Monday, 06.11.2006.


Drašković continues Israel visit

Arabs' "stubborn refusal" to recoginze Israel is the main obstacle to peace, Vuk Drašković said.

Izvor: Jerusalem Post

Draškoviæ continues Israel visit IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Dear Administrators,

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to tell you from France, without being disrespectful, that rather than "quarrelling" we should better admit that both in Serbia and in Albania the majority of people did their very best to protect the Jewish community during World War II, Gentiles were to be found in both countries. Indeed we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Jewish community and official Institutions were among the first ones in Europe to pay an homage to Albanian people for its behaviour during the war. Let us remind the declarations of The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia written in 1945.

Testimony of Valor

The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia in its greetings to our Government in 1945 wrote: "While the Hebrews of Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, etc., were exterminated through toxic gas by the Nazis fascist without differentiations, women, men and children: there was a people in the Balkans that defied against every racist theory and this was the heroic and hospitable people of Albania ... Our brothers that came back from your country told us how the Albanian families generously welcomed them in their houses and protected them from every trouble."

Tirana Times Article "From Titus o Hitler, an overview of Jewish" (abstract)
August 28, 2005.
By the Professor Apostol Kotani, author of the " The Hebrews in Albania during the centuries".

Of course one can always oppose to historical facts, which are recognized by the Yad Vashem Institute of Jerusalem itself, the exactions committed by the Skanderbeg SS division but does this prevent us from speaking of the other Albanians, the very population , whose vast majority organized the rescue of Jewish familes ?
Everybody knows that in Kosovo many Albanian and Serbian Kosovars helped Jews to cross the borders to find refuge in Albania proper where not a single Jew was handed to the Nazis. It is not myself who speaks but the Jews themselves who found a safe haven in the country. Once again we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Partisans also permitted many Jewish families to find asylum in Albania helping them to reach the frontiers.

As a French woman and quite aware of my history, I would never dare saying that the French people was only composed of Partisans and Résistants or only of collaborators. Things are more complex than this and all is not black or white. Denouncing the Vichy State and the French collaborators does not prevent me from speaking of the French Résistants, the example given by le Chambon-sur-Lignon population and many other people, on the contrary.

I would never the less stress a difference of huge singularity between us and other European countries, whereas we all knew massive deportations from our countries, Albania proper such as Bulgaria and Denmark are officially mentioned among the Righteous Nations.

Whereas it is our duty to condemn the crimes of certains it is also our duty to celebrate the attitude of others of any faith or any nationality.
Regarding religion, here again, as a French catholic, I would not allow myself to stigmatise such or such religion as Gentiles are to be found among non only Protestants, Catholics, Orthodoxes but also among many Muslims and atheists
Being catholic myself I must say that I always keep in mind a certain past which we can't be proud of such as the Great Inquisition times and this just to remind me and us that any religion, badly interpreted, can lead to atrocities...Would it be possible, if you please, not to constantly oppose good or wrong religions which at the time we are referring to had little to do with the Jewish rescue. The salvation of persecuted people being before everything a question of humanity, duty and personal ethics involvement.

Talking of religion, you are to know that Albanians never claim their religious
belief. Knowing a lot of Albanian intellectuals, diplomats, artists and writers living in France, I would be incapable to say of what faith they belong to. They all are Albanians. Come to speak of belief, when approaching the question, it is very surprising and very comforting to notice that Albanians can refer to the three monotheists precepts without any complex. Most of them consider the original roots are the same. You are to know that in Albania nobody would define himself as Moslem, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or even Jew, for those remaining in the country, but above all as Albanian. It is even not rare in Albania to find in the same family members of different beliefs who all honour the different religious feast Days. Indeed if nowadays such is not always the case in Kosovo it is rather to indicate a difference between communities. Religious belonging became a way of distinguishing the ones from the others...

If I put a stress on the Albanian contribution, it is just because as we can't deny the example of a majority of Serbs, we must not accuse the totality of Albanians of the crimes committed by the Skanderbeg division. A division which was not only composed of Albanian collaborators but also of mercenaries and other traitors coming from different countries.

On the other hand speaking of the historical belonging of the Kosovo has nothing to do with the Jewish rescue in Albania and here again, rather than fighting each other or distilling hate, we should rather admit that the Kosovars of Albanian and Serbian origin should have the right to live in peace and security on the same land such was the case in the past.

To come back to the Albanian contribution one must admit that whereas the remarkable attitude of the Bulgarians and the Danes towards the rescue of the Jewish community during World War II is well known all over the world, most European people ignore that a tiny isolated country, Albania, did also its best to protect the Jews. The Albanian contribution far from diminishing the heroic behaviour of the majority of Serbs allows us to realize that different people from the Balkans have been capable to unite a time to fight evil.

Besides "my exposé" I would like to tell you about a very nice novel written by an Albanian writer, well known for his involvements for human rights, Neshat Tozaj, who tells us the story of a friendship between two young boys, one being a Jew and the other not.

Very best regards from France.



"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant… Albanie 1943-1944"

(They were not brothers and yet...Albania 1943-1944)


Neshat TOZAJ

French Publishers: La Société des Ecrivains (S.d.E)


In his work "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944" Neshat Tozaj describes the Jewish community that had been present in Albania for centuries as well as Jews from other countries welcomed during, hidden and protected during the second world war. “Shalom”, the original title of the work published in Albania has been modified for French readers since the author wished to reach them in all their diversity.

The author deals with this period with an approach different to that which one is used to reading, hearing or seeing in most documentaries. The Jewish community is not only depicted as a persecuted community but also as an Albanian community living among other Albanians, united in the same struggle against Nazism and Fascism. A struggle carried on to protect life, human dignity, the property of each person and the cultural heritage. The joint commitment to this fight and friendship taken to the ultimate sacrificed by non-Jewish Albanians to save their brothers and their guests set an example that is almost unique and especially unusual in History.

This book, very largely inspired by actual facts, is an opportunity to pay homage to a little nation often forgotten, which was merely doing its duty in barbarous times.

The publication of this book, apart from the moment of history that it reveals, seems to me to be essential and salutary for many people, starting with the youngest, of all origins, religions or other philosophical allegiances. In fact, in our age in which the problems of racism, anti-Semitism or excessive community loyalty are the order of the day, this work brings a very comforting ray of light. ” Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant …” is also a message of hope and encouragement.

The book of Neshat Tozaj, intentionally produced in the form of a novel, the man being mainly an author and journalist, is an opportunity to learn about the Albanian resistance and to recognize the particularly warm welcome extended by the Albanian people to the Jewish community in this dramatic period.

I would add that, for a more profound insight into the period described in Neshat Tozaj’s novel, I had access to the remarkable work “The Hebrews in Albania during centuries” (sic) by Professor Apostol Kotani, a historian and a very young resistance fighter at the time. This work retraces the history of Albanian Jews settled in the country since antiquity and it allows us, above all, to discover that in Albania, the Jewish community was spared during the Second World War. During his long years of research, Mr Kotani has gathered the poignant testimony of many Jews of ancient stock or refugees, all of whom express their eternal gratitude to this “little” country that was able to honour its tradition of “Besa”, the sharing of bread, salt and the heart with anyone who is in distress, a foreigner, a guest of the like, on Albanian soil. Survivors, many of whom emigrated to Israel or the United States after the war, spontaneously collaborated on the work and they all assert in it that no Jews were deported in Albania during Nazi and Fascist occupation.

Nor did Mr Ferit Hoxha, the Albanian Ambassador to France, fail to stress in his speech at the ceremony held on the occasion of the publication in France of Neshat Tozaj’s book that his country was the only state in Europe where the Jewish population had increased at the end of the Second World War.

On the other hand, Mr. Ismaïl Kadaré and Mr. Avner Shalev, amid other personalities, often publicly declared that the number of the persons who found refuge in Albania compared with the initial Albanian Jewish population must be without any doubt multiplied by ten. Mr. Avner Shalev moreover wrote, that only to speak of the Yugoslavian Jews, around 2000 persons had been welcomed and hidden in Albania, not to speak of Greek and Austrian Jews.
Such was the case for instance of the Professor Albert Einstein whose first wife was a Jewish Yugoslavian lady.

Let me state that this information concerns Albania proper as the territory of Kosovo, annexed territory at the time, despite the exemplary attitude of its local population and local authorities, was witness to tragic deportations perpetrated by the Nazis.



By Monsieur Pierre Stambul, Vice président de l’Union Juive Française pour la Paix, UJFP.

By means of a novel set in Albania during the thirties and then the war which deals with real events, Neshat Tozaj (*) reminds us of an episode of history largely unknown in France and to Jews all around the world.

Even during the worst periods of Nazi barbarism and genocide, if there had been people steeped in the most abject racism and collaboration in mass crime, there were also those who were not in the least predisposed to the slightest form of “heroism” but who nevertheless resisted the inhumanity morally and with weapons in their hands.

The attitude of the great majority of the Albanian people during the occupation reminds one a little of the French Protestants peasants of Chambon-sur-Lignon who saved hundreds of Jewish children by hiding them among their own children.

The Albanian Jewish community has never been very large. Although an ancient Jewish presence in Albania seems certain, the Albanian Jews probably descend from the Jews taken in by the Ottoman Empire from the XV th century onwards and dispersed within the Empire. An educated urban population in a very rural Albania, they never suffered persecution. The book describes this meeting between two very different worlds, the little Jewish community and the village communities that were founded on the great traditions of hospitality and mutual aid.

When war broke out, whilst the Communist Party was organising the whole nation’s resistance movement and the self-organisation of the villages, this resistance movement was at the same time organising the saving of the Jewish community. What is more, the Albanian villages welcomed and hid Jews fleeing from Eastern Europe. No deportation ever occurred in this country. The book tells of the real brotherhood that developed. It should also be known that the Albanians welcomed Italian soldiers (although they had invaded them) after the capitulation in 1943. [...]

The Albania of these tragic years shows that anti-Semitism is not inevitable and that a genuine entente is possible between a nation and a minority that lives within it.

Albania has often been given a very negative image: Stalinism dictatorship, economic ruin, the mafia. Neshat Tozaj gives us back a human, hospitable and generous people who are capable of solidarity. Village mutual aid structures allowed the emergence of a national resistance movement which controlled the mountains of the interior throughout the whole war.

Thank you to the author for having reminded us of this edifying history.

Pierre Stambul

Vice président de l’Union Juive Française
pour la Paix. UJFP

(*)"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944"

Neshat Tozaj, Editions S.D.E(Société des Ecrivains)


Back cover of the book:

Le hasard veut que se rencontrent deux enfants albanais, l’un juif l’autre pas. Sazan et Solomon se lient d’amitié et découvrent les richesses de l’un et de l’autre. Puis vient la guerre et l’occupation nazie, la famille de Solomon est immédiatement cachée et protégée. C’est ainsi que par ce récit inspiré de faits authentiques l’on apprend qu’aucun Albanais juif ou réfugié ne fut déporté pendant la seconde guerre mondiale dans ce pays. Certains protecteurs particulièrement humains et courageux sont même allés jusqu’à sacrifier leur vie pour sauver ce qu’ils avaient accueillis. Pour eux c’était une question d’honneur.

Ce livre passionnant et émouvant écrit dans un style limpide et poétique, malgré l’horreur des évènements, nous permet d’aborder une Albanie méconnue.

Neshat Tozaj est né à Vlora en Albanie le 1er janvier 1943. Ecrivain, journaliste, juriste et directeur de la société Albautor (protection des droits d’auteur), Neshat Tozaj est au premier rang de ceux qui défendent les droits de l’homme et met son talent au service de son pays et de son devenir.


-Few testimonies of Ladies and Gentlemen who found refuge in Albania under the nazi occupation:

"Farewell, Albania, I thought. You have given me so much hospitality, refuge, friends, and adventure. Farewell, Albania. One day I will tell the world how brave, fearless, strong, and faithful your sons are; how death and the devil can't frighten them. If necessary, I'll tell how they protected a refugee and wouldn't allow her to be harmed even if it meant losing their lives. The gates of your small country remained open, Albania. Your authorities closed their eyes, when necessary, to give poor, persecuted people another chance to survive the most horrible of all wars. Albania, we survived the siege because of your humanity. We thank you."
Irene Grunbaum.


..."There is a small country in the heartland of Europe called Albania where I was fortunately born, where hospitality to foreigners is part of their tradition. During the Second World War, not only did the Albanians save all the Jews who were living among them but they dared to share their homes, their food and their lives with them. Albania has its share of Oscar Shindlers, and, indeed, so many that we could never have thanked each glorious one of them.

Let us be reminded that not one - not one - of the Jews living in Albania, or those who sought refuge there were turned over to the fascists -all found a safe haven at great danger to their protectors."...
Dr. Anna Kohen.


"All Israelis that came from Albania were saved thanks to the generous sentiments of the Albanian people that considered it as a moral duty to protect in their own houses every persecuted emigrant… The marvelous and noble attitude of the Albanian people needs to be known because they deserve the world’s and every cultured man’s thankfulness… Even the poor peasants, not only received Jews in their homes, but also shared with them their last piece of bread.’ Another Jew, Nisim Bahar that got saved from the hands of the Nazis that wanted to execute him in Fier, wrote to his sister in law, Zhulia Kantozi: ‘I am in Ohrid I have climbed a hill on the lakeside and I see Pogradec. How I missed that country! If I could have wings to fly, I would come to kiss that holy Albanian land that saved my life."

Samuel Mandili (1945)


..."Albania was one of the only European countries that did not turn over a single Jew to the Germans. There simply were no deportations from Albania.
My parents and I, along with many other German and Austrian families, found refuge in Albania and were hidden by Albanians during the German occupation of that country. In 1941, when Germany occupied Yugoslavia, hundreds of Yugoslavian Jews were able to escape to the safety of Albania because the Albanian government opened the border at Kosovo and let as many Jews into the country as were able to escape from the pursuing German army. It is a documented fact that the German general in Belgrade knew the names of all those who had escaped across the border and demanded their return within 48 hours. The Albanian government, instead of turning over even a single Jew, dispersed them in villages and on farms, gave them Albanian names and documents and then reported back to the German general in Belgrade: “We know no Jews. We know only Albanians.”
...Albanians, whether Muslim or Christian, are the most hospitable, generous and kind human beings. It should be emphasized that this was not just an act of their customary, known hospitality, this was an act of personal courage. They simply placed their belief in the necessity to help those in need above their and their family’s safety.

Johanna J. Neumann, Silver Spring, MD


I remain at disposal to any one who would like to study this page of history many documents and testimonies about the Jewish rescue in Albania.

My congratulations to the Redaction of B92 news for the quality of articles available on the Internet site.

Considération renouvelée from Paris.

P.S. It is possible for the readers of French language "lovers" to order "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant...Albanie 1943-1944" via Internet on Amazon.fr, alapage.com or La Société des Ecrivains, French Publishers.


pre 17 godina

Serbia today faces the same political crisis as does Israel. Serbia's sovereignty is being dictated by the international community regarding Kosovo as is Israel's regarding the West Bank which is referred to by Israelis as Judea. Kosovo likewise is referred to by Serbs as the heart of Serbia.
The fact is that these similarities between Serbia and Israel are bound to strentghten their ties in their struggle against Muslim fundamentalism and extremism.


pre 17 godina


You say that the Kosovo Albanians are the most civilised Muslims, well I don't regard the Destruction of hundreds of Serbian religious shrines, monasteries and homes as civilised behaviour. You don't hear of ethnic serbs in Albania burning down mosques and urinating at its entrance(that's what ethnic Albanians did to serbian churches)EVER. To humiliate God like that is bound yto bring misfortune to the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, don't you think. So repeating my question, do you regard that as being civilised??? I don't think so.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 17 godina

When the war was going on in Kosova in 1999, the Jews were in the side of Albanians, they were protesting against the serb atrocities against the Kosovar Albanians, this is the truth and no serb or Draskovic propaganda can deny it.
Here I will provide a link to a video where you can see the jewish representative in the US house Tom Lantos and the Jewish Senator in US Senate, Chuck Schumer showing the support and the great friendship that the albanians and the jews have. Also Henry Hyde is there, the US congerssman. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6087546329550991104&q=aacl+dioguardi&hl=en
( go to www.google.com under VIDEOS search for : AACL dioguardi )
One more thing. Draskovic was in the museum YAD VASHEM in Israel where ALBANIA is recognized as one of the righteous nations for Saving the Jews during WWII. How sad that Draskovic was giving bad comments for Albanians when the jews already have the albanians written in their museum as the RIghetous among the nations for helping them on their time of need.

Also, one more connection which has to do something with the albanians being recognized in US congress as people who helped the jews during WWII.

I hope these were enough facts to show to the serbs that the Jews are with Albanians because of the long friendship. The serbs of course will try to change things, but they will only trick themselves, and nobody else.
I brought those connections not for propaganda, but for one purpose only, to show to the serbs the reality because everyone else knows it, except the serbs who still live in the world of myths.
I hope that the Dear Editor will not edit my connections becauase they do not show any hate against the serbs, they only show the reality, which of course hurts the serbs because they dont want to deal with the reality but they want to bypass it through myths.

Thanks to the Jewish Community for understanding and helping the righteous people.

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

RE: SIDI Comment

Albanians saving Jews during Holocaust?

Which Albanians are you talking about?

(1) The Albanians in Kosovo who created the Handzar division persecuting both Serbs and Jews?

(2) The Albanians who attacked Greece in Epiros during WWII with the Italians and were pushed back?

If it's well documented, please provide you non-Albanian sources of Jews being saved-this must have been the Christian Albanians.


pre 17 godina


How is posting a list of facts to counter false information posted to this website 'stirring up hatred?'

Are YOU getting angry that somebody is actually informed about the truth and trying to inform the rest of the public? Please don't respond with the cliche "you are telling lies and posting propaganda." Instead please provide real evidence to counter these arguments, including sources.

Furthermore, tolerance is not a speck of an event that happened 3 years ago, but a long-term committment. You realize that the riots in Kosovo happened AFTER the midnight mass that is the subject of the article that we are debating (this is an old 2003 article)? Again, you realize that the main target of these riots, aside from civilians, was churches? What happened from 2003 to 2004 that shifted the 'religious tolerance' so much?

Noel Balckstone

pre 17 godina


It is sad that most of your comments are stirrinig up hatred instead of pushing for an improvment in balkan relations. the situation is extremely fragile anyway, therefore there is no need to add fuel to the fire. i've said so many times and will reiterate again SERBIA must change its behaiviour, and Draskovic should stop using religion in his propaganda against Kosovo's independence. I am a practising myself and i can assure you that Muslims in Kosovo are far more tolerant and modern than the rest. Kosovo independent, Serbia free from nationalism towards the EU. Remember, all of the EU members have lost their full. sovereignty .


pre 17 godina

Hiya George,

Thanks for the greeting! Let's do some math: 2 million Albanians in kosovo is what we hear on the news. 10k around the church (and according to your article a thousand or so around the rest of kosovo). 10k divided by 2 million is 1/200 or 0.5%. This sounds like a minor, minor, minority to me.

Please correct my math if it is incorrect. I can take constructive criticism.

Have a nice day

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo, If you read my comment, you would of read "inside and outside of the church" A little more than a thousand people can fit inside the church and over ten thousand people in the church's court yard and ??? Amount of people in the streets. And if you want picture you can contact Father Gjolaj at St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church in Pristina, Kosovo, because I could not find the link I had with the pictures. And if you like to read more in this subject here is a good link.


I hope I was of help, and I also hope you have a nice Day!!!


pre 17 godina

It is good that Serbia is lobbying for their purpose which is what every small country needs to do.

However, I believe that it is too late, this was something which should have been done at the beginning of the Balkan conflicts in the early 90's which is something that the Croatians, Bosnians and Albanians understood. If the Serbs were smart enough to lobby this picture would different, and we can all thank Milosevic for his stupidity in thinking that, "truth will prevail," which is what he kept on saying instead of going to the Americans and lobbying. His arrogance ruined Serbia and its people.

It IS history that Albanians sided with the Nazi/Fascist and thus it is possible but unlikely that some Jews were spared since the Italians were not interested in exterminating Jews quite as much as the Germans were something which cannot be said for Albanians trying to exterminate Serbs. However, Serbs ferociously fought against the Nazis and Albanian/Italians Fascist alliance thus it is noted in history the Croatian and Muslim concentration camps which exterminated Serbs, Jews, and Roma which were all categorized into one unit countering the fact that Serbs think of them selves as superior but rather that Croats, Muslims and Albanians think that Serbs are inferior probably because of Nazi and Fascist influence which has not faded away through the years. The law during WW2 was for every German killed, 100 Serbs were to be killed, of which they were usually civilians. For every German wounded 50 Serbs were to be killed.

You people on here really need to research your history before you make claims that Albanians were innocent during WW2 and that they did any good deeds. Imagine if the Germany administered Albania instead of the Italy I guarantee you that not a single Jew would be left. It is sad how propaganda will change history, in a couple more years the stories on these posts will be that Serbs are Muslims, that they fought alongside the Nazis, that Serbs operated concentration camps during WW2 and that Serbs are occuping Albanian holly land, all of which are obvious lies.


pre 17 godina

The Serbian foreign minister should have taken with a copy of this article to his Israeli college:

"Grave anti-Semitic incident in Belgrade
28 August 2006 | 18:56 | Source: B92
BELGRADE -- A group of Skinheads assaulted two Israeli citizens in Belgrade last night, singing “Auschwitz” as they attacked them.


pre 17 godina


That is all the proof i need, i will now accpet the albanian argument that they are descendants of the Illyrians. My real name is GODfrey, does this mean i am a descendant of . . . !!


pre 17 godina

to Konstantin Gregovic

by the order you ask the questions, means that the first comes first, the others are influences from outside..
in case you are not clear.. we are Illyrians, because of the fact that my name says so.
look at it


pre 17 godina

serbia went allover the world including US and evryone told them NO. And know in a crisis of desperation tries the last of the chance by talking to the jewish(albanian) lobby.
For us it is not neccessary to counter their propaganda of disinformation, because they are humiliating themselvs, and nobody even listen or believe anymore them even if they will tell the truth, plus that they should had done it before NATO bommbed serbia or immediatly after it.. why so late? because is a desperation act, showing that they have to talk also to their presumed enemies, even if it's hard.

nothing is what it seems


pre 17 godina

Sure there are christian alabanians, but the LARGE majority in Kosovo are muslim. Are there any figures to back this up? You only have to look around and see all the mosques popping in Kosovo to come to a fair conclusion that there are ALOT more muslims then christians.


pre 17 godina

And Serbia didn't save the Jewish people in Serbia? Don't forget Serbia fought the Nazis head on and didn't join them. Don't think he was trying to link K-Albanians as radicles (some are) I think he is trying to explaining to Israel that Serbia is in the same boat, That kosovo is not a country (palastine) and that Kosovo is Serbia's holy land and others are trying to take it from them, there faith is irrelevent to the matter. "serbia hate albanians because they redjected islam: WHAT? why would Serbs hate albanians because they rejected Islam?? Serbs are Christian. "A nation" (Nino) I beg your pardon but Serbia is not in albania...(sebastian) must be Serbs that stopped albanians visting a grave right? nice try


pre 17 godina


Boy, you need to get brushed up on your Balkan history!!! Even as a revisionist, your conclusions are so far off, it's comical.

Also, I don't understand why B92 doesn't do any background checking (hire an objective historian) before it publishes revisionism such as this. This is very dangerous to uneducated individuals who may be reading these posts and assuming that they are accurate.


pre 17 godina


First, I'd like to have a link provided toward the existence of any church in Kosovo that can house 10s of thousands of people at a time. Do you have a photo of this celebration?

Also, I am not denying that there are also a few Christian Albanians, although it is a very, very small minority percentage. An example are the belushis (comedians) of chicago (and presumably like yourself).


pre 17 godina

I don't want to fan the fire, but why is there so much information that comes up when you type the following into Yahoo:

"Al Qaeda in Kosovo"
(1.3 million hits, to be exact).

Admittedly, some of these are written by what appear to be serbs, but vastly not.

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

There is a Albanian Orthodox Christian following although the persecution of the Church continues by the Albanian majority in Albania.

Let us remind everyone that the Albanians were loyal followers of the Nazi's and Fascists during WWII. They were soundly beaten back by the Greeks during the early stages of the war.

The Albanians created the Hanzar division in Kosovo persecuting the Serbian Orthodox Churches.

Yes, it is unfortunate for the Albanians who really don't know who they are.

Are we Illyrians?
Are we Christians?
Are we Muslims?
Are we Kosovars?
Are we descended from the Avars, Huns or Kublai Tribes?

Nobody seems to know-Illyrians sounds more romantic to the Albanian soul.

Konstantin Gregovic
Edmonton, Canada


pre 17 godina

Ruben,it's up to Serbia and Israel to decide if they mutual interests or not.. and define their struggles as analgous or not and for the record they just did and have done so for a long time.

P.S. to the others please don't deny that kosovo Albanians are predominantly Muslim, they clearly are. And secondly as for the holocaust deniers please don't say people feel indebted to Kosovo Albanians for their actions in World War 2. For the record they committed seious war crimes against Serbian, Roma and the Jewish members of Kosovo having been allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to say otherwise is sheer heresy.

Noel Blackstone

pre 17 godina

A large number of Albanians were forced by otomans to convert and accept Islam. Albaniana have a great admiration towards Christianity and happily attend Roman Catholic church. Just remember that the latest Saint Mother Theresa was Albanian. Serbian attempt to link Albanians with the Muslim world is nonsense.

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo “What in the world are you talking about?” If you go to Church Midnight Mass Christmas Eve in Pristine Kosovo you will fine Ten’s of thousand of Albanians Muslim crowded inside and outside of the church. Reading your news posting can you explain why the Albanians Muslim celebrate Christmas, A none Islamic Holiday in a Christian Church (St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church)?

Radio Free Europe


pre 17 godina

There is in fact a comparison between Kosovo and Palestine. The Serbs consider Kosovo their "holy place". So do the Palestinians when they talk about Jerusalem.

Both Serbs and Arabs tried to win these spots. Both were stopped by the help of the United States and the West.

Both claims are based on simple and baseless myths. The Serbs forget that their grandparents fought on both sides of the Battle of Kosovo and that after it, Serbian princes were quite active in defeating the other Christian leaders who still resisted the Turks.
The Battle of Kosovo is the place were the Christians of the Balkans including the Albanians fought the invader.

After it, the Serbs and the invader were busy fighting the Albanian Christians.

Under the Ottoman Empire, the Orthodox Christian Serbs empowered by the Patriarchs in Istanbul (Constantinople) joined the forces with the Ottomans to clean Kosovo from the "bad Christians", the Western Christians, Roman Catholic Albanians.

Arab's claim to Jerusalem is even more ridiculous. It was declared a holy place, long after Mohammed was dead.

Because they are wrong and defeated, it doesn't mean that the Serbs and the Arabs will not eventually win. History is not usually just in these parts of the world.

But a genuine alliance between Jews and Serbs is non-sense. Whether they like each other or not they belong to opposite sides of two similar (although not equal) issues.


pre 17 godina


What in the world are you talking about? There have been several recent news postings describing the albanian celebrations of the end of ramadan in kosovo.

Is it that the albanians invented ramadan and the islamic faith adopted it?


pre 17 godina

Draskovic may be welcome in Israel, (or they may just be nice to him because of diplomatic courtoisie), but that doesn't change the fact that he is lying. He is trying to depict Albanians as "Muslims" and draw parallels with the "Muslims" that Israelis are threatened from. Israelis know it, Jews know it. The West knows it. That's why Kosovo will be independent.

Abiola Mairs

pre 17 godina

Contrary to the childish and pointless comments of some earlier readers, I know that Mr. Draskovic is very welcome in Israel. Having spent many years living in Israel I can confirm that there is much popular support among normal Israeli citizens for the people of Serbia. Israel welcomes democrats and political friends regardless of their nationality.


pre 17 godina

why serbia is trying to depict albanians as muslim when they aren't?
Serbs have to know that:
the religion of albanians is albanian, as of the jews is jew.
albanians are non-religious people.
and the history of albanian state is similar to Israel in so many ways..
serbia hate albanians because the redjected islam, but they didn't accepted anyother one. and that's a danger for them who want to keep a nation supresed and not free.


pre 17 godina

This is a really sad attempt of desperation by Draskovic. It is well known that Israel and the Jewish Lobby supports the Albanians due to the friendship that these two nations have since Albania saved thousands of Albanian (and non-albanian) Jews during the Holocaust. In fact some of the most firm supporters of Kosovo's independence in the US Congress are senators of Jewish descent. Draskovic is certainly entitled to trying, but I highly doubt he will get anything out of it. Serbs today talk about Albanians in the same way that the NAZI's talked about the Jews in 1939. Serbs look upon Albanians as inferior and unworthy. With a mentality like that, it is very hard to gain the support of Israel. Sorry Draskovic!


pre 17 godina

This is a really sad attempt of desperation by Draskovic. It is well known that Israel and the Jewish Lobby supports the Albanians due to the friendship that these two nations have since Albania saved thousands of Albanian (and non-albanian) Jews during the Holocaust. In fact some of the most firm supporters of Kosovo's independence in the US Congress are senators of Jewish descent. Draskovic is certainly entitled to trying, but I highly doubt he will get anything out of it. Serbs today talk about Albanians in the same way that the NAZI's talked about the Jews in 1939. Serbs look upon Albanians as inferior and unworthy. With a mentality like that, it is very hard to gain the support of Israel. Sorry Draskovic!


pre 17 godina

why serbia is trying to depict albanians as muslim when they aren't?
Serbs have to know that:
the religion of albanians is albanian, as of the jews is jew.
albanians are non-religious people.
and the history of albanian state is similar to Israel in so many ways..
serbia hate albanians because the redjected islam, but they didn't accepted anyother one. and that's a danger for them who want to keep a nation supresed and not free.

Abiola Mairs

pre 17 godina

Contrary to the childish and pointless comments of some earlier readers, I know that Mr. Draskovic is very welcome in Israel. Having spent many years living in Israel I can confirm that there is much popular support among normal Israeli citizens for the people of Serbia. Israel welcomes democrats and political friends regardless of their nationality.


pre 17 godina

Draskovic may be welcome in Israel, (or they may just be nice to him because of diplomatic courtoisie), but that doesn't change the fact that he is lying. He is trying to depict Albanians as "Muslims" and draw parallels with the "Muslims" that Israelis are threatened from. Israelis know it, Jews know it. The West knows it. That's why Kosovo will be independent.


pre 17 godina


What in the world are you talking about? There have been several recent news postings describing the albanian celebrations of the end of ramadan in kosovo.

Is it that the albanians invented ramadan and the islamic faith adopted it?


pre 17 godina

There is in fact a comparison between Kosovo and Palestine. The Serbs consider Kosovo their "holy place". So do the Palestinians when they talk about Jerusalem.

Both Serbs and Arabs tried to win these spots. Both were stopped by the help of the United States and the West.

Both claims are based on simple and baseless myths. The Serbs forget that their grandparents fought on both sides of the Battle of Kosovo and that after it, Serbian princes were quite active in defeating the other Christian leaders who still resisted the Turks.
The Battle of Kosovo is the place were the Christians of the Balkans including the Albanians fought the invader.

After it, the Serbs and the invader were busy fighting the Albanian Christians.

Under the Ottoman Empire, the Orthodox Christian Serbs empowered by the Patriarchs in Istanbul (Constantinople) joined the forces with the Ottomans to clean Kosovo from the "bad Christians", the Western Christians, Roman Catholic Albanians.

Arab's claim to Jerusalem is even more ridiculous. It was declared a holy place, long after Mohammed was dead.

Because they are wrong and defeated, it doesn't mean that the Serbs and the Arabs will not eventually win. History is not usually just in these parts of the world.

But a genuine alliance between Jews and Serbs is non-sense. Whether they like each other or not they belong to opposite sides of two similar (although not equal) issues.

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo “What in the world are you talking about?” If you go to Church Midnight Mass Christmas Eve in Pristine Kosovo you will fine Ten’s of thousand of Albanians Muslim crowded inside and outside of the church. Reading your news posting can you explain why the Albanians Muslim celebrate Christmas, A none Islamic Holiday in a Christian Church (St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church)?

Radio Free Europe

Noel Blackstone

pre 17 godina

A large number of Albanians were forced by otomans to convert and accept Islam. Albaniana have a great admiration towards Christianity and happily attend Roman Catholic church. Just remember that the latest Saint Mother Theresa was Albanian. Serbian attempt to link Albanians with the Muslim world is nonsense.


pre 17 godina

Ruben,it's up to Serbia and Israel to decide if they mutual interests or not.. and define their struggles as analgous or not and for the record they just did and have done so for a long time.

P.S. to the others please don't deny that kosovo Albanians are predominantly Muslim, they clearly are. And secondly as for the holocaust deniers please don't say people feel indebted to Kosovo Albanians for their actions in World War 2. For the record they committed seious war crimes against Serbian, Roma and the Jewish members of Kosovo having been allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to say otherwise is sheer heresy.

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

There is a Albanian Orthodox Christian following although the persecution of the Church continues by the Albanian majority in Albania.

Let us remind everyone that the Albanians were loyal followers of the Nazi's and Fascists during WWII. They were soundly beaten back by the Greeks during the early stages of the war.

The Albanians created the Hanzar division in Kosovo persecuting the Serbian Orthodox Churches.

Yes, it is unfortunate for the Albanians who really don't know who they are.

Are we Illyrians?
Are we Christians?
Are we Muslims?
Are we Kosovars?
Are we descended from the Avars, Huns or Kublai Tribes?

Nobody seems to know-Illyrians sounds more romantic to the Albanian soul.

Konstantin Gregovic
Edmonton, Canada


pre 17 godina


First, I'd like to have a link provided toward the existence of any church in Kosovo that can house 10s of thousands of people at a time. Do you have a photo of this celebration?

Also, I am not denying that there are also a few Christian Albanians, although it is a very, very small minority percentage. An example are the belushis (comedians) of chicago (and presumably like yourself).


pre 17 godina


Boy, you need to get brushed up on your Balkan history!!! Even as a revisionist, your conclusions are so far off, it's comical.

Also, I don't understand why B92 doesn't do any background checking (hire an objective historian) before it publishes revisionism such as this. This is very dangerous to uneducated individuals who may be reading these posts and assuming that they are accurate.


pre 17 godina

I don't want to fan the fire, but why is there so much information that comes up when you type the following into Yahoo:

"Al Qaeda in Kosovo"
(1.3 million hits, to be exact).

Admittedly, some of these are written by what appear to be serbs, but vastly not.


pre 17 godina

And Serbia didn't save the Jewish people in Serbia? Don't forget Serbia fought the Nazis head on and didn't join them. Don't think he was trying to link K-Albanians as radicles (some are) I think he is trying to explaining to Israel that Serbia is in the same boat, That kosovo is not a country (palastine) and that Kosovo is Serbia's holy land and others are trying to take it from them, there faith is irrelevent to the matter. "serbia hate albanians because they redjected islam: WHAT? why would Serbs hate albanians because they rejected Islam?? Serbs are Christian. "A nation" (Nino) I beg your pardon but Serbia is not in albania...(sebastian) must be Serbs that stopped albanians visting a grave right? nice try


pre 17 godina

Sure there are christian alabanians, but the LARGE majority in Kosovo are muslim. Are there any figures to back this up? You only have to look around and see all the mosques popping in Kosovo to come to a fair conclusion that there are ALOT more muslims then christians.


pre 17 godina

serbia went allover the world including US and evryone told them NO. And know in a crisis of desperation tries the last of the chance by talking to the jewish(albanian) lobby.
For us it is not neccessary to counter their propaganda of disinformation, because they are humiliating themselvs, and nobody even listen or believe anymore them even if they will tell the truth, plus that they should had done it before NATO bommbed serbia or immediatly after it.. why so late? because is a desperation act, showing that they have to talk also to their presumed enemies, even if it's hard.

nothing is what it seems


pre 17 godina

to Konstantin Gregovic

by the order you ask the questions, means that the first comes first, the others are influences from outside..
in case you are not clear.. we are Illyrians, because of the fact that my name says so.
look at it


pre 17 godina


That is all the proof i need, i will now accpet the albanian argument that they are descendants of the Illyrians. My real name is GODfrey, does this mean i am a descendant of . . . !!


pre 17 godina

The Serbian foreign minister should have taken with a copy of this article to his Israeli college:

"Grave anti-Semitic incident in Belgrade
28 August 2006 | 18:56 | Source: B92
BELGRADE -- A group of Skinheads assaulted two Israeli citizens in Belgrade last night, singing “Auschwitz” as they attacked them.


pre 17 godina

It is good that Serbia is lobbying for their purpose which is what every small country needs to do.

However, I believe that it is too late, this was something which should have been done at the beginning of the Balkan conflicts in the early 90's which is something that the Croatians, Bosnians and Albanians understood. If the Serbs were smart enough to lobby this picture would different, and we can all thank Milosevic for his stupidity in thinking that, "truth will prevail," which is what he kept on saying instead of going to the Americans and lobbying. His arrogance ruined Serbia and its people.

It IS history that Albanians sided with the Nazi/Fascist and thus it is possible but unlikely that some Jews were spared since the Italians were not interested in exterminating Jews quite as much as the Germans were something which cannot be said for Albanians trying to exterminate Serbs. However, Serbs ferociously fought against the Nazis and Albanian/Italians Fascist alliance thus it is noted in history the Croatian and Muslim concentration camps which exterminated Serbs, Jews, and Roma which were all categorized into one unit countering the fact that Serbs think of them selves as superior but rather that Croats, Muslims and Albanians think that Serbs are inferior probably because of Nazi and Fascist influence which has not faded away through the years. The law during WW2 was for every German killed, 100 Serbs were to be killed, of which they were usually civilians. For every German wounded 50 Serbs were to be killed.

You people on here really need to research your history before you make claims that Albanians were innocent during WW2 and that they did any good deeds. Imagine if the Germany administered Albania instead of the Italy I guarantee you that not a single Jew would be left. It is sad how propaganda will change history, in a couple more years the stories on these posts will be that Serbs are Muslims, that they fought alongside the Nazis, that Serbs operated concentration camps during WW2 and that Serbs are occuping Albanian holly land, all of which are obvious lies.

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo, If you read my comment, you would of read "inside and outside of the church" A little more than a thousand people can fit inside the church and over ten thousand people in the church's court yard and ??? Amount of people in the streets. And if you want picture you can contact Father Gjolaj at St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church in Pristina, Kosovo, because I could not find the link I had with the pictures. And if you like to read more in this subject here is a good link.


I hope I was of help, and I also hope you have a nice Day!!!


pre 17 godina

Hiya George,

Thanks for the greeting! Let's do some math: 2 million Albanians in kosovo is what we hear on the news. 10k around the church (and according to your article a thousand or so around the rest of kosovo). 10k divided by 2 million is 1/200 or 0.5%. This sounds like a minor, minor, minority to me.

Please correct my math if it is incorrect. I can take constructive criticism.

Have a nice day

Noel Balckstone

pre 17 godina


It is sad that most of your comments are stirrinig up hatred instead of pushing for an improvment in balkan relations. the situation is extremely fragile anyway, therefore there is no need to add fuel to the fire. i've said so many times and will reiterate again SERBIA must change its behaiviour, and Draskovic should stop using religion in his propaganda against Kosovo's independence. I am a practising myself and i can assure you that Muslims in Kosovo are far more tolerant and modern than the rest. Kosovo independent, Serbia free from nationalism towards the EU. Remember, all of the EU members have lost their full. sovereignty .


pre 17 godina


How is posting a list of facts to counter false information posted to this website 'stirring up hatred?'

Are YOU getting angry that somebody is actually informed about the truth and trying to inform the rest of the public? Please don't respond with the cliche "you are telling lies and posting propaganda." Instead please provide real evidence to counter these arguments, including sources.

Furthermore, tolerance is not a speck of an event that happened 3 years ago, but a long-term committment. You realize that the riots in Kosovo happened AFTER the midnight mass that is the subject of the article that we are debating (this is an old 2003 article)? Again, you realize that the main target of these riots, aside from civilians, was churches? What happened from 2003 to 2004 that shifted the 'religious tolerance' so much?

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

RE: SIDI Comment

Albanians saving Jews during Holocaust?

Which Albanians are you talking about?

(1) The Albanians in Kosovo who created the Handzar division persecuting both Serbs and Jews?

(2) The Albanians who attacked Greece in Epiros during WWII with the Italians and were pushed back?

If it's well documented, please provide you non-Albanian sources of Jews being saved-this must have been the Christian Albanians.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 17 godina

When the war was going on in Kosova in 1999, the Jews were in the side of Albanians, they were protesting against the serb atrocities against the Kosovar Albanians, this is the truth and no serb or Draskovic propaganda can deny it.
Here I will provide a link to a video where you can see the jewish representative in the US house Tom Lantos and the Jewish Senator in US Senate, Chuck Schumer showing the support and the great friendship that the albanians and the jews have. Also Henry Hyde is there, the US congerssman. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6087546329550991104&q=aacl+dioguardi&hl=en
( go to www.google.com under VIDEOS search for : AACL dioguardi )
One more thing. Draskovic was in the museum YAD VASHEM in Israel where ALBANIA is recognized as one of the righteous nations for Saving the Jews during WWII. How sad that Draskovic was giving bad comments for Albanians when the jews already have the albanians written in their museum as the RIghetous among the nations for helping them on their time of need.

Also, one more connection which has to do something with the albanians being recognized in US congress as people who helped the jews during WWII.

I hope these were enough facts to show to the serbs that the Jews are with Albanians because of the long friendship. The serbs of course will try to change things, but they will only trick themselves, and nobody else.
I brought those connections not for propaganda, but for one purpose only, to show to the serbs the reality because everyone else knows it, except the serbs who still live in the world of myths.
I hope that the Dear Editor will not edit my connections becauase they do not show any hate against the serbs, they only show the reality, which of course hurts the serbs because they dont want to deal with the reality but they want to bypass it through myths.

Thanks to the Jewish Community for understanding and helping the righteous people.


pre 17 godina

Serbia today faces the same political crisis as does Israel. Serbia's sovereignty is being dictated by the international community regarding Kosovo as is Israel's regarding the West Bank which is referred to by Israelis as Judea. Kosovo likewise is referred to by Serbs as the heart of Serbia.
The fact is that these similarities between Serbia and Israel are bound to strentghten their ties in their struggle against Muslim fundamentalism and extremism.


pre 17 godina


You say that the Kosovo Albanians are the most civilised Muslims, well I don't regard the Destruction of hundreds of Serbian religious shrines, monasteries and homes as civilised behaviour. You don't hear of ethnic serbs in Albania burning down mosques and urinating at its entrance(that's what ethnic Albanians did to serbian churches)EVER. To humiliate God like that is bound yto bring misfortune to the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, don't you think. So repeating my question, do you regard that as being civilised??? I don't think so.


pre 17 godina

Dear Administrators,

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to tell you from France, without being disrespectful, that rather than "quarrelling" we should better admit that both in Serbia and in Albania the majority of people did their very best to protect the Jewish community during World War II, Gentiles were to be found in both countries. Indeed we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Jewish community and official Institutions were among the first ones in Europe to pay an homage to Albanian people for its behaviour during the war. Let us remind the declarations of The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia written in 1945.

Testimony of Valor

The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia in its greetings to our Government in 1945 wrote: "While the Hebrews of Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, etc., were exterminated through toxic gas by the Nazis fascist without differentiations, women, men and children: there was a people in the Balkans that defied against every racist theory and this was the heroic and hospitable people of Albania ... Our brothers that came back from your country told us how the Albanian families generously welcomed them in their houses and protected them from every trouble."

Tirana Times Article "From Titus o Hitler, an overview of Jewish" (abstract)
August 28, 2005.
By the Professor Apostol Kotani, author of the " The Hebrews in Albania during the centuries".

Of course one can always oppose to historical facts, which are recognized by the Yad Vashem Institute of Jerusalem itself, the exactions committed by the Skanderbeg SS division but does this prevent us from speaking of the other Albanians, the very population , whose vast majority organized the rescue of Jewish familes ?
Everybody knows that in Kosovo many Albanian and Serbian Kosovars helped Jews to cross the borders to find refuge in Albania proper where not a single Jew was handed to the Nazis. It is not myself who speaks but the Jews themselves who found a safe haven in the country. Once again we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Partisans also permitted many Jewish families to find asylum in Albania helping them to reach the frontiers.

As a French woman and quite aware of my history, I would never dare saying that the French people was only composed of Partisans and Résistants or only of collaborators. Things are more complex than this and all is not black or white. Denouncing the Vichy State and the French collaborators does not prevent me from speaking of the French Résistants, the example given by le Chambon-sur-Lignon population and many other people, on the contrary.

I would never the less stress a difference of huge singularity between us and other European countries, whereas we all knew massive deportations from our countries, Albania proper such as Bulgaria and Denmark are officially mentioned among the Righteous Nations.

Whereas it is our duty to condemn the crimes of certains it is also our duty to celebrate the attitude of others of any faith or any nationality.
Regarding religion, here again, as a French catholic, I would not allow myself to stigmatise such or such religion as Gentiles are to be found among non only Protestants, Catholics, Orthodoxes but also among many Muslims and atheists
Being catholic myself I must say that I always keep in mind a certain past which we can't be proud of such as the Great Inquisition times and this just to remind me and us that any religion, badly interpreted, can lead to atrocities...Would it be possible, if you please, not to constantly oppose good or wrong religions which at the time we are referring to had little to do with the Jewish rescue. The salvation of persecuted people being before everything a question of humanity, duty and personal ethics involvement.

Talking of religion, you are to know that Albanians never claim their religious
belief. Knowing a lot of Albanian intellectuals, diplomats, artists and writers living in France, I would be incapable to say of what faith they belong to. They all are Albanians. Come to speak of belief, when approaching the question, it is very surprising and very comforting to notice that Albanians can refer to the three monotheists precepts without any complex. Most of them consider the original roots are the same. You are to know that in Albania nobody would define himself as Moslem, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or even Jew, for those remaining in the country, but above all as Albanian. It is even not rare in Albania to find in the same family members of different beliefs who all honour the different religious feast Days. Indeed if nowadays such is not always the case in Kosovo it is rather to indicate a difference between communities. Religious belonging became a way of distinguishing the ones from the others...

If I put a stress on the Albanian contribution, it is just because as we can't deny the example of a majority of Serbs, we must not accuse the totality of Albanians of the crimes committed by the Skanderbeg division. A division which was not only composed of Albanian collaborators but also of mercenaries and other traitors coming from different countries.

On the other hand speaking of the historical belonging of the Kosovo has nothing to do with the Jewish rescue in Albania and here again, rather than fighting each other or distilling hate, we should rather admit that the Kosovars of Albanian and Serbian origin should have the right to live in peace and security on the same land such was the case in the past.

To come back to the Albanian contribution one must admit that whereas the remarkable attitude of the Bulgarians and the Danes towards the rescue of the Jewish community during World War II is well known all over the world, most European people ignore that a tiny isolated country, Albania, did also its best to protect the Jews. The Albanian contribution far from diminishing the heroic behaviour of the majority of Serbs allows us to realize that different people from the Balkans have been capable to unite a time to fight evil.

Besides "my exposé" I would like to tell you about a very nice novel written by an Albanian writer, well known for his involvements for human rights, Neshat Tozaj, who tells us the story of a friendship between two young boys, one being a Jew and the other not.

Very best regards from France.



"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant… Albanie 1943-1944"

(They were not brothers and yet...Albania 1943-1944)


Neshat TOZAJ

French Publishers: La Société des Ecrivains (S.d.E)


In his work "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944" Neshat Tozaj describes the Jewish community that had been present in Albania for centuries as well as Jews from other countries welcomed during, hidden and protected during the second world war. “Shalom”, the original title of the work published in Albania has been modified for French readers since the author wished to reach them in all their diversity.

The author deals with this period with an approach different to that which one is used to reading, hearing or seeing in most documentaries. The Jewish community is not only depicted as a persecuted community but also as an Albanian community living among other Albanians, united in the same struggle against Nazism and Fascism. A struggle carried on to protect life, human dignity, the property of each person and the cultural heritage. The joint commitment to this fight and friendship taken to the ultimate sacrificed by non-Jewish Albanians to save their brothers and their guests set an example that is almost unique and especially unusual in History.

This book, very largely inspired by actual facts, is an opportunity to pay homage to a little nation often forgotten, which was merely doing its duty in barbarous times.

The publication of this book, apart from the moment of history that it reveals, seems to me to be essential and salutary for many people, starting with the youngest, of all origins, religions or other philosophical allegiances. In fact, in our age in which the problems of racism, anti-Semitism or excessive community loyalty are the order of the day, this work brings a very comforting ray of light. ” Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant …” is also a message of hope and encouragement.

The book of Neshat Tozaj, intentionally produced in the form of a novel, the man being mainly an author and journalist, is an opportunity to learn about the Albanian resistance and to recognize the particularly warm welcome extended by the Albanian people to the Jewish community in this dramatic period.

I would add that, for a more profound insight into the period described in Neshat Tozaj’s novel, I had access to the remarkable work “The Hebrews in Albania during centuries” (sic) by Professor Apostol Kotani, a historian and a very young resistance fighter at the time. This work retraces the history of Albanian Jews settled in the country since antiquity and it allows us, above all, to discover that in Albania, the Jewish community was spared during the Second World War. During his long years of research, Mr Kotani has gathered the poignant testimony of many Jews of ancient stock or refugees, all of whom express their eternal gratitude to this “little” country that was able to honour its tradition of “Besa”, the sharing of bread, salt and the heart with anyone who is in distress, a foreigner, a guest of the like, on Albanian soil. Survivors, many of whom emigrated to Israel or the United States after the war, spontaneously collaborated on the work and they all assert in it that no Jews were deported in Albania during Nazi and Fascist occupation.

Nor did Mr Ferit Hoxha, the Albanian Ambassador to France, fail to stress in his speech at the ceremony held on the occasion of the publication in France of Neshat Tozaj’s book that his country was the only state in Europe where the Jewish population had increased at the end of the Second World War.

On the other hand, Mr. Ismaïl Kadaré and Mr. Avner Shalev, amid other personalities, often publicly declared that the number of the persons who found refuge in Albania compared with the initial Albanian Jewish population must be without any doubt multiplied by ten. Mr. Avner Shalev moreover wrote, that only to speak of the Yugoslavian Jews, around 2000 persons had been welcomed and hidden in Albania, not to speak of Greek and Austrian Jews.
Such was the case for instance of the Professor Albert Einstein whose first wife was a Jewish Yugoslavian lady.

Let me state that this information concerns Albania proper as the territory of Kosovo, annexed territory at the time, despite the exemplary attitude of its local population and local authorities, was witness to tragic deportations perpetrated by the Nazis.



By Monsieur Pierre Stambul, Vice président de l’Union Juive Française pour la Paix, UJFP.

By means of a novel set in Albania during the thirties and then the war which deals with real events, Neshat Tozaj (*) reminds us of an episode of history largely unknown in France and to Jews all around the world.

Even during the worst periods of Nazi barbarism and genocide, if there had been people steeped in the most abject racism and collaboration in mass crime, there were also those who were not in the least predisposed to the slightest form of “heroism” but who nevertheless resisted the inhumanity morally and with weapons in their hands.

The attitude of the great majority of the Albanian people during the occupation reminds one a little of the French Protestants peasants of Chambon-sur-Lignon who saved hundreds of Jewish children by hiding them among their own children.

The Albanian Jewish community has never been very large. Although an ancient Jewish presence in Albania seems certain, the Albanian Jews probably descend from the Jews taken in by the Ottoman Empire from the XV th century onwards and dispersed within the Empire. An educated urban population in a very rural Albania, they never suffered persecution. The book describes this meeting between two very different worlds, the little Jewish community and the village communities that were founded on the great traditions of hospitality and mutual aid.

When war broke out, whilst the Communist Party was organising the whole nation’s resistance movement and the self-organisation of the villages, this resistance movement was at the same time organising the saving of the Jewish community. What is more, the Albanian villages welcomed and hid Jews fleeing from Eastern Europe. No deportation ever occurred in this country. The book tells of the real brotherhood that developed. It should also be known that the Albanians welcomed Italian soldiers (although they had invaded them) after the capitulation in 1943. [...]

The Albania of these tragic years shows that anti-Semitism is not inevitable and that a genuine entente is possible between a nation and a minority that lives within it.

Albania has often been given a very negative image: Stalinism dictatorship, economic ruin, the mafia. Neshat Tozaj gives us back a human, hospitable and generous people who are capable of solidarity. Village mutual aid structures allowed the emergence of a national resistance movement which controlled the mountains of the interior throughout the whole war.

Thank you to the author for having reminded us of this edifying history.

Pierre Stambul

Vice président de l’Union Juive Française
pour la Paix. UJFP

(*)"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944"

Neshat Tozaj, Editions S.D.E(Société des Ecrivains)


Back cover of the book:

Le hasard veut que se rencontrent deux enfants albanais, l’un juif l’autre pas. Sazan et Solomon se lient d’amitié et découvrent les richesses de l’un et de l’autre. Puis vient la guerre et l’occupation nazie, la famille de Solomon est immédiatement cachée et protégée. C’est ainsi que par ce récit inspiré de faits authentiques l’on apprend qu’aucun Albanais juif ou réfugié ne fut déporté pendant la seconde guerre mondiale dans ce pays. Certains protecteurs particulièrement humains et courageux sont même allés jusqu’à sacrifier leur vie pour sauver ce qu’ils avaient accueillis. Pour eux c’était une question d’honneur.

Ce livre passionnant et émouvant écrit dans un style limpide et poétique, malgré l’horreur des évènements, nous permet d’aborder une Albanie méconnue.

Neshat Tozaj est né à Vlora en Albanie le 1er janvier 1943. Ecrivain, journaliste, juriste et directeur de la société Albautor (protection des droits d’auteur), Neshat Tozaj est au premier rang de ceux qui défendent les droits de l’homme et met son talent au service de son pays et de son devenir.


-Few testimonies of Ladies and Gentlemen who found refuge in Albania under the nazi occupation:

"Farewell, Albania, I thought. You have given me so much hospitality, refuge, friends, and adventure. Farewell, Albania. One day I will tell the world how brave, fearless, strong, and faithful your sons are; how death and the devil can't frighten them. If necessary, I'll tell how they protected a refugee and wouldn't allow her to be harmed even if it meant losing their lives. The gates of your small country remained open, Albania. Your authorities closed their eyes, when necessary, to give poor, persecuted people another chance to survive the most horrible of all wars. Albania, we survived the siege because of your humanity. We thank you."
Irene Grunbaum.


..."There is a small country in the heartland of Europe called Albania where I was fortunately born, where hospitality to foreigners is part of their tradition. During the Second World War, not only did the Albanians save all the Jews who were living among them but they dared to share their homes, their food and their lives with them. Albania has its share of Oscar Shindlers, and, indeed, so many that we could never have thanked each glorious one of them.

Let us be reminded that not one - not one - of the Jews living in Albania, or those who sought refuge there were turned over to the fascists -all found a safe haven at great danger to their protectors."...
Dr. Anna Kohen.


"All Israelis that came from Albania were saved thanks to the generous sentiments of the Albanian people that considered it as a moral duty to protect in their own houses every persecuted emigrant… The marvelous and noble attitude of the Albanian people needs to be known because they deserve the world’s and every cultured man’s thankfulness… Even the poor peasants, not only received Jews in their homes, but also shared with them their last piece of bread.’ Another Jew, Nisim Bahar that got saved from the hands of the Nazis that wanted to execute him in Fier, wrote to his sister in law, Zhulia Kantozi: ‘I am in Ohrid I have climbed a hill on the lakeside and I see Pogradec. How I missed that country! If I could have wings to fly, I would come to kiss that holy Albanian land that saved my life."

Samuel Mandili (1945)


..."Albania was one of the only European countries that did not turn over a single Jew to the Germans. There simply were no deportations from Albania.
My parents and I, along with many other German and Austrian families, found refuge in Albania and were hidden by Albanians during the German occupation of that country. In 1941, when Germany occupied Yugoslavia, hundreds of Yugoslavian Jews were able to escape to the safety of Albania because the Albanian government opened the border at Kosovo and let as many Jews into the country as were able to escape from the pursuing German army. It is a documented fact that the German general in Belgrade knew the names of all those who had escaped across the border and demanded their return within 48 hours. The Albanian government, instead of turning over even a single Jew, dispersed them in villages and on farms, gave them Albanian names and documents and then reported back to the German general in Belgrade: “We know no Jews. We know only Albanians.”
...Albanians, whether Muslim or Christian, are the most hospitable, generous and kind human beings. It should be emphasized that this was not just an act of their customary, known hospitality, this was an act of personal courage. They simply placed their belief in the necessity to help those in need above their and their family’s safety.

Johanna J. Neumann, Silver Spring, MD


I remain at disposal to any one who would like to study this page of history many documents and testimonies about the Jewish rescue in Albania.

My congratulations to the Redaction of B92 news for the quality of articles available on the Internet site.

Considération renouvelée from Paris.

P.S. It is possible for the readers of French language "lovers" to order "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant...Albanie 1943-1944" via Internet on Amazon.fr, alapage.com or La Société des Ecrivains, French Publishers.


pre 17 godina

This is a really sad attempt of desperation by Draskovic. It is well known that Israel and the Jewish Lobby supports the Albanians due to the friendship that these two nations have since Albania saved thousands of Albanian (and non-albanian) Jews during the Holocaust. In fact some of the most firm supporters of Kosovo's independence in the US Congress are senators of Jewish descent. Draskovic is certainly entitled to trying, but I highly doubt he will get anything out of it. Serbs today talk about Albanians in the same way that the NAZI's talked about the Jews in 1939. Serbs look upon Albanians as inferior and unworthy. With a mentality like that, it is very hard to gain the support of Israel. Sorry Draskovic!


pre 17 godina

why serbia is trying to depict albanians as muslim when they aren't?
Serbs have to know that:
the religion of albanians is albanian, as of the jews is jew.
albanians are non-religious people.
and the history of albanian state is similar to Israel in so many ways..
serbia hate albanians because the redjected islam, but they didn't accepted anyother one. and that's a danger for them who want to keep a nation supresed and not free.

Abiola Mairs

pre 17 godina

Contrary to the childish and pointless comments of some earlier readers, I know that Mr. Draskovic is very welcome in Israel. Having spent many years living in Israel I can confirm that there is much popular support among normal Israeli citizens for the people of Serbia. Israel welcomes democrats and political friends regardless of their nationality.


pre 17 godina

Draskovic may be welcome in Israel, (or they may just be nice to him because of diplomatic courtoisie), but that doesn't change the fact that he is lying. He is trying to depict Albanians as "Muslims" and draw parallels with the "Muslims" that Israelis are threatened from. Israelis know it, Jews know it. The West knows it. That's why Kosovo will be independent.


pre 17 godina


What in the world are you talking about? There have been several recent news postings describing the albanian celebrations of the end of ramadan in kosovo.

Is it that the albanians invented ramadan and the islamic faith adopted it?


pre 17 godina

There is in fact a comparison between Kosovo and Palestine. The Serbs consider Kosovo their "holy place". So do the Palestinians when they talk about Jerusalem.

Both Serbs and Arabs tried to win these spots. Both were stopped by the help of the United States and the West.

Both claims are based on simple and baseless myths. The Serbs forget that their grandparents fought on both sides of the Battle of Kosovo and that after it, Serbian princes were quite active in defeating the other Christian leaders who still resisted the Turks.
The Battle of Kosovo is the place were the Christians of the Balkans including the Albanians fought the invader.

After it, the Serbs and the invader were busy fighting the Albanian Christians.

Under the Ottoman Empire, the Orthodox Christian Serbs empowered by the Patriarchs in Istanbul (Constantinople) joined the forces with the Ottomans to clean Kosovo from the "bad Christians", the Western Christians, Roman Catholic Albanians.

Arab's claim to Jerusalem is even more ridiculous. It was declared a holy place, long after Mohammed was dead.

Because they are wrong and defeated, it doesn't mean that the Serbs and the Arabs will not eventually win. History is not usually just in these parts of the world.

But a genuine alliance between Jews and Serbs is non-sense. Whether they like each other or not they belong to opposite sides of two similar (although not equal) issues.

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo “What in the world are you talking about?” If you go to Church Midnight Mass Christmas Eve in Pristine Kosovo you will fine Ten’s of thousand of Albanians Muslim crowded inside and outside of the church. Reading your news posting can you explain why the Albanians Muslim celebrate Christmas, A none Islamic Holiday in a Christian Church (St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church)?

Radio Free Europe

Noel Blackstone

pre 17 godina

A large number of Albanians were forced by otomans to convert and accept Islam. Albaniana have a great admiration towards Christianity and happily attend Roman Catholic church. Just remember that the latest Saint Mother Theresa was Albanian. Serbian attempt to link Albanians with the Muslim world is nonsense.


pre 17 godina

Ruben,it's up to Serbia and Israel to decide if they mutual interests or not.. and define their struggles as analgous or not and for the record they just did and have done so for a long time.

P.S. to the others please don't deny that kosovo Albanians are predominantly Muslim, they clearly are. And secondly as for the holocaust deniers please don't say people feel indebted to Kosovo Albanians for their actions in World War 2. For the record they committed seious war crimes against Serbian, Roma and the Jewish members of Kosovo having been allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to say otherwise is sheer heresy.

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

There is a Albanian Orthodox Christian following although the persecution of the Church continues by the Albanian majority in Albania.

Let us remind everyone that the Albanians were loyal followers of the Nazi's and Fascists during WWII. They were soundly beaten back by the Greeks during the early stages of the war.

The Albanians created the Hanzar division in Kosovo persecuting the Serbian Orthodox Churches.

Yes, it is unfortunate for the Albanians who really don't know who they are.

Are we Illyrians?
Are we Christians?
Are we Muslims?
Are we Kosovars?
Are we descended from the Avars, Huns or Kublai Tribes?

Nobody seems to know-Illyrians sounds more romantic to the Albanian soul.

Konstantin Gregovic
Edmonton, Canada


pre 17 godina


First, I'd like to have a link provided toward the existence of any church in Kosovo that can house 10s of thousands of people at a time. Do you have a photo of this celebration?

Also, I am not denying that there are also a few Christian Albanians, although it is a very, very small minority percentage. An example are the belushis (comedians) of chicago (and presumably like yourself).


pre 17 godina


Boy, you need to get brushed up on your Balkan history!!! Even as a revisionist, your conclusions are so far off, it's comical.

Also, I don't understand why B92 doesn't do any background checking (hire an objective historian) before it publishes revisionism such as this. This is very dangerous to uneducated individuals who may be reading these posts and assuming that they are accurate.


pre 17 godina

I don't want to fan the fire, but why is there so much information that comes up when you type the following into Yahoo:

"Al Qaeda in Kosovo"
(1.3 million hits, to be exact).

Admittedly, some of these are written by what appear to be serbs, but vastly not.


pre 17 godina

And Serbia didn't save the Jewish people in Serbia? Don't forget Serbia fought the Nazis head on and didn't join them. Don't think he was trying to link K-Albanians as radicles (some are) I think he is trying to explaining to Israel that Serbia is in the same boat, That kosovo is not a country (palastine) and that Kosovo is Serbia's holy land and others are trying to take it from them, there faith is irrelevent to the matter. "serbia hate albanians because they redjected islam: WHAT? why would Serbs hate albanians because they rejected Islam?? Serbs are Christian. "A nation" (Nino) I beg your pardon but Serbia is not in albania...(sebastian) must be Serbs that stopped albanians visting a grave right? nice try


pre 17 godina

Sure there are christian alabanians, but the LARGE majority in Kosovo are muslim. Are there any figures to back this up? You only have to look around and see all the mosques popping in Kosovo to come to a fair conclusion that there are ALOT more muslims then christians.


pre 17 godina

serbia went allover the world including US and evryone told them NO. And know in a crisis of desperation tries the last of the chance by talking to the jewish(albanian) lobby.
For us it is not neccessary to counter their propaganda of disinformation, because they are humiliating themselvs, and nobody even listen or believe anymore them even if they will tell the truth, plus that they should had done it before NATO bommbed serbia or immediatly after it.. why so late? because is a desperation act, showing that they have to talk also to their presumed enemies, even if it's hard.

nothing is what it seems


pre 17 godina

to Konstantin Gregovic

by the order you ask the questions, means that the first comes first, the others are influences from outside..
in case you are not clear.. we are Illyrians, because of the fact that my name says so.
look at it


pre 17 godina


That is all the proof i need, i will now accpet the albanian argument that they are descendants of the Illyrians. My real name is GODfrey, does this mean i am a descendant of . . . !!


pre 17 godina

The Serbian foreign minister should have taken with a copy of this article to his Israeli college:

"Grave anti-Semitic incident in Belgrade
28 August 2006 | 18:56 | Source: B92
BELGRADE -- A group of Skinheads assaulted two Israeli citizens in Belgrade last night, singing “Auschwitz” as they attacked them.


pre 17 godina

It is good that Serbia is lobbying for their purpose which is what every small country needs to do.

However, I believe that it is too late, this was something which should have been done at the beginning of the Balkan conflicts in the early 90's which is something that the Croatians, Bosnians and Albanians understood. If the Serbs were smart enough to lobby this picture would different, and we can all thank Milosevic for his stupidity in thinking that, "truth will prevail," which is what he kept on saying instead of going to the Americans and lobbying. His arrogance ruined Serbia and its people.

It IS history that Albanians sided with the Nazi/Fascist and thus it is possible but unlikely that some Jews were spared since the Italians were not interested in exterminating Jews quite as much as the Germans were something which cannot be said for Albanians trying to exterminate Serbs. However, Serbs ferociously fought against the Nazis and Albanian/Italians Fascist alliance thus it is noted in history the Croatian and Muslim concentration camps which exterminated Serbs, Jews, and Roma which were all categorized into one unit countering the fact that Serbs think of them selves as superior but rather that Croats, Muslims and Albanians think that Serbs are inferior probably because of Nazi and Fascist influence which has not faded away through the years. The law during WW2 was for every German killed, 100 Serbs were to be killed, of which they were usually civilians. For every German wounded 50 Serbs were to be killed.

You people on here really need to research your history before you make claims that Albanians were innocent during WW2 and that they did any good deeds. Imagine if the Germany administered Albania instead of the Italy I guarantee you that not a single Jew would be left. It is sad how propaganda will change history, in a couple more years the stories on these posts will be that Serbs are Muslims, that they fought alongside the Nazis, that Serbs operated concentration camps during WW2 and that Serbs are occuping Albanian holly land, all of which are obvious lies.

George - USA

pre 17 godina

Jimbo, If you read my comment, you would of read "inside and outside of the church" A little more than a thousand people can fit inside the church and over ten thousand people in the church's court yard and ??? Amount of people in the streets. And if you want picture you can contact Father Gjolaj at St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church in Pristina, Kosovo, because I could not find the link I had with the pictures. And if you like to read more in this subject here is a good link.


I hope I was of help, and I also hope you have a nice Day!!!


pre 17 godina

Hiya George,

Thanks for the greeting! Let's do some math: 2 million Albanians in kosovo is what we hear on the news. 10k around the church (and according to your article a thousand or so around the rest of kosovo). 10k divided by 2 million is 1/200 or 0.5%. This sounds like a minor, minor, minority to me.

Please correct my math if it is incorrect. I can take constructive criticism.

Have a nice day

Noel Balckstone

pre 17 godina


It is sad that most of your comments are stirrinig up hatred instead of pushing for an improvment in balkan relations. the situation is extremely fragile anyway, therefore there is no need to add fuel to the fire. i've said so many times and will reiterate again SERBIA must change its behaiviour, and Draskovic should stop using religion in his propaganda against Kosovo's independence. I am a practising myself and i can assure you that Muslims in Kosovo are far more tolerant and modern than the rest. Kosovo independent, Serbia free from nationalism towards the EU. Remember, all of the EU members have lost their full. sovereignty .


pre 17 godina


How is posting a list of facts to counter false information posted to this website 'stirring up hatred?'

Are YOU getting angry that somebody is actually informed about the truth and trying to inform the rest of the public? Please don't respond with the cliche "you are telling lies and posting propaganda." Instead please provide real evidence to counter these arguments, including sources.

Furthermore, tolerance is not a speck of an event that happened 3 years ago, but a long-term committment. You realize that the riots in Kosovo happened AFTER the midnight mass that is the subject of the article that we are debating (this is an old 2003 article)? Again, you realize that the main target of these riots, aside from civilians, was churches? What happened from 2003 to 2004 that shifted the 'religious tolerance' so much?

Konstantin Gregovic

pre 17 godina

RE: SIDI Comment

Albanians saving Jews during Holocaust?

Which Albanians are you talking about?

(1) The Albanians in Kosovo who created the Handzar division persecuting both Serbs and Jews?

(2) The Albanians who attacked Greece in Epiros during WWII with the Italians and were pushed back?

If it's well documented, please provide you non-Albanian sources of Jews being saved-this must have been the Christian Albanians.

Afrim Hoxha

pre 17 godina

When the war was going on in Kosova in 1999, the Jews were in the side of Albanians, they were protesting against the serb atrocities against the Kosovar Albanians, this is the truth and no serb or Draskovic propaganda can deny it.
Here I will provide a link to a video where you can see the jewish representative in the US house Tom Lantos and the Jewish Senator in US Senate, Chuck Schumer showing the support and the great friendship that the albanians and the jews have. Also Henry Hyde is there, the US congerssman. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6087546329550991104&q=aacl+dioguardi&hl=en
( go to www.google.com under VIDEOS search for : AACL dioguardi )
One more thing. Draskovic was in the museum YAD VASHEM in Israel where ALBANIA is recognized as one of the righteous nations for Saving the Jews during WWII. How sad that Draskovic was giving bad comments for Albanians when the jews already have the albanians written in their museum as the RIghetous among the nations for helping them on their time of need.

Also, one more connection which has to do something with the albanians being recognized in US congress as people who helped the jews during WWII.

I hope these were enough facts to show to the serbs that the Jews are with Albanians because of the long friendship. The serbs of course will try to change things, but they will only trick themselves, and nobody else.
I brought those connections not for propaganda, but for one purpose only, to show to the serbs the reality because everyone else knows it, except the serbs who still live in the world of myths.
I hope that the Dear Editor will not edit my connections becauase they do not show any hate against the serbs, they only show the reality, which of course hurts the serbs because they dont want to deal with the reality but they want to bypass it through myths.

Thanks to the Jewish Community for understanding and helping the righteous people.


pre 17 godina

Serbia today faces the same political crisis as does Israel. Serbia's sovereignty is being dictated by the international community regarding Kosovo as is Israel's regarding the West Bank which is referred to by Israelis as Judea. Kosovo likewise is referred to by Serbs as the heart of Serbia.
The fact is that these similarities between Serbia and Israel are bound to strentghten their ties in their struggle against Muslim fundamentalism and extremism.


pre 17 godina


You say that the Kosovo Albanians are the most civilised Muslims, well I don't regard the Destruction of hundreds of Serbian religious shrines, monasteries and homes as civilised behaviour. You don't hear of ethnic serbs in Albania burning down mosques and urinating at its entrance(that's what ethnic Albanians did to serbian churches)EVER. To humiliate God like that is bound yto bring misfortune to the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, don't you think. So repeating my question, do you regard that as being civilised??? I don't think so.


pre 17 godina

Dear Administrators,

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to tell you from France, without being disrespectful, that rather than "quarrelling" we should better admit that both in Serbia and in Albania the majority of people did their very best to protect the Jewish community during World War II, Gentiles were to be found in both countries. Indeed we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Jewish community and official Institutions were among the first ones in Europe to pay an homage to Albanian people for its behaviour during the war. Let us remind the declarations of The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia written in 1945.

Testimony of Valor

The Hebrew Committee in Yugoslavia in its greetings to our Government in 1945 wrote: "While the Hebrews of Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, etc., were exterminated through toxic gas by the Nazis fascist without differentiations, women, men and children: there was a people in the Balkans that defied against every racist theory and this was the heroic and hospitable people of Albania ... Our brothers that came back from your country told us how the Albanian families generously welcomed them in their houses and protected them from every trouble."

Tirana Times Article "From Titus o Hitler, an overview of Jewish" (abstract)
August 28, 2005.
By the Professor Apostol Kotani, author of the " The Hebrews in Albania during the centuries".

Of course one can always oppose to historical facts, which are recognized by the Yad Vashem Institute of Jerusalem itself, the exactions committed by the Skanderbeg SS division but does this prevent us from speaking of the other Albanians, the very population , whose vast majority organized the rescue of Jewish familes ?
Everybody knows that in Kosovo many Albanian and Serbian Kosovars helped Jews to cross the borders to find refuge in Albania proper where not a single Jew was handed to the Nazis. It is not myself who speaks but the Jews themselves who found a safe haven in the country. Once again we must not forget that the Yugoslavian Partisans also permitted many Jewish families to find asylum in Albania helping them to reach the frontiers.

As a French woman and quite aware of my history, I would never dare saying that the French people was only composed of Partisans and Résistants or only of collaborators. Things are more complex than this and all is not black or white. Denouncing the Vichy State and the French collaborators does not prevent me from speaking of the French Résistants, the example given by le Chambon-sur-Lignon population and many other people, on the contrary.

I would never the less stress a difference of huge singularity between us and other European countries, whereas we all knew massive deportations from our countries, Albania proper such as Bulgaria and Denmark are officially mentioned among the Righteous Nations.

Whereas it is our duty to condemn the crimes of certains it is also our duty to celebrate the attitude of others of any faith or any nationality.
Regarding religion, here again, as a French catholic, I would not allow myself to stigmatise such or such religion as Gentiles are to be found among non only Protestants, Catholics, Orthodoxes but also among many Muslims and atheists
Being catholic myself I must say that I always keep in mind a certain past which we can't be proud of such as the Great Inquisition times and this just to remind me and us that any religion, badly interpreted, can lead to atrocities...Would it be possible, if you please, not to constantly oppose good or wrong religions which at the time we are referring to had little to do with the Jewish rescue. The salvation of persecuted people being before everything a question of humanity, duty and personal ethics involvement.

Talking of religion, you are to know that Albanians never claim their religious
belief. Knowing a lot of Albanian intellectuals, diplomats, artists and writers living in France, I would be incapable to say of what faith they belong to. They all are Albanians. Come to speak of belief, when approaching the question, it is very surprising and very comforting to notice that Albanians can refer to the three monotheists precepts without any complex. Most of them consider the original roots are the same. You are to know that in Albania nobody would define himself as Moslem, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant or even Jew, for those remaining in the country, but above all as Albanian. It is even not rare in Albania to find in the same family members of different beliefs who all honour the different religious feast Days. Indeed if nowadays such is not always the case in Kosovo it is rather to indicate a difference between communities. Religious belonging became a way of distinguishing the ones from the others...

If I put a stress on the Albanian contribution, it is just because as we can't deny the example of a majority of Serbs, we must not accuse the totality of Albanians of the crimes committed by the Skanderbeg division. A division which was not only composed of Albanian collaborators but also of mercenaries and other traitors coming from different countries.

On the other hand speaking of the historical belonging of the Kosovo has nothing to do with the Jewish rescue in Albania and here again, rather than fighting each other or distilling hate, we should rather admit that the Kosovars of Albanian and Serbian origin should have the right to live in peace and security on the same land such was the case in the past.

To come back to the Albanian contribution one must admit that whereas the remarkable attitude of the Bulgarians and the Danes towards the rescue of the Jewish community during World War II is well known all over the world, most European people ignore that a tiny isolated country, Albania, did also its best to protect the Jews. The Albanian contribution far from diminishing the heroic behaviour of the majority of Serbs allows us to realize that different people from the Balkans have been capable to unite a time to fight evil.

Besides "my exposé" I would like to tell you about a very nice novel written by an Albanian writer, well known for his involvements for human rights, Neshat Tozaj, who tells us the story of a friendship between two young boys, one being a Jew and the other not.

Very best regards from France.



"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant… Albanie 1943-1944"

(They were not brothers and yet...Albania 1943-1944)


Neshat TOZAJ

French Publishers: La Société des Ecrivains (S.d.E)


In his work "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944" Neshat Tozaj describes the Jewish community that had been present in Albania for centuries as well as Jews from other countries welcomed during, hidden and protected during the second world war. “Shalom”, the original title of the work published in Albania has been modified for French readers since the author wished to reach them in all their diversity.

The author deals with this period with an approach different to that which one is used to reading, hearing or seeing in most documentaries. The Jewish community is not only depicted as a persecuted community but also as an Albanian community living among other Albanians, united in the same struggle against Nazism and Fascism. A struggle carried on to protect life, human dignity, the property of each person and the cultural heritage. The joint commitment to this fight and friendship taken to the ultimate sacrificed by non-Jewish Albanians to save their brothers and their guests set an example that is almost unique and especially unusual in History.

This book, very largely inspired by actual facts, is an opportunity to pay homage to a little nation often forgotten, which was merely doing its duty in barbarous times.

The publication of this book, apart from the moment of history that it reveals, seems to me to be essential and salutary for many people, starting with the youngest, of all origins, religions or other philosophical allegiances. In fact, in our age in which the problems of racism, anti-Semitism or excessive community loyalty are the order of the day, this work brings a very comforting ray of light. ” Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant …” is also a message of hope and encouragement.

The book of Neshat Tozaj, intentionally produced in the form of a novel, the man being mainly an author and journalist, is an opportunity to learn about the Albanian resistance and to recognize the particularly warm welcome extended by the Albanian people to the Jewish community in this dramatic period.

I would add that, for a more profound insight into the period described in Neshat Tozaj’s novel, I had access to the remarkable work “The Hebrews in Albania during centuries” (sic) by Professor Apostol Kotani, a historian and a very young resistance fighter at the time. This work retraces the history of Albanian Jews settled in the country since antiquity and it allows us, above all, to discover that in Albania, the Jewish community was spared during the Second World War. During his long years of research, Mr Kotani has gathered the poignant testimony of many Jews of ancient stock or refugees, all of whom express their eternal gratitude to this “little” country that was able to honour its tradition of “Besa”, the sharing of bread, salt and the heart with anyone who is in distress, a foreigner, a guest of the like, on Albanian soil. Survivors, many of whom emigrated to Israel or the United States after the war, spontaneously collaborated on the work and they all assert in it that no Jews were deported in Albania during Nazi and Fascist occupation.

Nor did Mr Ferit Hoxha, the Albanian Ambassador to France, fail to stress in his speech at the ceremony held on the occasion of the publication in France of Neshat Tozaj’s book that his country was the only state in Europe where the Jewish population had increased at the end of the Second World War.

On the other hand, Mr. Ismaïl Kadaré and Mr. Avner Shalev, amid other personalities, often publicly declared that the number of the persons who found refuge in Albania compared with the initial Albanian Jewish population must be without any doubt multiplied by ten. Mr. Avner Shalev moreover wrote, that only to speak of the Yugoslavian Jews, around 2000 persons had been welcomed and hidden in Albania, not to speak of Greek and Austrian Jews.
Such was the case for instance of the Professor Albert Einstein whose first wife was a Jewish Yugoslavian lady.

Let me state that this information concerns Albania proper as the territory of Kosovo, annexed territory at the time, despite the exemplary attitude of its local population and local authorities, was witness to tragic deportations perpetrated by the Nazis.



By Monsieur Pierre Stambul, Vice président de l’Union Juive Française pour la Paix, UJFP.

By means of a novel set in Albania during the thirties and then the war which deals with real events, Neshat Tozaj (*) reminds us of an episode of history largely unknown in France and to Jews all around the world.

Even during the worst periods of Nazi barbarism and genocide, if there had been people steeped in the most abject racism and collaboration in mass crime, there were also those who were not in the least predisposed to the slightest form of “heroism” but who nevertheless resisted the inhumanity morally and with weapons in their hands.

The attitude of the great majority of the Albanian people during the occupation reminds one a little of the French Protestants peasants of Chambon-sur-Lignon who saved hundreds of Jewish children by hiding them among their own children.

The Albanian Jewish community has never been very large. Although an ancient Jewish presence in Albania seems certain, the Albanian Jews probably descend from the Jews taken in by the Ottoman Empire from the XV th century onwards and dispersed within the Empire. An educated urban population in a very rural Albania, they never suffered persecution. The book describes this meeting between two very different worlds, the little Jewish community and the village communities that were founded on the great traditions of hospitality and mutual aid.

When war broke out, whilst the Communist Party was organising the whole nation’s resistance movement and the self-organisation of the villages, this resistance movement was at the same time organising the saving of the Jewish community. What is more, the Albanian villages welcomed and hid Jews fleeing from Eastern Europe. No deportation ever occurred in this country. The book tells of the real brotherhood that developed. It should also be known that the Albanians welcomed Italian soldiers (although they had invaded them) after the capitulation in 1943. [...]

The Albania of these tragic years shows that anti-Semitism is not inevitable and that a genuine entente is possible between a nation and a minority that lives within it.

Albania has often been given a very negative image: Stalinism dictatorship, economic ruin, the mafia. Neshat Tozaj gives us back a human, hospitable and generous people who are capable of solidarity. Village mutual aid structures allowed the emergence of a national resistance movement which controlled the mountains of the interior throughout the whole war.

Thank you to the author for having reminded us of this edifying history.

Pierre Stambul

Vice président de l’Union Juive Française
pour la Paix. UJFP

(*)"Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant... Albanie 1943-1944"

Neshat Tozaj, Editions S.D.E(Société des Ecrivains)


Back cover of the book:

Le hasard veut que se rencontrent deux enfants albanais, l’un juif l’autre pas. Sazan et Solomon se lient d’amitié et découvrent les richesses de l’un et de l’autre. Puis vient la guerre et l’occupation nazie, la famille de Solomon est immédiatement cachée et protégée. C’est ainsi que par ce récit inspiré de faits authentiques l’on apprend qu’aucun Albanais juif ou réfugié ne fut déporté pendant la seconde guerre mondiale dans ce pays. Certains protecteurs particulièrement humains et courageux sont même allés jusqu’à sacrifier leur vie pour sauver ce qu’ils avaient accueillis. Pour eux c’était une question d’honneur.

Ce livre passionnant et émouvant écrit dans un style limpide et poétique, malgré l’horreur des évènements, nous permet d’aborder une Albanie méconnue.

Neshat Tozaj est né à Vlora en Albanie le 1er janvier 1943. Ecrivain, journaliste, juriste et directeur de la société Albautor (protection des droits d’auteur), Neshat Tozaj est au premier rang de ceux qui défendent les droits de l’homme et met son talent au service de son pays et de son devenir.


-Few testimonies of Ladies and Gentlemen who found refuge in Albania under the nazi occupation:

"Farewell, Albania, I thought. You have given me so much hospitality, refuge, friends, and adventure. Farewell, Albania. One day I will tell the world how brave, fearless, strong, and faithful your sons are; how death and the devil can't frighten them. If necessary, I'll tell how they protected a refugee and wouldn't allow her to be harmed even if it meant losing their lives. The gates of your small country remained open, Albania. Your authorities closed their eyes, when necessary, to give poor, persecuted people another chance to survive the most horrible of all wars. Albania, we survived the siege because of your humanity. We thank you."
Irene Grunbaum.


..."There is a small country in the heartland of Europe called Albania where I was fortunately born, where hospitality to foreigners is part of their tradition. During the Second World War, not only did the Albanians save all the Jews who were living among them but they dared to share their homes, their food and their lives with them. Albania has its share of Oscar Shindlers, and, indeed, so many that we could never have thanked each glorious one of them.

Let us be reminded that not one - not one - of the Jews living in Albania, or those who sought refuge there were turned over to the fascists -all found a safe haven at great danger to their protectors."...
Dr. Anna Kohen.


"All Israelis that came from Albania were saved thanks to the generous sentiments of the Albanian people that considered it as a moral duty to protect in their own houses every persecuted emigrant… The marvelous and noble attitude of the Albanian people needs to be known because they deserve the world’s and every cultured man’s thankfulness… Even the poor peasants, not only received Jews in their homes, but also shared with them their last piece of bread.’ Another Jew, Nisim Bahar that got saved from the hands of the Nazis that wanted to execute him in Fier, wrote to his sister in law, Zhulia Kantozi: ‘I am in Ohrid I have climbed a hill on the lakeside and I see Pogradec. How I missed that country! If I could have wings to fly, I would come to kiss that holy Albanian land that saved my life."

Samuel Mandili (1945)


..."Albania was one of the only European countries that did not turn over a single Jew to the Germans. There simply were no deportations from Albania.
My parents and I, along with many other German and Austrian families, found refuge in Albania and were hidden by Albanians during the German occupation of that country. In 1941, when Germany occupied Yugoslavia, hundreds of Yugoslavian Jews were able to escape to the safety of Albania because the Albanian government opened the border at Kosovo and let as many Jews into the country as were able to escape from the pursuing German army. It is a documented fact that the German general in Belgrade knew the names of all those who had escaped across the border and demanded their return within 48 hours. The Albanian government, instead of turning over even a single Jew, dispersed them in villages and on farms, gave them Albanian names and documents and then reported back to the German general in Belgrade: “We know no Jews. We know only Albanians.”
...Albanians, whether Muslim or Christian, are the most hospitable, generous and kind human beings. It should be emphasized that this was not just an act of their customary, known hospitality, this was an act of personal courage. They simply placed their belief in the necessity to help those in need above their and their family’s safety.

Johanna J. Neumann, Silver Spring, MD


I remain at disposal to any one who would like to study this page of history many documents and testimonies about the Jewish rescue in Albania.

My congratulations to the Redaction of B92 news for the quality of articles available on the Internet site.

Considération renouvelée from Paris.

P.S. It is possible for the readers of French language "lovers" to order "Ils n’étaient pas frères et pourtant...Albanie 1943-1944" via Internet on Amazon.fr, alapage.com or La Société des Ecrivains, French Publishers.