Monday, 15.02.2010.


MUP: Attack in south was terrorism

A member of a multi-ethnic police unit in Bujanovac, southern Serbia, was seriously injured on Sunday in an explosion.

Izvor: B92

MUP: Attack in south was terrorism IMAGE SOURCE

34 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

Is this police officer the only Albanian employed by the multi-ethnic force? He has been attacked before, his uncle was attacked - it sounds like something besides terrorism, to me.


pre 14 godina

Kosova's politician proclaims that if Serbia wants North of Ibar they have to trade it for Presheva valley. Serb politician accuses him for "warmonegering." A few days later Albanian policemen is almost blown to pieces along with his family in said Presheva valley.

A neutral party could clearly see who the real perpetrators are. I don't expect Serbs or Jersey natives paid by EULEX to ever understand though.


pre 14 godina

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...
(Jason, 16 February 2010 09:57)

You having said that, now I'm convinced that he/she is Alb. As said in my last post, you can be anything behind the keyboard. And of course naming yourself Jason, will not make you less Serb.


pre 14 godina

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Oh this takes the cake. Now we have Albanians so paranoid that they suspect each other as being Serbian spies! I love it.

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...


pre 14 godina

Not sure what to make of this attack in Southern Serbia, other than consider it as pressure against Serbia's recent efforts to destabilize Northern Kosovo. Looks like Pristina has plenty of leverage on the Albanians in Presevo (probably those in FYROM as well)


pre 14 godina

By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Hey, don't shoot the messenger.


pre 14 godina

>And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP...

Why not Vba :) When Albanians do their superSerbseverywhere accusations on internet they always leave out Vba! Not fair and not nice.
Not every competent Serb with government issue pistol is Mup, guys.
More to the point.. and seriously. All competent Serbs of that kind will come together to trash terrorist backs just like always before. Thats the thing terrorist supporters must think about. Not make up wild conspiracy theories.
Also very important: don't expect us to play into traps. Yes, there'll be response. No, it wont be anything Albanians and their sponsors can use and abuse against Serbia.
Have a good night yall.


pre 14 godina

Police was Albanian, but that does not matter. He's same as those collaborating with Srb government in Kosovo in past. KLA knows how to deal with him. We will liberate our land, with the help of our Western friends.


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)




pre 14 godina

And you can't deny anything without proper evidence!
(Mikael C, 15 February 2010 22:07)

Actualy u can! That's how modern court systems work. You have to get evidence and then prosecute but I guess you guys can flip the process around because you guys are better.

Theirs no proof that it was Albanians who did it so for him to speculate is just unprofessional.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

And this is exactly the reason why you are not respected by the commun people in Europe and will never be until you change your mentality!


pre 14 godina

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?
(Peggy, 15 February 2010 20:48)

Score so far...
Peggy ONE Hazel ZERO!!!!!


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Just imagine having all of you under one roof.
Dream for most-since likes of you deserve nothing better that to be isolated for eternity.!


pre 14 godina

Its gotta be a Serbian act, this is not new to us you know, going back 6 months ago, there was another attack on some general in that region, Albanians got the blame for it, then few days l8r, the whole thing just gone,, no/one spoke abt it anymore, as we all know, Serbs will try and provoke things in the region and they are prepared to do anything just so they can blame Albanians,, this inclides serbs killing its own people though,,


pre 14 godina

Interesting that the article and the people mentioned in it based their opinions on mere assumptions stemming from rampant stereotyping prevalent in Serbia. (Keywords: opinions, assumptions, stereotyping, prevalent, Serbia).

Lack of justice and journalistic integrity go hand in hand in Serbia.


pre 14 godina

to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)
Don't you just love it when Albanians are completely honest? I can just see roberto cutting that piece out, thanking hazel and justifying it.


pre 14 godina

"you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence"
- Pejoni

And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP of perpetrating this crime? Hmmm?


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, you manage to make Albanians look really, really bad. You represent the worst of them and I pity the moderate ones who are lumped into the same category as you...

I must laugh at you extreme ones though, you advocate Greater Albania from the comfort of your Western European or American homes.


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.
(Bez_Cenzure, 15 February 2010 14:57) really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area"

They already have MUP and the army in that area! Remember! This is Serbia!


pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?
(Pejoni, 15 February 2010 14:54)

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?


pre 14 godina

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?
(Jason, 15 February 2010 16:02)

I know its Serbian territory, but how would ppl living in Central Serbia, Vojvodina or lets say around Belgrade appreciate gendarmery driving around with their finger in the trigger and their masks on, wow what a wonderful place to live in. Ah I forgat, there is no crimes there, how foolish of me. Cmon Jason, if you really work for EULEX you of all would know you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence or did you got the UNMIK-disease, just make an assumption and go grab a macchiato in the nearest kafiq?

It makes a perfect sense, attack an Albanian working for MUP and blame the radical Albanians, everyone will buy the story, simple as that. The difference between Kosovar leaders and Serbian ones, is that Belgrade know how to use their PR, ours try to tune it down for the sake of multi-ethnicity while Belgrade aims at destabilization, they dont need recognition, we do, just ask the Quint countries and their latest respond to Belgrade.


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.


pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?

dean SRB

pre 14 godina

Albanian terrorism is most active, most brutal and most dangerous at the moment on the territory of Europe.
So now ethnic Albanian Mr. Blerim Mustafa, who decided to work for his country and for Serbian Police force, is "legitimate" target for Albanian terrorists? Of course they've been encouraged with protectionism by the US, EU and West so they are continuing their devil terrorist orgy.

For clear message...the Albanian terrorist perpetrators will be found and charged and just because of this kind of cruel acts of barbaric terrorism which does last for the decades on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija aiming at Serbs, non Albanians and civilized and cooperative Albanian population Serbia will never, let me emphasize this NEVER, recognize that puppet US terrorist state.


pre 14 godina

Interesting is only the fact that a "Serbian Minister" issues his opinion over possible perpetrators without any proof. May I remind that it was only a few weeks ago that a KPS officer of Serbian ethnicity got attacked by Serbs?

But we are already so used with Serbs accusing Albanians without any proofs. It is their sport since they cannot endure the fact that Albanians control Kosovo. People who do that are simply weaklings.



pre 14 godina

this is serbian jokes.the serbian terrorists trying to kill an innocent albanian and blaming on albanian.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 09:54)

Yes, Albanians never do anything wrong.

Were not 12 Albanians arrested in Belgium recently for possessing explosives and automtaic weapons? Or were they Serbs in disguise?


You know, every ethnic group has its criminal element but I have never seen a group like you all who deny ever committing crime. Its getting a bit ridiculous.


pre 14 godina

I think some people want to start trouble. Serbs are pretty aware that in 1990s they could't ethnically cleanse Presevo Valley (or as we call it the East Kosovo)so they want to start the final push now.

NO, NO, my dear ILLYRIAN-LAND fellows Presevo Valley is ought to go to where it belongs, to US of Albania.

Live and see...

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

Interesting how hard core albanian naitonalists want serbs to join the police in Kosovo but wont allow albanians to join the serb police in Bujanovac. Hope the world sees who the real troublemakers in the Balkans are.


pre 14 godina

this is serbian jokes.the serbian terrorists trying to kill an innocent albanian and blaming on albanian.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 09:54)

Yes, Albanians never do anything wrong.

Were not 12 Albanians arrested in Belgium recently for possessing explosives and automtaic weapons? Or were they Serbs in disguise?


You know, every ethnic group has its criminal element but I have never seen a group like you all who deny ever committing crime. Its getting a bit ridiculous.


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

Interesting how hard core albanian naitonalists want serbs to join the police in Kosovo but wont allow albanians to join the serb police in Bujanovac. Hope the world sees who the real troublemakers in the Balkans are.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area"

They already have MUP and the army in that area! Remember! This is Serbia!


pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?
(Pejoni, 15 February 2010 14:54)

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?

dean SRB

pre 14 godina

Albanian terrorism is most active, most brutal and most dangerous at the moment on the territory of Europe.
So now ethnic Albanian Mr. Blerim Mustafa, who decided to work for his country and for Serbian Police force, is "legitimate" target for Albanian terrorists? Of course they've been encouraged with protectionism by the US, EU and West so they are continuing their devil terrorist orgy.

For clear message...the Albanian terrorist perpetrators will be found and charged and just because of this kind of cruel acts of barbaric terrorism which does last for the decades on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija aiming at Serbs, non Albanians and civilized and cooperative Albanian population Serbia will never, let me emphasize this NEVER, recognize that puppet US terrorist state.


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, you manage to make Albanians look really, really bad. You represent the worst of them and I pity the moderate ones who are lumped into the same category as you...

I must laugh at you extreme ones though, you advocate Greater Albania from the comfort of your Western European or American homes.


pre 14 godina

"you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence"
- Pejoni

And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP of perpetrating this crime? Hmmm?


pre 14 godina

to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)
Don't you just love it when Albanians are completely honest? I can just see roberto cutting that piece out, thanking hazel and justifying it.


pre 14 godina

I think some people want to start trouble. Serbs are pretty aware that in 1990s they could't ethnically cleanse Presevo Valley (or as we call it the East Kosovo)so they want to start the final push now.

NO, NO, my dear ILLYRIAN-LAND fellows Presevo Valley is ought to go to where it belongs, to US of Albania.

Live and see...


pre 14 godina

Interesting is only the fact that a "Serbian Minister" issues his opinion over possible perpetrators without any proof. May I remind that it was only a few weeks ago that a KPS officer of Serbian ethnicity got attacked by Serbs?

But we are already so used with Serbs accusing Albanians without any proofs. It is their sport since they cannot endure the fact that Albanians control Kosovo. People who do that are simply weaklings.



pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Just imagine having all of you under one roof.
Dream for most-since likes of you deserve nothing better that to be isolated for eternity.!


pre 14 godina

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Oh this takes the cake. Now we have Albanians so paranoid that they suspect each other as being Serbian spies! I love it.

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?


pre 14 godina

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?
(Jason, 15 February 2010 16:02)

I know its Serbian territory, but how would ppl living in Central Serbia, Vojvodina or lets say around Belgrade appreciate gendarmery driving around with their finger in the trigger and their masks on, wow what a wonderful place to live in. Ah I forgat, there is no crimes there, how foolish of me. Cmon Jason, if you really work for EULEX you of all would know you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence or did you got the UNMIK-disease, just make an assumption and go grab a macchiato in the nearest kafiq?

It makes a perfect sense, attack an Albanian working for MUP and blame the radical Albanians, everyone will buy the story, simple as that. The difference between Kosovar leaders and Serbian ones, is that Belgrade know how to use their PR, ours try to tune it down for the sake of multi-ethnicity while Belgrade aims at destabilization, they dont need recognition, we do, just ask the Quint countries and their latest respond to Belgrade.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

And this is exactly the reason why you are not respected by the commun people in Europe and will never be until you change your mentality!


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.
(Bez_Cenzure, 15 February 2010 14:57) really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.


pre 14 godina

Its gotta be a Serbian act, this is not new to us you know, going back 6 months ago, there was another attack on some general in that region, Albanians got the blame for it, then few days l8r, the whole thing just gone,, no/one spoke abt it anymore, as we all know, Serbs will try and provoke things in the region and they are prepared to do anything just so they can blame Albanians,, this inclides serbs killing its own people though,,


pre 14 godina

Interesting that the article and the people mentioned in it based their opinions on mere assumptions stemming from rampant stereotyping prevalent in Serbia. (Keywords: opinions, assumptions, stereotyping, prevalent, Serbia).

Lack of justice and journalistic integrity go hand in hand in Serbia.


pre 14 godina

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?
(Peggy, 15 February 2010 20:48)

Score so far...
Peggy ONE Hazel ZERO!!!!!


pre 14 godina

>And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP...

Why not Vba :) When Albanians do their superSerbseverywhere accusations on internet they always leave out Vba! Not fair and not nice.
Not every competent Serb with government issue pistol is Mup, guys.
More to the point.. and seriously. All competent Serbs of that kind will come together to trash terrorist backs just like always before. Thats the thing terrorist supporters must think about. Not make up wild conspiracy theories.
Also very important: don't expect us to play into traps. Yes, there'll be response. No, it wont be anything Albanians and their sponsors can use and abuse against Serbia.
Have a good night yall.


pre 14 godina

By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Hey, don't shoot the messenger.


pre 14 godina

Police was Albanian, but that does not matter. He's same as those collaborating with Srb government in Kosovo in past. KLA knows how to deal with him. We will liberate our land, with the help of our Western friends.


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)




pre 14 godina

Not sure what to make of this attack in Southern Serbia, other than consider it as pressure against Serbia's recent efforts to destabilize Northern Kosovo. Looks like Pristina has plenty of leverage on the Albanians in Presevo (probably those in FYROM as well)


pre 14 godina

And you can't deny anything without proper evidence!
(Mikael C, 15 February 2010 22:07)

Actualy u can! That's how modern court systems work. You have to get evidence and then prosecute but I guess you guys can flip the process around because you guys are better.

Theirs no proof that it was Albanians who did it so for him to speculate is just unprofessional.


pre 14 godina

Kosova's politician proclaims that if Serbia wants North of Ibar they have to trade it for Presheva valley. Serb politician accuses him for "warmonegering." A few days later Albanian policemen is almost blown to pieces along with his family in said Presheva valley.

A neutral party could clearly see who the real perpetrators are. I don't expect Serbs or Jersey natives paid by EULEX to ever understand though.


pre 14 godina

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...
(Jason, 16 February 2010 09:57)

You having said that, now I'm convinced that he/she is Alb. As said in my last post, you can be anything behind the keyboard. And of course naming yourself Jason, will not make you less Serb.


pre 14 godina

Is this police officer the only Albanian employed by the multi-ethnic force? He has been attacked before, his uncle was attacked - it sounds like something besides terrorism, to me.


pre 14 godina

I think some people want to start trouble. Serbs are pretty aware that in 1990s they could't ethnically cleanse Presevo Valley (or as we call it the East Kosovo)so they want to start the final push now.

NO, NO, my dear ILLYRIAN-LAND fellows Presevo Valley is ought to go to where it belongs, to US of Albania.

Live and see...


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.
(Bez_Cenzure, 15 February 2010 14:57) really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.


pre 14 godina

Interesting is only the fact that a "Serbian Minister" issues his opinion over possible perpetrators without any proof. May I remind that it was only a few weeks ago that a KPS officer of Serbian ethnicity got attacked by Serbs?

But we are already so used with Serbs accusing Albanians without any proofs. It is their sport since they cannot endure the fact that Albanians control Kosovo. People who do that are simply weaklings.



pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?


pre 14 godina

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?
(Jason, 15 February 2010 16:02)

I know its Serbian territory, but how would ppl living in Central Serbia, Vojvodina or lets say around Belgrade appreciate gendarmery driving around with their finger in the trigger and their masks on, wow what a wonderful place to live in. Ah I forgat, there is no crimes there, how foolish of me. Cmon Jason, if you really work for EULEX you of all would know you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence or did you got the UNMIK-disease, just make an assumption and go grab a macchiato in the nearest kafiq?

It makes a perfect sense, attack an Albanian working for MUP and blame the radical Albanians, everyone will buy the story, simple as that. The difference between Kosovar leaders and Serbian ones, is that Belgrade know how to use their PR, ours try to tune it down for the sake of multi-ethnicity while Belgrade aims at destabilization, they dont need recognition, we do, just ask the Quint countries and their latest respond to Belgrade.


pre 14 godina

Its gotta be a Serbian act, this is not new to us you know, going back 6 months ago, there was another attack on some general in that region, Albanians got the blame for it, then few days l8r, the whole thing just gone,, no/one spoke abt it anymore, as we all know, Serbs will try and provoke things in the region and they are prepared to do anything just so they can blame Albanians,, this inclides serbs killing its own people though,,

dean SRB

pre 14 godina

Albanian terrorism is most active, most brutal and most dangerous at the moment on the territory of Europe.
So now ethnic Albanian Mr. Blerim Mustafa, who decided to work for his country and for Serbian Police force, is "legitimate" target for Albanian terrorists? Of course they've been encouraged with protectionism by the US, EU and West so they are continuing their devil terrorist orgy.

For clear message...the Albanian terrorist perpetrators will be found and charged and just because of this kind of cruel acts of barbaric terrorism which does last for the decades on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija aiming at Serbs, non Albanians and civilized and cooperative Albanian population Serbia will never, let me emphasize this NEVER, recognize that puppet US terrorist state.


pre 14 godina

this is serbian jokes.the serbian terrorists trying to kill an innocent albanian and blaming on albanian.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 09:54)

Yes, Albanians never do anything wrong.

Were not 12 Albanians arrested in Belgium recently for possessing explosives and automtaic weapons? Or were they Serbs in disguise?


You know, every ethnic group has its criminal element but I have never seen a group like you all who deny ever committing crime. Its getting a bit ridiculous.


pre 14 godina

Interesting that the article and the people mentioned in it based their opinions on mere assumptions stemming from rampant stereotyping prevalent in Serbia. (Keywords: opinions, assumptions, stereotyping, prevalent, Serbia).

Lack of justice and journalistic integrity go hand in hand in Serbia.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

Interesting how hard core albanian naitonalists want serbs to join the police in Kosovo but wont allow albanians to join the serb police in Bujanovac. Hope the world sees who the real troublemakers in the Balkans are.


pre 14 godina

Dear PRN US of Albania will never be formed. If you try it you will lose even Albania because most of countries in its surrounding are sicked and tired of Albanian threats with terroristic acts in case their demands are not fulfilled.

As for this event, it was classical terroristic act. Serbia should finally clean this area of terrorists and send them into prison or two feet under if they show resistance during arrest, like any other country would do.


pre 14 godina

The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area, this way they think they can gain support by having troops in that area and continue to harrass the local population. What could Albanians possible gain from this?
(Pejoni, 15 February 2010 14:54)

Are you kidding?! It is the territory of Serbia, and they need no justification to put VS anywhere in Serbia. Come on.

Albanian radicals have every reason to discourage normal Albanians from integrating into society... this takes away from their ultimate goal for Greater Albania. Furthermore, regular Albanian criminals don't like the police just as Serbian criminals don't.

Are you so blind as to think Albanians are not cappable of this? What do you think they were going to do with C4 and automoatic weapons in Belgium? Use them for show-and-tell?


pre 14 godina

Police was Albanian, but that does not matter. He's same as those collaborating with Srb government in Kosovo in past. KLA knows how to deal with him. We will liberate our land, with the help of our Western friends.

Mikael C

pre 14 godina

"The only ones with motive would be MUP and BIA who wants to have VS in that area"

They already have MUP and the army in that area! Remember! This is Serbia!


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)




pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Hazel, you manage to make Albanians look really, really bad. You represent the worst of them and I pity the moderate ones who are lumped into the same category as you...

I must laugh at you extreme ones though, you advocate Greater Albania from the comfort of your Western European or American homes.


pre 14 godina

"you can't accuse anyone without proper evidence"
- Pejoni

And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP of perpetrating this crime? Hmmm?


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Just imagine having all of you under one roof.
Dream for most-since likes of you deserve nothing better that to be isolated for eternity.!


pre 14 godina

Not sure what to make of this attack in Southern Serbia, other than consider it as pressure against Serbia's recent efforts to destabilize Northern Kosovo. Looks like Pristina has plenty of leverage on the Albanians in Presevo (probably those in FYROM as well)


pre 14 godina

And you can't deny anything without proper evidence!
(Mikael C, 15 February 2010 22:07)

Actualy u can! That's how modern court systems work. You have to get evidence and then prosecute but I guess you guys can flip the process around because you guys are better.

Theirs no proof that it was Albanians who did it so for him to speculate is just unprofessional.


pre 14 godina

to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)
Don't you just love it when Albanians are completely honest? I can just see roberto cutting that piece out, thanking hazel and justifying it.


pre 14 godina

really bez??albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?


pre 14 godina

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...
(Jason, 16 February 2010 09:57)

You having said that, now I'm convinced that he/she is Alb. As said in my last post, you can be anything behind the keyboard. And of course naming yourself Jason, will not make you less Serb.


pre 14 godina

Kosova's politician proclaims that if Serbia wants North of Ibar they have to trade it for Presheva valley. Serb politician accuses him for "warmonegering." A few days later Albanian policemen is almost blown to pieces along with his family in said Presheva valley.

A neutral party could clearly see who the real perpetrators are. I don't expect Serbs or Jersey natives paid by EULEX to ever understand though.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

albania is al ready unite with kosovo.next stop will be macedonia.it will take time but we are patience people.to be honest our goal is not to have a greater albania but to throw every illegal serb out of balkan for good.
(hazel, 15 February 2010 16:24)

And this is exactly the reason why you are not respected by the commun people in Europe and will never be until you change your mentality!


pre 14 godina

Do tell us Hazel, who are these illegal Serbs in Balkan?
(Peggy, 15 February 2010 20:48)

Score so far...
Peggy ONE Hazel ZERO!!!!!


pre 14 godina

By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Hey, don't shoot the messenger.


pre 14 godina

Hazel, it is clear that you're not an Albanian! You're simply trying to shed a bad light among us, but hey, behind the keyboard you can be anything. By the way, you seem to have a perfect timing,you just gave some material for Peggy to unleash her ideology about everything that is Albanian (i.e., K-Alb included) or has to do with Albanians (i.e., Kosova)


(Kosovari, 16 February 2010 00:28)

Oh this takes the cake. Now we have Albanians so paranoid that they suspect each other as being Serbian spies! I love it.

I don't blame you this time though, were I Albanian I would not want to claim Hazel either. Hazel routinely writes the most ridiculous posts on here (and that speaks volumes.) I assure you he/she is very much Albanian given the past statements.

Remember the time he/she stated "no rice for China!" ??? That was a classic. I think Ataman takes credit for catching that one though...


pre 14 godina

Is this police officer the only Albanian employed by the multi-ethnic force? He has been attacked before, his uncle was attacked - it sounds like something besides terrorism, to me.


pre 14 godina

>And what, sir, are you doing by accusing BIA or MUP...

Why not Vba :) When Albanians do their superSerbseverywhere accusations on internet they always leave out Vba! Not fair and not nice.
Not every competent Serb with government issue pistol is Mup, guys.
More to the point.. and seriously. All competent Serbs of that kind will come together to trash terrorist backs just like always before. Thats the thing terrorist supporters must think about. Not make up wild conspiracy theories.
Also very important: don't expect us to play into traps. Yes, there'll be response. No, it wont be anything Albanians and their sponsors can use and abuse against Serbia.
Have a good night yall.