Thursday, 05.10.2006.


Evangelists support Serbia?

The Financial Times writes that American Evangelists are joining the campaign against Kosovo independence.

Izvor: FoNet

Evangelists support Serbia? IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

Well, if the UFO theorists had the same kind of support from PR firms as the albanians had, i guess UFO's would now just be a part of everyday life. If the albanians managed to decieve the world with their theories, i guess convincing the public that UFO's actually exist wouldnt be that hard after all!


pre 17 godina

To Isaac,

Firstly, making reference to the holocaust you are showing your total ignorance and lack of knowledge on the matter. You are also showing great disrespect to the real victims of the real holocaust in WWII,and you are just parroting what you heard on CNN and BBC. If you had any knowledge of history, you would also know that the Serbs suffered their own holocaust during the second world war. Over 500,000 Serbs were slaughtered by the Ustashe (fascist croats) in concentration camps. You might want to do some reading up on that.
What 58 tombs are you talking about? Did you just pick a number out of thin air? And you say that if the bodies are not there, they must be hidden in Serbia somewhere. How ridiculous! You claim a massacre took place, no bodies are found, then you argue that the bodies must have been moved elsewhere. So how do the Serbs actually prove their innocence here?? A completely illogical argument.
If you have'nt seen any hate from the Albanian side, you must have been reading posts from a different site, or are just blinded by your prejudice.
'The priests have joined a smear campaign'?? Whose campaign have they joined? I have yet to see or hear of this 'smear' campaign anywhere. They are simply trying to have the Serbian voice heard, as it has been silenced by the western media for far too long. The Serbs have finally woken up and realised that the only way for the truth to come out and have their voice heard is to lobby, this is precisely what the albanians have been doing for years. Describing the extremist albanians as terrorist, islamists and criminals is the precise truth, how else should they be described?? Peace loving freedom fighters?? The KLA are terrorists and murderers, simple. Call a spade a spade.
With all due respect, if you live in the middle east how can you possibly know anything about the situation in Kosovo?? Have you lived in Kosovo? If not, you do not know, so don't speak as if you understand the situation, or the people, firsthand.
No, the fact that albanians do want to live under Serbian rule does not constitute hatred, but killing inncoent Serbs and burning their churches does.
You wanted information some information on Racak, here it is - http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/racakhoax.htm or try http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39bac263741e.htm, if thats not enough, have a look at http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a6d974d2f75.htm. But maybe these sources are not 'reputable' enough for you, maybe you would prefer something from 'independent' and totally 'unbias' CNN or BBC??
Enjoy, you might find some pleasure in learning the truth


pre 17 godina

I have lived in the Balkans and the Middle East Isaac and you are Very very mistaken! Are the only 'bad' terrorists those who assault Israel?


pre 17 godina

This article has generated a lot of comments. However, Maxe's comments have just added fuel to the flame.

Dear Max,

Please provide sources or a link to a reputable news agency with that information you are alluding to.

By saying that Srebrenica and Racak are fabricated lies, you are just joining the groups of Islamic fundamentalists who claim that Holocaust never took place.

I am sure some Bosnians or Albanians may have been shot in action. But I doubt that 3 year olds or five year olds may have been waging war against Milloshevic's paratroopers.

Five years old can't even carry the weight of a rifle for Christ's sake. So, how dare you make such repulsive inhuman comments.

What do you suggest there is in those 58 tombs in Racak? Dolls? If so then, their corpses must be still hidden somewhere in Serbia.

In addition to this, I haven't seen that much hate from the Albanian side as much It's expressed by Serbian side.

I mean even your Priests have joined the smear campaign, by portraying them as Terrorist, Islamists, and Criminals.

With all due respect to you sir, I live in middle east, and know well the difference between Albanians and our fundamental neighbors here.

So, if Albanians refuse to live under Serbian domination, that doesn't constitute hatred by any means.


pre 17 godina


What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"
(*****, 5 October 2006, 22:24)

Quick question are Albanians ppl of serbia or are they second hand citizens where their opinions have no value bc the majority are muslim?

If say Kosovo/a stays within what is now still internationally recognized as serbia, will serbians allow Albanians to hold high offices. Say they ran for prime minister, president, or national defence, and got elected will serbians tolerate that or would they do whatever is possible to have them removed bc of their nationality?

Tell me a few differences amongst albanians and serbs? And why are serbians from Kosovo/a not welcomed in serbia with open arms but are usually called shiftari and are usually maltreated and told to go back. Need proof check studies done at schools where serbians from other regions outside serbia proper are mistreated.

Do you think that serbians are democratic or are they the same lot as all Balkanites? Besides nationalities they all have an ego problem and the rule of law is not enforced in any part of the balkans. Including the 2 new EU members.

Everyone can argue day in day out, but what have we resolved. NADA!

We talk of international laws and procedures, etc. when a person can't even dispute a simple traffic ticket in court. Or something even simpler, trying to find out what the laws are and how they pertain to a common citizen.

That region will take a long time to become democratic bc they have a need to blame ppl for their problems but never do anything to solve them. Jobs are scarce and money is tight. These things cause problems not ones ethnicity or belief.

The politicians who were elected (supposedly) do not work for the ppl but for their own benefit. Do not try to build bridges but burn whatever are remaining with their rhetoric.


pre 17 godina

'Remember Srebrenica and Racak'? The supposed massacres at Srebrenica are highly dubious, at best, as to date no mass grave/s has been discivered despite the frantic attempts by forensic teams to find them. In all just over 2000 bodies have been found in various graves, in seperate areas in the region, many of the remains are those of Serbs. But these are only statistics though, and they shouldnt get in the way of a good story! No real proof has been found to substantiate the claims of this so called massacre, it is a myth and a highly succesful propaganda ploy used to further demonise the Serbs. As for Racak, this has been disproven, and UN Officials themselves described as a hoax, this has been backed by forensic teams from Spain and the Netherlands who identified the bodies as being 'killed in action', and not executed as first claimed. The bodies were arranged by the KLA in a way as to suggest executions took place. These reports unfortunately have been largely ignored by the western media. One thing that can not be ignored though, is the myth of the Kosovo Albanians being a persecuted peoples. This myth is slowly being exposed.
I have yet to see one insightful, FACTUAL post from an Albanian on this site. I hope they keep writing in because they are exposing their hatred, but most importantly, the absence of any real claim over Kosovo. They threaten further violence if they are not granted independance, this tells you something about in which the they operate.


pre 17 godina

if being christian means killing men ,women and children,,raping even 9 years old girls,burning thousnads of houses,and even people then i do not want to be part of the christianity!
The evangelist should remember sebrenica,racak and so many others atrocity before !


pre 17 godina

Let's please not talk of respecting international laws. When a more powerful world body gives itself the right to redraw a sovereign country's boudries, what laws are they respecting there?


pre 17 godina


The current proportion of Serbs in Kosovo is much larger than 2%. Are you suggesting that during the next 5 years there will be genocides and ethnic clensings that will clean out the Serb population so that it is less than 20,000?


pre 17 godina

It is highly hypocritical to denounce Father Artemije's actions in order to rally support for the Serb cause, when it is exactly this type of lobbying which was used by the Croats, Bosnian muslims and Albanians throughout the wars, only to a much greater extent. The Serbs should have done this a long time ago


pre 17 godina

Kosovo Albanians have no connection with middle-east as the Serbian nationalists try to portray it. In Kosovo also live Albanians of Roman Catholics faith, Orthodox, and a growing number of Albanian evangelists. For you who do not know, Arthur Krasniqi leads a growing protestant congregation in Prishtina. It is true that the majority of population is predominantly of Islamic faith by birth, but the young generation of Kosovars do not practice that at all. In fact, a lot of them are following the inspiring example of their historic leader "Scanderbeg" and slowly but surely returning to their original faith, which is Roman Catholicism.

So, with all due respect to Orthodox faith which I happened to belong , father Artemije is on a mission to spread hate. And I am not surprised by Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell and their extreme views to materialize on the ignorance of public and spread that hate even more. The irony is... that Serbians like father Artemije and Sanda Raskovic-Ilic would do anything to portray or generalize Kosovo Albanians as Terrorist, Criminals, Killers, and other nasty hateful names. In fact those are the comments that are pushing a lot of Serbs to sell and leave Kosovo rather than participate in Kosovo institutions.

Now I don't understand how they are planning to stop Serbs from selling their lands, which they are presently doing through their attorneys. My family bought several acres at 6000 euros per 100 meters. And it is estimated that since 1999 Kosovars have paid more than 3 billions for land that is worth one. What is that supposed to mean? That those Serbs who got the money and bought property in Serbia can come back and claim the land they had sold just because Serbians claim this land to be as historically theirs. There is little logic in this! There are international property laws that ought to be respected. That would be the same as if Russia claimed Alaska? They are welcome as tourists anytime they want to do pilgrimage to their churches though.

So, if their land is sold for a good price, which is bought by Albanians, Serbian population is gone to Serbia and invested the money which they have been paid, what do they really want?

I mean . . . if you run the government on behalf of the population that is different from yours, that's considered an invasion in any common dictionary. Will Serbia be able to run Kosova institutions with its 2 or 3 % of Serbian minority in five years from now. I doubt it! And the International community knows this a lot better than Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell.

After all, if it had been for demagogs like Pat and Jerry, countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, the entire Africa, and parts of Asia would have been decimated by nuclear weapons.

Thank you B92 for promoting fair press,



pre 17 godina

No matter what i think of them,but in the US everybody knows that Pat Robertson and his flok&money have great influence on Bush,Cheney & co.No wonder why Albanians are getting nervous...Serbian church should do this years ago!


pre 17 godina

Not to sound harsh, but Serbia is not fighting to keep Kosovo and the albanians in it. They just dont want to loose their rightful land which has belonged to them for over a 1000 years and now a bunch of people who already have a country want to take it, they dont want to give the satisfaction to people who think they (out of nowhere) have their own country with a populationthat is 90% albanian......forgive me if I am wrong but do you have a issue with albania its self so you see the need to go to other countries and convince others to take it away from them and make a new one? What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"


pre 17 godina

It is a great tragedy when people who have supposedly seperated themself to serve God and people, get involved head over heels in politics, and especially in politics that brings more division instead of more reconciliation. As for Pat, it is well known that he is a highly controverisal person.
To John: It is sad to see people ignore the truth and even after many years of bare truth exposed, yet be so biased. Maybe you can check again how did the conflict began in former Yugoslavia and how every war and the unnumerable lives where lost because of some stereotype way of thinking. Things should finally change. Kosova is not what Artemije describes, and it is obvious that it is just another attemt to convince those who do not know the true reality.
And, if you really think Serbia will establish those laws you talk about, well, stop for a moment and remember the two notorious fugitives from war in BH and Croatia, and why isn't 'the law' being able to capture them.
I am Christian myself but I'm much against these dishonest campaigns. Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to support a Christian who is wrong.


pre 17 godina

Don't judge, for you have no right to judge, only the lord can judge us.

Try to understand, and you'll see that we all have many things in common and very few things that are not. By understanding and not judging your fears will be alleviated and your eyes will be open to the truth. That we are all the same and will be judged by God. He will not look as see if you were a Christian, Jew, Muslim but who you were and what did you do in your lifetime, and most importantly were you a believer.

If you are a true believer, then you'll realize politics doesn't belong in your heart but in govt. and with elected officials. Don't be blind, but try to do as the lord asked of us.

Peace to all!


pre 17 godina

First lets look at the question of who's territory it is!

Up until the Ottomans Empire collapse it did not belong to the Serbians nor to the Albanians, it belonged to the Turks for 500+ yrs. So each group make whatever claims you choose but neither of you owned the territory.

After the great world wars, Kosovo/a VOLUNTARILY joined Serbia, as did Vojvodina. Check your history books if you want to contest this.

After this voluntary agreement it belonged to the FROY and had the same rights as Serbia, even the right to succession by the 1974 constitution. It was never granted full republic status but did have its own govtment and its own laws and equal status amongst the other republics, as did Vojvodina.

The citizens of Kosovo/a have never had conflicts based on religion. All three religions respected each other and lived amongst each other as good neighbors.

After 1980, the Serbian govt decided to build new churches to claim its dominance over the region. And prove to historians look we have X amount of churches and bc of this it belongs to us. Churches were built where not even a single soul ever entered the church nor was there ever mass held within its walls.

On another note, Catholic churches were given permission by belgrade to build but were denied by local authorities. Same goes with mosks. This new construction of Orthodox churches caused a rift amongst the ppl. Belgrades tactics caused much strife and division based on religious lines.

Now the Serbian Govt is using religion as a tool of division as it did prior to the war. Bc of current world events, west against terrorism, its easier to persuade ppl that the Albanians are extremists. That they burn churches and want to kill the remaining christians. Every article never mentiones the Catholic Albanians and how they live fine with the rest of the citizens of Kosovo (Serb or Muslim Albanian, or Croat or Roma). They are christians too. But I guess the Catholic christians don't count for much as christians.

Don't forget that during the war there were many mosks and to a lesser extent Catholic churches burned as well.

And remember do not generalize about the ppl as a whole. Every society as criminals, drug dealers, etc.. The mafia in the US is notorious and is part of our culture now, but was feared during its heyday of the Capone era.

Albania and Albanians being poor.

Lets see its a country until the collapse of communism was closed to the world. So in reality its at the end of the line, but it seems it might join the EU before Serbia. And in a short time period has made great strides in curtailing crime, corruptions, and creating a free democratic society, even though the majority are muslim. How odd, is it possible that they can be pro western and have troops in Iraq helping the USA. Or in Afghanistan! Its impossible for muslims to act this way! Maybe not as Albanians have proved so.

Ppl have to stop generalizing about each other. Its what got the region in this whole mess in the first place. The FROY was a great nation. Ppl lived in harmony once and they accepted each other as who they were. Now nationalist/extremists (they fall in the same boat) use the ppl as foder for their own political agenda. How sad, that they are sheep and do not have a Sheppard to guide them, to build bridges amonst each, and to love each other and respect each other as good neighbors.

The sheppards are to blame not the ppl for they are only sheep that follow.

And every story has two sides. And bc serbians have been historically more scholastic they've had the advantage of writing things down while the albanians with a higher illiteracy rate never wrote things and were always at a disadvantage.

You can't have a college graduate arguing with a freshman in high school. The debate is unfair. Things are changing though and that is what scares ppl.

Peace to all,

A Catholic Albanian who doesn't see a religious battle front in Kosovo/a, but ppl only looking for their next meal and a job and a question: who will take care of me when I get old?


pre 17 godina

These people are right however. With no strong government to look over Kosovo it will become a black hole of Europe which will become a terrorist state. Kosovo will become the biggest problem in Europe bigger then the Middle East. It is already governed by extremists. But I agree that it might be too late and that there is little hope for Kosovo. After all look at Albania, with no wars it still has the worst economies in Europe. Kosovo will be much worse.


pre 17 godina

Pretty interesting association, here are some of the other things they've said and see if you'd like to have them on your side:



Jerry kellerman

pre 17 godina

Ahmet, out of the 16 conflicts around the world, 90 % of them involve fundamentalist muslims that are supported by muslim clerics. I am an American Christian and I support the Serbs. Kosovo is part of Serbia and should stay that way. If the Albanians do not want the Serbs, like their actions show, then fine. But you cannot use force and steal their land. Broad autonmy for Albanians and Serbs in the North need to run their own affairs and must be tied to Belgrade. By the way Ahmet, burning Serbian churches does not help your side.


pre 17 godina

The Serbian government would establish a rule of law and terrorists, drug and human traders, and criminals would be held accountable for their crimes unlike right now where their KLA cronies are keeping them on the streets. Keep in mind, Falwell, Robertson, and Buchanan lead a powerful conservative coalition in the US, and the republicans will no doubt heed their calls. Sorry to you Kosova wannabe's but your charade as a persecuted people is up. You can re-write all the history books you want, but the truth comes out.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

Serbian Orthodox church potrayes Kosovars as islamic extrimist, drug dealers, terrorists etc... Its so ironic, why would you want to live with such people. Logically I would not even think about living in the same neighborhood let alone living in the same house with such people, but yet they want to keep Kosova as part of Serbia.Where is the logic in all this, you call people all kinds of names and yet you want to keep them by force to live together, it makes no sence at all. I am not suprised because the serb orthodox priest were seen on live television coverige blessing serb paramilitaries before heading to different location to massacre inocent people, such as; women,children and helpless people. You can forget abot televengalist in USA , if US govermant had listened to them we could have had nuclear wars with Russia and other nations long ago.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

Serbian Orthodox church potrayes Kosovars as islamic extrimist, drug dealers, terrorists etc... Its so ironic, why would you want to live with such people. Logically I would not even think about living in the same neighborhood let alone living in the same house with such people, but yet they want to keep Kosova as part of Serbia.Where is the logic in all this, you call people all kinds of names and yet you want to keep them by force to live together, it makes no sence at all. I am not suprised because the serb orthodox priest were seen on live television coverige blessing serb paramilitaries before heading to different location to massacre inocent people, such as; women,children and helpless people. You can forget abot televengalist in USA , if US govermant had listened to them we could have had nuclear wars with Russia and other nations long ago.


pre 17 godina

The Serbian government would establish a rule of law and terrorists, drug and human traders, and criminals would be held accountable for their crimes unlike right now where their KLA cronies are keeping them on the streets. Keep in mind, Falwell, Robertson, and Buchanan lead a powerful conservative coalition in the US, and the republicans will no doubt heed their calls. Sorry to you Kosova wannabe's but your charade as a persecuted people is up. You can re-write all the history books you want, but the truth comes out.


pre 17 godina

Pretty interesting association, here are some of the other things they've said and see if you'd like to have them on your side:



Jerry kellerman

pre 17 godina

Ahmet, out of the 16 conflicts around the world, 90 % of them involve fundamentalist muslims that are supported by muslim clerics. I am an American Christian and I support the Serbs. Kosovo is part of Serbia and should stay that way. If the Albanians do not want the Serbs, like their actions show, then fine. But you cannot use force and steal their land. Broad autonmy for Albanians and Serbs in the North need to run their own affairs and must be tied to Belgrade. By the way Ahmet, burning Serbian churches does not help your side.


pre 17 godina

These people are right however. With no strong government to look over Kosovo it will become a black hole of Europe which will become a terrorist state. Kosovo will become the biggest problem in Europe bigger then the Middle East. It is already governed by extremists. But I agree that it might be too late and that there is little hope for Kosovo. After all look at Albania, with no wars it still has the worst economies in Europe. Kosovo will be much worse.


pre 17 godina

First lets look at the question of who's territory it is!

Up until the Ottomans Empire collapse it did not belong to the Serbians nor to the Albanians, it belonged to the Turks for 500+ yrs. So each group make whatever claims you choose but neither of you owned the territory.

After the great world wars, Kosovo/a VOLUNTARILY joined Serbia, as did Vojvodina. Check your history books if you want to contest this.

After this voluntary agreement it belonged to the FROY and had the same rights as Serbia, even the right to succession by the 1974 constitution. It was never granted full republic status but did have its own govtment and its own laws and equal status amongst the other republics, as did Vojvodina.

The citizens of Kosovo/a have never had conflicts based on religion. All three religions respected each other and lived amongst each other as good neighbors.

After 1980, the Serbian govt decided to build new churches to claim its dominance over the region. And prove to historians look we have X amount of churches and bc of this it belongs to us. Churches were built where not even a single soul ever entered the church nor was there ever mass held within its walls.

On another note, Catholic churches were given permission by belgrade to build but were denied by local authorities. Same goes with mosks. This new construction of Orthodox churches caused a rift amongst the ppl. Belgrades tactics caused much strife and division based on religious lines.

Now the Serbian Govt is using religion as a tool of division as it did prior to the war. Bc of current world events, west against terrorism, its easier to persuade ppl that the Albanians are extremists. That they burn churches and want to kill the remaining christians. Every article never mentiones the Catholic Albanians and how they live fine with the rest of the citizens of Kosovo (Serb or Muslim Albanian, or Croat or Roma). They are christians too. But I guess the Catholic christians don't count for much as christians.

Don't forget that during the war there were many mosks and to a lesser extent Catholic churches burned as well.

And remember do not generalize about the ppl as a whole. Every society as criminals, drug dealers, etc.. The mafia in the US is notorious and is part of our culture now, but was feared during its heyday of the Capone era.

Albania and Albanians being poor.

Lets see its a country until the collapse of communism was closed to the world. So in reality its at the end of the line, but it seems it might join the EU before Serbia. And in a short time period has made great strides in curtailing crime, corruptions, and creating a free democratic society, even though the majority are muslim. How odd, is it possible that they can be pro western and have troops in Iraq helping the USA. Or in Afghanistan! Its impossible for muslims to act this way! Maybe not as Albanians have proved so.

Ppl have to stop generalizing about each other. Its what got the region in this whole mess in the first place. The FROY was a great nation. Ppl lived in harmony once and they accepted each other as who they were. Now nationalist/extremists (they fall in the same boat) use the ppl as foder for their own political agenda. How sad, that they are sheep and do not have a Sheppard to guide them, to build bridges amonst each, and to love each other and respect each other as good neighbors.

The sheppards are to blame not the ppl for they are only sheep that follow.

And every story has two sides. And bc serbians have been historically more scholastic they've had the advantage of writing things down while the albanians with a higher illiteracy rate never wrote things and were always at a disadvantage.

You can't have a college graduate arguing with a freshman in high school. The debate is unfair. Things are changing though and that is what scares ppl.

Peace to all,

A Catholic Albanian who doesn't see a religious battle front in Kosovo/a, but ppl only looking for their next meal and a job and a question: who will take care of me when I get old?


pre 17 godina

Don't judge, for you have no right to judge, only the lord can judge us.

Try to understand, and you'll see that we all have many things in common and very few things that are not. By understanding and not judging your fears will be alleviated and your eyes will be open to the truth. That we are all the same and will be judged by God. He will not look as see if you were a Christian, Jew, Muslim but who you were and what did you do in your lifetime, and most importantly were you a believer.

If you are a true believer, then you'll realize politics doesn't belong in your heart but in govt. and with elected officials. Don't be blind, but try to do as the lord asked of us.

Peace to all!


pre 17 godina

It is a great tragedy when people who have supposedly seperated themself to serve God and people, get involved head over heels in politics, and especially in politics that brings more division instead of more reconciliation. As for Pat, it is well known that he is a highly controverisal person.
To John: It is sad to see people ignore the truth and even after many years of bare truth exposed, yet be so biased. Maybe you can check again how did the conflict began in former Yugoslavia and how every war and the unnumerable lives where lost because of some stereotype way of thinking. Things should finally change. Kosova is not what Artemije describes, and it is obvious that it is just another attemt to convince those who do not know the true reality.
And, if you really think Serbia will establish those laws you talk about, well, stop for a moment and remember the two notorious fugitives from war in BH and Croatia, and why isn't 'the law' being able to capture them.
I am Christian myself but I'm much against these dishonest campaigns. Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to support a Christian who is wrong.


pre 17 godina

Not to sound harsh, but Serbia is not fighting to keep Kosovo and the albanians in it. They just dont want to loose their rightful land which has belonged to them for over a 1000 years and now a bunch of people who already have a country want to take it, they dont want to give the satisfaction to people who think they (out of nowhere) have their own country with a populationthat is 90% albanian......forgive me if I am wrong but do you have a issue with albania its self so you see the need to go to other countries and convince others to take it away from them and make a new one? What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"


pre 17 godina

No matter what i think of them,but in the US everybody knows that Pat Robertson and his flok&money have great influence on Bush,Cheney & co.No wonder why Albanians are getting nervous...Serbian church should do this years ago!


pre 17 godina

Kosovo Albanians have no connection with middle-east as the Serbian nationalists try to portray it. In Kosovo also live Albanians of Roman Catholics faith, Orthodox, and a growing number of Albanian evangelists. For you who do not know, Arthur Krasniqi leads a growing protestant congregation in Prishtina. It is true that the majority of population is predominantly of Islamic faith by birth, but the young generation of Kosovars do not practice that at all. In fact, a lot of them are following the inspiring example of their historic leader "Scanderbeg" and slowly but surely returning to their original faith, which is Roman Catholicism.

So, with all due respect to Orthodox faith which I happened to belong , father Artemije is on a mission to spread hate. And I am not surprised by Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell and their extreme views to materialize on the ignorance of public and spread that hate even more. The irony is... that Serbians like father Artemije and Sanda Raskovic-Ilic would do anything to portray or generalize Kosovo Albanians as Terrorist, Criminals, Killers, and other nasty hateful names. In fact those are the comments that are pushing a lot of Serbs to sell and leave Kosovo rather than participate in Kosovo institutions.

Now I don't understand how they are planning to stop Serbs from selling their lands, which they are presently doing through their attorneys. My family bought several acres at 6000 euros per 100 meters. And it is estimated that since 1999 Kosovars have paid more than 3 billions for land that is worth one. What is that supposed to mean? That those Serbs who got the money and bought property in Serbia can come back and claim the land they had sold just because Serbians claim this land to be as historically theirs. There is little logic in this! There are international property laws that ought to be respected. That would be the same as if Russia claimed Alaska? They are welcome as tourists anytime they want to do pilgrimage to their churches though.

So, if their land is sold for a good price, which is bought by Albanians, Serbian population is gone to Serbia and invested the money which they have been paid, what do they really want?

I mean . . . if you run the government on behalf of the population that is different from yours, that's considered an invasion in any common dictionary. Will Serbia be able to run Kosova institutions with its 2 or 3 % of Serbian minority in five years from now. I doubt it! And the International community knows this a lot better than Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell.

After all, if it had been for demagogs like Pat and Jerry, countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, the entire Africa, and parts of Asia would have been decimated by nuclear weapons.

Thank you B92 for promoting fair press,



pre 17 godina

It is highly hypocritical to denounce Father Artemije's actions in order to rally support for the Serb cause, when it is exactly this type of lobbying which was used by the Croats, Bosnian muslims and Albanians throughout the wars, only to a much greater extent. The Serbs should have done this a long time ago


pre 17 godina


The current proportion of Serbs in Kosovo is much larger than 2%. Are you suggesting that during the next 5 years there will be genocides and ethnic clensings that will clean out the Serb population so that it is less than 20,000?


pre 17 godina

Let's please not talk of respecting international laws. When a more powerful world body gives itself the right to redraw a sovereign country's boudries, what laws are they respecting there?


pre 17 godina

if being christian means killing men ,women and children,,raping even 9 years old girls,burning thousnads of houses,and even people then i do not want to be part of the christianity!
The evangelist should remember sebrenica,racak and so many others atrocity before !


pre 17 godina

'Remember Srebrenica and Racak'? The supposed massacres at Srebrenica are highly dubious, at best, as to date no mass grave/s has been discivered despite the frantic attempts by forensic teams to find them. In all just over 2000 bodies have been found in various graves, in seperate areas in the region, many of the remains are those of Serbs. But these are only statistics though, and they shouldnt get in the way of a good story! No real proof has been found to substantiate the claims of this so called massacre, it is a myth and a highly succesful propaganda ploy used to further demonise the Serbs. As for Racak, this has been disproven, and UN Officials themselves described as a hoax, this has been backed by forensic teams from Spain and the Netherlands who identified the bodies as being 'killed in action', and not executed as first claimed. The bodies were arranged by the KLA in a way as to suggest executions took place. These reports unfortunately have been largely ignored by the western media. One thing that can not be ignored though, is the myth of the Kosovo Albanians being a persecuted peoples. This myth is slowly being exposed.
I have yet to see one insightful, FACTUAL post from an Albanian on this site. I hope they keep writing in because they are exposing their hatred, but most importantly, the absence of any real claim over Kosovo. They threaten further violence if they are not granted independance, this tells you something about in which the they operate.


pre 17 godina


What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"
(*****, 5 October 2006, 22:24)

Quick question are Albanians ppl of serbia or are they second hand citizens where their opinions have no value bc the majority are muslim?

If say Kosovo/a stays within what is now still internationally recognized as serbia, will serbians allow Albanians to hold high offices. Say they ran for prime minister, president, or national defence, and got elected will serbians tolerate that or would they do whatever is possible to have them removed bc of their nationality?

Tell me a few differences amongst albanians and serbs? And why are serbians from Kosovo/a not welcomed in serbia with open arms but are usually called shiftari and are usually maltreated and told to go back. Need proof check studies done at schools where serbians from other regions outside serbia proper are mistreated.

Do you think that serbians are democratic or are they the same lot as all Balkanites? Besides nationalities they all have an ego problem and the rule of law is not enforced in any part of the balkans. Including the 2 new EU members.

Everyone can argue day in day out, but what have we resolved. NADA!

We talk of international laws and procedures, etc. when a person can't even dispute a simple traffic ticket in court. Or something even simpler, trying to find out what the laws are and how they pertain to a common citizen.

That region will take a long time to become democratic bc they have a need to blame ppl for their problems but never do anything to solve them. Jobs are scarce and money is tight. These things cause problems not ones ethnicity or belief.

The politicians who were elected (supposedly) do not work for the ppl but for their own benefit. Do not try to build bridges but burn whatever are remaining with their rhetoric.


pre 17 godina

This article has generated a lot of comments. However, Maxe's comments have just added fuel to the flame.

Dear Max,

Please provide sources or a link to a reputable news agency with that information you are alluding to.

By saying that Srebrenica and Racak are fabricated lies, you are just joining the groups of Islamic fundamentalists who claim that Holocaust never took place.

I am sure some Bosnians or Albanians may have been shot in action. But I doubt that 3 year olds or five year olds may have been waging war against Milloshevic's paratroopers.

Five years old can't even carry the weight of a rifle for Christ's sake. So, how dare you make such repulsive inhuman comments.

What do you suggest there is in those 58 tombs in Racak? Dolls? If so then, their corpses must be still hidden somewhere in Serbia.

In addition to this, I haven't seen that much hate from the Albanian side as much It's expressed by Serbian side.

I mean even your Priests have joined the smear campaign, by portraying them as Terrorist, Islamists, and Criminals.

With all due respect to you sir, I live in middle east, and know well the difference between Albanians and our fundamental neighbors here.

So, if Albanians refuse to live under Serbian domination, that doesn't constitute hatred by any means.


pre 17 godina

I have lived in the Balkans and the Middle East Isaac and you are Very very mistaken! Are the only 'bad' terrorists those who assault Israel?


pre 17 godina

To Isaac,

Firstly, making reference to the holocaust you are showing your total ignorance and lack of knowledge on the matter. You are also showing great disrespect to the real victims of the real holocaust in WWII,and you are just parroting what you heard on CNN and BBC. If you had any knowledge of history, you would also know that the Serbs suffered their own holocaust during the second world war. Over 500,000 Serbs were slaughtered by the Ustashe (fascist croats) in concentration camps. You might want to do some reading up on that.
What 58 tombs are you talking about? Did you just pick a number out of thin air? And you say that if the bodies are not there, they must be hidden in Serbia somewhere. How ridiculous! You claim a massacre took place, no bodies are found, then you argue that the bodies must have been moved elsewhere. So how do the Serbs actually prove their innocence here?? A completely illogical argument.
If you have'nt seen any hate from the Albanian side, you must have been reading posts from a different site, or are just blinded by your prejudice.
'The priests have joined a smear campaign'?? Whose campaign have they joined? I have yet to see or hear of this 'smear' campaign anywhere. They are simply trying to have the Serbian voice heard, as it has been silenced by the western media for far too long. The Serbs have finally woken up and realised that the only way for the truth to come out and have their voice heard is to lobby, this is precisely what the albanians have been doing for years. Describing the extremist albanians as terrorist, islamists and criminals is the precise truth, how else should they be described?? Peace loving freedom fighters?? The KLA are terrorists and murderers, simple. Call a spade a spade.
With all due respect, if you live in the middle east how can you possibly know anything about the situation in Kosovo?? Have you lived in Kosovo? If not, you do not know, so don't speak as if you understand the situation, or the people, firsthand.
No, the fact that albanians do want to live under Serbian rule does not constitute hatred, but killing inncoent Serbs and burning their churches does.
You wanted information some information on Racak, here it is - http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/racakhoax.htm or try http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39bac263741e.htm, if thats not enough, have a look at http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a6d974d2f75.htm. But maybe these sources are not 'reputable' enough for you, maybe you would prefer something from 'independent' and totally 'unbias' CNN or BBC??
Enjoy, you might find some pleasure in learning the truth


pre 17 godina

Well, if the UFO theorists had the same kind of support from PR firms as the albanians had, i guess UFO's would now just be a part of everyday life. If the albanians managed to decieve the world with their theories, i guess convincing the public that UFO's actually exist wouldnt be that hard after all!

Ahmet Isufi

pre 17 godina

Serbian Orthodox church potrayes Kosovars as islamic extrimist, drug dealers, terrorists etc... Its so ironic, why would you want to live with such people. Logically I would not even think about living in the same neighborhood let alone living in the same house with such people, but yet they want to keep Kosova as part of Serbia.Where is the logic in all this, you call people all kinds of names and yet you want to keep them by force to live together, it makes no sence at all. I am not suprised because the serb orthodox priest were seen on live television coverige blessing serb paramilitaries before heading to different location to massacre inocent people, such as; women,children and helpless people. You can forget abot televengalist in USA , if US govermant had listened to them we could have had nuclear wars with Russia and other nations long ago.


pre 17 godina

The Serbian government would establish a rule of law and terrorists, drug and human traders, and criminals would be held accountable for their crimes unlike right now where their KLA cronies are keeping them on the streets. Keep in mind, Falwell, Robertson, and Buchanan lead a powerful conservative coalition in the US, and the republicans will no doubt heed their calls. Sorry to you Kosova wannabe's but your charade as a persecuted people is up. You can re-write all the history books you want, but the truth comes out.


pre 17 godina

Pretty interesting association, here are some of the other things they've said and see if you'd like to have them on your side:



Jerry kellerman

pre 17 godina

Ahmet, out of the 16 conflicts around the world, 90 % of them involve fundamentalist muslims that are supported by muslim clerics. I am an American Christian and I support the Serbs. Kosovo is part of Serbia and should stay that way. If the Albanians do not want the Serbs, like their actions show, then fine. But you cannot use force and steal their land. Broad autonmy for Albanians and Serbs in the North need to run their own affairs and must be tied to Belgrade. By the way Ahmet, burning Serbian churches does not help your side.


pre 17 godina

These people are right however. With no strong government to look over Kosovo it will become a black hole of Europe which will become a terrorist state. Kosovo will become the biggest problem in Europe bigger then the Middle East. It is already governed by extremists. But I agree that it might be too late and that there is little hope for Kosovo. After all look at Albania, with no wars it still has the worst economies in Europe. Kosovo will be much worse.


pre 17 godina

First lets look at the question of who's territory it is!

Up until the Ottomans Empire collapse it did not belong to the Serbians nor to the Albanians, it belonged to the Turks for 500+ yrs. So each group make whatever claims you choose but neither of you owned the territory.

After the great world wars, Kosovo/a VOLUNTARILY joined Serbia, as did Vojvodina. Check your history books if you want to contest this.

After this voluntary agreement it belonged to the FROY and had the same rights as Serbia, even the right to succession by the 1974 constitution. It was never granted full republic status but did have its own govtment and its own laws and equal status amongst the other republics, as did Vojvodina.

The citizens of Kosovo/a have never had conflicts based on religion. All three religions respected each other and lived amongst each other as good neighbors.

After 1980, the Serbian govt decided to build new churches to claim its dominance over the region. And prove to historians look we have X amount of churches and bc of this it belongs to us. Churches were built where not even a single soul ever entered the church nor was there ever mass held within its walls.

On another note, Catholic churches were given permission by belgrade to build but were denied by local authorities. Same goes with mosks. This new construction of Orthodox churches caused a rift amongst the ppl. Belgrades tactics caused much strife and division based on religious lines.

Now the Serbian Govt is using religion as a tool of division as it did prior to the war. Bc of current world events, west against terrorism, its easier to persuade ppl that the Albanians are extremists. That they burn churches and want to kill the remaining christians. Every article never mentiones the Catholic Albanians and how they live fine with the rest of the citizens of Kosovo (Serb or Muslim Albanian, or Croat or Roma). They are christians too. But I guess the Catholic christians don't count for much as christians.

Don't forget that during the war there were many mosks and to a lesser extent Catholic churches burned as well.

And remember do not generalize about the ppl as a whole. Every society as criminals, drug dealers, etc.. The mafia in the US is notorious and is part of our culture now, but was feared during its heyday of the Capone era.

Albania and Albanians being poor.

Lets see its a country until the collapse of communism was closed to the world. So in reality its at the end of the line, but it seems it might join the EU before Serbia. And in a short time period has made great strides in curtailing crime, corruptions, and creating a free democratic society, even though the majority are muslim. How odd, is it possible that they can be pro western and have troops in Iraq helping the USA. Or in Afghanistan! Its impossible for muslims to act this way! Maybe not as Albanians have proved so.

Ppl have to stop generalizing about each other. Its what got the region in this whole mess in the first place. The FROY was a great nation. Ppl lived in harmony once and they accepted each other as who they were. Now nationalist/extremists (they fall in the same boat) use the ppl as foder for their own political agenda. How sad, that they are sheep and do not have a Sheppard to guide them, to build bridges amonst each, and to love each other and respect each other as good neighbors.

The sheppards are to blame not the ppl for they are only sheep that follow.

And every story has two sides. And bc serbians have been historically more scholastic they've had the advantage of writing things down while the albanians with a higher illiteracy rate never wrote things and were always at a disadvantage.

You can't have a college graduate arguing with a freshman in high school. The debate is unfair. Things are changing though and that is what scares ppl.

Peace to all,

A Catholic Albanian who doesn't see a religious battle front in Kosovo/a, but ppl only looking for their next meal and a job and a question: who will take care of me when I get old?


pre 17 godina

Don't judge, for you have no right to judge, only the lord can judge us.

Try to understand, and you'll see that we all have many things in common and very few things that are not. By understanding and not judging your fears will be alleviated and your eyes will be open to the truth. That we are all the same and will be judged by God. He will not look as see if you were a Christian, Jew, Muslim but who you were and what did you do in your lifetime, and most importantly were you a believer.

If you are a true believer, then you'll realize politics doesn't belong in your heart but in govt. and with elected officials. Don't be blind, but try to do as the lord asked of us.

Peace to all!


pre 17 godina

It is a great tragedy when people who have supposedly seperated themself to serve God and people, get involved head over heels in politics, and especially in politics that brings more division instead of more reconciliation. As for Pat, it is well known that he is a highly controverisal person.
To John: It is sad to see people ignore the truth and even after many years of bare truth exposed, yet be so biased. Maybe you can check again how did the conflict began in former Yugoslavia and how every war and the unnumerable lives where lost because of some stereotype way of thinking. Things should finally change. Kosova is not what Artemije describes, and it is obvious that it is just another attemt to convince those who do not know the true reality.
And, if you really think Serbia will establish those laws you talk about, well, stop for a moment and remember the two notorious fugitives from war in BH and Croatia, and why isn't 'the law' being able to capture them.
I am Christian myself but I'm much against these dishonest campaigns. Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to support a Christian who is wrong.


pre 17 godina

Not to sound harsh, but Serbia is not fighting to keep Kosovo and the albanians in it. They just dont want to loose their rightful land which has belonged to them for over a 1000 years and now a bunch of people who already have a country want to take it, they dont want to give the satisfaction to people who think they (out of nowhere) have their own country with a populationthat is 90% albanian......forgive me if I am wrong but do you have a issue with albania its self so you see the need to go to other countries and convince others to take it away from them and make a new one? What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"


pre 17 godina

No matter what i think of them,but in the US everybody knows that Pat Robertson and his flok&money have great influence on Bush,Cheney & co.No wonder why Albanians are getting nervous...Serbian church should do this years ago!


pre 17 godina

Kosovo Albanians have no connection with middle-east as the Serbian nationalists try to portray it. In Kosovo also live Albanians of Roman Catholics faith, Orthodox, and a growing number of Albanian evangelists. For you who do not know, Arthur Krasniqi leads a growing protestant congregation in Prishtina. It is true that the majority of population is predominantly of Islamic faith by birth, but the young generation of Kosovars do not practice that at all. In fact, a lot of them are following the inspiring example of their historic leader "Scanderbeg" and slowly but surely returning to their original faith, which is Roman Catholicism.

So, with all due respect to Orthodox faith which I happened to belong , father Artemije is on a mission to spread hate. And I am not surprised by Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell and their extreme views to materialize on the ignorance of public and spread that hate even more. The irony is... that Serbians like father Artemije and Sanda Raskovic-Ilic would do anything to portray or generalize Kosovo Albanians as Terrorist, Criminals, Killers, and other nasty hateful names. In fact those are the comments that are pushing a lot of Serbs to sell and leave Kosovo rather than participate in Kosovo institutions.

Now I don't understand how they are planning to stop Serbs from selling their lands, which they are presently doing through their attorneys. My family bought several acres at 6000 euros per 100 meters. And it is estimated that since 1999 Kosovars have paid more than 3 billions for land that is worth one. What is that supposed to mean? That those Serbs who got the money and bought property in Serbia can come back and claim the land they had sold just because Serbians claim this land to be as historically theirs. There is little logic in this! There are international property laws that ought to be respected. That would be the same as if Russia claimed Alaska? They are welcome as tourists anytime they want to do pilgrimage to their churches though.

So, if their land is sold for a good price, which is bought by Albanians, Serbian population is gone to Serbia and invested the money which they have been paid, what do they really want?

I mean . . . if you run the government on behalf of the population that is different from yours, that's considered an invasion in any common dictionary. Will Serbia be able to run Kosova institutions with its 2 or 3 % of Serbian minority in five years from now. I doubt it! And the International community knows this a lot better than Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell.

After all, if it had been for demagogs like Pat and Jerry, countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, the entire Africa, and parts of Asia would have been decimated by nuclear weapons.

Thank you B92 for promoting fair press,



pre 17 godina

It is highly hypocritical to denounce Father Artemije's actions in order to rally support for the Serb cause, when it is exactly this type of lobbying which was used by the Croats, Bosnian muslims and Albanians throughout the wars, only to a much greater extent. The Serbs should have done this a long time ago


pre 17 godina


The current proportion of Serbs in Kosovo is much larger than 2%. Are you suggesting that during the next 5 years there will be genocides and ethnic clensings that will clean out the Serb population so that it is less than 20,000?


pre 17 godina

Let's please not talk of respecting international laws. When a more powerful world body gives itself the right to redraw a sovereign country's boudries, what laws are they respecting there?


pre 17 godina

if being christian means killing men ,women and children,,raping even 9 years old girls,burning thousnads of houses,and even people then i do not want to be part of the christianity!
The evangelist should remember sebrenica,racak and so many others atrocity before !


pre 17 godina

'Remember Srebrenica and Racak'? The supposed massacres at Srebrenica are highly dubious, at best, as to date no mass grave/s has been discivered despite the frantic attempts by forensic teams to find them. In all just over 2000 bodies have been found in various graves, in seperate areas in the region, many of the remains are those of Serbs. But these are only statistics though, and they shouldnt get in the way of a good story! No real proof has been found to substantiate the claims of this so called massacre, it is a myth and a highly succesful propaganda ploy used to further demonise the Serbs. As for Racak, this has been disproven, and UN Officials themselves described as a hoax, this has been backed by forensic teams from Spain and the Netherlands who identified the bodies as being 'killed in action', and not executed as first claimed. The bodies were arranged by the KLA in a way as to suggest executions took place. These reports unfortunately have been largely ignored by the western media. One thing that can not be ignored though, is the myth of the Kosovo Albanians being a persecuted peoples. This myth is slowly being exposed.
I have yet to see one insightful, FACTUAL post from an Albanian on this site. I hope they keep writing in because they are exposing their hatred, but most importantly, the absence of any real claim over Kosovo. They threaten further violence if they are not granted independance, this tells you something about in which the they operate.


pre 17 godina


What right minded country wouln't be doing what Serbia is doing now "protecting it's land and it's people"
(*****, 5 October 2006, 22:24)

Quick question are Albanians ppl of serbia or are they second hand citizens where their opinions have no value bc the majority are muslim?

If say Kosovo/a stays within what is now still internationally recognized as serbia, will serbians allow Albanians to hold high offices. Say they ran for prime minister, president, or national defence, and got elected will serbians tolerate that or would they do whatever is possible to have them removed bc of their nationality?

Tell me a few differences amongst albanians and serbs? And why are serbians from Kosovo/a not welcomed in serbia with open arms but are usually called shiftari and are usually maltreated and told to go back. Need proof check studies done at schools where serbians from other regions outside serbia proper are mistreated.

Do you think that serbians are democratic or are they the same lot as all Balkanites? Besides nationalities they all have an ego problem and the rule of law is not enforced in any part of the balkans. Including the 2 new EU members.

Everyone can argue day in day out, but what have we resolved. NADA!

We talk of international laws and procedures, etc. when a person can't even dispute a simple traffic ticket in court. Or something even simpler, trying to find out what the laws are and how they pertain to a common citizen.

That region will take a long time to become democratic bc they have a need to blame ppl for their problems but never do anything to solve them. Jobs are scarce and money is tight. These things cause problems not ones ethnicity or belief.

The politicians who were elected (supposedly) do not work for the ppl but for their own benefit. Do not try to build bridges but burn whatever are remaining with their rhetoric.


pre 17 godina

This article has generated a lot of comments. However, Maxe's comments have just added fuel to the flame.

Dear Max,

Please provide sources or a link to a reputable news agency with that information you are alluding to.

By saying that Srebrenica and Racak are fabricated lies, you are just joining the groups of Islamic fundamentalists who claim that Holocaust never took place.

I am sure some Bosnians or Albanians may have been shot in action. But I doubt that 3 year olds or five year olds may have been waging war against Milloshevic's paratroopers.

Five years old can't even carry the weight of a rifle for Christ's sake. So, how dare you make such repulsive inhuman comments.

What do you suggest there is in those 58 tombs in Racak? Dolls? If so then, their corpses must be still hidden somewhere in Serbia.

In addition to this, I haven't seen that much hate from the Albanian side as much It's expressed by Serbian side.

I mean even your Priests have joined the smear campaign, by portraying them as Terrorist, Islamists, and Criminals.

With all due respect to you sir, I live in middle east, and know well the difference between Albanians and our fundamental neighbors here.

So, if Albanians refuse to live under Serbian domination, that doesn't constitute hatred by any means.


pre 17 godina

I have lived in the Balkans and the Middle East Isaac and you are Very very mistaken! Are the only 'bad' terrorists those who assault Israel?


pre 17 godina

To Isaac,

Firstly, making reference to the holocaust you are showing your total ignorance and lack of knowledge on the matter. You are also showing great disrespect to the real victims of the real holocaust in WWII,and you are just parroting what you heard on CNN and BBC. If you had any knowledge of history, you would also know that the Serbs suffered their own holocaust during the second world war. Over 500,000 Serbs were slaughtered by the Ustashe (fascist croats) in concentration camps. You might want to do some reading up on that.
What 58 tombs are you talking about? Did you just pick a number out of thin air? And you say that if the bodies are not there, they must be hidden in Serbia somewhere. How ridiculous! You claim a massacre took place, no bodies are found, then you argue that the bodies must have been moved elsewhere. So how do the Serbs actually prove their innocence here?? A completely illogical argument.
If you have'nt seen any hate from the Albanian side, you must have been reading posts from a different site, or are just blinded by your prejudice.
'The priests have joined a smear campaign'?? Whose campaign have they joined? I have yet to see or hear of this 'smear' campaign anywhere. They are simply trying to have the Serbian voice heard, as it has been silenced by the western media for far too long. The Serbs have finally woken up and realised that the only way for the truth to come out and have their voice heard is to lobby, this is precisely what the albanians have been doing for years. Describing the extremist albanians as terrorist, islamists and criminals is the precise truth, how else should they be described?? Peace loving freedom fighters?? The KLA are terrorists and murderers, simple. Call a spade a spade.
With all due respect, if you live in the middle east how can you possibly know anything about the situation in Kosovo?? Have you lived in Kosovo? If not, you do not know, so don't speak as if you understand the situation, or the people, firsthand.
No, the fact that albanians do want to live under Serbian rule does not constitute hatred, but killing inncoent Serbs and burning their churches does.
You wanted information some information on Racak, here it is - http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/racakhoax.htm or try http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39bac263741e.htm, if thats not enough, have a look at http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a6d974d2f75.htm. But maybe these sources are not 'reputable' enough for you, maybe you would prefer something from 'independent' and totally 'unbias' CNN or BBC??
Enjoy, you might find some pleasure in learning the truth


pre 17 godina

Well, if the UFO theorists had the same kind of support from PR firms as the albanians had, i guess UFO's would now just be a part of everyday life. If the albanians managed to decieve the world with their theories, i guess convincing the public that UFO's actually exist wouldnt be that hard after all!