many of those are actually Orthodox Serbs and which area they come from.
How the question was asked and age of the people polled is also important.

Polls can be manipulated simply by those things I mentioned so I really don't take any notice of polls.
How about Serbs go to a referendum and be asked if they wish to join EU if recognizing Kosovo is required and if they wish to join EU at all.


pre 13 godina

Haha, since when did joining EU become "voluntary"? The EU has forced country after country to join. In Sweden a majority were against joining EU one week before the referendum and in the last week there were major irregularities.

In the 15 years that passed after the referendum support for EU has NEVER gone above 50%. Sweden was tricked into giving up it's sovereignty by politicians without scruples or principles.

The EU is a prison of nations. Once you are in there is no way out. Even if 99% of the population wants to leave the EU there is no way to do it. There are only rules for joining. The rules for leaving are simply not there. After you join you're not supposed to leave. Leaving Yugoslavia was a piece of cake compared to the struggles that would be required for leaving EU.


pre 13 godina

And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation.But it isn't too late, it can still be possible,
The western Balkan countries need to become better country's for themselves, and to do that is the need of new politicians who care for their country and try to make their country better and not taking peoples money in to their pocket!
(Sadly that's now happing in the western Balkans)


pre 13 godina

but then again, who is really at fault, the hate-perpetrator(s) or those who ALways facilitate them? think about it.

(roberto, 18 November 2010 05:02)

I find a lot of highduke's stuff foolish in the extreme. but for you of all people to call someone a "hate-perpetrator" shows either an advanced sense of irony or a total lack of self-awareness. I suspect the latter.


pre 13 godina

"And here we start again,
If the stupid politicians of the 90's kept Yugoslavia as one country and if Albania became part of YU all the western balkan country's would have been in EU by now And that would be the best for everyone , no war but Cooperation."

-- This logic is flawed. If you think you got problems from Kosova Albanians, you'd be wishing Albanians did not even exist in this world if Albania actually joined in.( Maybe you actually do but whatever). Jugoslavia would be dissolved within the year. It would have never make it as long as it made it.
Also your logic is flawed because if your own brothers wanted out as late as 3 years ago; if people who speak the same language and have the same customs as you wanted out in the 90's, what makes you actually think that someone as foreign in language and customs and as aggressive towards Serb rule would be ok with it.


pre 13 godina

@Ment, thanks. I didn't know that Lisbon introduced an exit clause. I got my info from the Irish documentary "End of Nations" and that film was made before the Lisbon Treaty.


pre 13 godina


Ignorance is not something to be proud of. EU forcing countries to join? It is not possible to exit EU? At least try to Google some info.

Greenland actually exited the EU. Althouh it is more common to beg for membership and wait decades to be accepted.

Again, I stress it does not mean an automatic redemption and fanfares, it is up to the individual country if they benefit or not.

Je¿ europejski

pre 13 godina

Please do us and yourself a favour and do not join the EU.
(Hruz, 17 November 2010 18:54)


You ow me an explanation than, what made you happier since Hungary joined E.U.

I can testify - the only thing what made me happier is that *** hopefully *** some anti-constitutional moves of O.V. can be over-ruled by Strasbourg. But that's merely HOPEFULLY.

No other benefit, only pain in the a*s, and more importantly: pain in the valet. Regardless, are they thieves from MSZP, thieves from FIDESZ, neo-libsi LMP or neo-nazi nuts of JOBBIK. Which one is your choice? Mine? Given these choices I don't vote by intent.


pre 13 godina

As Ireland collapses, Greece collapsed and Spain begins to collapse, the EU is for fools. Germany and others will leave before Serbia ever joins so give up this joke now.

Joe A

pre 13 godina

That is interesting. Anti EU sentiments in Western Europe run high lately. Could be that people of the Balkans might be one day more enthusiastic about the EU than people in Western Europe.


pre 13 godina


EU is a prison of nations you can't leave from?

Wow...that's pretty strong...and very wrong.

Lisbon treaty has an exit clause for those that wish to withdraw.


The EU is no "Hotel California" or former Yugoslavia for that matter...so relax.


pre 13 godina

Je¿ europejski

Read my comment again, where did you read the words Hungary, happiness, better life?

I wrote: Do yourself a favour and don't join the EU. THis is better for all of us, with no retrospective effect, whether you like it or not.

Stop breathing the fumes of hatred, or at least do it elegantly, not off topic.