Wednesday, 22.04.2009.


Jeremić: Serbia won't recognize Kosovo

FM Vuk Jeremić is sure that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will rule in favor of the preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Izvor: Blic

Jeremiæ: Serbia won't recognize Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

29 Komentari

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Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


What are you talking about now Gustave? What have I said here that was in any way offensive to Albanians? I know perfectly well that Albania has a pro-Serbian political stance, in fact I find that the Albanian government has a generally constructive view on development in the Balkans.

Again, you are too sensitive.


pre 15 godina

America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.
(Republika Srpska, 22 April 2009 13:16)

Really? I take it Serbs have not destroyed other countries or regions these last 30 years.....but not sure why a large number of Serbian state aparatus or leaders have been accused and convicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


pre 15 godina

(Peter Sudyka, 22 April 2009 22:32)

>>>"First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes

Albania has never threatened vetoes, actually has supported Serbia's entry in NATO, the interviews are there to be read if one wants. Can't you leave us alone for once. You really need to write (at least) an anti-Albanian comment a day to have your dose, don't you?

No need for Albania to veto it, there are quite a few countries that don't want Serbia in, Holland is just the one they are hiding behind...

>>>"Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?"

Any sane-minded person would argue that states enter organizations with well-defined borders. The only well-defined borders of Serbia are those that exclude Kosovo, which in case you didn't know are recognized by the aforementioned 4 EU big boys. If Serbia enters without Kosovo it has de facto publicly recognized the Newborn.

Besides, one needs to take in account what they say behind closed doors (ie where they don't accept Jeremic anymore) not in front of journalists, with the usual politichese fake smiles...


pre 15 godina


Then EU should kick out Spain, Romania, Greece, Slovakia and Cyprus from EU.

What makes u think that Kosovo will ever become member of EU? These five countries of EU won't recognize Kosovo independence.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes, and it still has a LONG way to go before it can be admitted in terms of reaching the requirements.

Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?


pre 15 godina

If the court agrees with us then the world should respect that and follow the law--If the court disagrees with us then the world should ignore it and we will not honor--we are right irregardless of international views.
Now how is Jeremic's political agenda in contrast of Milosevic???


pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.
(bennihanna, 22 April 2009 15:46)

For the Albanians this is just an opinion not legally binding.We didn't ask for it we can ignore it if it doesn't suit us. You serbs keep preaching the world how the international law should be respected and yet you see Jeremic going out there and saying that Serbia will not respect the international law.As for the other countries that have recognized Kosovo, in case of the ICJ ruling in Serbia's favor.In order for them to withdraw,Serbia should have more NIS and similar companies to give it to them for free like it did with the russians.


pre 15 godina

Looks like Jeremic is not sure of himself and at that instance is when Serbia's denial rears its ugly head. How can you deal with such unprincipled leaders. This is such a fine case of blatant hypocrisy.


pre 15 godina

Hi there
Mr. Jeremic is a politician, just as he speaks at present however he knows that whatever the dessision comes Serbia as a UN member has to obey its stand and legitimate the final IJC desision,, Serbia will recognize Kosovo and this court is going to be a perfect excuse of the Serb government towards the radical nationalists there..

by the way before I go, I must admit that I do agree with Jeff and fully read his words....

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.
(Jeff, 22 April 2009 14:24)



pre 15 godina

If the DS ever decides to sell out Kosovo in favor of the EU, then there will be a revolution in Serbia. Jeremic is aware of this. I am not so sure if Tadic is though.


pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.


pre 15 godina

"Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live."

Actually, that could very well be the issue. In an age where formal state boundaries are becoming increasingly porous, the question of whether the state holds the ultimate authority in sovereignty is a plausible one. In fact, the very basis of the formation of many states today began on the premise of one group realizing it could no longer sustain itself living within its then political or social configuration.

If both sides are smart about this, the ICJ case will not be simply whether Serbs or Albanians get to control Kosovo, but what actually determines the legal criteria for sovereignty and sovereign control? A ruling in Serbia's favor may be a victory for the "borders cannot be changed" crowd. But a victory of Pristina can easily be a victory for the "self determination" crowd. Unless the ruling comes out as a bureaucratically compromised draw (which I won't be surprised if it does), Kosovo will no longer be that "special case" everyone seems to think it is.


pre 15 godina

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.


pre 15 godina

I suppose the only positive benefits of a ruling in favour of Pristina is that Republika Srpska becomes independent and the northen part of Kosovo becomes independent of an independent Kosovo. Then we'll see the Albanians in southern Serbia declare independence, the Serbs who moved back to Croatia declare independence with a new state of Krajina, the Greeks and other minorities in Albania declare independence, and the list goes on and on........ And that's just the Balkans!!


pre 15 godina

Justice: "Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.
Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo."

That's not the case at all. Kosovo is currently legally part of Serbia. If the ICJ ruling is of the opinion that the UDI was legal, then why would that mean Serbia has to recognise?

Any more than a ruling in Serbia's favour will mean that the US has to withdraw recognition. The ruling will have an impact on those yet to recognise; those who recognised but remain uncertain; and the future legal standing of Kosovo.

It will mean that the province is frozen politically until further negotions take place, and some sort of compromise is reached with Serbia.

It will also have a wide bearing on regional and international politics in many years to come.

Personally, I believe that if the ICJ rules in favour of a clearly illegal seccession, it will bring the entire UN position into question because it will mean that all areas have become open to political pressures.

If the ICJ rules that this is a political and not legal case, then it will also throw the position of the UN into question, as it will mean that sovereign nations can no longer rely on the international legal framework currently in place.

In other words, Serbia is in the position of having nothing to lose. They are an established nation and UN member. Kosovo is a protectorate claiming that it is a nation. They have everything to lose or gain.

As far as I can see, people in Kosovo at the moment have a really bad deal, with the unemployment and crime rate so high, living standards so low, and flights between Kosovo and the rest of Europe priced impossibly high. There has to be some sort of change and development one way or the other, and the worst thing that could happen is a political freeze.


pre 15 godina

“The Belgrade government will not recognize Kosovo, at any cost, even in the event that the decision goes in favor of Priština,” Jeremic stressed, "as long as a democratic order based on the Serbian Constitution exists in this country."

By this statement Mr. Jeremic is proving that Serbia doesn’t really care about international law. He has been repeating this over and over, and when another country recognizes Kosovo than he complains by saying that Serbia is disappointed by such move which is not in compliance with the International law. I don’t really know what stands behind such statements he’s making, but this will simply, in my opinion, go very much in Kosovo’s favor.
Asking for the ICJ advice (opinion) on the legality of Kosovo’s independence and say we won’t accept the opinion if it doesn’t suit us is really nonsense.

Republika Srpska

pre 15 godina

Unfortunately the right side doesn't always win. The world is run by hypocrites and thieves. They have proven time and time again that they don't give a damn about internationa law. They are only after a quick buck and act accordingly. America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. The important thing is to wear them out. The Turks occupied Kosovo for 500 years. If we have to we'll wait for another 500. We won't and can't allow someone to steal our holy land from us.


pre 15 godina

Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.

Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo.

What makes this position ridiculous, is the fact that it is exactly Serbia who has asked for the opinion of ICJ.

Even though we all know its ruling will not be binding, but rather just an opinion, Serbia (and in particular Serbia) can not, may not, should not make such remarks as Jeremic did now.


pre 15 godina

on these very statements he makes here defeats its objectives in first place to seek advice from ICJ, why would you want to seek advice when you are not going to take the advice then regardless of what it.



pre 15 godina

This is the very well known Serbian understanding of the law and justice.

I just want to ask the countries apparently democratic as Spain that support Serbia in ICJ what is their comment on this???

The Serbian arrogance and irresponsibility was until now the greatest alley of Kosova and other Yugo nation.

You simply made even your strong supporters as for e.g. the British conservatives of the early 90s to be disgusted from your attitude and cultural intolerance for the cultures of your neighbours.

No one wanted to grant independence to Kosova.

If the west really wanted they could have support Kosova in declaring independence in 2000 or 2001 but they were waiting for a real cultural shift in Serbia and real democratic turn that never happened. If Serbia made a real democratic turn I am sure that the 'west' would have insisted in some kind of federation/confederation but simply they would have not support the independence to Kosova.


pre 15 godina

Excellent example of using the international system peacefully and properly. Let's hope that the 'system' is going to do a fair job without outside influence.

Vuk Jeremic is absolutely right that changing boundaries according to ethnic groups without a state's consent would have disastrous consequences. And there are no 'one offs' in international law - everything sets a precedent.

I hope that Vuk keeps up the good work and doesn't slow the pace or become complacent.

Grim J. Kasimov

pre 15 godina

Why not try, there is nothing more to loose. Serbs know they have lost Kosovo, not after 1999 but at least durung the '80. The recent war and the deportation attempt was just the final act of desperation to change facts, knowing it won't work out, but there was nothing left. Knowing Kosovo is lost, they have never made the atempt to consider Kosovos habitants as part of Serbia's people. The attitude Kosovo is Serbian territory, but the people living there can't have influence in that country showes the pseudo-character of these activities.

laki bani

pre 15 godina

Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live. "That would be a very unstable world

I think that every comment is unnecessary


pre 15 godina

If your country wants to be a member of EU you will have no choice but to reconize Kosovo. And that day will come when Eu will make it clear to you what is need to be done for Serbia to enter the union. Kosovo could and will enter NATO and that is enough for us for the time being. Let's see how long Serbia can hold without integrating to EU. Albania will be a member before and will veto Serbias entery if they dont reconize Kosovo.

Eu will soon come up with an resolution wich will say Kosovo and Serbia cannot enter EU before they resolve their problems. That means Serbia reconize Kosovo because Kosovo being a part of Serbia is just a dream by now. It's somthing that cannot be made and will not be made. Kosovo can live without EU because we are happy with what we got,. Can Serbia live without EU and still be a devolpmend country ?


pre 15 godina

OOO! Other than speaking against Kosova what other things you are doing if you are doing anything Mr. Foreign Minister?

Don't lose time, money and effort.

I promise that, soon we will be in the UN hall in September, if not this year, next year 100%.

You are helping in other ways!!!

Grim J. Kasimov

pre 15 godina

Why not try, there is nothing more to loose. Serbs know they have lost Kosovo, not after 1999 but at least durung the '80. The recent war and the deportation attempt was just the final act of desperation to change facts, knowing it won't work out, but there was nothing left. Knowing Kosovo is lost, they have never made the atempt to consider Kosovos habitants as part of Serbia's people. The attitude Kosovo is Serbian territory, but the people living there can't have influence in that country showes the pseudo-character of these activities.


pre 15 godina

This is the very well known Serbian understanding of the law and justice.

I just want to ask the countries apparently democratic as Spain that support Serbia in ICJ what is their comment on this???

The Serbian arrogance and irresponsibility was until now the greatest alley of Kosova and other Yugo nation.

You simply made even your strong supporters as for e.g. the British conservatives of the early 90s to be disgusted from your attitude and cultural intolerance for the cultures of your neighbours.

No one wanted to grant independence to Kosova.

If the west really wanted they could have support Kosova in declaring independence in 2000 or 2001 but they were waiting for a real cultural shift in Serbia and real democratic turn that never happened. If Serbia made a real democratic turn I am sure that the 'west' would have insisted in some kind of federation/confederation but simply they would have not support the independence to Kosova.


pre 15 godina

Excellent example of using the international system peacefully and properly. Let's hope that the 'system' is going to do a fair job without outside influence.

Vuk Jeremic is absolutely right that changing boundaries according to ethnic groups without a state's consent would have disastrous consequences. And there are no 'one offs' in international law - everything sets a precedent.

I hope that Vuk keeps up the good work and doesn't slow the pace or become complacent.


pre 15 godina

“The Belgrade government will not recognize Kosovo, at any cost, even in the event that the decision goes in favor of Priština,” Jeremic stressed, "as long as a democratic order based on the Serbian Constitution exists in this country."

By this statement Mr. Jeremic is proving that Serbia doesn’t really care about international law. He has been repeating this over and over, and when another country recognizes Kosovo than he complains by saying that Serbia is disappointed by such move which is not in compliance with the International law. I don’t really know what stands behind such statements he’s making, but this will simply, in my opinion, go very much in Kosovo’s favor.
Asking for the ICJ advice (opinion) on the legality of Kosovo’s independence and say we won’t accept the opinion if it doesn’t suit us is really nonsense.

Republika Srpska

pre 15 godina

Unfortunately the right side doesn't always win. The world is run by hypocrites and thieves. They have proven time and time again that they don't give a damn about internationa law. They are only after a quick buck and act accordingly. America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. The important thing is to wear them out. The Turks occupied Kosovo for 500 years. If we have to we'll wait for another 500. We won't and can't allow someone to steal our holy land from us.


pre 15 godina

If your country wants to be a member of EU you will have no choice but to reconize Kosovo. And that day will come when Eu will make it clear to you what is need to be done for Serbia to enter the union. Kosovo could and will enter NATO and that is enough for us for the time being. Let's see how long Serbia can hold without integrating to EU. Albania will be a member before and will veto Serbias entery if they dont reconize Kosovo.

Eu will soon come up with an resolution wich will say Kosovo and Serbia cannot enter EU before they resolve their problems. That means Serbia reconize Kosovo because Kosovo being a part of Serbia is just a dream by now. It's somthing that cannot be made and will not be made. Kosovo can live without EU because we are happy with what we got,. Can Serbia live without EU and still be a devolpmend country ?


pre 15 godina

on these very statements he makes here defeats its objectives in first place to seek advice from ICJ, why would you want to seek advice when you are not going to take the advice then regardless of what it.



pre 15 godina

Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.

Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo.

What makes this position ridiculous, is the fact that it is exactly Serbia who has asked for the opinion of ICJ.

Even though we all know its ruling will not be binding, but rather just an opinion, Serbia (and in particular Serbia) can not, may not, should not make such remarks as Jeremic did now.


pre 15 godina

OOO! Other than speaking against Kosova what other things you are doing if you are doing anything Mr. Foreign Minister?

Don't lose time, money and effort.

I promise that, soon we will be in the UN hall in September, if not this year, next year 100%.

You are helping in other ways!!!


pre 15 godina

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.


pre 15 godina

Justice: "Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.
Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo."

That's not the case at all. Kosovo is currently legally part of Serbia. If the ICJ ruling is of the opinion that the UDI was legal, then why would that mean Serbia has to recognise?

Any more than a ruling in Serbia's favour will mean that the US has to withdraw recognition. The ruling will have an impact on those yet to recognise; those who recognised but remain uncertain; and the future legal standing of Kosovo.

It will mean that the province is frozen politically until further negotions take place, and some sort of compromise is reached with Serbia.

It will also have a wide bearing on regional and international politics in many years to come.

Personally, I believe that if the ICJ rules in favour of a clearly illegal seccession, it will bring the entire UN position into question because it will mean that all areas have become open to political pressures.

If the ICJ rules that this is a political and not legal case, then it will also throw the position of the UN into question, as it will mean that sovereign nations can no longer rely on the international legal framework currently in place.

In other words, Serbia is in the position of having nothing to lose. They are an established nation and UN member. Kosovo is a protectorate claiming that it is a nation. They have everything to lose or gain.

As far as I can see, people in Kosovo at the moment have a really bad deal, with the unemployment and crime rate so high, living standards so low, and flights between Kosovo and the rest of Europe priced impossibly high. There has to be some sort of change and development one way or the other, and the worst thing that could happen is a political freeze.

laki bani

pre 15 godina

Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live. "That would be a very unstable world

I think that every comment is unnecessary


pre 15 godina

I suppose the only positive benefits of a ruling in favour of Pristina is that Republika Srpska becomes independent and the northen part of Kosovo becomes independent of an independent Kosovo. Then we'll see the Albanians in southern Serbia declare independence, the Serbs who moved back to Croatia declare independence with a new state of Krajina, the Greeks and other minorities in Albania declare independence, and the list goes on and on........ And that's just the Balkans!!


pre 15 godina

"Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live."

Actually, that could very well be the issue. In an age where formal state boundaries are becoming increasingly porous, the question of whether the state holds the ultimate authority in sovereignty is a plausible one. In fact, the very basis of the formation of many states today began on the premise of one group realizing it could no longer sustain itself living within its then political or social configuration.

If both sides are smart about this, the ICJ case will not be simply whether Serbs or Albanians get to control Kosovo, but what actually determines the legal criteria for sovereignty and sovereign control? A ruling in Serbia's favor may be a victory for the "borders cannot be changed" crowd. But a victory of Pristina can easily be a victory for the "self determination" crowd. Unless the ruling comes out as a bureaucratically compromised draw (which I won't be surprised if it does), Kosovo will no longer be that "special case" everyone seems to think it is.


pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.


pre 15 godina

If the DS ever decides to sell out Kosovo in favor of the EU, then there will be a revolution in Serbia. Jeremic is aware of this. I am not so sure if Tadic is though.


pre 15 godina


Then EU should kick out Spain, Romania, Greece, Slovakia and Cyprus from EU.

What makes u think that Kosovo will ever become member of EU? These five countries of EU won't recognize Kosovo independence.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes, and it still has a LONG way to go before it can be admitted in terms of reaching the requirements.

Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?


pre 15 godina

If the court agrees with us then the world should respect that and follow the law--If the court disagrees with us then the world should ignore it and we will not honor--we are right irregardless of international views.
Now how is Jeremic's political agenda in contrast of Milosevic???


pre 15 godina

(Peter Sudyka, 22 April 2009 22:32)

>>>"First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes

Albania has never threatened vetoes, actually has supported Serbia's entry in NATO, the interviews are there to be read if one wants. Can't you leave us alone for once. You really need to write (at least) an anti-Albanian comment a day to have your dose, don't you?

No need for Albania to veto it, there are quite a few countries that don't want Serbia in, Holland is just the one they are hiding behind...

>>>"Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?"

Any sane-minded person would argue that states enter organizations with well-defined borders. The only well-defined borders of Serbia are those that exclude Kosovo, which in case you didn't know are recognized by the aforementioned 4 EU big boys. If Serbia enters without Kosovo it has de facto publicly recognized the Newborn.

Besides, one needs to take in account what they say behind closed doors (ie where they don't accept Jeremic anymore) not in front of journalists, with the usual politichese fake smiles...


pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.
(bennihanna, 22 April 2009 15:46)

For the Albanians this is just an opinion not legally binding.We didn't ask for it we can ignore it if it doesn't suit us. You serbs keep preaching the world how the international law should be respected and yet you see Jeremic going out there and saying that Serbia will not respect the international law.As for the other countries that have recognized Kosovo, in case of the ICJ ruling in Serbia's favor.In order for them to withdraw,Serbia should have more NIS and similar companies to give it to them for free like it did with the russians.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


What are you talking about now Gustave? What have I said here that was in any way offensive to Albanians? I know perfectly well that Albania has a pro-Serbian political stance, in fact I find that the Albanian government has a generally constructive view on development in the Balkans.

Again, you are too sensitive.


pre 15 godina

Hi there
Mr. Jeremic is a politician, just as he speaks at present however he knows that whatever the dessision comes Serbia as a UN member has to obey its stand and legitimate the final IJC desision,, Serbia will recognize Kosovo and this court is going to be a perfect excuse of the Serb government towards the radical nationalists there..

by the way before I go, I must admit that I do agree with Jeff and fully read his words....

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.
(Jeff, 22 April 2009 14:24)



pre 15 godina

America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.
(Republika Srpska, 22 April 2009 13:16)

Really? I take it Serbs have not destroyed other countries or regions these last 30 years.....but not sure why a large number of Serbian state aparatus or leaders have been accused and convicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


pre 15 godina

Looks like Jeremic is not sure of himself and at that instance is when Serbia's denial rears its ugly head. How can you deal with such unprincipled leaders. This is such a fine case of blatant hypocrisy.

Grim J. Kasimov

pre 15 godina

Why not try, there is nothing more to loose. Serbs know they have lost Kosovo, not after 1999 but at least durung the '80. The recent war and the deportation attempt was just the final act of desperation to change facts, knowing it won't work out, but there was nothing left. Knowing Kosovo is lost, they have never made the atempt to consider Kosovos habitants as part of Serbia's people. The attitude Kosovo is Serbian territory, but the people living there can't have influence in that country showes the pseudo-character of these activities.


pre 15 godina

If your country wants to be a member of EU you will have no choice but to reconize Kosovo. And that day will come when Eu will make it clear to you what is need to be done for Serbia to enter the union. Kosovo could and will enter NATO and that is enough for us for the time being. Let's see how long Serbia can hold without integrating to EU. Albania will be a member before and will veto Serbias entery if they dont reconize Kosovo.

Eu will soon come up with an resolution wich will say Kosovo and Serbia cannot enter EU before they resolve their problems. That means Serbia reconize Kosovo because Kosovo being a part of Serbia is just a dream by now. It's somthing that cannot be made and will not be made. Kosovo can live without EU because we are happy with what we got,. Can Serbia live without EU and still be a devolpmend country ?


pre 15 godina

OOO! Other than speaking against Kosova what other things you are doing if you are doing anything Mr. Foreign Minister?

Don't lose time, money and effort.

I promise that, soon we will be in the UN hall in September, if not this year, next year 100%.

You are helping in other ways!!!


pre 15 godina

Excellent example of using the international system peacefully and properly. Let's hope that the 'system' is going to do a fair job without outside influence.

Vuk Jeremic is absolutely right that changing boundaries according to ethnic groups without a state's consent would have disastrous consequences. And there are no 'one offs' in international law - everything sets a precedent.

I hope that Vuk keeps up the good work and doesn't slow the pace or become complacent.

Republika Srpska

pre 15 godina

Unfortunately the right side doesn't always win. The world is run by hypocrites and thieves. They have proven time and time again that they don't give a damn about internationa law. They are only after a quick buck and act accordingly. America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. The important thing is to wear them out. The Turks occupied Kosovo for 500 years. If we have to we'll wait for another 500. We won't and can't allow someone to steal our holy land from us.


pre 15 godina

on these very statements he makes here defeats its objectives in first place to seek advice from ICJ, why would you want to seek advice when you are not going to take the advice then regardless of what it.



pre 15 godina

This is the very well known Serbian understanding of the law and justice.

I just want to ask the countries apparently democratic as Spain that support Serbia in ICJ what is their comment on this???

The Serbian arrogance and irresponsibility was until now the greatest alley of Kosova and other Yugo nation.

You simply made even your strong supporters as for e.g. the British conservatives of the early 90s to be disgusted from your attitude and cultural intolerance for the cultures of your neighbours.

No one wanted to grant independence to Kosova.

If the west really wanted they could have support Kosova in declaring independence in 2000 or 2001 but they were waiting for a real cultural shift in Serbia and real democratic turn that never happened. If Serbia made a real democratic turn I am sure that the 'west' would have insisted in some kind of federation/confederation but simply they would have not support the independence to Kosova.


pre 15 godina

Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.

Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo.

What makes this position ridiculous, is the fact that it is exactly Serbia who has asked for the opinion of ICJ.

Even though we all know its ruling will not be binding, but rather just an opinion, Serbia (and in particular Serbia) can not, may not, should not make such remarks as Jeremic did now.


pre 15 godina

“The Belgrade government will not recognize Kosovo, at any cost, even in the event that the decision goes in favor of Priština,” Jeremic stressed, "as long as a democratic order based on the Serbian Constitution exists in this country."

By this statement Mr. Jeremic is proving that Serbia doesn’t really care about international law. He has been repeating this over and over, and when another country recognizes Kosovo than he complains by saying that Serbia is disappointed by such move which is not in compliance with the International law. I don’t really know what stands behind such statements he’s making, but this will simply, in my opinion, go very much in Kosovo’s favor.
Asking for the ICJ advice (opinion) on the legality of Kosovo’s independence and say we won’t accept the opinion if it doesn’t suit us is really nonsense.

laki bani

pre 15 godina

Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live. "That would be a very unstable world

I think that every comment is unnecessary


pre 15 godina

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.


pre 15 godina

Justice: "Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable.
Jeremic expects Kosovo te return to negotiations in case ICj rules in favor of Serbia, but in advance refuses to recognise the verdict if ICJ rules in favor of Kosovo."

That's not the case at all. Kosovo is currently legally part of Serbia. If the ICJ ruling is of the opinion that the UDI was legal, then why would that mean Serbia has to recognise?

Any more than a ruling in Serbia's favour will mean that the US has to withdraw recognition. The ruling will have an impact on those yet to recognise; those who recognised but remain uncertain; and the future legal standing of Kosovo.

It will mean that the province is frozen politically until further negotions take place, and some sort of compromise is reached with Serbia.

It will also have a wide bearing on regional and international politics in many years to come.

Personally, I believe that if the ICJ rules in favour of a clearly illegal seccession, it will bring the entire UN position into question because it will mean that all areas have become open to political pressures.

If the ICJ rules that this is a political and not legal case, then it will also throw the position of the UN into question, as it will mean that sovereign nations can no longer rely on the international legal framework currently in place.

In other words, Serbia is in the position of having nothing to lose. They are an established nation and UN member. Kosovo is a protectorate claiming that it is a nation. They have everything to lose or gain.

As far as I can see, people in Kosovo at the moment have a really bad deal, with the unemployment and crime rate so high, living standards so low, and flights between Kosovo and the rest of Europe priced impossibly high. There has to be some sort of change and development one way or the other, and the worst thing that could happen is a political freeze.


pre 15 godina

I suppose the only positive benefits of a ruling in favour of Pristina is that Republika Srpska becomes independent and the northen part of Kosovo becomes independent of an independent Kosovo. Then we'll see the Albanians in southern Serbia declare independence, the Serbs who moved back to Croatia declare independence with a new state of Krajina, the Greeks and other minorities in Albania declare independence, and the list goes on and on........ And that's just the Balkans!!


pre 15 godina

Looks like Jeremic is not sure of himself and at that instance is when Serbia's denial rears its ugly head. How can you deal with such unprincipled leaders. This is such a fine case of blatant hypocrisy.


pre 15 godina

Hi there
Mr. Jeremic is a politician, just as he speaks at present however he knows that whatever the dessision comes Serbia as a UN member has to obey its stand and legitimate the final IJC desision,, Serbia will recognize Kosovo and this court is going to be a perfect excuse of the Serb government towards the radical nationalists there..

by the way before I go, I must admit that I do agree with Jeff and fully read his words....

I wonder what the western diplomats are saying about Jeremic when they hear statements like this "We wont recognize Kosovo no matter what the court says - What is the purpose of going to the court if you wont abide and respect its decisions. This is insane and I feel sorry for the Albanian polticians that they have to deal with men like this.

All or nothing is dangerous game Mr. Jeremic.
(Jeff, 22 April 2009 14:24)



pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.
(bennihanna, 22 April 2009 15:46)

For the Albanians this is just an opinion not legally binding.We didn't ask for it we can ignore it if it doesn't suit us. You serbs keep preaching the world how the international law should be respected and yet you see Jeremic going out there and saying that Serbia will not respect the international law.As for the other countries that have recognized Kosovo, in case of the ICJ ruling in Serbia's favor.In order for them to withdraw,Serbia should have more NIS and similar companies to give it to them for free like it did with the russians.


pre 15 godina

"Jeremić said he could not imagine a 21st century in which an act of secession was left to the free will of ethnic communities which maintained that their human rights had been treated in an unsatisfactory manner by the state in which they live."

Actually, that could very well be the issue. In an age where formal state boundaries are becoming increasingly porous, the question of whether the state holds the ultimate authority in sovereignty is a plausible one. In fact, the very basis of the formation of many states today began on the premise of one group realizing it could no longer sustain itself living within its then political or social configuration.

If both sides are smart about this, the ICJ case will not be simply whether Serbs or Albanians get to control Kosovo, but what actually determines the legal criteria for sovereignty and sovereign control? A ruling in Serbia's favor may be a victory for the "borders cannot be changed" crowd. But a victory of Pristina can easily be a victory for the "self determination" crowd. Unless the ruling comes out as a bureaucratically compromised draw (which I won't be surprised if it does), Kosovo will no longer be that "special case" everyone seems to think it is.


pre 15 godina

(Peter Sudyka, 22 April 2009 22:32)

>>>"First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes

Albania has never threatened vetoes, actually has supported Serbia's entry in NATO, the interviews are there to be read if one wants. Can't you leave us alone for once. You really need to write (at least) an anti-Albanian comment a day to have your dose, don't you?

No need for Albania to veto it, there are quite a few countries that don't want Serbia in, Holland is just the one they are hiding behind...

>>>"Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?"

Any sane-minded person would argue that states enter organizations with well-defined borders. The only well-defined borders of Serbia are those that exclude Kosovo, which in case you didn't know are recognized by the aforementioned 4 EU big boys. If Serbia enters without Kosovo it has de facto publicly recognized the Newborn.

Besides, one needs to take in account what they say behind closed doors (ie where they don't accept Jeremic anymore) not in front of journalists, with the usual politichese fake smiles...


pre 15 godina

I find it rather amusing that the Kcamp blasts SrbFM for stating that Serbia will not recognize if the ruling goes agaist them, however I have not heard the opposite from the KsvFM. Does Kosovo and it's supporting nations intend to withdraw UDI and recognitions if the ruling goes against them? I thought not.

Please remember that glass houses and stone throwing do not mix well.

The ICJ is here to offer their legal opinion, and not an actual legally binding resolution.

One would think that after 6 months of lead up to this thing that some of you would have by now understood what it's purpose is.


pre 15 godina

If the DS ever decides to sell out Kosovo in favor of the EU, then there will be a revolution in Serbia. Jeremic is aware of this. I am not so sure if Tadic is though.


pre 15 godina

America has not contibuted to peace anywhere for the last 50 years. They have destroyed manny countries in their path and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.
(Republika Srpska, 22 April 2009 13:16)

Really? I take it Serbs have not destroyed other countries or regions these last 30 years.....but not sure why a large number of Serbian state aparatus or leaders have been accused and convicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


pre 15 godina


Then EU should kick out Spain, Romania, Greece, Slovakia and Cyprus from EU.

What makes u think that Kosovo will ever become member of EU? These five countries of EU won't recognize Kosovo independence.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


First Albania must join the EU before it can threaten with vetoes, and it still has a LONG way to go before it can be admitted in terms of reaching the requirements.

Anyway, who has ever said that recognition of Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if they wish to enter the EU? Was it any prominent EU country representative from Germany, France, UK or Italy?


pre 15 godina

If the court agrees with us then the world should respect that and follow the law--If the court disagrees with us then the world should ignore it and we will not honor--we are right irregardless of international views.
Now how is Jeremic's political agenda in contrast of Milosevic???

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


What are you talking about now Gustave? What have I said here that was in any way offensive to Albanians? I know perfectly well that Albania has a pro-Serbian political stance, in fact I find that the Albanian government has a generally constructive view on development in the Balkans.

Again, you are too sensitive.