Saturday, 22.05.2010.


NATO announces decrease in KFOR troops

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the security situation in Kosovo is steadily improving, according to reports.

Izvor: B92

NATO announces decrease in KFOR troops IMAGE SOURCE

23 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Yeah if you are a drug, weapon, or human trafficker. In that case, Kosovo is soooo much better than in the 1980s.


pre 14 godina

"Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here."
(JoJack, 23 May 2010 17:35)

Probably only some low x%. First of all, for technical reasons: Without electricity you cannot post here. And further more, people (Serbs and Albanians) living in Kosovo surely have more serious problems and things to do than to post here.

Some even don't hide it, and add "UK" or "USA" to their nickname :)


pre 14 godina


don't tell me about exaggerations. I said go see for yourself and talk to a local in regards from '80s - '10 economy & standards. If you're going to trash talk another country make sure you're affairs are in order. Serbia's currency has shot from 62-67 (2002) to about 102 (50% deflation). Poverty has increased from 700k to 1 million. Please spare us stories. I can safely say that Kosovo's GDP will increase at least to a steady 3% GDP for the next decade.


pre 14 godina

Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here.


pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Oh yes!!! I got a friend who is in the NATO military and when he came back from kosovo told me it is a land of poverty and corruption. Everyone is in need of everything and k-albs (who always say they want NATO out) are always trying to find a job inside KFOR camps because outside they got nothing.
It will be so funny to see KFOR packing and leaving when all these k-albs will remain with nothint to eat nothing to wear and nothing to do.


pre 14 godina

"That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day."
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Of course life and standards have improved a lot since the 80th, and especially after the Kosovo war. But you can't 'blame' the UDI for that, it would have happened anyway, and it's similar to all other neighbour countries.

American Eagle

pre 14 godina

Rasmussen speaks for NATO so when he says KFOR will reduce size, he is talking about NATO troops. The US will not stay forever. We don't need Bondsteel. Kosovo lacks the infrastructure to support us. We have our own power and water supplies and don't rely on the local systems because they are inadequate. There are no rail heads to use and the airport is way underdeveloped. That is why we are moving to build in Bulgaria and Romania. Those will remain long term bases, not Bondsteel. The US will leave Kosovo. I think that we may leave a small presence, like maybe 30-40 troops, just to keep the locals happy like we did in Bosnia but Bondsteel's days are numbered.

Kosova-USA, NATO is here under 1244. Read their website. If 1244 goes, so does NATO.

RKS, we aren't here to support your economy. Ask your corrupt politicians to help you out.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
(Kosova-USA, 22 May 2010 17:07)

Don't make that mistake USA, they will leave in a heart beat.


pre 14 godina

Let us examine the global picture, shall we?

USA will NEVER allow Kosovo to be a prosperous ''state''.
The whole Kosovo project is all about making a fail state. Why? Because it is an American base - a spring board made for Afghanistan which made a springboard for Iraq which will make a springboard for Iran. In the meantime, Afghanistan makes another springboard for Pakistan.

Now, assuming Kosovo becomes a real state, and assuming they begin to prosper, this would be the worst possible outcome for the American Elite. Thus, they will never allow it.

Just like Iraq is not meant to be ''freed'' or made democratic - the point is to DESTABILIZE the country and install puppet western-controlled government. Afghanistan - destabilize the country and install puppet government, Pakistan - destabilization in process. Iran, destabilization in process.

The next predictable springboard (possibly 20 years time?) will be North Korea, which will allow an easy access to China.

They're playing a board game people, with you and your lives, and you're all too nationalisized and stupefied to release this. This is why this whole Kosovo business is so hypocritical and nonsensical.

For each of those examples, the elite are using the local terrorist groups - they're funding them based on their nationalistic goals or religious bigotry and encouraging utter destabilization of a region or a country.
Taliban, KLA and american-created Al Quaida, also documented to have been operating in Bosnia. Now, those western-funded terrorist groups, right now as I type this, are operating on the border (soon to be inside) of Pakistan!

British soldiers were CAUGHT red handed, shooting at Iraqi civilians, DRESSED as Iraqis. They. Were. Caught. Doing. It.

Albanians - you have been USED. Nothing in Balkans was ever done in the name of ANY people. Not Albanians, not Bosnians, not Croats, not Serbs. None.

The Elite have no respect for their own people in their own countries - they trample on their freedoms and constitutions, kill them without blinking an eye, terrorize them, send them to fake wars and you BELIEVE they are coming to help YOU out of the goodness of their hearts?

Talk about delusion.


pre 14 godina

This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing.
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

No it doesn't. It means that they are losing soldiers somewhere else and need to replace them. That's all.
There is only so many silly countries deploying their young men and women to die for American dream.


pre 14 godina

Ataman, were I so witty?
No, that was probably that Minas, Minger or similar.

Anybody in doubt should check his spelling, this poor soul isn't the most educated. (Cue Minas, not only reading my messages, spending time using different ip addresses to give me thumbs down, but now having to use spell check when pretending to be me!)

I think he's developed a crush on me or something :)

Bless, my own personal cyber stalker!


pre 14 godina

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.
(Ataman, 22 May 2010 23:04)

Of course with a snake, just the way it's there, in the middle of the two-headed eagle.


But that snake just had bad luck. One more snake to come the way you see - and Prizren will be safe.


pre 14 godina

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
Wrong again brate; You being a Serb citizen with albanian heritage will so be impacted with something you have always known was bound to happen.... Disolution of 1244, by re-installments of Serb forces.


pre 14 godina

The more Albanian Armed Forces and FSK get equiped from US and Germany, the more Nato hurries out of Kosovo...may i remind that now that Kosovo is officially reckognised as a sovreign country, Rep o Albania has full legitemal right to intervein in case of trouble. Btw, Seems like FSK is getting one more 200 armed vehicles from Germany...


pre 14 godina

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...
(Top, 22 May 2010 20:36)

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

Yes, "NATO out" + "В.С.Р.Ф. in" would look totally awesome.


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.
(bganon, 22 May 2010 22:26)

That was a sarcasm, right? Because I did feel the "benefits" of EU membership and...

Reduction of KFOR does not mean that 1244 is in the trash bin. The provision in 1244 of the possibility В.С.Р.Ф. being deployed in Kosovo is worth gold. All Serbs need is to ask for it. Of course, at one point the security situation could become somewhat challenging for remaining few KFOR to handle - than В.С.Р.Ф. could help them out.

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.


pre 14 godina

"This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing."
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

In a way, you are right: Kosova Albanians are more happy now about their own pseudo-state and count the number of countries which recognize Kosovo, and so there's no time left for rioting and looting. Okay, maybe except for Albin Kurti.

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.


pre 14 godina

"This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing."
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

In a way, you are right: Kosova Albanians are more happy now about their own pseudo-state and count the number of countries which recognize Kosovo, and so there's no time left for rioting and looting. Okay, maybe except for Albin Kurti.

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...


pre 14 godina

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...
(Top, 22 May 2010 20:36)

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.
(bganon, 22 May 2010 22:26)

That was a sarcasm, right? Because I did feel the "benefits" of EU membership and...

Reduction of KFOR does not mean that 1244 is in the trash bin. The provision in 1244 of the possibility В.С.Р.Ф. being deployed in Kosovo is worth gold. All Serbs need is to ask for it. Of course, at one point the security situation could become somewhat challenging for remaining few KFOR to handle - than В.С.Р.Ф. could help them out.

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

Yes, "NATO out" + "В.С.Р.Ф. in" would look totally awesome.


pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Oh yes!!! I got a friend who is in the NATO military and when he came back from kosovo told me it is a land of poverty and corruption. Everyone is in need of everything and k-albs (who always say they want NATO out) are always trying to find a job inside KFOR camps because outside they got nothing.
It will be so funny to see KFOR packing and leaving when all these k-albs will remain with nothint to eat nothing to wear and nothing to do.


pre 14 godina

Let us examine the global picture, shall we?

USA will NEVER allow Kosovo to be a prosperous ''state''.
The whole Kosovo project is all about making a fail state. Why? Because it is an American base - a spring board made for Afghanistan which made a springboard for Iraq which will make a springboard for Iran. In the meantime, Afghanistan makes another springboard for Pakistan.

Now, assuming Kosovo becomes a real state, and assuming they begin to prosper, this would be the worst possible outcome for the American Elite. Thus, they will never allow it.

Just like Iraq is not meant to be ''freed'' or made democratic - the point is to DESTABILIZE the country and install puppet western-controlled government. Afghanistan - destabilize the country and install puppet government, Pakistan - destabilization in process. Iran, destabilization in process.

The next predictable springboard (possibly 20 years time?) will be North Korea, which will allow an easy access to China.

They're playing a board game people, with you and your lives, and you're all too nationalisized and stupefied to release this. This is why this whole Kosovo business is so hypocritical and nonsensical.

For each of those examples, the elite are using the local terrorist groups - they're funding them based on their nationalistic goals or religious bigotry and encouraging utter destabilization of a region or a country.
Taliban, KLA and american-created Al Quaida, also documented to have been operating in Bosnia. Now, those western-funded terrorist groups, right now as I type this, are operating on the border (soon to be inside) of Pakistan!

British soldiers were CAUGHT red handed, shooting at Iraqi civilians, DRESSED as Iraqis. They. Were. Caught. Doing. It.

Albanians - you have been USED. Nothing in Balkans was ever done in the name of ANY people. Not Albanians, not Bosnians, not Croats, not Serbs. None.

The Elite have no respect for their own people in their own countries - they trample on their freedoms and constitutions, kill them without blinking an eye, terrorize them, send them to fake wars and you BELIEVE they are coming to help YOU out of the goodness of their hearts?

Talk about delusion.


pre 14 godina

Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here.


pre 14 godina

The more Albanian Armed Forces and FSK get equiped from US and Germany, the more Nato hurries out of Kosovo...may i remind that now that Kosovo is officially reckognised as a sovreign country, Rep o Albania has full legitemal right to intervein in case of trouble. Btw, Seems like FSK is getting one more 200 armed vehicles from Germany...

American Eagle

pre 14 godina

Rasmussen speaks for NATO so when he says KFOR will reduce size, he is talking about NATO troops. The US will not stay forever. We don't need Bondsteel. Kosovo lacks the infrastructure to support us. We have our own power and water supplies and don't rely on the local systems because they are inadequate. There are no rail heads to use and the airport is way underdeveloped. That is why we are moving to build in Bulgaria and Romania. Those will remain long term bases, not Bondsteel. The US will leave Kosovo. I think that we may leave a small presence, like maybe 30-40 troops, just to keep the locals happy like we did in Bosnia but Bondsteel's days are numbered.

Kosova-USA, NATO is here under 1244. Read their website. If 1244 goes, so does NATO.

RKS, we aren't here to support your economy. Ask your corrupt politicians to help you out.


pre 14 godina

"That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day."
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Of course life and standards have improved a lot since the 80th, and especially after the Kosovo war. But you can't 'blame' the UDI for that, it would have happened anyway, and it's similar to all other neighbour countries.


pre 14 godina

"Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here."
(JoJack, 23 May 2010 17:35)

Probably only some low x%. First of all, for technical reasons: Without electricity you cannot post here. And further more, people (Serbs and Albanians) living in Kosovo surely have more serious problems and things to do than to post here.

Some even don't hide it, and add "UK" or "USA" to their nickname :)


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.


pre 14 godina

Ataman, were I so witty?
No, that was probably that Minas, Minger or similar.

Anybody in doubt should check his spelling, this poor soul isn't the most educated. (Cue Minas, not only reading my messages, spending time using different ip addresses to give me thumbs down, but now having to use spell check when pretending to be me!)

I think he's developed a crush on me or something :)

Bless, my own personal cyber stalker!


pre 14 godina

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.
(Ataman, 22 May 2010 23:04)

Of course with a snake, just the way it's there, in the middle of the two-headed eagle.


But that snake just had bad luck. One more snake to come the way you see - and Prizren will be safe.


pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Yeah if you are a drug, weapon, or human trafficker. In that case, Kosovo is soooo much better than in the 1980s.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
(Kosova-USA, 22 May 2010 17:07)

Don't make that mistake USA, they will leave in a heart beat.


pre 14 godina


don't tell me about exaggerations. I said go see for yourself and talk to a local in regards from '80s - '10 economy & standards. If you're going to trash talk another country make sure you're affairs are in order. Serbia's currency has shot from 62-67 (2002) to about 102 (50% deflation). Poverty has increased from 700k to 1 million. Please spare us stories. I can safely say that Kosovo's GDP will increase at least to a steady 3% GDP for the next decade.


pre 14 godina

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
Wrong again brate; You being a Serb citizen with albanian heritage will so be impacted with something you have always known was bound to happen.... Disolution of 1244, by re-installments of Serb forces.


pre 14 godina

This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing.
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

No it doesn't. It means that they are losing soldiers somewhere else and need to replace them. That's all.
There is only so many silly countries deploying their young men and women to die for American dream.


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.


pre 14 godina

"This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing."
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

In a way, you are right: Kosova Albanians are more happy now about their own pseudo-state and count the number of countries which recognize Kosovo, and so there's no time left for rioting and looting. Okay, maybe except for Albin Kurti.

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...


pre 14 godina

Of course it is, the west are doing their best as always.

Personally i think we should let go of whatever lands they want, belive me, EU membership is worth it.
(bganon, 22 May 2010 22:26)

That was a sarcasm, right? Because I did feel the "benefits" of EU membership and...

Reduction of KFOR does not mean that 1244 is in the trash bin. The provision in 1244 of the possibility В.С.Р.Ф. being deployed in Kosovo is worth gold. All Serbs need is to ask for it. Of course, at one point the security situation could become somewhat challenging for remaining few KFOR to handle - than В.С.Р.Ф. could help them out.

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.


pre 14 godina

In reality, for the daily life of the people in Kosovo, almost nothing has changed...
(Top, 22 May 2010 20:36)

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.


pre 14 godina

"That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day."
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Of course life and standards have improved a lot since the 80th, and especially after the Kosovo war. But you can't 'blame' the UDI for that, it would have happened anyway, and it's similar to all other neighbour countries.


pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Oh yes!!! I got a friend who is in the NATO military and when he came back from kosovo told me it is a land of poverty and corruption. Everyone is in need of everything and k-albs (who always say they want NATO out) are always trying to find a job inside KFOR camps because outside they got nothing.
It will be so funny to see KFOR packing and leaving when all these k-albs will remain with nothint to eat nothing to wear and nothing to do.


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

Yes, "NATO out" + "В.С.Р.Ф. in" would look totally awesome.


pre 14 godina

This must mean that overall the Declaration of Independence has brought stability to Kosovo and this is a good thing.
(Ian, UK, 22 May 2010 18:39)

No it doesn't. It means that they are losing soldiers somewhere else and need to replace them. That's all.
There is only so many silly countries deploying their young men and women to die for American dream.

American Eagle

pre 14 godina

Rasmussen speaks for NATO so when he says KFOR will reduce size, he is talking about NATO troops. The US will not stay forever. We don't need Bondsteel. Kosovo lacks the infrastructure to support us. We have our own power and water supplies and don't rely on the local systems because they are inadequate. There are no rail heads to use and the airport is way underdeveloped. That is why we are moving to build in Bulgaria and Romania. Those will remain long term bases, not Bondsteel. The US will leave Kosovo. I think that we may leave a small presence, like maybe 30-40 troops, just to keep the locals happy like we did in Bosnia but Bondsteel's days are numbered.

Kosova-USA, NATO is here under 1244. Read their website. If 1244 goes, so does NATO.

RKS, we aren't here to support your economy. Ask your corrupt politicians to help you out.


pre 14 godina

Let us examine the global picture, shall we?

USA will NEVER allow Kosovo to be a prosperous ''state''.
The whole Kosovo project is all about making a fail state. Why? Because it is an American base - a spring board made for Afghanistan which made a springboard for Iraq which will make a springboard for Iran. In the meantime, Afghanistan makes another springboard for Pakistan.

Now, assuming Kosovo becomes a real state, and assuming they begin to prosper, this would be the worst possible outcome for the American Elite. Thus, they will never allow it.

Just like Iraq is not meant to be ''freed'' or made democratic - the point is to DESTABILIZE the country and install puppet western-controlled government. Afghanistan - destabilize the country and install puppet government, Pakistan - destabilization in process. Iran, destabilization in process.

The next predictable springboard (possibly 20 years time?) will be North Korea, which will allow an easy access to China.

They're playing a board game people, with you and your lives, and you're all too nationalisized and stupefied to release this. This is why this whole Kosovo business is so hypocritical and nonsensical.

For each of those examples, the elite are using the local terrorist groups - they're funding them based on their nationalistic goals or religious bigotry and encouraging utter destabilization of a region or a country.
Taliban, KLA and american-created Al Quaida, also documented to have been operating in Bosnia. Now, those western-funded terrorist groups, right now as I type this, are operating on the border (soon to be inside) of Pakistan!

British soldiers were CAUGHT red handed, shooting at Iraqi civilians, DRESSED as Iraqis. They. Were. Caught. Doing. It.

Albanians - you have been USED. Nothing in Balkans was ever done in the name of ANY people. Not Albanians, not Bosnians, not Croats, not Serbs. None.

The Elite have no respect for their own people in their own countries - they trample on their freedoms and constitutions, kill them without blinking an eye, terrorize them, send them to fake wars and you BELIEVE they are coming to help YOU out of the goodness of their hearts?

Talk about delusion.


pre 14 godina


don't tell me about exaggerations. I said go see for yourself and talk to a local in regards from '80s - '10 economy & standards. If you're going to trash talk another country make sure you're affairs are in order. Serbia's currency has shot from 62-67 (2002) to about 102 (50% deflation). Poverty has increased from 700k to 1 million. Please spare us stories. I can safely say that Kosovo's GDP will increase at least to a steady 3% GDP for the next decade.


pre 14 godina

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
Wrong again brate; You being a Serb citizen with albanian heritage will so be impacted with something you have always known was bound to happen.... Disolution of 1244, by re-installments of Serb forces.


pre 14 godina

Hey... the image В.С.Р.Ф. guys strolling back and forth on streets of Prizren would look really cute.
(Ataman, 22 May 2010 23:04)

Of course with a snake, just the way it's there, in the middle of the two-headed eagle.


But that snake just had bad luck. One more snake to come the way you see - and Prizren will be safe.


pre 14 godina

Ataman, were I so witty?
No, that was probably that Minas, Minger or similar.

Anybody in doubt should check his spelling, this poor soul isn't the most educated. (Cue Minas, not only reading my messages, spending time using different ip addresses to give me thumbs down, but now having to use spell check when pretending to be me!)

I think he's developed a crush on me or something :)

Bless, my own personal cyber stalker!


pre 14 godina

Excellent news! The sooner NATO leaves Serbia the better.
(Zoran, 22 May 2010 13:32)

I don't think you really understand what is going on behind the scene. NATO as NATO will not leave Kosova/o and, I can assure you that 5 NATO countries(USA,Italy,Germany,France and Turkey) will be here for long ,long time. If we are talking about KFOR, then I say myself, they should pack up ASAP. There is a difference between NATO and KFOR. When KFOR packs up, 1244 is toast, even though is already in trash bin.This is western conspiracy as you guys like to call it, just to kill 1244 once and for all.
(Kosova-USA, 22 May 2010 17:07)

Don't make that mistake USA, they will leave in a heart beat.


pre 14 godina

The more Albanian Armed Forces and FSK get equiped from US and Germany, the more Nato hurries out of Kosovo...may i remind that now that Kosovo is officially reckognised as a sovreign country, Rep o Albania has full legitemal right to intervein in case of trouble. Btw, Seems like FSK is getting one more 200 armed vehicles from Germany...


pre 14 godina

Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here.


pre 14 godina

"Just out of curiosity, how many of you constant posters actually live in Kosovo? Some of the posts are so funny they make you wonder if the poster has actually ever set foot here."
(JoJack, 23 May 2010 17:35)

Probably only some low x%. First of all, for technical reasons: Without electricity you cannot post here. And further more, people (Serbs and Albanians) living in Kosovo surely have more serious problems and things to do than to post here.

Some even don't hide it, and add "UK" or "USA" to their nickname :)


pre 14 godina

That's not true. I think it's time for you to take a trip to Kosovo and see first hand, and maybe even talk to a local or two about economic standards from '80s to now. It's like night and day.
(RKS, 22 May 2010 23:20)

Yeah if you are a drug, weapon, or human trafficker. In that case, Kosovo is soooo much better than in the 1980s.