Wednesday, 28.05.2008.


European Parliament flies "independent Kosovo" flag

A Kosovo delegation appeared at the Wednesday meeting at the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels under the flag of "independent Kosovo".

Izvor: Tanjug

European Parliament flies "independent Kosovo" flag IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

(roberto, 29 May 2008 07:21)

Roberto, thank you for saying this.

I have many Jewish friends that would be offended by linking shalom with the hate and defamation.

And B92 its time to edit those postings- enough is enough.

This is not abaout the freedom of speech its offensive towards an entire nation- and luciano (what a bizarre nickname for one that denounces mafia) is to small to offend a nation- its easy to understand this isn’t it?

So it shouldn’t require much of intellectual effort to edit this type of postings- der B92.


pre 16 godina


Greece does not have enough pull to stop a 75% EU majority?

I thought Greece and Spain and Cyprus were going to help Serbia get it's way. What is going on?

Minnie mouse

pre 16 godina

ZK UK you have kind of worn out the Disneyland theme. But if it makes you happy. However my fear is with everything looking so bleak in Serbia now and in the future there is going to be a mass exodus across the border looking for the enchanted land.


pre 16 godina

Yes it was teatrical but..
In this moment it's clear that Serbia is an African country and Kosovo is closer to Europe..
At least for the EP...


pre 16 godina

"The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom"
(luciano, 28 May 2008 21:19)

so -- here is the deal: in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

i am offended by the continued anti-albanian hate speech, and doubly offended that you allow it to be matched up with a jewish greeting. who is in charge there?

and as for all this talk about jails and crime, wasn't it your beloved milosevic that helped turn serbia (not to mention much of the rest of the balkans) into a gangster's paradise, from which it has a hecka long way to recover? so please give me a break from these sanctimonious warnings about "albanian criminals."

the mafia is totlly multi-ethnic, it knows no petty prejudice when there is (funny) money to be made.



pre 16 godina

let´s see whether they will repeat that provocation, ...or should I call it a show-event, too?

anyway, it changes just nothing, UNSC 1244 is there, and it can´t be revoked...

and Serbia has all the right to take any measures in the future...

what kind of measures that will be is solely in the hands of some european states.


pre 16 godina

""B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!" "

ZK, I think it's time to grow up, and get past Disney Land.. I've seen some of you're comments and it's clear the the only people living with fairy tales are Serbs who try and avoid reality.

There are three things I wish to say to every Serbcamper here.

1. My friends, Kosova has been independent from Serbia for almost a decade.

2. The fact that states like Greece that have no importance in say, are ignored because they do it out of national pride.

3. Mark my words, Russia is destined to backstab you, the only reason it hasn't is because Serbia is on it's knees, and is practically giving their economy away to them.


pre 16 godina

Well it's nice to know the flag of "independent Kosovo" is being flown by someone, since it's sure as Hell isn't being flown by Albanians. And besides, I'm not surprised the EU, as colonial taskmaster, is flying the flag of its newly acquired piece of property. It doesn't mean the EU suddently endorses Kosovo Province as a country. It's simply a way of backing a temporary investment. I'm not going to lose much sleep over this. But if it makes some Albanians happy, what the Heck.


pre 16 godina

"he was afraid that a delay in the deployment of the EULEX mission would cause problems both for the European Union and Priština, and urged a speedy departure of UNMIK from Kosovo"

UNMIK is the last fragment of legality in Kosovo. Of course he wants a speedy departure, when UNMIK is gone Kosovo will be 100% lawless, just the way EU wants it. My feelings for the EU is at an all-time-low.


pre 16 godina

"Athisaari plan is great but cannot be fully implemented until Belgrade changes it's stance". How great can it be if it cannot be implemented as Belgrade will never change it's stance?

So what next? Force it down Serbia's throat?

This is just another barking session that's all. If you cannot bite then don't bark.


pre 16 godina

B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!"

Anyway, I hope the Albanians are enjoying these theatrical stunts. Looks like the EU/US will keep them coming so long as they believe in this independence story.

Lots of smoke and mirrors but no substance. Enjoy the show folks.

Gary T.

pre 16 godina

Serbia will have to re-think their EU aspiration since this body have obviously have sided with albania kosovo. Mr.Tadic will you join and work to a EU body which DISRESPECT your borders?? you cannot continue to fight for kosovo while working to a group of EU nations who violates the UN Charter and serbia's territorial integrity. Wake up Serbia!!!


pre 16 godina

The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


I think you majorly exaggerate a lot with "The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending" and "but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.", but it's good that you're happy.

Hey hey

pre 16 godina

"Delegation for South-Eastern Europe President Doris Pack will host an official dinner party for the Kosovo lawmakers"
This must be a direct result of the pressure from Serbia following Jeremic's walk-out at the meeting the other day.


pre 16 godina

Dear all,

The Kosovo Democratic Government and Institutions are no longer new International Affairs sensations, but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.

Kosovars suffered for decades, been told to be patient by internationals, and rewards/deliveries finally are tangible.

The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending. Today's presentation of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo to EP, after widespread recognition can only be described as simply Cream Dela Cream...

We know that there may some who may disagree with this, but REMEMBER one thing sufferance, patience and justice most of the time ultimately get rewarded.


pre 16 godina

Dear all,

The Kosovo Democratic Government and Institutions are no longer new International Affairs sensations, but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.

Kosovars suffered for decades, been told to be patient by internationals, and rewards/deliveries finally are tangible.

The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending. Today's presentation of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo to EP, after widespread recognition can only be described as simply Cream Dela Cream...

We know that there may some who may disagree with this, but REMEMBER one thing sufferance, patience and justice most of the time ultimately get rewarded.


pre 16 godina

The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom

Gary T.

pre 16 godina

Serbia will have to re-think their EU aspiration since this body have obviously have sided with albania kosovo. Mr.Tadic will you join and work to a EU body which DISRESPECT your borders?? you cannot continue to fight for kosovo while working to a group of EU nations who violates the UN Charter and serbia's territorial integrity. Wake up Serbia!!!

Hey hey

pre 16 godina

"Delegation for South-Eastern Europe President Doris Pack will host an official dinner party for the Kosovo lawmakers"
This must be a direct result of the pressure from Serbia following Jeremic's walk-out at the meeting the other day.


pre 16 godina

B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!"

Anyway, I hope the Albanians are enjoying these theatrical stunts. Looks like the EU/US will keep them coming so long as they believe in this independence story.

Lots of smoke and mirrors but no substance. Enjoy the show folks.


pre 16 godina

Well it's nice to know the flag of "independent Kosovo" is being flown by someone, since it's sure as Hell isn't being flown by Albanians. And besides, I'm not surprised the EU, as colonial taskmaster, is flying the flag of its newly acquired piece of property. It doesn't mean the EU suddently endorses Kosovo Province as a country. It's simply a way of backing a temporary investment. I'm not going to lose much sleep over this. But if it makes some Albanians happy, what the Heck.


pre 16 godina

"he was afraid that a delay in the deployment of the EULEX mission would cause problems both for the European Union and Priština, and urged a speedy departure of UNMIK from Kosovo"

UNMIK is the last fragment of legality in Kosovo. Of course he wants a speedy departure, when UNMIK is gone Kosovo will be 100% lawless, just the way EU wants it. My feelings for the EU is at an all-time-low.


pre 16 godina

"Athisaari plan is great but cannot be fully implemented until Belgrade changes it's stance". How great can it be if it cannot be implemented as Belgrade will never change it's stance?

So what next? Force it down Serbia's throat?

This is just another barking session that's all. If you cannot bite then don't bark.


pre 16 godina

""B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!" "

ZK, I think it's time to grow up, and get past Disney Land.. I've seen some of you're comments and it's clear the the only people living with fairy tales are Serbs who try and avoid reality.

There are three things I wish to say to every Serbcamper here.

1. My friends, Kosova has been independent from Serbia for almost a decade.

2. The fact that states like Greece that have no importance in say, are ignored because they do it out of national pride.

3. Mark my words, Russia is destined to backstab you, the only reason it hasn't is because Serbia is on it's knees, and is practically giving their economy away to them.


pre 16 godina

Yes it was teatrical but..
In this moment it's clear that Serbia is an African country and Kosovo is closer to Europe..
At least for the EP...


pre 16 godina

"The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom"
(luciano, 28 May 2008 21:19)

so -- here is the deal: in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

i am offended by the continued anti-albanian hate speech, and doubly offended that you allow it to be matched up with a jewish greeting. who is in charge there?

and as for all this talk about jails and crime, wasn't it your beloved milosevic that helped turn serbia (not to mention much of the rest of the balkans) into a gangster's paradise, from which it has a hecka long way to recover? so please give me a break from these sanctimonious warnings about "albanian criminals."

the mafia is totlly multi-ethnic, it knows no petty prejudice when there is (funny) money to be made.



pre 16 godina


Greece does not have enough pull to stop a 75% EU majority?

I thought Greece and Spain and Cyprus were going to help Serbia get it's way. What is going on?

Minnie mouse

pre 16 godina

ZK UK you have kind of worn out the Disneyland theme. But if it makes you happy. However my fear is with everything looking so bleak in Serbia now and in the future there is going to be a mass exodus across the border looking for the enchanted land.


pre 16 godina

in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

(roberto, 29 May 2008 07:21)

Roberto, thank you for saying this.

I have many Jewish friends that would be offended by linking shalom with the hate and defamation.

And B92 its time to edit those postings- enough is enough.

This is not abaout the freedom of speech its offensive towards an entire nation- and luciano (what a bizarre nickname for one that denounces mafia) is to small to offend a nation- its easy to understand this isn’t it?

So it shouldn’t require much of intellectual effort to edit this type of postings- der B92.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


I think you majorly exaggerate a lot with "The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending" and "but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.", but it's good that you're happy.


pre 16 godina

let´s see whether they will repeat that provocation, ...or should I call it a show-event, too?

anyway, it changes just nothing, UNSC 1244 is there, and it can´t be revoked...

and Serbia has all the right to take any measures in the future...

what kind of measures that will be is solely in the hands of some european states.


pre 16 godina

The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom


pre 16 godina

"Athisaari plan is great but cannot be fully implemented until Belgrade changes it's stance". How great can it be if it cannot be implemented as Belgrade will never change it's stance?

So what next? Force it down Serbia's throat?

This is just another barking session that's all. If you cannot bite then don't bark.


pre 16 godina

B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!"

Anyway, I hope the Albanians are enjoying these theatrical stunts. Looks like the EU/US will keep them coming so long as they believe in this independence story.

Lots of smoke and mirrors but no substance. Enjoy the show folks.


pre 16 godina

Well it's nice to know the flag of "independent Kosovo" is being flown by someone, since it's sure as Hell isn't being flown by Albanians. And besides, I'm not surprised the EU, as colonial taskmaster, is flying the flag of its newly acquired piece of property. It doesn't mean the EU suddently endorses Kosovo Province as a country. It's simply a way of backing a temporary investment. I'm not going to lose much sleep over this. But if it makes some Albanians happy, what the Heck.


pre 16 godina

Dear all,

The Kosovo Democratic Government and Institutions are no longer new International Affairs sensations, but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.

Kosovars suffered for decades, been told to be patient by internationals, and rewards/deliveries finally are tangible.

The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending. Today's presentation of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo to EP, after widespread recognition can only be described as simply Cream Dela Cream...

We know that there may some who may disagree with this, but REMEMBER one thing sufferance, patience and justice most of the time ultimately get rewarded.

Gary T.

pre 16 godina

Serbia will have to re-think their EU aspiration since this body have obviously have sided with albania kosovo. Mr.Tadic will you join and work to a EU body which DISRESPECT your borders?? you cannot continue to fight for kosovo while working to a group of EU nations who violates the UN Charter and serbia's territorial integrity. Wake up Serbia!!!

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina


I think you majorly exaggerate a lot with "The respect from the World's most advanced countries and/or institutions is never ending" and "but gradually and steadily rasing high and becoming significant players in Balkan region with a world of expectations on their broad shoulders.", but it's good that you're happy.


pre 16 godina

"he was afraid that a delay in the deployment of the EULEX mission would cause problems both for the European Union and Priština, and urged a speedy departure of UNMIK from Kosovo"

UNMIK is the last fragment of legality in Kosovo. Of course he wants a speedy departure, when UNMIK is gone Kosovo will be 100% lawless, just the way EU wants it. My feelings for the EU is at an all-time-low.


pre 16 godina

let´s see whether they will repeat that provocation, ...or should I call it a show-event, too?

anyway, it changes just nothing, UNSC 1244 is there, and it can´t be revoked...

and Serbia has all the right to take any measures in the future...

what kind of measures that will be is solely in the hands of some european states.

Hey hey

pre 16 godina

"Delegation for South-Eastern Europe President Doris Pack will host an official dinner party for the Kosovo lawmakers"
This must be a direct result of the pressure from Serbia following Jeremic's walk-out at the meeting the other day.


pre 16 godina

""B92, you forgot to mention Mickey Mouse jumping out and and saying "Welcome to Disney land folks!" "

ZK, I think it's time to grow up, and get past Disney Land.. I've seen some of you're comments and it's clear the the only people living with fairy tales are Serbs who try and avoid reality.

There are three things I wish to say to every Serbcamper here.

1. My friends, Kosova has been independent from Serbia for almost a decade.

2. The fact that states like Greece that have no importance in say, are ignored because they do it out of national pride.

3. Mark my words, Russia is destined to backstab you, the only reason it hasn't is because Serbia is on it's knees, and is practically giving their economy away to them.


pre 16 godina

"The members of the EP are all going to prefer reading the comics as opposed to any paper dealing with anything in Kosovo but the European countries which have recognized the UDI are only going to be interested in the part that says that Pristina must accept back tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians in their jails or all of the ones seeking political asylum who would rather live on the streets of London,Paris etc. than go back to the third world in Kosovo.Shalom"
(luciano, 28 May 2008 21:19)

so -- here is the deal: in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

i am offended by the continued anti-albanian hate speech, and doubly offended that you allow it to be matched up with a jewish greeting. who is in charge there?

and as for all this talk about jails and crime, wasn't it your beloved milosevic that helped turn serbia (not to mention much of the rest of the balkans) into a gangster's paradise, from which it has a hecka long way to recover? so please give me a break from these sanctimonious warnings about "albanian criminals."

the mafia is totlly multi-ethnic, it knows no petty prejudice when there is (funny) money to be made.



pre 16 godina

Yes it was teatrical but..
In this moment it's clear that Serbia is an African country and Kosovo is closer to Europe..
At least for the EP...

Minnie mouse

pre 16 godina

ZK UK you have kind of worn out the Disneyland theme. But if it makes you happy. However my fear is with everything looking so bleak in Serbia now and in the future there is going to be a mass exodus across the border looking for the enchanted land.


pre 16 godina


Greece does not have enough pull to stop a 75% EU majority?

I thought Greece and Spain and Cyprus were going to help Serbia get it's way. What is going on?


pre 16 godina

in our (Jewish) religion/language, "shalom" is a greeting (hello/goodbye), and has an underlying meaning of "peace." it doesn't go with the anti-albanian hate speech. period.

(roberto, 29 May 2008 07:21)

Roberto, thank you for saying this.

I have many Jewish friends that would be offended by linking shalom with the hate and defamation.

And B92 its time to edit those postings- enough is enough.

This is not abaout the freedom of speech its offensive towards an entire nation- and luciano (what a bizarre nickname for one that denounces mafia) is to small to offend a nation- its easy to understand this isn’t it?

So it shouldn’t require much of intellectual effort to edit this type of postings- der B92.