Friday, 26.02.2010.


Deadly explosions rock Afghan capital

Investigators say the blasts struck near a nine story shopping area and a hotel early Friday.

Izvor: VOA

Deadly explosions rock Afghan capital IMAGE SOURCE

9 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

Bійськовий отаман!
(there's so many..)

Twins= I call them twins.


1) Long time ago my friend from Nezin/UKR learned me a couple of Sambo kicks, in a case I stay out of bullets)... Because a learned only a couple.., I forced those few for a years and to perfection. Many people believe I'm Sambo champion and I'M NOT, not at all.. But it works! Joystick is easy Ataman, 15 year old kids fly better than test pilots.

2) The police, anywhere in the world, always use a bit "make up" to ensure the case will not be closed for many reasons. If they're sure "it's you" they'll use policeman in your clothes with a mask.., and a cheap camera! That's enough to move forward and "lock" the case. The passports were "made in sec" on the base of the real identification (cam)- just for the media.

On next two questions I cannot answer (maybe right now but- however) what means I'm not able "to defend them" further. And this means..., THEY'RE GUILTY! THEY CONSTRUCTED EVERYTHING! That's it! Voila!

Truth is truth until you're strong enough to defend a LIE!

(supper time, sorry)


pre 14 godina

However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.
(sj, 27 February 2010 03:23)

LOL, no sympathy here with Taliban either. In last 30 years the only force in Afghanistan which could mean progress were the ones who supported Soviet Union.

This is paradox what I am saying because it looks usually that I am anti-Soviet. Not so fast.

In East/Central Europe of 1960-s to 1980-s the Czech "Spring" of 1968 did represent the resistance to reaction and "dark forces" while obviously the Soviet Union was THE "dark force". Of course, America did support the Czech "Spring" - but of course, only out of selfish interests. And it will be remembered forever than every Yugoslav I ever met did at least verbally (some did more than just saying encouraging words!) support our dream to have in Soviet Block a political system with human face.

At the same time the pro-Soviet regime of Afghanistan did represent the resistance to medieval bigotry - and it was precisely USA which did arm the bigots in 1980-s.

No contradiction here: the social and mental state of Czechoslovakia or Soviet Union in 1968 was and still is few THOUSAND years ahead of social/mental state of Afghanistan of 1980 or 2010. Trivialities like "don't cut the head of someone who does not say the prayer your way" or "your girl child has to go to school and if she grows up - only she is responsible to choose her sweetheart" were here hot topics maybe 4000 years ago, not today.

In Afghanistan USA did arm first the most bigot forces out of political greed - than - surprise - the same forces turned around and payed back the former master same way they did deal with Soviets. And America cries bloody murder... their army in Afghanistan got what deserved.


pre 14 godina

After (twins)
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 10:04)

I am curious, what about the "twins"?

If anyone can explain me few things, I would be thankful.

1) How come few people who were kicked out of flight school (they supposed to fly single engine training planes) could perform maneuvers with commercial aircraft experienced fighter pilots would not dare to?

2) How come the Saudi passports of perpetrators were found in the middle of inferno... fully intact. Allah did save the passports, everything else (like metal frame) burned to the ground? That's SCI-FI.

3) Now, if I would be a super-duper bad guy terrorist I would just hit these towers in the middle of day, when they are full of people. Not in the morning when most people did not arrive yet.

4) And after almost 10 years there was not a single public trial. What would happen if during the trial this gentleman would testify?


1),2),3) is just speculation. 4) is a bit more.

I imagine it will be somewhat tough to convince all 12 jurors about Al Quaeda after testimony of Dr. Steven Jones

I am not supporting any single theory, be it official or conspiracy. All of them have weak points. I can't verify what Dr. Steven Jones does say either because I am not qualified for it. He received critics from his peers.

For sure he has more brains than the entire Capitol Hill combined but I just can't take sides on that. But we have to acknowledge, he worked on muon-catalyzed fusion and that sounds more serious to me than any MBA degree.


If I am asked to be in jury on 9/11 - there is no way in this world I could say the word "guilty" after such testimony because "guilty" means actually "guilty beyond reasonable doubt". And the doubt about any 9/11 theory is more than merely "reasonable".

The question

"Is the invasion of USA in Afghanistan morally and legally justified?"

is precisely as easy to answer:

"Maybe, depends on - but ONLY if there is NO REASONABLE DOUBT beyond the official 9/11 theory".

The answer to the next question:

"Is there a reasonable doubt beyond the official 9/11 theory?" is evident. If not, than go to the physics class...


pre 14 godina

The headline in my newspaper today is “Taliban facing defeat in Marja” then next to it “Taliban bomb Karbul”. US welcome back to Vietnam; while the others that have never been to war before, you’re going to experience the next 10 eye opening years of guerilla warfare and it’s not nice. In Vietnam the Vietcong held US prisoners in a hell hole called the Hanoi Hilton and there was no room service there, ask John McCain he spent time in that delightful place, but he lived through that turmoil. However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.


pre 14 godina

Vre Leonida..! THIS IS SPARTA!!
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 14:38)

Hello Friend

The coalition of poodles have been bombing Afganistan for the last 9 years to no avail.

I can see the "Saigon clouds"
gathering over Kabul.The occupiers will leave as they did in Vietnam defeated and humiliated.


pre 14 godina

The Taliban will resist foreign occupiers attacking their country until they have the sense to leave Afganistan.

Their crude improvised devises and suicide bombers are causing cosniderable casualties to US and NATO poodles.

The Western attacks on the Afgan people who have done nothing to harm people back in the west deserves the full
resistance and by any means.


pre 14 godina

After (twins) so brutal and violent bombings and heavy occupation for many years, so much money involved and most sophisticated/advanced heavy-war machinery/tecnology and "best" armies- the US AND "COALITION" are facing GREATEST DEFEAT of the Western World, probably IN WHOLE HISTORY!!!

...and shame on you- shame because of the act not because you didn't win! We never wanted you to win! (Whole World including massive number of your populations) Believe me!


pre 14 godina

After (twins) so brutal and violent bombings and heavy occupation for many years, so much money involved and most sophisticated/advanced heavy-war machinery/tecnology and "best" armies- the US AND "COALITION" are facing GREATEST DEFEAT of the Western World, probably IN WHOLE HISTORY!!!

...and shame on you- shame because of the act not because you didn't win! We never wanted you to win! (Whole World including massive number of your populations) Believe me!


pre 14 godina

Vre Leonida..! THIS IS SPARTA!!
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 14:38)

Hello Friend

The coalition of poodles have been bombing Afganistan for the last 9 years to no avail.

I can see the "Saigon clouds"
gathering over Kabul.The occupiers will leave as they did in Vietnam defeated and humiliated.


pre 14 godina

The Taliban will resist foreign occupiers attacking their country until they have the sense to leave Afganistan.

Their crude improvised devises and suicide bombers are causing cosniderable casualties to US and NATO poodles.

The Western attacks on the Afgan people who have done nothing to harm people back in the west deserves the full
resistance and by any means.


pre 14 godina

Bійськовий отаман!
(there's so many..)

Twins= I call them twins.


1) Long time ago my friend from Nezin/UKR learned me a couple of Sambo kicks, in a case I stay out of bullets)... Because a learned only a couple.., I forced those few for a years and to perfection. Many people believe I'm Sambo champion and I'M NOT, not at all.. But it works! Joystick is easy Ataman, 15 year old kids fly better than test pilots.

2) The police, anywhere in the world, always use a bit "make up" to ensure the case will not be closed for many reasons. If they're sure "it's you" they'll use policeman in your clothes with a mask.., and a cheap camera! That's enough to move forward and "lock" the case. The passports were "made in sec" on the base of the real identification (cam)- just for the media.

On next two questions I cannot answer (maybe right now but- however) what means I'm not able "to defend them" further. And this means..., THEY'RE GUILTY! THEY CONSTRUCTED EVERYTHING! That's it! Voila!

Truth is truth until you're strong enough to defend a LIE!

(supper time, sorry)


pre 14 godina

After (twins)
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 10:04)

I am curious, what about the "twins"?

If anyone can explain me few things, I would be thankful.

1) How come few people who were kicked out of flight school (they supposed to fly single engine training planes) could perform maneuvers with commercial aircraft experienced fighter pilots would not dare to?

2) How come the Saudi passports of perpetrators were found in the middle of inferno... fully intact. Allah did save the passports, everything else (like metal frame) burned to the ground? That's SCI-FI.

3) Now, if I would be a super-duper bad guy terrorist I would just hit these towers in the middle of day, when they are full of people. Not in the morning when most people did not arrive yet.

4) And after almost 10 years there was not a single public trial. What would happen if during the trial this gentleman would testify?


1),2),3) is just speculation. 4) is a bit more.

I imagine it will be somewhat tough to convince all 12 jurors about Al Quaeda after testimony of Dr. Steven Jones

I am not supporting any single theory, be it official or conspiracy. All of them have weak points. I can't verify what Dr. Steven Jones does say either because I am not qualified for it. He received critics from his peers.

For sure he has more brains than the entire Capitol Hill combined but I just can't take sides on that. But we have to acknowledge, he worked on muon-catalyzed fusion and that sounds more serious to me than any MBA degree.


If I am asked to be in jury on 9/11 - there is no way in this world I could say the word "guilty" after such testimony because "guilty" means actually "guilty beyond reasonable doubt". And the doubt about any 9/11 theory is more than merely "reasonable".

The question

"Is the invasion of USA in Afghanistan morally and legally justified?"

is precisely as easy to answer:

"Maybe, depends on - but ONLY if there is NO REASONABLE DOUBT beyond the official 9/11 theory".

The answer to the next question:

"Is there a reasonable doubt beyond the official 9/11 theory?" is evident. If not, than go to the physics class...


pre 14 godina

However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.
(sj, 27 February 2010 03:23)

LOL, no sympathy here with Taliban either. In last 30 years the only force in Afghanistan which could mean progress were the ones who supported Soviet Union.

This is paradox what I am saying because it looks usually that I am anti-Soviet. Not so fast.

In East/Central Europe of 1960-s to 1980-s the Czech "Spring" of 1968 did represent the resistance to reaction and "dark forces" while obviously the Soviet Union was THE "dark force". Of course, America did support the Czech "Spring" - but of course, only out of selfish interests. And it will be remembered forever than every Yugoslav I ever met did at least verbally (some did more than just saying encouraging words!) support our dream to have in Soviet Block a political system with human face.

At the same time the pro-Soviet regime of Afghanistan did represent the resistance to medieval bigotry - and it was precisely USA which did arm the bigots in 1980-s.

No contradiction here: the social and mental state of Czechoslovakia or Soviet Union in 1968 was and still is few THOUSAND years ahead of social/mental state of Afghanistan of 1980 or 2010. Trivialities like "don't cut the head of someone who does not say the prayer your way" or "your girl child has to go to school and if she grows up - only she is responsible to choose her sweetheart" were here hot topics maybe 4000 years ago, not today.

In Afghanistan USA did arm first the most bigot forces out of political greed - than - surprise - the same forces turned around and payed back the former master same way they did deal with Soviets. And America cries bloody murder... their army in Afghanistan got what deserved.


pre 14 godina

The headline in my newspaper today is “Taliban facing defeat in Marja” then next to it “Taliban bomb Karbul”. US welcome back to Vietnam; while the others that have never been to war before, you’re going to experience the next 10 eye opening years of guerilla warfare and it’s not nice. In Vietnam the Vietcong held US prisoners in a hell hole called the Hanoi Hilton and there was no room service there, ask John McCain he spent time in that delightful place, but he lived through that turmoil. However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.


pre 14 godina

After (twins) so brutal and violent bombings and heavy occupation for many years, so much money involved and most sophisticated/advanced heavy-war machinery/tecnology and "best" armies- the US AND "COALITION" are facing GREATEST DEFEAT of the Western World, probably IN WHOLE HISTORY!!!

...and shame on you- shame because of the act not because you didn't win! We never wanted you to win! (Whole World including massive number of your populations) Believe me!


pre 14 godina

The Taliban will resist foreign occupiers attacking their country until they have the sense to leave Afganistan.

Their crude improvised devises and suicide bombers are causing cosniderable casualties to US and NATO poodles.

The Western attacks on the Afgan people who have done nothing to harm people back in the west deserves the full
resistance and by any means.


pre 14 godina

Vre Leonida..! THIS IS SPARTA!!
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 14:38)

Hello Friend

The coalition of poodles have been bombing Afganistan for the last 9 years to no avail.

I can see the "Saigon clouds"
gathering over Kabul.The occupiers will leave as they did in Vietnam defeated and humiliated.


pre 14 godina

The headline in my newspaper today is “Taliban facing defeat in Marja” then next to it “Taliban bomb Karbul”. US welcome back to Vietnam; while the others that have never been to war before, you’re going to experience the next 10 eye opening years of guerilla warfare and it’s not nice. In Vietnam the Vietcong held US prisoners in a hell hole called the Hanoi Hilton and there was no room service there, ask John McCain he spent time in that delightful place, but he lived through that turmoil. However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.


pre 14 godina

After (twins)
(ZMAJ, 26 February 2010 10:04)

I am curious, what about the "twins"?

If anyone can explain me few things, I would be thankful.

1) How come few people who were kicked out of flight school (they supposed to fly single engine training planes) could perform maneuvers with commercial aircraft experienced fighter pilots would not dare to?

2) How come the Saudi passports of perpetrators were found in the middle of inferno... fully intact. Allah did save the passports, everything else (like metal frame) burned to the ground? That's SCI-FI.

3) Now, if I would be a super-duper bad guy terrorist I would just hit these towers in the middle of day, when they are full of people. Not in the morning when most people did not arrive yet.

4) And after almost 10 years there was not a single public trial. What would happen if during the trial this gentleman would testify?


1),2),3) is just speculation. 4) is a bit more.

I imagine it will be somewhat tough to convince all 12 jurors about Al Quaeda after testimony of Dr. Steven Jones

I am not supporting any single theory, be it official or conspiracy. All of them have weak points. I can't verify what Dr. Steven Jones does say either because I am not qualified for it. He received critics from his peers.

For sure he has more brains than the entire Capitol Hill combined but I just can't take sides on that. But we have to acknowledge, he worked on muon-catalyzed fusion and that sounds more serious to me than any MBA degree.


If I am asked to be in jury on 9/11 - there is no way in this world I could say the word "guilty" after such testimony because "guilty" means actually "guilty beyond reasonable doubt". And the doubt about any 9/11 theory is more than merely "reasonable".

The question

"Is the invasion of USA in Afghanistan morally and legally justified?"

is precisely as easy to answer:

"Maybe, depends on - but ONLY if there is NO REASONABLE DOUBT beyond the official 9/11 theory".

The answer to the next question:

"Is there a reasonable doubt beyond the official 9/11 theory?" is evident. If not, than go to the physics class...


pre 14 godina

However, the Taliban takes no prisoners, just heads.
(sj, 27 February 2010 03:23)

LOL, no sympathy here with Taliban either. In last 30 years the only force in Afghanistan which could mean progress were the ones who supported Soviet Union.

This is paradox what I am saying because it looks usually that I am anti-Soviet. Not so fast.

In East/Central Europe of 1960-s to 1980-s the Czech "Spring" of 1968 did represent the resistance to reaction and "dark forces" while obviously the Soviet Union was THE "dark force". Of course, America did support the Czech "Spring" - but of course, only out of selfish interests. And it will be remembered forever than every Yugoslav I ever met did at least verbally (some did more than just saying encouraging words!) support our dream to have in Soviet Block a political system with human face.

At the same time the pro-Soviet regime of Afghanistan did represent the resistance to medieval bigotry - and it was precisely USA which did arm the bigots in 1980-s.

No contradiction here: the social and mental state of Czechoslovakia or Soviet Union in 1968 was and still is few THOUSAND years ahead of social/mental state of Afghanistan of 1980 or 2010. Trivialities like "don't cut the head of someone who does not say the prayer your way" or "your girl child has to go to school and if she grows up - only she is responsible to choose her sweetheart" were here hot topics maybe 4000 years ago, not today.

In Afghanistan USA did arm first the most bigot forces out of political greed - than - surprise - the same forces turned around and payed back the former master same way they did deal with Soviets. And America cries bloody murder... their army in Afghanistan got what deserved.


pre 14 godina

Bійськовий отаман!
(there's so many..)

Twins= I call them twins.


1) Long time ago my friend from Nezin/UKR learned me a couple of Sambo kicks, in a case I stay out of bullets)... Because a learned only a couple.., I forced those few for a years and to perfection. Many people believe I'm Sambo champion and I'M NOT, not at all.. But it works! Joystick is easy Ataman, 15 year old kids fly better than test pilots.

2) The police, anywhere in the world, always use a bit "make up" to ensure the case will not be closed for many reasons. If they're sure "it's you" they'll use policeman in your clothes with a mask.., and a cheap camera! That's enough to move forward and "lock" the case. The passports were "made in sec" on the base of the real identification (cam)- just for the media.

On next two questions I cannot answer (maybe right now but- however) what means I'm not able "to defend them" further. And this means..., THEY'RE GUILTY! THEY CONSTRUCTED EVERYTHING! That's it! Voila!

Truth is truth until you're strong enough to defend a LIE!

(supper time, sorry)