Monday, 22.06.2009.


K. Serbs again block roads in north

Leposavić municipality residents in northern Kosovo blocked the road leading from Kosovska Mitrovica to Raška.

Izvor: B92

K. Serbs again block roads in north IMAGE SOURCE

21 Komentari

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pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.
(PRN, 22 June 2009 15:38)

The so-called Kosovo army was easily defeated by Serbian forces in every single engagement during combat operations. It is not any different now. All the "Kosovo army" can do is call for help from NATO.


pre 15 godina

i hope these serb criminals will be punished! they must respect kosovo or they must leave kosovo no other compromisse!
(dan-ch, 22 June 2009 14:16)

A bit of a hardliner aren't you?

When you were being disobedient and difficult it was OK I guess because you were fighting for a noble cause, but dare any Serb fight for his rights you want nothing less than to throw them out.

Since they have already been pronounced criminals by you, I guess the world must see them that way and throw them in jail.


pre 15 godina

Ben, give me a break. Seriously. Read the comments from your above compatriots calling for protestors to be "crushed" and the "criminals" arrested. 10 years ago you people did far worse and have remembered it as noble and worthy defense against tyranny. These Serbs are doing the same thing. Take a hint from the Free World. Comments like these do not win you sympathy. So please pardon me if I don't shed a tear for your threatened "sovereignty".

I'm calling those comments fasicst, and I'm proud to call it that. Your compatriots would feel right at home with Ahmadinejad, "crushing" dissent from a bunch of disgruntled voters.

You people are no better collectively than Serb nationalists so please stop trying to pass yourselves off as victims.


pre 15 godina

Keep ut the good work fellow Serbs! Don't give in to Albanians and to those that occupy our territory. Have patience! The world is learning the truth.

Steve JP

pre 15 godina

"Vukojevic said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions". This action makes perfect sense. What good do the Kosovo Authorities do for the Serbs? The payments made on taxes are supposed to benefit the people. A government is supposed to take care of the people; to help people to be able to help themselves. But, it is no secret that the lives of the Serbs and Romas is really a living hell in Kosovo. And the Kosovo Authorities actually want it that way.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions."

Yes - citizens of Serbia should pay taxes in Serbia.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism?
(Mike, 22 June 2009 17:48)

The sovereignty of Kosova is contested in Gracanisa 3 miles frm Prishtina Mike...tale me a Govt a nation a country that would tolerate such a thing????

Problem Solver

pre 15 godina

Well, well. Serbs are also protesting the house building. Looks like Serbia needs more money (pensions fund is near zero) so they are blackmailing EU. Give us money or we cause problems.
Sort like the firemen who starts the fire then offers to put it out.

It's a gamble, serbia can cause problems, but depends on how US /EU decide to solve them.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism? I mean seriously, these are the people that made their "state" from rebellion and dissidence, and now they want to crack the heads of those who refuse to follow their own laws.


pre 15 godina

"Unless EULEX withdraws from the administrative border crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak, the protest will be additionally radicalized," Vukojević underscored.

Time for KFOR troops to go in and crush this rioting by these radical Serb extremists.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!

Agree 100%. No taxes, not peace!We need taxes to arm the army and prepare. Why wouldn't Serbs want this? Those 1% radicals are in for a surprise, Tadic will not make a beep when the police start to "disperse" them. Pension funds are near ZERO and Serbia needs visas.

why bother

pre 15 godina

He pointed out that, in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever".

"With no success whatsoever."

Eulex have it in their capacity to Reason. Serbian officials don't and never will.


pre 15 godina

Original text reads:

"The protest, secured by Kosovo police (KPS) and KFOR, ended without incidents." That means, it was a peaceful protest organized, announced and executed with approval.

Versus comments like #2 and #4.

If you call protests like these "criminals", than you have very questionable level of tolerance and apply double standards. And I am aware, there is no way you will agree with it openly.

In general, I see a lot of thinking like "the nobility of our ultimate goal and our religion / = "Albanism"/ does approve even somewhat questionable methods applied temporarily".

According to believers in afterlife, such roads lead ultimately to a pretty warm place ;)


pre 15 godina

"in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever"."

No why, praytell, would EULEX need to compromise with Serbia Proper when Kosovo is supposed to be a separate country? Oh yes, that's right, I forgot. Sovereignty is for display purposes only.


pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.


pre 15 godina

xythi: "...if so cross the border pal!"

I think that you'll find the Serbian border under international law still includes the whole province of Kosovo.

He is well within his own border.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!


pre 15 godina

xythi: "...if so cross the border pal!"

I think that you'll find the Serbian border under international law still includes the whole province of Kosovo.

He is well within his own border.


pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism? I mean seriously, these are the people that made their "state" from rebellion and dissidence, and now they want to crack the heads of those who refuse to follow their own laws.


pre 15 godina

Original text reads:

"The protest, secured by Kosovo police (KPS) and KFOR, ended without incidents." That means, it was a peaceful protest organized, announced and executed with approval.

Versus comments like #2 and #4.

If you call protests like these "criminals", than you have very questionable level of tolerance and apply double standards. And I am aware, there is no way you will agree with it openly.

In general, I see a lot of thinking like "the nobility of our ultimate goal and our religion / = "Albanism"/ does approve even somewhat questionable methods applied temporarily".

According to believers in afterlife, such roads lead ultimately to a pretty warm place ;)


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!

Agree 100%. No taxes, not peace!We need taxes to arm the army and prepare. Why wouldn't Serbs want this? Those 1% radicals are in for a surprise, Tadic will not make a beep when the police start to "disperse" them. Pension funds are near ZERO and Serbia needs visas.


pre 15 godina

"Unless EULEX withdraws from the administrative border crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak, the protest will be additionally radicalized," Vukojević underscored.

Time for KFOR troops to go in and crush this rioting by these radical Serb extremists.


pre 15 godina

"in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever"."

No why, praytell, would EULEX need to compromise with Serbia Proper when Kosovo is supposed to be a separate country? Oh yes, that's right, I forgot. Sovereignty is for display purposes only.

Problem Solver

pre 15 godina

Well, well. Serbs are also protesting the house building. Looks like Serbia needs more money (pensions fund is near zero) so they are blackmailing EU. Give us money or we cause problems.
Sort like the firemen who starts the fire then offers to put it out.

It's a gamble, serbia can cause problems, but depends on how US /EU decide to solve them.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions."

Yes - citizens of Serbia should pay taxes in Serbia.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism?
(Mike, 22 June 2009 17:48)

The sovereignty of Kosova is contested in Gracanisa 3 miles frm Prishtina Mike...tale me a Govt a nation a country that would tolerate such a thing????

Steve JP

pre 15 godina

"Vukojevic said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions". This action makes perfect sense. What good do the Kosovo Authorities do for the Serbs? The payments made on taxes are supposed to benefit the people. A government is supposed to take care of the people; to help people to be able to help themselves. But, it is no secret that the lives of the Serbs and Romas is really a living hell in Kosovo. And the Kosovo Authorities actually want it that way.


pre 15 godina

Ben, give me a break. Seriously. Read the comments from your above compatriots calling for protestors to be "crushed" and the "criminals" arrested. 10 years ago you people did far worse and have remembered it as noble and worthy defense against tyranny. These Serbs are doing the same thing. Take a hint from the Free World. Comments like these do not win you sympathy. So please pardon me if I don't shed a tear for your threatened "sovereignty".

I'm calling those comments fasicst, and I'm proud to call it that. Your compatriots would feel right at home with Ahmadinejad, "crushing" dissent from a bunch of disgruntled voters.

You people are no better collectively than Serb nationalists so please stop trying to pass yourselves off as victims.


pre 15 godina

Keep ut the good work fellow Serbs! Don't give in to Albanians and to those that occupy our territory. Have patience! The world is learning the truth.

why bother

pre 15 godina

He pointed out that, in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever".

"With no success whatsoever."

Eulex have it in their capacity to Reason. Serbian officials don't and never will.


pre 15 godina

i hope these serb criminals will be punished! they must respect kosovo or they must leave kosovo no other compromisse!
(dan-ch, 22 June 2009 14:16)

A bit of a hardliner aren't you?

When you were being disobedient and difficult it was OK I guess because you were fighting for a noble cause, but dare any Serb fight for his rights you want nothing less than to throw them out.

Since they have already been pronounced criminals by you, I guess the world must see them that way and throw them in jail.


pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.
(PRN, 22 June 2009 15:38)

The so-called Kosovo army was easily defeated by Serbian forces in every single engagement during combat operations. It is not any different now. All the "Kosovo army" can do is call for help from NATO.


pre 15 godina

xythi: "...if so cross the border pal!"

I think that you'll find the Serbian border under international law still includes the whole province of Kosovo.

He is well within his own border.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!


pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.

why bother

pre 15 godina

He pointed out that, in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever".

"With no success whatsoever."

Eulex have it in their capacity to Reason. Serbian officials don't and never will.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism? I mean seriously, these are the people that made their "state" from rebellion and dissidence, and now they want to crack the heads of those who refuse to follow their own laws.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions." if so cross the border pal!

Agree 100%. No taxes, not peace!We need taxes to arm the army and prepare. Why wouldn't Serbs want this? Those 1% radicals are in for a surprise, Tadic will not make a beep when the police start to "disperse" them. Pension funds are near ZERO and Serbia needs visas.


pre 15 godina

"Unless EULEX withdraws from the administrative border crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak, the protest will be additionally radicalized," Vukojević underscored.

Time for KFOR troops to go in and crush this rioting by these radical Serb extremists.


pre 15 godina

Why are the Albanian comments on this particular issue bordering on fascism?
(Mike, 22 June 2009 17:48)

The sovereignty of Kosova is contested in Gracanisa 3 miles frm Prishtina Mike...tale me a Govt a nation a country that would tolerate such a thing????


pre 15 godina

Keep ut the good work fellow Serbs! Don't give in to Albanians and to those that occupy our territory. Have patience! The world is learning the truth.


pre 15 godina

Original text reads:

"The protest, secured by Kosovo police (KPS) and KFOR, ended without incidents." That means, it was a peaceful protest organized, announced and executed with approval.

Versus comments like #2 and #4.

If you call protests like these "criminals", than you have very questionable level of tolerance and apply double standards. And I am aware, there is no way you will agree with it openly.

In general, I see a lot of thinking like "the nobility of our ultimate goal and our religion / = "Albanism"/ does approve even somewhat questionable methods applied temporarily".

According to believers in afterlife, such roads lead ultimately to a pretty warm place ;)


pre 15 godina

Ben, give me a break. Seriously. Read the comments from your above compatriots calling for protestors to be "crushed" and the "criminals" arrested. 10 years ago you people did far worse and have remembered it as noble and worthy defense against tyranny. These Serbs are doing the same thing. Take a hint from the Free World. Comments like these do not win you sympathy. So please pardon me if I don't shed a tear for your threatened "sovereignty".

I'm calling those comments fasicst, and I'm proud to call it that. Your compatriots would feel right at home with Ahmadinejad, "crushing" dissent from a bunch of disgruntled voters.

You people are no better collectively than Serb nationalists so please stop trying to pass yourselves off as victims.


pre 15 godina

"in the meantime, the Serbian government and EULEX representatives have conducted negotiations "with no success whatsoever"."

No why, praytell, would EULEX need to compromise with Serbia Proper when Kosovo is supposed to be a separate country? Oh yes, that's right, I forgot. Sovereignty is for display purposes only.

Problem Solver

pre 15 godina

Well, well. Serbs are also protesting the house building. Looks like Serbia needs more money (pensions fund is near zero) so they are blackmailing EU. Give us money or we cause problems.
Sort like the firemen who starts the fire then offers to put it out.

It's a gamble, serbia can cause problems, but depends on how US /EU decide to solve them.


pre 15 godina

"Vukojević said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes, but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions."

Yes - citizens of Serbia should pay taxes in Serbia.


pre 15 godina

i hope these serb criminals will be punished! they must respect kosovo or they must leave kosovo no other compromisse!
(dan-ch, 22 June 2009 14:16)

A bit of a hardliner aren't you?

When you were being disobedient and difficult it was OK I guess because you were fighting for a noble cause, but dare any Serb fight for his rights you want nothing less than to throw them out.

Since they have already been pronounced criminals by you, I guess the world must see them that way and throw them in jail.

Steve JP

pre 15 godina

"Vukojevic said that Serbs are willing to pay taxes but only to the state of Serbia and not to Kosovo institutions". This action makes perfect sense. What good do the Kosovo Authorities do for the Serbs? The payments made on taxes are supposed to benefit the people. A government is supposed to take care of the people; to help people to be able to help themselves. But, it is no secret that the lives of the Serbs and Romas is really a living hell in Kosovo. And the Kosovo Authorities actually want it that way.


pre 15 godina

Time to close the borders on the north of Kosova, until minority Kosovo Serbs start behaving.

...or else send the Kosovo army to control the border.

These thugs must respect the constitution of Kosovo or leave where they came from...period.

No time to waste with such criminals.
(PRN, 22 June 2009 15:38)

The so-called Kosovo army was easily defeated by Serbian forces in every single engagement during combat operations. It is not any different now. All the "Kosovo army" can do is call for help from NATO.