Friday, 05.12.2008.


"Serious repercussions if gas deal falls through"

If Serbia decides against selling its oil industry to Gazprom, Russia will ban the import of Fiat vehicles from Kragujevac, writes daily Politika.

Izvor: Politika

"Serious repercussions if gas deal falls through" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

Serbia still has a chance to choose -- clean living in the EU, or living in the shadows where organized crime, oligarchs, cash deals and complicated strings of offshore companies are the order of the business day. Why Russia can't do a straight deal if it's life depended on it is beyond me. Serbia doesn't have to go down that road. It can be a "normal" country if it wants to be.


pre 15 godina

Right, I see, Serb 'patriots' take the side of the Russia over Serbia.

No I don't understand why Russian interests should be placed above Serbian ones so I'd be glad if somebody could explain it to me.

This servile attitude towards Russians is the opposite equivallent of unquestioning pro-westernism. Very sad.


pre 15 godina

Everyone knows that Tadic & Co. are taking DIRECT orders from Berlin & Washington. Who else do you think helped him get to power? This deal with Russia was ALREADY made last year. Of course it is in the Wests HIGHEST interest that the deal FAILS since since it would give Russia (Serbia's ONLY true ally) more leverage in geopolitics. Tadic CANNOT just say, we wont sell NIS GAS to Russia. He must make it look like Russia is at fault. Truth is this Russian Gas deal will be the best thing that happened to the Serbian economy in the last 2 decades. I hope the Russians squeeze Tadic so hard that it drives knocks some sense in Serbian voters. Tadic is sacrificing the well being of Serbia and its citizens for the benefit of foreign powers. The most important thing for Serbia right now is to get traitors out of power. PERIOD! Only then can Serbia look to a brighter future.

- Peace


pre 15 godina

you are discussing pratically of nothing...the main problem is that with this recession and with this price of raw materials South stream is quickly becoming South dreams !!!!
I tell you from Italy the second biggest stakeholder of the all project beside Russia obviously....
if things are as it is now all the pipelines that are on the field between Russia and EU are enough for the next century !!...and with the "Reconquista " of Ukraine in the near future Russia won't have any geopolitical problems anymore(and also Eu who is fed up with Yuschenko ).


pre 15 godina

The Serbs have already signed previous agreements with Russia, and are failing to meet those commitments by trying to force a change in terms of agreement -- not just in terms of money, but in deadlines for the projects completion, the size of the pipeline, the size of Banatski Dvor and so on. What is worst is this agreement involves Greece and Bulgaria also, and if Serbia was serious about it it wouldn't resort to such tactics, but trhen again parties like G-17+ and LSV who oppose the agrement the most are funded by Soros and can not be expected to have Serbia's interests at heart over the interest of their financial backer.


pre 15 godina

Very well said Canadian.
Tadic and his EU/US worshiping sycophants need a good slap for trying to appease their masters in Brussels and Washington. This is a done and signed deal already. I have absolutely zero faith in this government defending Serbia's national interests. It is filled with people who are working for the west, not working for Serbia. This gas deal fiasco is a prime example of who they work for.
This reminds me of Tito's policies - example: Let's destroy the relationships with all of Serbia's natural allies - Russia, Greece, France - and let's make friends with and appease the Germans - her natural enemy. Tadic is basically the new Tito.


pre 15 godina

>>>>One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.


pre 15 godina

Serbia should be interested in creating free market conditions.
I don't understand why all this fuss when the gas deal is already a done deal.
And the thing with the import ban for Fiats, anyone with some intl trading experience knows that Russia would actually ban Fiat cars and not "serbian products". Cars from Kraguevac will be bought at cost price by the intl trading company of Fiat which will then sell them to Russian market at market price.


pre 15 godina

Russia needs to swiftly slap Serbia's face, to bring them down to earth.

This is a very dangerous game Serbia is playing with their biggest supporter. Another example of Tadic's arrogance and absolute ignorance.


pre 15 godina

To be clear: the RU government and oligarchs do not care less about own citizens, just about the money. It's a communism-turned-Wild West Capitalism. One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.

With such friends as Russia and USA, neither Serbs not Albanians need enemies.


pre 15 godina

I hope this isn't true, but I would not be surprised if it was.

Well, if the Russians want to play hardball let them. I think the Serbian legal team should prepare a counter suit just in case. If nothing else this can be cited to the Russian side straight after their attempt at turning the screw.

If they want NIS they have to pay the market price. If not then other concessions must be made including the demands listed above. If they don't want a deal the company can be sold at tender next year, or the year after.


pre 15 godina

Very well said Canadian.
Tadic and his EU/US worshiping sycophants need a good slap for trying to appease their masters in Brussels and Washington. This is a done and signed deal already. I have absolutely zero faith in this government defending Serbia's national interests. It is filled with people who are working for the west, not working for Serbia. This gas deal fiasco is a prime example of who they work for.
This reminds me of Tito's policies - example: Let's destroy the relationships with all of Serbia's natural allies - Russia, Greece, France - and let's make friends with and appease the Germans - her natural enemy. Tadic is basically the new Tito.


pre 15 godina

To be clear: the RU government and oligarchs do not care less about own citizens, just about the money. It's a communism-turned-Wild West Capitalism. One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.

With such friends as Russia and USA, neither Serbs not Albanians need enemies.


pre 15 godina

Russia needs to swiftly slap Serbia's face, to bring them down to earth.

This is a very dangerous game Serbia is playing with their biggest supporter. Another example of Tadic's arrogance and absolute ignorance.


pre 15 godina

Everyone knows that Tadic & Co. are taking DIRECT orders from Berlin & Washington. Who else do you think helped him get to power? This deal with Russia was ALREADY made last year. Of course it is in the Wests HIGHEST interest that the deal FAILS since since it would give Russia (Serbia's ONLY true ally) more leverage in geopolitics. Tadic CANNOT just say, we wont sell NIS GAS to Russia. He must make it look like Russia is at fault. Truth is this Russian Gas deal will be the best thing that happened to the Serbian economy in the last 2 decades. I hope the Russians squeeze Tadic so hard that it drives knocks some sense in Serbian voters. Tadic is sacrificing the well being of Serbia and its citizens for the benefit of foreign powers. The most important thing for Serbia right now is to get traitors out of power. PERIOD! Only then can Serbia look to a brighter future.

- Peace


pre 15 godina

I hope this isn't true, but I would not be surprised if it was.

Well, if the Russians want to play hardball let them. I think the Serbian legal team should prepare a counter suit just in case. If nothing else this can be cited to the Russian side straight after their attempt at turning the screw.

If they want NIS they have to pay the market price. If not then other concessions must be made including the demands listed above. If they don't want a deal the company can be sold at tender next year, or the year after.


pre 15 godina

The Serbs have already signed previous agreements with Russia, and are failing to meet those commitments by trying to force a change in terms of agreement -- not just in terms of money, but in deadlines for the projects completion, the size of the pipeline, the size of Banatski Dvor and so on. What is worst is this agreement involves Greece and Bulgaria also, and if Serbia was serious about it it wouldn't resort to such tactics, but trhen again parties like G-17+ and LSV who oppose the agrement the most are funded by Soros and can not be expected to have Serbia's interests at heart over the interest of their financial backer.


pre 15 godina

Right, I see, Serb 'patriots' take the side of the Russia over Serbia.

No I don't understand why Russian interests should be placed above Serbian ones so I'd be glad if somebody could explain it to me.

This servile attitude towards Russians is the opposite equivallent of unquestioning pro-westernism. Very sad.


pre 15 godina

Serbia should be interested in creating free market conditions.
I don't understand why all this fuss when the gas deal is already a done deal.
And the thing with the import ban for Fiats, anyone with some intl trading experience knows that Russia would actually ban Fiat cars and not "serbian products". Cars from Kraguevac will be bought at cost price by the intl trading company of Fiat which will then sell them to Russian market at market price.


pre 15 godina

you are discussing pratically of nothing...the main problem is that with this recession and with this price of raw materials South stream is quickly becoming South dreams !!!!
I tell you from Italy the second biggest stakeholder of the all project beside Russia obviously....
if things are as it is now all the pipelines that are on the field between Russia and EU are enough for the next century !!...and with the "Reconquista " of Ukraine in the near future Russia won't have any geopolitical problems anymore(and also Eu who is fed up with Yuschenko ).


pre 15 godina

>>>>One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.


pre 15 godina

Serbia still has a chance to choose -- clean living in the EU, or living in the shadows where organized crime, oligarchs, cash deals and complicated strings of offshore companies are the order of the business day. Why Russia can't do a straight deal if it's life depended on it is beyond me. Serbia doesn't have to go down that road. It can be a "normal" country if it wants to be.


pre 15 godina

Everyone knows that Tadic & Co. are taking DIRECT orders from Berlin & Washington. Who else do you think helped him get to power? This deal with Russia was ALREADY made last year. Of course it is in the Wests HIGHEST interest that the deal FAILS since since it would give Russia (Serbia's ONLY true ally) more leverage in geopolitics. Tadic CANNOT just say, we wont sell NIS GAS to Russia. He must make it look like Russia is at fault. Truth is this Russian Gas deal will be the best thing that happened to the Serbian economy in the last 2 decades. I hope the Russians squeeze Tadic so hard that it drives knocks some sense in Serbian voters. Tadic is sacrificing the well being of Serbia and its citizens for the benefit of foreign powers. The most important thing for Serbia right now is to get traitors out of power. PERIOD! Only then can Serbia look to a brighter future.

- Peace


pre 15 godina

Very well said Canadian.
Tadic and his EU/US worshiping sycophants need a good slap for trying to appease their masters in Brussels and Washington. This is a done and signed deal already. I have absolutely zero faith in this government defending Serbia's national interests. It is filled with people who are working for the west, not working for Serbia. This gas deal fiasco is a prime example of who they work for.
This reminds me of Tito's policies - example: Let's destroy the relationships with all of Serbia's natural allies - Russia, Greece, France - and let's make friends with and appease the Germans - her natural enemy. Tadic is basically the new Tito.


pre 15 godina

Russia needs to swiftly slap Serbia's face, to bring them down to earth.

This is a very dangerous game Serbia is playing with their biggest supporter. Another example of Tadic's arrogance and absolute ignorance.


pre 15 godina

I hope this isn't true, but I would not be surprised if it was.

Well, if the Russians want to play hardball let them. I think the Serbian legal team should prepare a counter suit just in case. If nothing else this can be cited to the Russian side straight after their attempt at turning the screw.

If they want NIS they have to pay the market price. If not then other concessions must be made including the demands listed above. If they don't want a deal the company can be sold at tender next year, or the year after.


pre 15 godina

you are discussing pratically of nothing...the main problem is that with this recession and with this price of raw materials South stream is quickly becoming South dreams !!!!
I tell you from Italy the second biggest stakeholder of the all project beside Russia obviously....
if things are as it is now all the pipelines that are on the field between Russia and EU are enough for the next century !!...and with the "Reconquista " of Ukraine in the near future Russia won't have any geopolitical problems anymore(and also Eu who is fed up with Yuschenko ).


pre 15 godina

Right, I see, Serb 'patriots' take the side of the Russia over Serbia.

No I don't understand why Russian interests should be placed above Serbian ones so I'd be glad if somebody could explain it to me.

This servile attitude towards Russians is the opposite equivallent of unquestioning pro-westernism. Very sad.


pre 15 godina

The Serbs have already signed previous agreements with Russia, and are failing to meet those commitments by trying to force a change in terms of agreement -- not just in terms of money, but in deadlines for the projects completion, the size of the pipeline, the size of Banatski Dvor and so on. What is worst is this agreement involves Greece and Bulgaria also, and if Serbia was serious about it it wouldn't resort to such tactics, but trhen again parties like G-17+ and LSV who oppose the agrement the most are funded by Soros and can not be expected to have Serbia's interests at heart over the interest of their financial backer.


pre 15 godina

To be clear: the RU government and oligarchs do not care less about own citizens, just about the money. It's a communism-turned-Wild West Capitalism. One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.

With such friends as Russia and USA, neither Serbs not Albanians need enemies.


pre 15 godina

Serbia should be interested in creating free market conditions.
I don't understand why all this fuss when the gas deal is already a done deal.
And the thing with the import ban for Fiats, anyone with some intl trading experience knows that Russia would actually ban Fiat cars and not "serbian products". Cars from Kraguevac will be bought at cost price by the intl trading company of Fiat which will then sell them to Russian market at market price.


pre 15 godina

>>>>One thing they won't "sell" is Kosovo. Not because the cleptomaniacs love Serbia that much, it's just "war-by-proxy" with similar minded Americans.


pre 15 godina

Serbia still has a chance to choose -- clean living in the EU, or living in the shadows where organized crime, oligarchs, cash deals and complicated strings of offshore companies are the order of the business day. Why Russia can't do a straight deal if it's life depended on it is beyond me. Serbia doesn't have to go down that road. It can be a "normal" country if it wants to be.