Friday, 20.10.2006.


More serious punishment for hate crimes

The Imam of Niš is calling for more severe punishment for the desecration of religious buildings and hate crimes.

Izvor: B92

More serious punishment for hate crimes IMAGE SOURCE

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Terry Payne

pre 17 godina

The term 'Hate Crime' is almost tautological. Have you ever heard of a crime committed against someone out of love? If I hurt someone deliberately and not in self-defence, why should the punishment vary according to whether the motives were one thing or another, or according to what ethnic, religious or other aspect of the victim was? It is neither logical nor fair.

Some of the western methods like this one being adopted by Serbia in order to speed up its membership of the EU, etc, are designed more to control people as well as divide and rule rather than to protect human rights. It's just another scam, like the nineteenth century missionaries sent into Africa to soften up the population for later economic exploitation, and one should be very careful about all this.

Terry Payne

pre 17 godina

The term 'Hate Crime' is almost tautological. Have you ever heard of a crime committed against someone out of love? If I hurt someone deliberately and not in self-defence, why should the punishment vary according to whether the motives were one thing or another, or according to what ethnic, religious or other aspect of the victim was? It is neither logical nor fair.

Some of the western methods like this one being adopted by Serbia in order to speed up its membership of the EU, etc, are designed more to control people as well as divide and rule rather than to protect human rights. It's just another scam, like the nineteenth century missionaries sent into Africa to soften up the population for later economic exploitation, and one should be very careful about all this.

Terry Payne

pre 17 godina

The term 'Hate Crime' is almost tautological. Have you ever heard of a crime committed against someone out of love? If I hurt someone deliberately and not in self-defence, why should the punishment vary according to whether the motives were one thing or another, or according to what ethnic, religious or other aspect of the victim was? It is neither logical nor fair.

Some of the western methods like this one being adopted by Serbia in order to speed up its membership of the EU, etc, are designed more to control people as well as divide and rule rather than to protect human rights. It's just another scam, like the nineteenth century missionaries sent into Africa to soften up the population for later economic exploitation, and one should be very careful about all this.