Saturday, 29.12.2007.


State Dept.: Ahtisaari Plan is best solution

A State Department spokesman says the Ahtisaari Plan should be the basis for resolving the Kosovo status crisis.

Izvor: Beta

State Dept.: Ahtisaari Plan is best solution IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina


"…The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher…"

Why do you think so? That's not my impression at all. I have a lot of friends from different parts of former Yugoslavia who are now dispersed all over the globe. I must say that in general, ones in EU and Scandinavia live best.

When you compare US versus EU you shouldn't compare just salaries. Take into account working hours, (in EU 36 - 40 hours / week), paid vacations, (in most of EU 5 weeks standard), health care, (most of EU free or very affordable), paid live for a young parents, (in the Norway, for example, mothers get a paid year off to spend with a baby), free or very affordable education including university level, all kinds of employee benefits and protection measures, e.c.t. When you look at the total picture, quality of the life for the huge majority of the population is considerably higher in EU then in US.

"…The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years…"

In a quite a few countries, (The Netherlands for example), it isn't limited at all, it extends as long as necessary.

"…This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported…"

Of course there are some abuses, not much. It's overblown by the right wing propaganda. In XXI century motivation to work is based on other reasons then just fear for existence.

"…As for the US it is not set up for lazy people…"

It is set up for (extremely) reach people.

"…due to the absence of upward mobility (in Europe) …"

Quite a few of my friends in Europe climbed very nicely in just a few years. The key is education. In a lot of EU employees are encouraged to study. Part time students get financial support and often paid free time for study, from the government and employer.

"…As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection…"

They are very much mistaken. When government have a right to detain preventively anyone and keep him detained for unlimited time without presenting any evidence against him, to torture him, every citizen should be very worried. This is a totalitarian system.


pre 16 godina

I may not agree with everithing the US does, but with regards to Kosovo i think they've got it spot on.
Let me tell you that no Albanian in Kosovo will ever accept less than independance they have been fightting for it for centuries.Kosovo will become a new Irak if less than independance is given to them.


pre 16 godina


As a Serb maybe you live in the US and you had a hard time at the beginning. Most people go through this experience. High paying jobs do not come on a silver plate.
You have to work for it.
The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher.
The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years. This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported. This social burden got so heavy that both Germany and France took steps to reduce it. The amounts given lately are much less genereous.
As for the US it is not set up for lazy people. I don't know how much dishwashers are making but for those people it is generally a start, a stepping stone. In the EU - due to the absence of upward mobility - it can be a lifetime career.
As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection. Ennemies of the US see it of course quite differently. For them it is a big hindrance in their evil designs.


pre 16 godina

Peggy…..please can you stop the nonsense.
I never said that if you are Serbian or Albanian and dislike US Administration policies you should leave the country.
I added “Anna Politkovskaya” name in order to show that democratic state do not kill you if you disagree with their government policies like it has been done in Albania and Serbia for many years.
You guys here mention that the AID from US is nothing compare to the damage from their bombs.
What about the “irreversible” damage caused by the Serbian Military machine?
Nationalism it’s the wound in Balkans and need to END.
I was born in Tirana and as most of Albanians we do not want any greater Albania.
One wish we have is to see K-Albanians live their life for once not as second class citizens.
If US and West decide along with 90% of the World Nations that Kosovo will be better off independent and later on together with Serbia join same EU Family so bee it.
Serbia’s decision in regard EU………will have to wait and see.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

I am glad that the US has toned down their approach and that they view this as the best option. I still believe that a UNSC resolution would be the ebst thing, but of the two that appear most probable (Ahtisaari or unilateral), the Plan is definitely the lesser of two evils. Good that the US is starting to think responsibly, I hope that Pristina will act sensibly and take this option rather than the initial unilateral path. I am sure Serbia will take this option better as well.


pre 16 godina

"If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

(KS, 29 December 2007 22:44)"


you are missing the point entirely. Sure, Ahtisaari's ideas can be anywhere and everywhere .... except the UN. The Russians already made that clear long ago.


pre 16 godina


“…but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world…”

I’m not so sure about that, but even if that is so what does that actually means? You know, in the developed part of EU, unemployed people on social security money heave more income and much better quality of life then many Americans working very hard 50 – 60 hours a week on a low paid jobs.

“…You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!! If you know the real facts…”

You should look at the “facts” around US “aid” much better. You might find that what they have been calling aid is (almost) nothing of the such. Lot of that money goes to their own officials, companies and contractors. Big part of the money goes to help implement US influence – “donations” to US friendly politicians, NGO’s, public figures as journalists, intellectuals and such. Big part comes with all kinds of conditions which actually generates profit for the good old US of A. Very little is real help.

“…Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything…”

Hm, it used to be so, more or less. Officially at least it was so, although there where quite a few ways to heart unofficially those who didn’t conform. But in these days of Patriot act, legalized torture, ,preventive unlimited detention in secret prisons e.z.v. there is every reason to fear.


pre 16 godina

Ahtissari is dead.

the US State Department is part of the problem.

their policy of obstruction is just cementing their bad image in the eyes of the world.

but nevertheless, UNSC 1244 is still in effect. and that´s VERY good... =)

our dear albanian friends are of course exercising their helpless role and downplaying all what speaks for the respect of international law, but times change, governments change... and the US won´t stay forever. that´s something you can count on!!!

let´s see what future brings...

ps: I ask all serbian writers here not to write in any anti-american manner...since that is precisely what those albanian fanatics would love to see...

but truth is, the majority of the folks in the US are clearly on the side of the law . in this case, it means Serbia.

their policy will change, don´t worry, it´s only a question of time.


pre 16 godina


Thank you for looking up those numbers, those millions in aid given to Serbia. Yes few years ago I remember reading about those amounts in the newspapers. It reflects the great generosity of the US. Witnessing the ungratefulness of the Serbs, one can notice that those hundreds of millions could have been better spent somewhere else.


pre 16 godina

LAB_MCSE. What aid are you talking about? The sanctions against Serbia certainly were helpful. How about 78 days of bombing that destroyed almost everything worthwhile?

Who is going to pay for those damages? $110m here or there you mention is an absolute joke.

Now back to the issue. Of course America thinks that the original plan to grab Serbian land is best. I agree. Only it is best for America not Serbia.

Now the Albanians who are defending America and say things like if you don't like the current administration just leave are the same ones who jump up and down when someone tells them if the don't want to be part of Serbia to leave and live in Albania.

Many Serbs and other Serbian supporters were born in America and it is their home. You can disaproove of a government without having to leave the country.
After all, that's what elections are for.

Unknown Comic

pre 16 godina

The US has a plan for everything. The plan was to get rid of Saddam and Iraq would be free? Wrong it has turned into a civil war and killed over a 100,000 people and still killing. US had a plan for Pakistan after they stabbed Gen Mursharff in the back after he turned against all of us countrymen to support the US in Afganistan now we make a deal to send Mrs Bhutto back to pakistan to give democracy a chance and what happens she is killed. Another great plan just like this Kosovo business sticking our Nose where it does not belong. We lost 241 Marines and Saliors in Beirut and for what? Nothing sticking our Noses where it does not belong. WE fly to Kosovo help chase out the Serbs and in turn promote a reverse ethnic cleansing. WE Americans are always full of ideas. Message to the Kosovo Albanians if we turn our back on a Nuclear Armed country(Pakistan) why would we not lose interest in this Kosovo business.


pre 16 godina

Article 4 of the USA constitution stipulates that no new state can be created
with the division of an
existing one without the
unanimity of the presidency,
congress ,the house of the
representatives and all the
parties involved .The USA
administration cannot possibly comprehend the perils of their decision in
the wider world.There is a
great number of minorities,
some of them of islamic
religion,who will definitely
pursue their demands with the
Kosovo precedent as their
guidance.The western countries should realise that
the Kosovo thriller will develop into an international
guagmire with confrontations
in many parts of the world.
The idea that Kosovo is a
unique case and is not
applicable anywhere else in
the world is a pie in the sky.It's still not too late
for the EU countries to pull
back from the illegal and
criminal decisions of the
USA administration. Only then
they will show that the EU
could be a force of good in
world affairs.


pre 16 godina

If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

It raises huge suspicion when you have so many "Serbian-Americans" or plain Americans appearing here and talking about their country as if they were investigated in the Guantanamo prisons...especially the "facts" spewed.

If you don't like America so much, if you loathe it so badly why don't you relocate to Serbia? The opportunities in America are far beyond imaginable than any other country in the world.

New World Order?
What a joke.

Politically speaking Serbia has dried up every diplomatic resource it has which is why every day it threatens the WEST, America, NATO, the EU..it's a last resort. On the ground Serbia will say that it will not retaliate but with that new budget approved for "even Kosovo".


pre 16 godina

This is really a step back from the US side. But it is common negotiating tactics. First they threaten to unilaterally recognize Kosovo, then they step back and support Ahtisaari plan and make it look like a compromise. But it is no compromise, that plan is what the US supported before the threats started.

By the way, the term "Euro-Atlantic integration" really raises suspicions. It looks just like a synonym for "New World Order".

Billy the Kid

pre 16 godina

As an American, I am happy to see Serbia standing up to the bullies and anti-Serb bigots in the State Department. Our foreign policy is out of control and is being run by a small group of wannabe statesmen who couldn't care less about what is best for America or the Balkans, but just want something they can point to as *their* accomplishment.

I hope this whole rotten charade ends soon because I would hate to see relations between Serbia and America sour further. I recently visited Serbia, had a great time, and plan on going again soon.

Serbia is a very dynamic country with enormous potential and I hate to see things like this weighing her down.

Here's to sanity prevailing, and a brighter future in the new year for Serbia and America!

Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Poor Mr. Casey. He has to make some sense coming from the nonsense coming from Ms. Rice.

The question is - how Serbia can present herself fit to join NATO and willing to spend blood and treasure for others, if she is not ready for fight for her own security?

Take for example several NATO countries:

1. Britain send her fleet across half of the world to defend some south Atlantic rocks, a British territory.

2. Canada sent her fleet against fellow NATO country (Denmark) to defend several sq. meters of rock in the North Atlantic.

3. Greece frequently scramble interceptors to defend her airspace against the intruders who happen to be also a NATO country.

NATO is based on collective security and resolve to fight, not to duck under pressure. If Serbia follow "friendly" advice from Washington, she will demonstrate she is UNFIT for NATO membership.

Perhaps this is Washington's ploy. To rob Serbia blind and then dump her.


pre 16 godina

What a tired old story. The Americans just don't get it! The Ahtisaari idea has been killed and buried way back in April of this year. Get over it, already!


pre 16 godina

I don’t know where you get the facts but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world don’t mention here states like Serbia with 50% or Albania 30% unemployment.
(CIA World Book Facts)
Job market is strong continuing generating more new jobs and the stock market record high.

You say you “HATE” US Government and claim that 50% of Americans hating as well (do you get the facts from Serbian newspapers?)
I’m glad to find myself in the other 50% side that has different opinion about US Government.
“HATE” is a strong word very “popular” in Balkan region.
I strongly advice you not to use it or at list you can say is for example:
“I disagree with the Serbian Government policies leading to wars for over 15 years in Balkans”
“I disagree what Russia’s Government and its failure policies did to entire Balkan Nations”

You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!!
If you know the real facts, the US forgave all the Serbian Debt to US Government prior 1990 and continues to give AID with some conditions in regard handling over the war crime Serbian Generals to International Court.
(CRS Report for Congress: 2001-2004)
In FY2001, the United States provided $133.8 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2002, the United States provided $106.7 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2003, the United States provided $110 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2004, the United States provided $95 million in aid to Serbia …and list goes on.

Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything because your name is not Anna Politkovskaya and you don’t live in Russia.


pre 16 godina

This is the first sign that this administration is starting to actually think about this issue. It is a softening in their position, since the Ahtisaari Scheme is a tiny step less than immediate independence - definitely different that their earlier support for unilateral independence supported by the NATO countries that violated Serbia's Sovereignty through acts or false diplomacy, war and civillian killing. Serbia's offer of autonomy rather than total territorial control is more than reasonable given the oblication allowed under international law, ask any Kurd.


pre 16 godina

Spot on, Delije. If Washington were really interested in moving forward with this and putting the Balkans behind them (which they really want to do), they would compromise by supporting provisions in the AP that do not challenge the territorial status of Serbia. Obviously we all want better living conditions and better civic institutions in Kosovo. Why not implement from the bottom up instead of the top down? That way, US-Serbian relations remain good, and Serbia will be far more willing to cooperate with other Western powers in stabilizing the region and bringing it into the EU. Sadly, the way Washignton is pursuing this makes it seem less nation-building and more land grabbing as you say.


pre 16 godina

If my country (US, still a great country minus the gov) didn't undermind the talks, there would have been some sort of compromise. But the US really wants a rent free bondsteel & control of whatever pipeline that runs through that region. The US are not humanitarians but opertunists. They can care less about who's involved here. The US is falling apart and the american people are losing their jobs & homes. The gov pumps billions into Iraq and our auto secter is shot. My point is the gov don't care about us muchless Albanians & Serbs. When that well dries up so does the american intrests there. I'm an American Serb and my country comes first and Serbia second. What ever happens to Kosovo happens, even though my love for Serbia is strong the wellbeing of my family & the US (economicly) is stronger. As about 50% of americans say (including me)"I love my country but hate the goverment". Kosovo is Serbia!!!


pre 16 godina

If my country (US, still a great country minus the gov) didn't undermind the talks, there would have been some sort of compromise. But the US really wants a rent free bondsteel & control of whatever pipeline that runs through that region. The US are not humanitarians but opertunists. They can care less about who's involved here. The US is falling apart and the american people are losing their jobs & homes. The gov pumps billions into Iraq and our auto secter is shot. My point is the gov don't care about us muchless Albanians & Serbs. When that well dries up so does the american intrests there. I'm an American Serb and my country comes first and Serbia second. What ever happens to Kosovo happens, even though my love for Serbia is strong the wellbeing of my family & the US (economicly) is stronger. As about 50% of americans say (including me)"I love my country but hate the goverment". Kosovo is Serbia!!!


pre 16 godina

What a tired old story. The Americans just don't get it! The Ahtisaari idea has been killed and buried way back in April of this year. Get over it, already!

Billy the Kid

pre 16 godina

As an American, I am happy to see Serbia standing up to the bullies and anti-Serb bigots in the State Department. Our foreign policy is out of control and is being run by a small group of wannabe statesmen who couldn't care less about what is best for America or the Balkans, but just want something they can point to as *their* accomplishment.

I hope this whole rotten charade ends soon because I would hate to see relations between Serbia and America sour further. I recently visited Serbia, had a great time, and plan on going again soon.

Serbia is a very dynamic country with enormous potential and I hate to see things like this weighing her down.

Here's to sanity prevailing, and a brighter future in the new year for Serbia and America!

Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Poor Mr. Casey. He has to make some sense coming from the nonsense coming from Ms. Rice.

The question is - how Serbia can present herself fit to join NATO and willing to spend blood and treasure for others, if she is not ready for fight for her own security?

Take for example several NATO countries:

1. Britain send her fleet across half of the world to defend some south Atlantic rocks, a British territory.

2. Canada sent her fleet against fellow NATO country (Denmark) to defend several sq. meters of rock in the North Atlantic.

3. Greece frequently scramble interceptors to defend her airspace against the intruders who happen to be also a NATO country.

NATO is based on collective security and resolve to fight, not to duck under pressure. If Serbia follow "friendly" advice from Washington, she will demonstrate she is UNFIT for NATO membership.

Perhaps this is Washington's ploy. To rob Serbia blind and then dump her.


pre 16 godina

Spot on, Delije. If Washington were really interested in moving forward with this and putting the Balkans behind them (which they really want to do), they would compromise by supporting provisions in the AP that do not challenge the territorial status of Serbia. Obviously we all want better living conditions and better civic institutions in Kosovo. Why not implement from the bottom up instead of the top down? That way, US-Serbian relations remain good, and Serbia will be far more willing to cooperate with other Western powers in stabilizing the region and bringing it into the EU. Sadly, the way Washignton is pursuing this makes it seem less nation-building and more land grabbing as you say.


pre 16 godina

Article 4 of the USA constitution stipulates that no new state can be created
with the division of an
existing one without the
unanimity of the presidency,
congress ,the house of the
representatives and all the
parties involved .The USA
administration cannot possibly comprehend the perils of their decision in
the wider world.There is a
great number of minorities,
some of them of islamic
religion,who will definitely
pursue their demands with the
Kosovo precedent as their
guidance.The western countries should realise that
the Kosovo thriller will develop into an international
guagmire with confrontations
in many parts of the world.
The idea that Kosovo is a
unique case and is not
applicable anywhere else in
the world is a pie in the sky.It's still not too late
for the EU countries to pull
back from the illegal and
criminal decisions of the
USA administration. Only then
they will show that the EU
could be a force of good in
world affairs.


pre 16 godina

This is the first sign that this administration is starting to actually think about this issue. It is a softening in their position, since the Ahtisaari Scheme is a tiny step less than immediate independence - definitely different that their earlier support for unilateral independence supported by the NATO countries that violated Serbia's Sovereignty through acts or false diplomacy, war and civillian killing. Serbia's offer of autonomy rather than total territorial control is more than reasonable given the oblication allowed under international law, ask any Kurd.


pre 16 godina

This is really a step back from the US side. But it is common negotiating tactics. First they threaten to unilaterally recognize Kosovo, then they step back and support Ahtisaari plan and make it look like a compromise. But it is no compromise, that plan is what the US supported before the threats started.

By the way, the term "Euro-Atlantic integration" really raises suspicions. It looks just like a synonym for "New World Order".


pre 16 godina

LAB_MCSE. What aid are you talking about? The sanctions against Serbia certainly were helpful. How about 78 days of bombing that destroyed almost everything worthwhile?

Who is going to pay for those damages? $110m here or there you mention is an absolute joke.

Now back to the issue. Of course America thinks that the original plan to grab Serbian land is best. I agree. Only it is best for America not Serbia.

Now the Albanians who are defending America and say things like if you don't like the current administration just leave are the same ones who jump up and down when someone tells them if the don't want to be part of Serbia to leave and live in Albania.

Many Serbs and other Serbian supporters were born in America and it is their home. You can disaproove of a government without having to leave the country.
After all, that's what elections are for.

Unknown Comic

pre 16 godina

The US has a plan for everything. The plan was to get rid of Saddam and Iraq would be free? Wrong it has turned into a civil war and killed over a 100,000 people and still killing. US had a plan for Pakistan after they stabbed Gen Mursharff in the back after he turned against all of us countrymen to support the US in Afganistan now we make a deal to send Mrs Bhutto back to pakistan to give democracy a chance and what happens she is killed. Another great plan just like this Kosovo business sticking our Nose where it does not belong. We lost 241 Marines and Saliors in Beirut and for what? Nothing sticking our Noses where it does not belong. WE fly to Kosovo help chase out the Serbs and in turn promote a reverse ethnic cleansing. WE Americans are always full of ideas. Message to the Kosovo Albanians if we turn our back on a Nuclear Armed country(Pakistan) why would we not lose interest in this Kosovo business.


pre 16 godina

I don’t know where you get the facts but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world don’t mention here states like Serbia with 50% or Albania 30% unemployment.
(CIA World Book Facts)
Job market is strong continuing generating more new jobs and the stock market record high.

You say you “HATE” US Government and claim that 50% of Americans hating as well (do you get the facts from Serbian newspapers?)
I’m glad to find myself in the other 50% side that has different opinion about US Government.
“HATE” is a strong word very “popular” in Balkan region.
I strongly advice you not to use it or at list you can say is for example:
“I disagree with the Serbian Government policies leading to wars for over 15 years in Balkans”
“I disagree what Russia’s Government and its failure policies did to entire Balkan Nations”

You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!!
If you know the real facts, the US forgave all the Serbian Debt to US Government prior 1990 and continues to give AID with some conditions in regard handling over the war crime Serbian Generals to International Court.
(CRS Report for Congress: 2001-2004)
In FY2001, the United States provided $133.8 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2002, the United States provided $106.7 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2003, the United States provided $110 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2004, the United States provided $95 million in aid to Serbia …and list goes on.

Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything because your name is not Anna Politkovskaya and you don’t live in Russia.


pre 16 godina

Ahtissari is dead.

the US State Department is part of the problem.

their policy of obstruction is just cementing their bad image in the eyes of the world.

but nevertheless, UNSC 1244 is still in effect. and that´s VERY good... =)

our dear albanian friends are of course exercising their helpless role and downplaying all what speaks for the respect of international law, but times change, governments change... and the US won´t stay forever. that´s something you can count on!!!

let´s see what future brings...

ps: I ask all serbian writers here not to write in any anti-american manner...since that is precisely what those albanian fanatics would love to see...

but truth is, the majority of the folks in the US are clearly on the side of the law . in this case, it means Serbia.

their policy will change, don´t worry, it´s only a question of time.


pre 16 godina


“…but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world…”

I’m not so sure about that, but even if that is so what does that actually means? You know, in the developed part of EU, unemployed people on social security money heave more income and much better quality of life then many Americans working very hard 50 – 60 hours a week on a low paid jobs.

“…You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!! If you know the real facts…”

You should look at the “facts” around US “aid” much better. You might find that what they have been calling aid is (almost) nothing of the such. Lot of that money goes to their own officials, companies and contractors. Big part of the money goes to help implement US influence – “donations” to US friendly politicians, NGO’s, public figures as journalists, intellectuals and such. Big part comes with all kinds of conditions which actually generates profit for the good old US of A. Very little is real help.

“…Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything…”

Hm, it used to be so, more or less. Officially at least it was so, although there where quite a few ways to heart unofficially those who didn’t conform. But in these days of Patriot act, legalized torture, ,preventive unlimited detention in secret prisons e.z.v. there is every reason to fear.


pre 16 godina

"If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

(KS, 29 December 2007 22:44)"


you are missing the point entirely. Sure, Ahtisaari's ideas can be anywhere and everywhere .... except the UN. The Russians already made that clear long ago.


pre 16 godina

If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

It raises huge suspicion when you have so many "Serbian-Americans" or plain Americans appearing here and talking about their country as if they were investigated in the Guantanamo prisons...especially the "facts" spewed.

If you don't like America so much, if you loathe it so badly why don't you relocate to Serbia? The opportunities in America are far beyond imaginable than any other country in the world.

New World Order?
What a joke.

Politically speaking Serbia has dried up every diplomatic resource it has which is why every day it threatens the WEST, America, NATO, the EU..it's a last resort. On the ground Serbia will say that it will not retaliate but with that new budget approved for "even Kosovo".


pre 16 godina


Thank you for looking up those numbers, those millions in aid given to Serbia. Yes few years ago I remember reading about those amounts in the newspapers. It reflects the great generosity of the US. Witnessing the ungratefulness of the Serbs, one can notice that those hundreds of millions could have been better spent somewhere else.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

I am glad that the US has toned down their approach and that they view this as the best option. I still believe that a UNSC resolution would be the ebst thing, but of the two that appear most probable (Ahtisaari or unilateral), the Plan is definitely the lesser of two evils. Good that the US is starting to think responsibly, I hope that Pristina will act sensibly and take this option rather than the initial unilateral path. I am sure Serbia will take this option better as well.


pre 16 godina

Peggy…..please can you stop the nonsense.
I never said that if you are Serbian or Albanian and dislike US Administration policies you should leave the country.
I added “Anna Politkovskaya” name in order to show that democratic state do not kill you if you disagree with their government policies like it has been done in Albania and Serbia for many years.
You guys here mention that the AID from US is nothing compare to the damage from their bombs.
What about the “irreversible” damage caused by the Serbian Military machine?
Nationalism it’s the wound in Balkans and need to END.
I was born in Tirana and as most of Albanians we do not want any greater Albania.
One wish we have is to see K-Albanians live their life for once not as second class citizens.
If US and West decide along with 90% of the World Nations that Kosovo will be better off independent and later on together with Serbia join same EU Family so bee it.
Serbia’s decision in regard EU………will have to wait and see.


pre 16 godina


As a Serb maybe you live in the US and you had a hard time at the beginning. Most people go through this experience. High paying jobs do not come on a silver plate.
You have to work for it.
The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher.
The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years. This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported. This social burden got so heavy that both Germany and France took steps to reduce it. The amounts given lately are much less genereous.
As for the US it is not set up for lazy people. I don't know how much dishwashers are making but for those people it is generally a start, a stepping stone. In the EU - due to the absence of upward mobility - it can be a lifetime career.
As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection. Ennemies of the US see it of course quite differently. For them it is a big hindrance in their evil designs.


pre 16 godina

I may not agree with everithing the US does, but with regards to Kosovo i think they've got it spot on.
Let me tell you that no Albanian in Kosovo will ever accept less than independance they have been fightting for it for centuries.Kosovo will become a new Irak if less than independance is given to them.


pre 16 godina


"…The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher…"

Why do you think so? That's not my impression at all. I have a lot of friends from different parts of former Yugoslavia who are now dispersed all over the globe. I must say that in general, ones in EU and Scandinavia live best.

When you compare US versus EU you shouldn't compare just salaries. Take into account working hours, (in EU 36 - 40 hours / week), paid vacations, (in most of EU 5 weeks standard), health care, (most of EU free or very affordable), paid live for a young parents, (in the Norway, for example, mothers get a paid year off to spend with a baby), free or very affordable education including university level, all kinds of employee benefits and protection measures, e.c.t. When you look at the total picture, quality of the life for the huge majority of the population is considerably higher in EU then in US.

"…The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years…"

In a quite a few countries, (The Netherlands for example), it isn't limited at all, it extends as long as necessary.

"…This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported…"

Of course there are some abuses, not much. It's overblown by the right wing propaganda. In XXI century motivation to work is based on other reasons then just fear for existence.

"…As for the US it is not set up for lazy people…"

It is set up for (extremely) reach people.

"…due to the absence of upward mobility (in Europe) …"

Quite a few of my friends in Europe climbed very nicely in just a few years. The key is education. In a lot of EU employees are encouraged to study. Part time students get financial support and often paid free time for study, from the government and employer.

"…As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection…"

They are very much mistaken. When government have a right to detain preventively anyone and keep him detained for unlimited time without presenting any evidence against him, to torture him, every citizen should be very worried. This is a totalitarian system.


pre 16 godina

I don’t know where you get the facts but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world don’t mention here states like Serbia with 50% or Albania 30% unemployment.
(CIA World Book Facts)
Job market is strong continuing generating more new jobs and the stock market record high.

You say you “HATE” US Government and claim that 50% of Americans hating as well (do you get the facts from Serbian newspapers?)
I’m glad to find myself in the other 50% side that has different opinion about US Government.
“HATE” is a strong word very “popular” in Balkan region.
I strongly advice you not to use it or at list you can say is for example:
“I disagree with the Serbian Government policies leading to wars for over 15 years in Balkans”
“I disagree what Russia’s Government and its failure policies did to entire Balkan Nations”

You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!!
If you know the real facts, the US forgave all the Serbian Debt to US Government prior 1990 and continues to give AID with some conditions in regard handling over the war crime Serbian Generals to International Court.
(CRS Report for Congress: 2001-2004)
In FY2001, the United States provided $133.8 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2002, the United States provided $106.7 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2003, the United States provided $110 million in aid to Serbia
In FY2004, the United States provided $95 million in aid to Serbia …and list goes on.

Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything because your name is not Anna Politkovskaya and you don’t live in Russia.


pre 16 godina

If my country (US, still a great country minus the gov) didn't undermind the talks, there would have been some sort of compromise. But the US really wants a rent free bondsteel & control of whatever pipeline that runs through that region. The US are not humanitarians but opertunists. They can care less about who's involved here. The US is falling apart and the american people are losing their jobs & homes. The gov pumps billions into Iraq and our auto secter is shot. My point is the gov don't care about us muchless Albanians & Serbs. When that well dries up so does the american intrests there. I'm an American Serb and my country comes first and Serbia second. What ever happens to Kosovo happens, even though my love for Serbia is strong the wellbeing of my family & the US (economicly) is stronger. As about 50% of americans say (including me)"I love my country but hate the goverment". Kosovo is Serbia!!!


pre 16 godina

If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

It raises huge suspicion when you have so many "Serbian-Americans" or plain Americans appearing here and talking about their country as if they were investigated in the Guantanamo prisons...especially the "facts" spewed.

If you don't like America so much, if you loathe it so badly why don't you relocate to Serbia? The opportunities in America are far beyond imaginable than any other country in the world.

New World Order?
What a joke.

Politically speaking Serbia has dried up every diplomatic resource it has which is why every day it threatens the WEST, America, NATO, the EU..it's a last resort. On the ground Serbia will say that it will not retaliate but with that new budget approved for "even Kosovo".


pre 16 godina


Thank you for looking up those numbers, those millions in aid given to Serbia. Yes few years ago I remember reading about those amounts in the newspapers. It reflects the great generosity of the US. Witnessing the ungratefulness of the Serbs, one can notice that those hundreds of millions could have been better spent somewhere else.


pre 16 godina

Peggy…..please can you stop the nonsense.
I never said that if you are Serbian or Albanian and dislike US Administration policies you should leave the country.
I added “Anna Politkovskaya” name in order to show that democratic state do not kill you if you disagree with their government policies like it has been done in Albania and Serbia for many years.
You guys here mention that the AID from US is nothing compare to the damage from their bombs.
What about the “irreversible” damage caused by the Serbian Military machine?
Nationalism it’s the wound in Balkans and need to END.
I was born in Tirana and as most of Albanians we do not want any greater Albania.
One wish we have is to see K-Albanians live their life for once not as second class citizens.
If US and West decide along with 90% of the World Nations that Kosovo will be better off independent and later on together with Serbia join same EU Family so bee it.
Serbia’s decision in regard EU………will have to wait and see.


pre 16 godina

Spot on, Delije. If Washington were really interested in moving forward with this and putting the Balkans behind them (which they really want to do), they would compromise by supporting provisions in the AP that do not challenge the territorial status of Serbia. Obviously we all want better living conditions and better civic institutions in Kosovo. Why not implement from the bottom up instead of the top down? That way, US-Serbian relations remain good, and Serbia will be far more willing to cooperate with other Western powers in stabilizing the region and bringing it into the EU. Sadly, the way Washignton is pursuing this makes it seem less nation-building and more land grabbing as you say.


pre 16 godina

This is the first sign that this administration is starting to actually think about this issue. It is a softening in their position, since the Ahtisaari Scheme is a tiny step less than immediate independence - definitely different that their earlier support for unilateral independence supported by the NATO countries that violated Serbia's Sovereignty through acts or false diplomacy, war and civillian killing. Serbia's offer of autonomy rather than total territorial control is more than reasonable given the oblication allowed under international law, ask any Kurd.


pre 16 godina

What a tired old story. The Americans just don't get it! The Ahtisaari idea has been killed and buried way back in April of this year. Get over it, already!

Bob Petrovich

pre 16 godina

Poor Mr. Casey. He has to make some sense coming from the nonsense coming from Ms. Rice.

The question is - how Serbia can present herself fit to join NATO and willing to spend blood and treasure for others, if she is not ready for fight for her own security?

Take for example several NATO countries:

1. Britain send her fleet across half of the world to defend some south Atlantic rocks, a British territory.

2. Canada sent her fleet against fellow NATO country (Denmark) to defend several sq. meters of rock in the North Atlantic.

3. Greece frequently scramble interceptors to defend her airspace against the intruders who happen to be also a NATO country.

NATO is based on collective security and resolve to fight, not to duck under pressure. If Serbia follow "friendly" advice from Washington, she will demonstrate she is UNFIT for NATO membership.

Perhaps this is Washington's ploy. To rob Serbia blind and then dump her.


pre 16 godina

This is really a step back from the US side. But it is common negotiating tactics. First they threaten to unilaterally recognize Kosovo, then they step back and support Ahtisaari plan and make it look like a compromise. But it is no compromise, that plan is what the US supported before the threats started.

By the way, the term "Euro-Atlantic integration" really raises suspicions. It looks just like a synonym for "New World Order".


pre 16 godina


As a Serb maybe you live in the US and you had a hard time at the beginning. Most people go through this experience. High paying jobs do not come on a silver plate.
You have to work for it.
The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher.
The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years. This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported. This social burden got so heavy that both Germany and France took steps to reduce it. The amounts given lately are much less genereous.
As for the US it is not set up for lazy people. I don't know how much dishwashers are making but for those people it is generally a start, a stepping stone. In the EU - due to the absence of upward mobility - it can be a lifetime career.
As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection. Ennemies of the US see it of course quite differently. For them it is a big hindrance in their evil designs.

Billy the Kid

pre 16 godina

As an American, I am happy to see Serbia standing up to the bullies and anti-Serb bigots in the State Department. Our foreign policy is out of control and is being run by a small group of wannabe statesmen who couldn't care less about what is best for America or the Balkans, but just want something they can point to as *their* accomplishment.

I hope this whole rotten charade ends soon because I would hate to see relations between Serbia and America sour further. I recently visited Serbia, had a great time, and plan on going again soon.

Serbia is a very dynamic country with enormous potential and I hate to see things like this weighing her down.

Here's to sanity prevailing, and a brighter future in the new year for Serbia and America!


pre 16 godina

Article 4 of the USA constitution stipulates that no new state can be created
with the division of an
existing one without the
unanimity of the presidency,
congress ,the house of the
representatives and all the
parties involved .The USA
administration cannot possibly comprehend the perils of their decision in
the wider world.There is a
great number of minorities,
some of them of islamic
religion,who will definitely
pursue their demands with the
Kosovo precedent as their
guidance.The western countries should realise that
the Kosovo thriller will develop into an international
guagmire with confrontations
in many parts of the world.
The idea that Kosovo is a
unique case and is not
applicable anywhere else in
the world is a pie in the sky.It's still not too late
for the EU countries to pull
back from the illegal and
criminal decisions of the
USA administration. Only then
they will show that the EU
could be a force of good in
world affairs.

Peter Sudyka

pre 16 godina

I am glad that the US has toned down their approach and that they view this as the best option. I still believe that a UNSC resolution would be the ebst thing, but of the two that appear most probable (Ahtisaari or unilateral), the Plan is definitely the lesser of two evils. Good that the US is starting to think responsibly, I hope that Pristina will act sensibly and take this option rather than the initial unilateral path. I am sure Serbia will take this option better as well.


pre 16 godina

I may not agree with everithing the US does, but with regards to Kosovo i think they've got it spot on.
Let me tell you that no Albanian in Kosovo will ever accept less than independance they have been fightting for it for centuries.Kosovo will become a new Irak if less than independance is given to them.


pre 16 godina

LAB_MCSE. What aid are you talking about? The sanctions against Serbia certainly were helpful. How about 78 days of bombing that destroyed almost everything worthwhile?

Who is going to pay for those damages? $110m here or there you mention is an absolute joke.

Now back to the issue. Of course America thinks that the original plan to grab Serbian land is best. I agree. Only it is best for America not Serbia.

Now the Albanians who are defending America and say things like if you don't like the current administration just leave are the same ones who jump up and down when someone tells them if the don't want to be part of Serbia to leave and live in Albania.

Many Serbs and other Serbian supporters were born in America and it is their home. You can disaproove of a government without having to leave the country.
After all, that's what elections are for.

Unknown Comic

pre 16 godina

The US has a plan for everything. The plan was to get rid of Saddam and Iraq would be free? Wrong it has turned into a civil war and killed over a 100,000 people and still killing. US had a plan for Pakistan after they stabbed Gen Mursharff in the back after he turned against all of us countrymen to support the US in Afganistan now we make a deal to send Mrs Bhutto back to pakistan to give democracy a chance and what happens she is killed. Another great plan just like this Kosovo business sticking our Nose where it does not belong. We lost 241 Marines and Saliors in Beirut and for what? Nothing sticking our Noses where it does not belong. WE fly to Kosovo help chase out the Serbs and in turn promote a reverse ethnic cleansing. WE Americans are always full of ideas. Message to the Kosovo Albanians if we turn our back on a Nuclear Armed country(Pakistan) why would we not lose interest in this Kosovo business.


pre 16 godina

Ahtissari is dead.

the US State Department is part of the problem.

their policy of obstruction is just cementing their bad image in the eyes of the world.

but nevertheless, UNSC 1244 is still in effect. and that´s VERY good... =)

our dear albanian friends are of course exercising their helpless role and downplaying all what speaks for the respect of international law, but times change, governments change... and the US won´t stay forever. that´s something you can count on!!!

let´s see what future brings...

ps: I ask all serbian writers here not to write in any anti-american manner...since that is precisely what those albanian fanatics would love to see...

but truth is, the majority of the folks in the US are clearly on the side of the law . in this case, it means Serbia.

their policy will change, don´t worry, it´s only a question of time.


pre 16 godina


“…but everyone knows that USA has the lowest unemployment rate in the world…”

I’m not so sure about that, but even if that is so what does that actually means? You know, in the developed part of EU, unemployed people on social security money heave more income and much better quality of life then many Americans working very hard 50 – 60 hours a week on a low paid jobs.

“…You say Americans are not Humanitarians!!!! If you know the real facts…”

You should look at the “facts” around US “aid” much better. You might find that what they have been calling aid is (almost) nothing of the such. Lot of that money goes to their own officials, companies and contractors. Big part of the money goes to help implement US influence – “donations” to US friendly politicians, NGO’s, public figures as journalists, intellectuals and such. Big part comes with all kinds of conditions which actually generates profit for the good old US of A. Very little is real help.

“…Then…… when you get all the facts right you can feel free to “disagree” with US policies and don’t fear anything…”

Hm, it used to be so, more or less. Officially at least it was so, although there where quite a few ways to heart unofficially those who didn’t conform. But in these days of Patriot act, legalized torture, ,preventive unlimited detention in secret prisons e.z.v. there is every reason to fear.


pre 16 godina

"If the Ahtisaari plan is burried and over than why is it still on the table? What's next from you guys, Ahtisaari is dead as well?

(KS, 29 December 2007 22:44)"


you are missing the point entirely. Sure, Ahtisaari's ideas can be anywhere and everywhere .... except the UN. The Russians already made that clear long ago.


pre 16 godina


"…The opportunities here versus the EU are however incomparably higher…"

Why do you think so? That's not my impression at all. I have a lot of friends from different parts of former Yugoslavia who are now dispersed all over the globe. I must say that in general, ones in EU and Scandinavia live best.

When you compare US versus EU you shouldn't compare just salaries. Take into account working hours, (in EU 36 - 40 hours / week), paid vacations, (in most of EU 5 weeks standard), health care, (most of EU free or very affordable), paid live for a young parents, (in the Norway, for example, mothers get a paid year off to spend with a baby), free or very affordable education including university level, all kinds of employee benefits and protection measures, e.c.t. When you look at the total picture, quality of the life for the huge majority of the population is considerably higher in EU then in US.

"…The rich EU countries still function as welfare states with unemployment benefits extending for a long time. In Germany and France it used to be some 3 years…"

In a quite a few countries, (The Netherlands for example), it isn't limited at all, it extends as long as necessary.

"…This generated a lot of abuses. The lazy ones got rewarded and supported…"

Of course there are some abuses, not much. It's overblown by the right wing propaganda. In XXI century motivation to work is based on other reasons then just fear for existence.

"…As for the US it is not set up for lazy people…"

It is set up for (extremely) reach people.

"…due to the absence of upward mobility (in Europe) …"

Quite a few of my friends in Europe climbed very nicely in just a few years. The key is education. In a lot of EU employees are encouraged to study. Part time students get financial support and often paid free time for study, from the government and employer.

"…As for the Patriot Act it does not disturb the honest good citizens of the US. They view it as an additional protection…"

They are very much mistaken. When government have a right to detain preventively anyone and keep him detained for unlimited time without presenting any evidence against him, to torture him, every citizen should be very worried. This is a totalitarian system.