Saturday, 24.07.2010.


Priština to send demands for recognition

Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni said that Priština would be sending demands to 121 countries to officially recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Izvor: Specijalno za B92,Aleksadar Dzikic pomocni trener KK Partizan

Priština to send demands for recognition IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

"-- I think you're missing one important point: Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.

Mike, maybe Jeremic can run circles around Hyseni when it comes to politics and changing minds. I don't know.
Maybe their track record can explain that.

But, to answer your question as to why he isn't traveling to every country he's asking recognition from is calling being 'efficient' a.k.a. greater results in less time with less effort.

How long do you suppose it would take to travel to 40 countries and hold meetings?
It would certainly cost money, too!

Or, maybe he doesn't have to?
Who knows, we'll see in the coming weeks.

But, to even discuss why he isn't traveling to all these countries is like saying 'my dad's car is faster than your dad's car'.

A bit immature, don't you thin?

In any case, it's new recognitions that matter, not who traveled where and what color suit they wore!


pre 14 godina

Before the ICJ verdict, US declared it was promised recgognition of kosovo by 40 countries...which would be more than enough for a UN participation of kosovo, i guess now US has all its moral right to threaten economical assistance cuts in case some world 3 countries `have decided to disaprrove with ICJ`
Same aplies with Greece spain rumenia etc, which are indeed getting billion of dollars from the EU, but on the other side arrogantly reject the ICJ verdict...I remeber Germany that in case of economical failure of greece, EU could expel that bankrupt country from EU.


pre 14 godina

# Demands or pleas? I thought the albos said there would be 30 immediate recognitions after the verdict. Where are they?
(JohnBoy, 24 July 2010 17:33)

Yet another b-92 special. someone that works there echoed my words a few weeks ago: "no more racism." and how long did that new year's resolution last?

i don't blame the perpetrators, per se -- they will get away w/ what they can (which is a LOT if you're on the "right" side). otherwise, good chance of censorship. so what is the media message? (duh)

as i've said so many times, thank god for independence, don't ever allow it to roll back, or you will be completely at their mercy -- again.



pre 14 godina

"They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. " (abc123, 24 July 2010 17:14)

It's not about recognizing the (obviously legal) UDI, but about recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state - and that's connectedwith the right for secession, which the ICJ ruling hasn't been about.

And be sure, the recognitions (and refusals, on the other hand) that happened so far have NOTHING to do with the love or hate for Serbs or Albanians. The countries had their very own specific reasons for it: Countries with a minority naturally won't recognize Kosovo, as a state that was formed by unilateral secession. Many countries that recognized Kosovo did it mainly to preserve peace (fearing more trouble in Kosovo) and/or to be able to send back 10,000s of refuguees, now that they cannot claim any more they are a "persecuted minority" in the totally democratic and multiethnic state of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

"Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia?" (johny)

-- I think you're missing one important point: while Serbia does rely on Russia for the UN veto, Belgrade has been largely independent in the diplomatic maneuvering over the last two years. Russia is not "lobbying against recognitions" in a similar fashion as the US is "lobbying for". Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.


pre 14 godina

Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.
(Mike, 24 July 2010 15:40)

Sure and how does this differ from Serbia's dependence on Russia's veto? You know very well that without that veto everything is done for good. Mike jealousy is not a good thing. Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia? Why is Serbia's dependence on Russia perfectly normal in the Serb camp's mind while Kosova's dependence on the US isn't? Is this again one of those things where you're entitled of allies with lots of powers simply because you're Serbs, and we're not because we're Albanians? Well if it is then I would be very appreciative if you continue to think that way. So far that kind of thinking has done wanders for us.

P.S Top and others. It is bad translation. Either that or B92 has malicious goals to achieve so they chose that word. In Albanian he said asked not demand. The only ones that can demand in this world are the big shots in the EU, China, US and Russia. The rest just play their games.


pre 14 godina

Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law.
(inNYC, 24 July 2010 12:51)

It is precisely this myth that the Court broke by ruling the UDI was not illegal. It's the Court's Opinion that counts as international law, not yours.

Of course states may decide to recognize or not, that's their sovereign decision; it's not something that int'l law (including this ICJ decision) regulates. But no state can any longer say that I don't recognize the UDI because it's against international law.

They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. If he had not done so, at least the doubt about the UDI's legality (even if incorrect) would have remained and could have been used by Serbia for many years to come. He wasted the as of the Serbia's arguments.


pre 14 godina

If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence.
(Daniel, 24 July 2010 12:18)

I fully agree... and of course, if it were not for Russia, Kosovo's independence would have been achieved long ago.

It would be naive to think that Kosovo and Serbia count very much in the international affairs.


pre 14 godina

Well good luck "demanding" more recognitions. If you can get them, more power to you but I find it interesting that instead of actually going to the countries in question, Hysterical Skender needs to meet with officials of said countries in the US. Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.


pre 14 godina

"Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?
(Radoslav, 24 July 2010 12:42)"

Unfortunately Radoslav, you just need to do a quick google and find that the mainstream press and media in the West are reporting it as just that. It is utterly unforgivable and disgraceful. There is no fog of war here but a very very clear advisory opinion. There is no excuse for such reporting.

I urge people to write to the press complaints commission in their respective countries.


pre 14 godina

Demands? Is this is just a bad translation, or does Pristina really think they are in a position to "demand" anything from other countries?


pre 14 godina

And should the K-Serbs of Strpce and north Kosovo do their UDI too, they can similarly demand recognitions from the world too. In time to come we will have over 1 million independent countries in the world! Talk about opening a Pandora box!

in NYC

pre 14 godina

Hyseniqi, the ICJ said "your UDI is not illegal", and not that your secession is. Do you understand the difference? Anyway, good luck with your quest for more recognitions. Let's see if you, or Jeremic, are better diplomats. You do have a bit of an edge, the US is pulling strings for you, but I'll still put my faith in the Vuk.


pre 14 godina

The fact that Skender Hyseni is going to Washington to secure more recognitions shows that Kosovo's independence has everything to do with the US and nothing to do with Albanians. If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence. Although I do not believe the current administration cares that much about Kosovo's independence, it certainly is allowing the old guard to function as has been since the war. Since China, Russia, Spain, and others have already affirmed that things will not change soon, this looks like a stalemate for a long time to come. Although I don't believe the US wants status negotiations, failure to do so will leave kosovo in limbo for years to come, even if it gets some 50 more recognitions from the ICJ ruling.


pre 14 godina

They won't, Ian UK. Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law. What the ICJ opinion was, was just word games. It did not state that the KiM separatist Albanians have the right to secede from their soveign country.


pre 14 godina

Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

Now that it is certain that their independence was fully legal and in line with international law, all the countries which haven't recognised Kosovo yet should do so.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"Hyseni said that Priština would be sending demands to 121 countries"

Or what? You will stop the drugflow to those countries that refuse to recognize. Or perhaps you will prevent poor albanians to seek refuge in the country in question. Maybe you will draw back on the financial support to all those countries who refuse to recognize Kosovo as independent. You sure have a lot of options to consider to get your will.

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

Now that it is certain that their independence was fully legal and in line with international law, all the countries which haven't recognised Kosovo yet should do so.


pre 14 godina

Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"Hyseni said that Priština would be sending demands to 121 countries"

Or what? You will stop the drugflow to those countries that refuse to recognize. Or perhaps you will prevent poor albanians to seek refuge in the country in question. Maybe you will draw back on the financial support to all those countries who refuse to recognize Kosovo as independent. You sure have a lot of options to consider to get your will.

in NYC

pre 14 godina

Hyseniqi, the ICJ said "your UDI is not illegal", and not that your secession is. Do you understand the difference? Anyway, good luck with your quest for more recognitions. Let's see if you, or Jeremic, are better diplomats. You do have a bit of an edge, the US is pulling strings for you, but I'll still put my faith in the Vuk.


pre 14 godina

The fact that Skender Hyseni is going to Washington to secure more recognitions shows that Kosovo's independence has everything to do with the US and nothing to do with Albanians. If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence. Although I do not believe the current administration cares that much about Kosovo's independence, it certainly is allowing the old guard to function as has been since the war. Since China, Russia, Spain, and others have already affirmed that things will not change soon, this looks like a stalemate for a long time to come. Although I don't believe the US wants status negotiations, failure to do so will leave kosovo in limbo for years to come, even if it gets some 50 more recognitions from the ICJ ruling.


pre 14 godina

They won't, Ian UK. Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law. What the ICJ opinion was, was just word games. It did not state that the KiM separatist Albanians have the right to secede from their soveign country.


pre 14 godina

Well good luck "demanding" more recognitions. If you can get them, more power to you but I find it interesting that instead of actually going to the countries in question, Hysterical Skender needs to meet with officials of said countries in the US. Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.


pre 14 godina

Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.
(Mike, 24 July 2010 15:40)

Sure and how does this differ from Serbia's dependence on Russia's veto? You know very well that without that veto everything is done for good. Mike jealousy is not a good thing. Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia? Why is Serbia's dependence on Russia perfectly normal in the Serb camp's mind while Kosova's dependence on the US isn't? Is this again one of those things where you're entitled of allies with lots of powers simply because you're Serbs, and we're not because we're Albanians? Well if it is then I would be very appreciative if you continue to think that way. So far that kind of thinking has done wanders for us.

P.S Top and others. It is bad translation. Either that or B92 has malicious goals to achieve so they chose that word. In Albanian he said asked not demand. The only ones that can demand in this world are the big shots in the EU, China, US and Russia. The rest just play their games.


pre 14 godina

If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence.
(Daniel, 24 July 2010 12:18)

I fully agree... and of course, if it were not for Russia, Kosovo's independence would have been achieved long ago.

It would be naive to think that Kosovo and Serbia count very much in the international affairs.


pre 14 godina

And should the K-Serbs of Strpce and north Kosovo do their UDI too, they can similarly demand recognitions from the world too. In time to come we will have over 1 million independent countries in the world! Talk about opening a Pandora box!


pre 14 godina

Demands? Is this is just a bad translation, or does Pristina really think they are in a position to "demand" anything from other countries?


pre 14 godina

"Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia?" (johny)

-- I think you're missing one important point: while Serbia does rely on Russia for the UN veto, Belgrade has been largely independent in the diplomatic maneuvering over the last two years. Russia is not "lobbying against recognitions" in a similar fashion as the US is "lobbying for". Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.


pre 14 godina

"Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?
(Radoslav, 24 July 2010 12:42)"

Unfortunately Radoslav, you just need to do a quick google and find that the mainstream press and media in the West are reporting it as just that. It is utterly unforgivable and disgraceful. There is no fog of war here but a very very clear advisory opinion. There is no excuse for such reporting.

I urge people to write to the press complaints commission in their respective countries.


pre 14 godina

Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law.
(inNYC, 24 July 2010 12:51)

It is precisely this myth that the Court broke by ruling the UDI was not illegal. It's the Court's Opinion that counts as international law, not yours.

Of course states may decide to recognize or not, that's their sovereign decision; it's not something that int'l law (including this ICJ decision) regulates. But no state can any longer say that I don't recognize the UDI because it's against international law.

They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. If he had not done so, at least the doubt about the UDI's legality (even if incorrect) would have remained and could have been used by Serbia for many years to come. He wasted the as of the Serbia's arguments.


pre 14 godina

"They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. " (abc123, 24 July 2010 17:14)

It's not about recognizing the (obviously legal) UDI, but about recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state - and that's connectedwith the right for secession, which the ICJ ruling hasn't been about.

And be sure, the recognitions (and refusals, on the other hand) that happened so far have NOTHING to do with the love or hate for Serbs or Albanians. The countries had their very own specific reasons for it: Countries with a minority naturally won't recognize Kosovo, as a state that was formed by unilateral secession. Many countries that recognized Kosovo did it mainly to preserve peace (fearing more trouble in Kosovo) and/or to be able to send back 10,000s of refuguees, now that they cannot claim any more they are a "persecuted minority" in the totally democratic and multiethnic state of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Before the ICJ verdict, US declared it was promised recgognition of kosovo by 40 countries...which would be more than enough for a UN participation of kosovo, i guess now US has all its moral right to threaten economical assistance cuts in case some world 3 countries `have decided to disaprrove with ICJ`
Same aplies with Greece spain rumenia etc, which are indeed getting billion of dollars from the EU, but on the other side arrogantly reject the ICJ verdict...I remeber Germany that in case of economical failure of greece, EU could expel that bankrupt country from EU.


pre 14 godina

# Demands or pleas? I thought the albos said there would be 30 immediate recognitions after the verdict. Where are they?
(JohnBoy, 24 July 2010 17:33)

Yet another b-92 special. someone that works there echoed my words a few weeks ago: "no more racism." and how long did that new year's resolution last?

i don't blame the perpetrators, per se -- they will get away w/ what they can (which is a LOT if you're on the "right" side). otherwise, good chance of censorship. so what is the media message? (duh)

as i've said so many times, thank god for independence, don't ever allow it to roll back, or you will be completely at their mercy -- again.



pre 14 godina

"-- I think you're missing one important point: Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.

Mike, maybe Jeremic can run circles around Hyseni when it comes to politics and changing minds. I don't know.
Maybe their track record can explain that.

But, to answer your question as to why he isn't traveling to every country he's asking recognition from is calling being 'efficient' a.k.a. greater results in less time with less effort.

How long do you suppose it would take to travel to 40 countries and hold meetings?
It would certainly cost money, too!

Or, maybe he doesn't have to?
Who knows, we'll see in the coming weeks.

But, to even discuss why he isn't traveling to all these countries is like saying 'my dad's car is faster than your dad's car'.

A bit immature, don't you thin?

In any case, it's new recognitions that matter, not who traveled where and what color suit they wore!

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"Hyseni said that Priština would be sending demands to 121 countries"

Or what? You will stop the drugflow to those countries that refuse to recognize. Or perhaps you will prevent poor albanians to seek refuge in the country in question. Maybe you will draw back on the financial support to all those countries who refuse to recognize Kosovo as independent. You sure have a lot of options to consider to get your will.

in NYC

pre 14 godina

Hyseniqi, the ICJ said "your UDI is not illegal", and not that your secession is. Do you understand the difference? Anyway, good luck with your quest for more recognitions. Let's see if you, or Jeremic, are better diplomats. You do have a bit of an edge, the US is pulling strings for you, but I'll still put my faith in the Vuk.

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

Now that it is certain that their independence was fully legal and in line with international law, all the countries which haven't recognised Kosovo yet should do so.


pre 14 godina

Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?


pre 14 godina

They won't, Ian UK. Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law. What the ICJ opinion was, was just word games. It did not state that the KiM separatist Albanians have the right to secede from their soveign country.


pre 14 godina

The fact that Skender Hyseni is going to Washington to secure more recognitions shows that Kosovo's independence has everything to do with the US and nothing to do with Albanians. If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence. Although I do not believe the current administration cares that much about Kosovo's independence, it certainly is allowing the old guard to function as has been since the war. Since China, Russia, Spain, and others have already affirmed that things will not change soon, this looks like a stalemate for a long time to come. Although I don't believe the US wants status negotiations, failure to do so will leave kosovo in limbo for years to come, even if it gets some 50 more recognitions from the ICJ ruling.


pre 14 godina

And should the K-Serbs of Strpce and north Kosovo do their UDI too, they can similarly demand recognitions from the world too. In time to come we will have over 1 million independent countries in the world! Talk about opening a Pandora box!


pre 14 godina

Demands? Is this is just a bad translation, or does Pristina really think they are in a position to "demand" anything from other countries?


pre 14 godina

Well good luck "demanding" more recognitions. If you can get them, more power to you but I find it interesting that instead of actually going to the countries in question, Hysterical Skender needs to meet with officials of said countries in the US. Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.


pre 14 godina

Countries that have not recognized the illegal Albanian UDI, still believe in international law.
(inNYC, 24 July 2010 12:51)

It is precisely this myth that the Court broke by ruling the UDI was not illegal. It's the Court's Opinion that counts as international law, not yours.

Of course states may decide to recognize or not, that's their sovereign decision; it's not something that int'l law (including this ICJ decision) regulates. But no state can any longer say that I don't recognize the UDI because it's against international law.

They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. If he had not done so, at least the doubt about the UDI's legality (even if incorrect) would have remained and could have been used by Serbia for many years to come. He wasted the as of the Serbia's arguments.


pre 14 godina

Just furthering the notion that Kosovo ultimately depends on the US for its livelihood and legitimacy. I'm quite sure his "demands" will be given in the presence of US officials too.
(Mike, 24 July 2010 15:40)

Sure and how does this differ from Serbia's dependence on Russia's veto? You know very well that without that veto everything is done for good. Mike jealousy is not a good thing. Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia? Why is Serbia's dependence on Russia perfectly normal in the Serb camp's mind while Kosova's dependence on the US isn't? Is this again one of those things where you're entitled of allies with lots of powers simply because you're Serbs, and we're not because we're Albanians? Well if it is then I would be very appreciative if you continue to think that way. So far that kind of thinking has done wanders for us.

P.S Top and others. It is bad translation. Either that or B92 has malicious goals to achieve so they chose that word. In Albanian he said asked not demand. The only ones that can demand in this world are the big shots in the EU, China, US and Russia. The rest just play their games.


pre 14 godina

"Ian,UK - Maybe you were watching Albanian tv but for the rest of the world it was clearly stated that only the declaration was legal. The court didn't rule on the right to self determination or the right to secession. So could you explain how you come to the conclusion that the court ruled that Kosovo is independent?
(Radoslav, 24 July 2010 12:42)"

Unfortunately Radoslav, you just need to do a quick google and find that the mainstream press and media in the West are reporting it as just that. It is utterly unforgivable and disgraceful. There is no fog of war here but a very very clear advisory opinion. There is no excuse for such reporting.

I urge people to write to the press complaints commission in their respective countries.


pre 14 godina

"They can say I don't recognize the UDI because I hate Albanians or because I love Serbs, and that's, of course, their right and sovereign decision to say so.

But the argument of illegality has fallen and for this everybody has to thank Vuk, who, against the advice of the US and others in the EU decided to send this to the Court. " (abc123, 24 July 2010 17:14)

It's not about recognizing the (obviously legal) UDI, but about recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state - and that's connectedwith the right for secession, which the ICJ ruling hasn't been about.

And be sure, the recognitions (and refusals, on the other hand) that happened so far have NOTHING to do with the love or hate for Serbs or Albanians. The countries had their very own specific reasons for it: Countries with a minority naturally won't recognize Kosovo, as a state that was formed by unilateral secession. Many countries that recognized Kosovo did it mainly to preserve peace (fearing more trouble in Kosovo) and/or to be able to send back 10,000s of refuguees, now that they cannot claim any more they are a "persecuted minority" in the totally democratic and multiethnic state of Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

If it weren't for the US, there would have been no possibility of independence.
(Daniel, 24 July 2010 12:18)

I fully agree... and of course, if it were not for Russia, Kosovo's independence would have been achieved long ago.

It would be naive to think that Kosovo and Serbia count very much in the international affairs.


pre 14 godina

"Kosova depends on the US just as Serbia depends on Russia so what is interesting is why Serbs are obsessed with focusing on Kosova's dependence on the US and not their dependence on Russia?" (johny)

-- I think you're missing one important point: while Serbia does rely on Russia for the UN veto, Belgrade has been largely independent in the diplomatic maneuvering over the last two years. Russia is not "lobbying against recognitions" in a similar fashion as the US is "lobbying for". Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.


pre 14 godina

# Demands or pleas? I thought the albos said there would be 30 immediate recognitions after the verdict. Where are they?
(JohnBoy, 24 July 2010 17:33)

Yet another b-92 special. someone that works there echoed my words a few weeks ago: "no more racism." and how long did that new year's resolution last?

i don't blame the perpetrators, per se -- they will get away w/ what they can (which is a LOT if you're on the "right" side). otherwise, good chance of censorship. so what is the media message? (duh)

as i've said so many times, thank god for independence, don't ever allow it to roll back, or you will be completely at their mercy -- again.



pre 14 godina

Before the ICJ verdict, US declared it was promised recgognition of kosovo by 40 countries...which would be more than enough for a UN participation of kosovo, i guess now US has all its moral right to threaten economical assistance cuts in case some world 3 countries `have decided to disaprrove with ICJ`
Same aplies with Greece spain rumenia etc, which are indeed getting billion of dollars from the EU, but on the other side arrogantly reject the ICJ verdict...I remeber Germany that in case of economical failure of greece, EU could expel that bankrupt country from EU.


pre 14 godina

"-- I think you're missing one important point: Jeremic can hold his own. Hyseni needs someone to hold his hand. Why doesn't Hyseni travel to these countries himself and "demand" recognitions? Jeremic has about enough frequent flyer miles today to travel to Mars. Hyseni still needs to do everything within the shadow of Washington. Yes, both rely on larger powers, but Belgrade relies far less on Russia than Pristina relies on Washington.

Mike, maybe Jeremic can run circles around Hyseni when it comes to politics and changing minds. I don't know.
Maybe their track record can explain that.

But, to answer your question as to why he isn't traveling to every country he's asking recognition from is calling being 'efficient' a.k.a. greater results in less time with less effort.

How long do you suppose it would take to travel to 40 countries and hold meetings?
It would certainly cost money, too!

Or, maybe he doesn't have to?
Who knows, we'll see in the coming weeks.

But, to even discuss why he isn't traveling to all these countries is like saying 'my dad's car is faster than your dad's car'.

A bit immature, don't you thin?

In any case, it's new recognitions that matter, not who traveled where and what color suit they wore!