Wednesday, 02.06.2010.


Google to employees: Switch to Apple, Linux

Software giant Microsoft, whose Windows operating system dominates the desktop market, could be banished from desktop computers at another giant – Google.

Izvor: B92

Google to employees: Switch to Apple, Linux IMAGE SOURCE

1 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

Yes! More people should look at GNU/Linux. Apple's OS have the same drawback as Windows because it is just as proprietary. I have personally switched to GNU/Linux already and it is working great.


pre 14 godina

Yes! More people should look at GNU/Linux. Apple's OS have the same drawback as Windows because it is just as proprietary. I have personally switched to GNU/Linux already and it is working great.


pre 14 godina

Yes! More people should look at GNU/Linux. Apple's OS have the same drawback as Windows because it is just as proprietary. I have personally switched to GNU/Linux already and it is working great.