Friday, 30.07.2010.


OSCE worried about freedom of media

The situation regarding the freedom of the media in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) participating states is not satisfactory.

Izvor: Tanjug

OSCE worried about freedom of media IMAGE SOURCE

6 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

US law to protect writers against libel tourism

The US House of Representatives has passed a law which will render libel rulings from the English courts unenforceable there. The bill has already been passed by the Senate and will go to US President Barack Obama to be signed into law.


Everything comes to and end eventually.


pre 14 godina

The brits do go after journalists every now and then. One name, Andrew Gilligan.

They also practice self-censorship (in a very clever and subtle way) and have draconian lible laws that people from all over the world come to the UK to have their 'reputation' protected.

Media has always been manipulated and most journalists have gone alone with it. Only a few brave souls haven't and they pay the price for the rest of their lives.


pre 14 godina

>As far as Serbia is concerned, the OSCE report particularly condemns the brutal attack of Teofil Pančić on July 26, a journalist known for his critical stance against nationalism and sports hooliganism. <

yes, what an appropriate topic. the state of the media, esp in the balkans and most particularly in serbia. it's bad!

there is an absolute lack of intl standards. there is an utter lack of transparency. (behind the curtains...) there is an utter absence of diversity. a lack of strong investigative reporting. and there is a desperate lack of objectivity.

now of course one can argue forever about what is "objective." i always say that objectivity is something to strive for more than something concrete -- it's a (conscious) process. but you have to want to move in that direction, otherwise it just becomes some political pr sheet.

the issue of safety (and lack thereof) is paramount of course. esp.ly over there. in a place like russia it is almost suicidal to author certain kinds of articles, follow certain investigations, esp.ly in a consistent and outspoken way. and we've often enough seen this danger in serbia, esp.ly for anti-nationalist journalists with integrity.

so you have the report. a bit disturbing. now what will you do about it?



pre 14 godina

"But then again, "free media" in the west is just that.."
(Sovereign, 30 July 2010 16:24)

The definition has nothing to do if the media are owned by "foreigners", the concept of "free media" is simple the opposite to state-owned media (which are often used for manipulation and propaganda purposes). Of course, private owned media are often manipulative, too, because of selective reporting.

Btw., the article is not about "free media", but more about freeDOM of media, which means that journalists can investigate, write about what they found out and express their opinion, without the fear of being harrassed, persecuted or even killed by obscure state-connected subjects (like it happened in Russia several times) or by Hooligans and criminals, in this case here.

Dr. John Zammit

pre 14 godina

It is important that this report has been published about how the Media Freedom is Threatened in Most European Countries. In Malta freedom of expression and the media is one of the most threatened and journalists are taken to court even for reporting facts about what members of the Maltese Parliament do especially when they breach the law and so on. I for reporting an MP was fined 1000 Euros for nothing and in the court sentence they did not mention what I did wrong. The same accusations are also in a criminal case so that to shut the Maltese journalist's mouths they accuse you both under the Press Law and then under the criminal law so that you finish with so many fines that your salary is finished.


pre 14 godina

When more than 95% of the media and almost all here in Serbia are owned by foreign corporate interests and a notorious "philantrophist" billionaire from Hungary with "regime change" & liberalism as a hobby, obviously there cant be any "free media". But then again, "free media" in the west is just that..


pre 14 godina

When more than 95% of the media and almost all here in Serbia are owned by foreign corporate interests and a notorious "philantrophist" billionaire from Hungary with "regime change" & liberalism as a hobby, obviously there cant be any "free media". But then again, "free media" in the west is just that..

Dr. John Zammit

pre 14 godina

It is important that this report has been published about how the Media Freedom is Threatened in Most European Countries. In Malta freedom of expression and the media is one of the most threatened and journalists are taken to court even for reporting facts about what members of the Maltese Parliament do especially when they breach the law and so on. I for reporting an MP was fined 1000 Euros for nothing and in the court sentence they did not mention what I did wrong. The same accusations are also in a criminal case so that to shut the Maltese journalist's mouths they accuse you both under the Press Law and then under the criminal law so that you finish with so many fines that your salary is finished.


pre 14 godina

"But then again, "free media" in the west is just that.."
(Sovereign, 30 July 2010 16:24)

The definition has nothing to do if the media are owned by "foreigners", the concept of "free media" is simple the opposite to state-owned media (which are often used for manipulation and propaganda purposes). Of course, private owned media are often manipulative, too, because of selective reporting.

Btw., the article is not about "free media", but more about freeDOM of media, which means that journalists can investigate, write about what they found out and express their opinion, without the fear of being harrassed, persecuted or even killed by obscure state-connected subjects (like it happened in Russia several times) or by Hooligans and criminals, in this case here.


pre 14 godina

>As far as Serbia is concerned, the OSCE report particularly condemns the brutal attack of Teofil Pančić on July 26, a journalist known for his critical stance against nationalism and sports hooliganism. <

yes, what an appropriate topic. the state of the media, esp in the balkans and most particularly in serbia. it's bad!

there is an absolute lack of intl standards. there is an utter lack of transparency. (behind the curtains...) there is an utter absence of diversity. a lack of strong investigative reporting. and there is a desperate lack of objectivity.

now of course one can argue forever about what is "objective." i always say that objectivity is something to strive for more than something concrete -- it's a (conscious) process. but you have to want to move in that direction, otherwise it just becomes some political pr sheet.

the issue of safety (and lack thereof) is paramount of course. esp.ly over there. in a place like russia it is almost suicidal to author certain kinds of articles, follow certain investigations, esp.ly in a consistent and outspoken way. and we've often enough seen this danger in serbia, esp.ly for anti-nationalist journalists with integrity.

so you have the report. a bit disturbing. now what will you do about it?



pre 14 godina

The brits do go after journalists every now and then. One name, Andrew Gilligan.

They also practice self-censorship (in a very clever and subtle way) and have draconian lible laws that people from all over the world come to the UK to have their 'reputation' protected.

Media has always been manipulated and most journalists have gone alone with it. Only a few brave souls haven't and they pay the price for the rest of their lives.


pre 14 godina

US law to protect writers against libel tourism

The US House of Representatives has passed a law which will render libel rulings from the English courts unenforceable there. The bill has already been passed by the Senate and will go to US President Barack Obama to be signed into law.


Everything comes to and end eventually.


pre 14 godina

"But then again, "free media" in the west is just that.."
(Sovereign, 30 July 2010 16:24)

The definition has nothing to do if the media are owned by "foreigners", the concept of "free media" is simple the opposite to state-owned media (which are often used for manipulation and propaganda purposes). Of course, private owned media are often manipulative, too, because of selective reporting.

Btw., the article is not about "free media", but more about freeDOM of media, which means that journalists can investigate, write about what they found out and express their opinion, without the fear of being harrassed, persecuted or even killed by obscure state-connected subjects (like it happened in Russia several times) or by Hooligans and criminals, in this case here.


pre 14 godina

>As far as Serbia is concerned, the OSCE report particularly condemns the brutal attack of Teofil Pančić on July 26, a journalist known for his critical stance against nationalism and sports hooliganism. <

yes, what an appropriate topic. the state of the media, esp in the balkans and most particularly in serbia. it's bad!

there is an absolute lack of intl standards. there is an utter lack of transparency. (behind the curtains...) there is an utter absence of diversity. a lack of strong investigative reporting. and there is a desperate lack of objectivity.

now of course one can argue forever about what is "objective." i always say that objectivity is something to strive for more than something concrete -- it's a (conscious) process. but you have to want to move in that direction, otherwise it just becomes some political pr sheet.

the issue of safety (and lack thereof) is paramount of course. esp.ly over there. in a place like russia it is almost suicidal to author certain kinds of articles, follow certain investigations, esp.ly in a consistent and outspoken way. and we've often enough seen this danger in serbia, esp.ly for anti-nationalist journalists with integrity.

so you have the report. a bit disturbing. now what will you do about it?



pre 14 godina

When more than 95% of the media and almost all here in Serbia are owned by foreign corporate interests and a notorious "philantrophist" billionaire from Hungary with "regime change" & liberalism as a hobby, obviously there cant be any "free media". But then again, "free media" in the west is just that..

Dr. John Zammit

pre 14 godina

It is important that this report has been published about how the Media Freedom is Threatened in Most European Countries. In Malta freedom of expression and the media is one of the most threatened and journalists are taken to court even for reporting facts about what members of the Maltese Parliament do especially when they breach the law and so on. I for reporting an MP was fined 1000 Euros for nothing and in the court sentence they did not mention what I did wrong. The same accusations are also in a criminal case so that to shut the Maltese journalist's mouths they accuse you both under the Press Law and then under the criminal law so that you finish with so many fines that your salary is finished.


pre 14 godina

The brits do go after journalists every now and then. One name, Andrew Gilligan.

They also practice self-censorship (in a very clever and subtle way) and have draconian lible laws that people from all over the world come to the UK to have their 'reputation' protected.

Media has always been manipulated and most journalists have gone alone with it. Only a few brave souls haven't and they pay the price for the rest of their lives.


pre 14 godina

US law to protect writers against libel tourism

The US House of Representatives has passed a law which will render libel rulings from the English courts unenforceable there. The bill has already been passed by the Senate and will go to US President Barack Obama to be signed into law.


Everything comes to and end eventually.