Tuesday, 02.09.2008.


SRS target Tadić from parliamentary rostrum

Parliament has finished work this Tuesday without a debate on the proposed agenda.

Izvor: B92

SRS target Tadiæ from parliamentary rostrum IMAGE SOURCE

15 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

There is one thing I cannot understand.

Up to a little while ago the SRS were saying that the protestors who battled with the police were DS provocateurs.

Why then are they so concerned about Panic?


pre 16 godina

Yaroslav the opposition does not have the option of proposing / passing its own laws in Serbian parliament. This is not the British system where there is a private members bill. But there is a limit to how much one can block parliament that is not democratic. If you defend that right, do you defend the right of every party that loses in elections to stop legislation in that country? Plainly the idea is ridiculous and is a mockery of democracy. BTW you will note that you yourself are confused about the Serbian opposition - LDP had their own interests they were thinking about and yes they are part of the opposition. Surely if I were a cedomite I would be supporting the obstructionist position...

Wim I'm not sure that SRS mounted a credible critique of Tadic's version of democracy. What is it exactly that you agreed with which was said at yesterday's session? A serious critique of something is one thing, bile and hate are another.

Dragan its obvious what the majority of Serbians think of Tadic. They elected him President through direct elections! Talk about stretching the truth. Tadic is currently the most popular politician in Serbia. The fact that a minority hate him so much just shows their own personal need for a hate figure. Before him it was Djindjic, before Djindjic it was Micunovic or Stambolic. And on the other hand these people have a huge need for heros and the need to belief that one Serb leader will come and deliver them. Needless to say they are constantly disappointed.

I know what you mean about the diaspora though. Extreme diaspora circles are the ones who are sending death threat letters to Tadic and other ministers.

Still you would do well to remember that the Serbian diaspora also consists of hundreds of thousands of Serbs who would not dream of that kind of hate or agree with murder.


pre 16 godina

Bgannon, as usual you will defend Tadic to the end and will belittle anyone who dares to attack him.
The job of the opposition is to monitor the government, pull them up on anything wrong they are doing and yes, be loud and direct when dealing with them. They are also there to block any legislation which is not in the interests of the country. If they agree on a bill they will pass it, but their job is not to simply rubber stamp what the government wants.

You should see how the parliament in Australia behaves. The insults, shouting, abuse and name calling never stops.
Please don't try to make the opposition seem barbaric as this is how parliaments behave. Trust me, the Australian parliament is not better behaved either. Would you say they are not civilized either?

Tadic has won government the same way his mentor George W Bush won. No more said.

Dashnori i Ceces

pre 16 godina

Back to the 10th Century with witchcraft and curses. And this is the party that Serbs elected just a few months ago. (in case you're wondering why people support Kosova's independence)


pre 16 godina

This government is a minority government that is not at all supported by the people. The people voted for socialists and radicals and those kinds of parties. This is a fake false government that if funded by the west to make Serbia a slave state. They will fail and new elections will be called in I would say about a month.

Bad Gorilla

pre 16 godina

“Let his seed run dry, may the sun never warm him, let him await God’s punishment. Tadiç is the greatest traitor. The curse will reach everyone some day”

“a Serb curse never expires”.

Wow. That's politics, Iranian-style.


pre 16 godina

This is democracy at work. Laws can only be passed if a majority in parliament wants them passed. What's the matter, are you upset that Solana's boy Tadic is hearing what the majority of Serbians think of him? Let him hear it first hand, he needs to be woken up. The things I have heard said about him here in the diaspora are much, much, worse than what was written here.


pre 16 godina

Serbian curses is this for real. No one in advanced countries will ever take Serbia seriously if these people return to power.

Wim Roffel

pre 16 godina

Of course this kind of SRS talk is disgusting. But at the same time I share their feelings about Tadic's idea of democracy. Tadic seems to believe that every manipulation is allowed as long as it furthers his case. This attitude destroys trust and destabilises Serbia.


pre 16 godina

To the above posts:
- roelrkoster, only the SRS seems to be blocking parliament. This article indicates that only they are trying to derail the agenda of the parliament, it seems the DSS isn't going off-topic like the SRS is.
- bganon the job of the government is to pass laws, the job of the opposition is too pass laws it wants passed and too block laws it does not want passed. In that sense, the opposition is doing it's work. It seem's you have mistaken what an opposition is, but given that your a Cedomite, you probably don't care.
- As two you 2nd post, bganon- I 100% agree.


pre 16 godina

Another tasteless and primative display by the radicals showing the Serbian people exactly why they were right not to elect them.

What is the use of parties whose level of debate consists of constant whining and name calling. They are worse than useless.

But of course there is a method to the madness. The game from a radical perspective is to keep this effort up and hope (yes hope) that Ratko Mladic is arrested. That might bring a critical mass of people to the streets which theoretically could cause a coup.

Oh yeah the radicals lecture others about democracy but we know who they are and what they believe. They would be quite happy to drive Serbia into dust if it meant they could pick up a few points in the opinion polls.


pre 16 godina

let's recall, why there were new elections necessary for Kostunica and Nikolic.

parliamentary elections were provoked by the leaders of DSS and SRS by a joint strategy in parliament, headed by PM Kostunica.

unfortunately these parties miscalculated their success in elections - and now they take revanche on WHOLE Serbia by obstructing systematically the work of the parliament. their goal is clear: they try to provoke the next elections.

Serbian citizens ALREADY HAD and still have to pay a high price for the ambitions of Kostunica and Nicolic, which are blocking all chances of a positive developement of the country for years now.

95 percent of the Serbian citizens did not give the vote for former PM Kostunica and his election coalition. maybe he should have spent more time with the sorrows of Serbian citizens, instead of preparing the publishing of his book. how good were these speeches, when they did not convince people to vote him again?

Gazprom will have a chair for him - until then he must only secure, that the contract will be signed. this question had the highest priority for Kostunica at the last session of parliament - before it was blown off by SRS and DSS. counter-bets are welcome, to keep this in our mind.


pre 16 godina

Let us see if opposition MP's have any intention of doing what they are paid to do - pass laws.

Otherwise they might as well all crowd into some kafana and shout at each other, but without the taxpayer footing the bill and without us having to watch their personal drama's.

It will be interesting to see if the opposition will obstruct the ratification of the gas agreement with Russia.


pre 16 godina

let's recall, why there were new elections necessary for Kostunica and Nikolic.

parliamentary elections were provoked by the leaders of DSS and SRS by a joint strategy in parliament, headed by PM Kostunica.

unfortunately these parties miscalculated their success in elections - and now they take revanche on WHOLE Serbia by obstructing systematically the work of the parliament. their goal is clear: they try to provoke the next elections.

Serbian citizens ALREADY HAD and still have to pay a high price for the ambitions of Kostunica and Nicolic, which are blocking all chances of a positive developement of the country for years now.

95 percent of the Serbian citizens did not give the vote for former PM Kostunica and his election coalition. maybe he should have spent more time with the sorrows of Serbian citizens, instead of preparing the publishing of his book. how good were these speeches, when they did not convince people to vote him again?

Gazprom will have a chair for him - until then he must only secure, that the contract will be signed. this question had the highest priority for Kostunica at the last session of parliament - before it was blown off by SRS and DSS. counter-bets are welcome, to keep this in our mind.


pre 16 godina

Another tasteless and primative display by the radicals showing the Serbian people exactly why they were right not to elect them.

What is the use of parties whose level of debate consists of constant whining and name calling. They are worse than useless.

But of course there is a method to the madness. The game from a radical perspective is to keep this effort up and hope (yes hope) that Ratko Mladic is arrested. That might bring a critical mass of people to the streets which theoretically could cause a coup.

Oh yeah the radicals lecture others about democracy but we know who they are and what they believe. They would be quite happy to drive Serbia into dust if it meant they could pick up a few points in the opinion polls.


pre 16 godina

Let us see if opposition MP's have any intention of doing what they are paid to do - pass laws.

Otherwise they might as well all crowd into some kafana and shout at each other, but without the taxpayer footing the bill and without us having to watch their personal drama's.

It will be interesting to see if the opposition will obstruct the ratification of the gas agreement with Russia.


pre 16 godina

This is democracy at work. Laws can only be passed if a majority in parliament wants them passed. What's the matter, are you upset that Solana's boy Tadic is hearing what the majority of Serbians think of him? Let him hear it first hand, he needs to be woken up. The things I have heard said about him here in the diaspora are much, much, worse than what was written here.


pre 16 godina

This government is a minority government that is not at all supported by the people. The people voted for socialists and radicals and those kinds of parties. This is a fake false government that if funded by the west to make Serbia a slave state. They will fail and new elections will be called in I would say about a month.


pre 16 godina

To the above posts:
- roelrkoster, only the SRS seems to be blocking parliament. This article indicates that only they are trying to derail the agenda of the parliament, it seems the DSS isn't going off-topic like the SRS is.
- bganon the job of the government is to pass laws, the job of the opposition is too pass laws it wants passed and too block laws it does not want passed. In that sense, the opposition is doing it's work. It seem's you have mistaken what an opposition is, but given that your a Cedomite, you probably don't care.
- As two you 2nd post, bganon- I 100% agree.


pre 16 godina

Serbian curses is this for real. No one in advanced countries will ever take Serbia seriously if these people return to power.

Wim Roffel

pre 16 godina

Of course this kind of SRS talk is disgusting. But at the same time I share their feelings about Tadic's idea of democracy. Tadic seems to believe that every manipulation is allowed as long as it furthers his case. This attitude destroys trust and destabilises Serbia.

Bad Gorilla

pre 16 godina

“Let his seed run dry, may the sun never warm him, let him await God’s punishment. Tadiç is the greatest traitor. The curse will reach everyone some day”

“a Serb curse never expires”.

Wow. That's politics, Iranian-style.


pre 16 godina

Yaroslav the opposition does not have the option of proposing / passing its own laws in Serbian parliament. This is not the British system where there is a private members bill. But there is a limit to how much one can block parliament that is not democratic. If you defend that right, do you defend the right of every party that loses in elections to stop legislation in that country? Plainly the idea is ridiculous and is a mockery of democracy. BTW you will note that you yourself are confused about the Serbian opposition - LDP had their own interests they were thinking about and yes they are part of the opposition. Surely if I were a cedomite I would be supporting the obstructionist position...

Wim I'm not sure that SRS mounted a credible critique of Tadic's version of democracy. What is it exactly that you agreed with which was said at yesterday's session? A serious critique of something is one thing, bile and hate are another.

Dragan its obvious what the majority of Serbians think of Tadic. They elected him President through direct elections! Talk about stretching the truth. Tadic is currently the most popular politician in Serbia. The fact that a minority hate him so much just shows their own personal need for a hate figure. Before him it was Djindjic, before Djindjic it was Micunovic or Stambolic. And on the other hand these people have a huge need for heros and the need to belief that one Serb leader will come and deliver them. Needless to say they are constantly disappointed.

I know what you mean about the diaspora though. Extreme diaspora circles are the ones who are sending death threat letters to Tadic and other ministers.

Still you would do well to remember that the Serbian diaspora also consists of hundreds of thousands of Serbs who would not dream of that kind of hate or agree with murder.


pre 16 godina

There is one thing I cannot understand.

Up to a little while ago the SRS were saying that the protestors who battled with the police were DS provocateurs.

Why then are they so concerned about Panic?


pre 16 godina

Bgannon, as usual you will defend Tadic to the end and will belittle anyone who dares to attack him.
The job of the opposition is to monitor the government, pull them up on anything wrong they are doing and yes, be loud and direct when dealing with them. They are also there to block any legislation which is not in the interests of the country. If they agree on a bill they will pass it, but their job is not to simply rubber stamp what the government wants.

You should see how the parliament in Australia behaves. The insults, shouting, abuse and name calling never stops.
Please don't try to make the opposition seem barbaric as this is how parliaments behave. Trust me, the Australian parliament is not better behaved either. Would you say they are not civilized either?

Tadic has won government the same way his mentor George W Bush won. No more said.

Dashnori i Ceces

pre 16 godina

Back to the 10th Century with witchcraft and curses. And this is the party that Serbs elected just a few months ago. (in case you're wondering why people support Kosova's independence)


pre 16 godina

let's recall, why there were new elections necessary for Kostunica and Nikolic.

parliamentary elections were provoked by the leaders of DSS and SRS by a joint strategy in parliament, headed by PM Kostunica.

unfortunately these parties miscalculated their success in elections - and now they take revanche on WHOLE Serbia by obstructing systematically the work of the parliament. their goal is clear: they try to provoke the next elections.

Serbian citizens ALREADY HAD and still have to pay a high price for the ambitions of Kostunica and Nicolic, which are blocking all chances of a positive developement of the country for years now.

95 percent of the Serbian citizens did not give the vote for former PM Kostunica and his election coalition. maybe he should have spent more time with the sorrows of Serbian citizens, instead of preparing the publishing of his book. how good were these speeches, when they did not convince people to vote him again?

Gazprom will have a chair for him - until then he must only secure, that the contract will be signed. this question had the highest priority for Kostunica at the last session of parliament - before it was blown off by SRS and DSS. counter-bets are welcome, to keep this in our mind.


pre 16 godina

Let us see if opposition MP's have any intention of doing what they are paid to do - pass laws.

Otherwise they might as well all crowd into some kafana and shout at each other, but without the taxpayer footing the bill and without us having to watch their personal drama's.

It will be interesting to see if the opposition will obstruct the ratification of the gas agreement with Russia.

Bad Gorilla

pre 16 godina

“Let his seed run dry, may the sun never warm him, let him await God’s punishment. Tadiç is the greatest traitor. The curse will reach everyone some day”

“a Serb curse never expires”.

Wow. That's politics, Iranian-style.

Dashnori i Ceces

pre 16 godina

Back to the 10th Century with witchcraft and curses. And this is the party that Serbs elected just a few months ago. (in case you're wondering why people support Kosova's independence)


pre 16 godina

Another tasteless and primative display by the radicals showing the Serbian people exactly why they were right not to elect them.

What is the use of parties whose level of debate consists of constant whining and name calling. They are worse than useless.

But of course there is a method to the madness. The game from a radical perspective is to keep this effort up and hope (yes hope) that Ratko Mladic is arrested. That might bring a critical mass of people to the streets which theoretically could cause a coup.

Oh yeah the radicals lecture others about democracy but we know who they are and what they believe. They would be quite happy to drive Serbia into dust if it meant they could pick up a few points in the opinion polls.


pre 16 godina

Serbian curses is this for real. No one in advanced countries will ever take Serbia seriously if these people return to power.


pre 16 godina

To the above posts:
- roelrkoster, only the SRS seems to be blocking parliament. This article indicates that only they are trying to derail the agenda of the parliament, it seems the DSS isn't going off-topic like the SRS is.
- bganon the job of the government is to pass laws, the job of the opposition is too pass laws it wants passed and too block laws it does not want passed. In that sense, the opposition is doing it's work. It seem's you have mistaken what an opposition is, but given that your a Cedomite, you probably don't care.
- As two you 2nd post, bganon- I 100% agree.

Wim Roffel

pre 16 godina

Of course this kind of SRS talk is disgusting. But at the same time I share their feelings about Tadic's idea of democracy. Tadic seems to believe that every manipulation is allowed as long as it furthers his case. This attitude destroys trust and destabilises Serbia.


pre 16 godina

This is democracy at work. Laws can only be passed if a majority in parliament wants them passed. What's the matter, are you upset that Solana's boy Tadic is hearing what the majority of Serbians think of him? Let him hear it first hand, he needs to be woken up. The things I have heard said about him here in the diaspora are much, much, worse than what was written here.


pre 16 godina

This government is a minority government that is not at all supported by the people. The people voted for socialists and radicals and those kinds of parties. This is a fake false government that if funded by the west to make Serbia a slave state. They will fail and new elections will be called in I would say about a month.


pre 16 godina

Bgannon, as usual you will defend Tadic to the end and will belittle anyone who dares to attack him.
The job of the opposition is to monitor the government, pull them up on anything wrong they are doing and yes, be loud and direct when dealing with them. They are also there to block any legislation which is not in the interests of the country. If they agree on a bill they will pass it, but their job is not to simply rubber stamp what the government wants.

You should see how the parliament in Australia behaves. The insults, shouting, abuse and name calling never stops.
Please don't try to make the opposition seem barbaric as this is how parliaments behave. Trust me, the Australian parliament is not better behaved either. Would you say they are not civilized either?

Tadic has won government the same way his mentor George W Bush won. No more said.


pre 16 godina

Yaroslav the opposition does not have the option of proposing / passing its own laws in Serbian parliament. This is not the British system where there is a private members bill. But there is a limit to how much one can block parliament that is not democratic. If you defend that right, do you defend the right of every party that loses in elections to stop legislation in that country? Plainly the idea is ridiculous and is a mockery of democracy. BTW you will note that you yourself are confused about the Serbian opposition - LDP had their own interests they were thinking about and yes they are part of the opposition. Surely if I were a cedomite I would be supporting the obstructionist position...

Wim I'm not sure that SRS mounted a credible critique of Tadic's version of democracy. What is it exactly that you agreed with which was said at yesterday's session? A serious critique of something is one thing, bile and hate are another.

Dragan its obvious what the majority of Serbians think of Tadic. They elected him President through direct elections! Talk about stretching the truth. Tadic is currently the most popular politician in Serbia. The fact that a minority hate him so much just shows their own personal need for a hate figure. Before him it was Djindjic, before Djindjic it was Micunovic or Stambolic. And on the other hand these people have a huge need for heros and the need to belief that one Serb leader will come and deliver them. Needless to say they are constantly disappointed.

I know what you mean about the diaspora though. Extreme diaspora circles are the ones who are sending death threat letters to Tadic and other ministers.

Still you would do well to remember that the Serbian diaspora also consists of hundreds of thousands of Serbs who would not dream of that kind of hate or agree with murder.


pre 16 godina

There is one thing I cannot understand.

Up to a little while ago the SRS were saying that the protestors who battled with the police were DS provocateurs.

Why then are they so concerned about Panic?