Tuesday, 19.05.2009.


Vujanović, Cvetković meet in Belgrade

Montenegrin President Filip Vujanović met Tuesday with Serbian Premier Mirko Cvetković in Belgrade on Tuesday.

Izvor: B92

Vujanoviæ, Cvetkoviæ meet in Belgrade IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

They can talk all they want, but they can't force you to spend your vacation in "montenegro" and buy products from "montenegro". Until Crna Gora resurrects, you can just ignore them.


pre 15 godina

Just goes to show how spineless DS really is and quick they are to forget the wrong doings of others. Tadic is a grade A push over!


pre 15 godina

"that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula."

Well they don't seem to be doing a good job because the last time I checked Serbs in Kosovo and Belgrade were still resisting. Besides, I think the Americans are ready for a compromise to accept the status quo which would mean partitioning Kosovo.

"The administration official said Mr Biden will try to seek a "modus vivendi" between Serbia and Kosovo when he meets with Serbian President Boris Tadic."

"In a sense, we're going to have to agree to disagree," he said.

So much for putting pressure on Serbs to recognize Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

Why does Serbia always have to be the sucker! Montenegro stabbed Serbia in the back and now we are cuddling with Podgorica again. Why? Same thing with Macedonia. To hell with them. I thought there was a price to pay for stabbing Serbia in the back, but I guess I was wrong. What's next? Recognizing Kosovo and watching the albanians finish the job by destroying the remaining churches and expelling the remaining Serbs. Great job Tadic. You are no better than Djukanovic and co.


pre 15 godina

It looks like a kids game: "I won't play with you if you don't follow my rules".
Even Mr. Tadic knows that Serbia will recognize Kosovo sooner or latter, just like Montenegro did. The best thing is that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula, and their will is Kosovo to be indenpendent-end of the story.


pre 15 godina

I do not mean to be cynical, but to me it seems as if this stuff is just a show for us masses to watch. I feel as if there is an invisible hand that decides what happens, when, and how. I mean, negotiations okay, but I only wish it was as simple as two presidents talking... it isn't so simple. :(


pre 15 godina

They can talk all they want, but they can't force you to spend your vacation in "montenegro" and buy products from "montenegro". Until Crna Gora resurrects, you can just ignore them.


pre 15 godina

Just goes to show how spineless DS really is and quick they are to forget the wrong doings of others. Tadic is a grade A push over!


pre 15 godina

Why does Serbia always have to be the sucker! Montenegro stabbed Serbia in the back and now we are cuddling with Podgorica again. Why? Same thing with Macedonia. To hell with them. I thought there was a price to pay for stabbing Serbia in the back, but I guess I was wrong. What's next? Recognizing Kosovo and watching the albanians finish the job by destroying the remaining churches and expelling the remaining Serbs. Great job Tadic. You are no better than Djukanovic and co.


pre 15 godina

"that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula."

Well they don't seem to be doing a good job because the last time I checked Serbs in Kosovo and Belgrade were still resisting. Besides, I think the Americans are ready for a compromise to accept the status quo which would mean partitioning Kosovo.

"The administration official said Mr Biden will try to seek a "modus vivendi" between Serbia and Kosovo when he meets with Serbian President Boris Tadic."

"In a sense, we're going to have to agree to disagree," he said.

So much for putting pressure on Serbs to recognize Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

I do not mean to be cynical, but to me it seems as if this stuff is just a show for us masses to watch. I feel as if there is an invisible hand that decides what happens, when, and how. I mean, negotiations okay, but I only wish it was as simple as two presidents talking... it isn't so simple. :(


pre 15 godina

It looks like a kids game: "I won't play with you if you don't follow my rules".
Even Mr. Tadic knows that Serbia will recognize Kosovo sooner or latter, just like Montenegro did. The best thing is that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula, and their will is Kosovo to be indenpendent-end of the story.


pre 15 godina

It looks like a kids game: "I won't play with you if you don't follow my rules".
Even Mr. Tadic knows that Serbia will recognize Kosovo sooner or latter, just like Montenegro did. The best thing is that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula, and their will is Kosovo to be indenpendent-end of the story.


pre 15 godina

Why does Serbia always have to be the sucker! Montenegro stabbed Serbia in the back and now we are cuddling with Podgorica again. Why? Same thing with Macedonia. To hell with them. I thought there was a price to pay for stabbing Serbia in the back, but I guess I was wrong. What's next? Recognizing Kosovo and watching the albanians finish the job by destroying the remaining churches and expelling the remaining Serbs. Great job Tadic. You are no better than Djukanovic and co.


pre 15 godina

"that USA is in charge regarding all Ballkan peninsula."

Well they don't seem to be doing a good job because the last time I checked Serbs in Kosovo and Belgrade were still resisting. Besides, I think the Americans are ready for a compromise to accept the status quo which would mean partitioning Kosovo.

"The administration official said Mr Biden will try to seek a "modus vivendi" between Serbia and Kosovo when he meets with Serbian President Boris Tadic."

"In a sense, we're going to have to agree to disagree," he said.

So much for putting pressure on Serbs to recognize Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

They can talk all they want, but they can't force you to spend your vacation in "montenegro" and buy products from "montenegro". Until Crna Gora resurrects, you can just ignore them.


pre 15 godina

I do not mean to be cynical, but to me it seems as if this stuff is just a show for us masses to watch. I feel as if there is an invisible hand that decides what happens, when, and how. I mean, negotiations okay, but I only wish it was as simple as two presidents talking... it isn't so simple. :(


pre 15 godina

Just goes to show how spineless DS really is and quick they are to forget the wrong doings of others. Tadic is a grade A push over!