Friday, 08.09.2006.


Tadić continues US visit

Serbian President Boris Tadić will be meeting with US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld today in Washington.

Izvor: B92

Tadiæ continues US visit IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina

It appears that Kosovo will have some sort of conditional independence. The US doesn't give Christmas presents so easily. There will be stipulations of course, like removing Ceka, Thaci, and Haridinaj from political life and most probably sending them to some sort of resort prison. But, there will be other moving targets that the Albanians cannot possibly meet. Hence, the EU and all other organizations will be a pipe dream. Not only for Kosovo, but for Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and even Croatia. We in the Balkans are still Europe's Red-Headed step child! I do agree, it's time that we all started to live together and start protecting each other and each other's heritage.

Trust me, the Wahhabists, the American's, and even the Russian's could give a hoot about our people. They only want geo-political influence in the region, to the detriment of all the people in the Balkans. We should be watching each others back and protecting our respective heritage; rather, than shooting bullets at each other.

We can blame each side equally. I know thousands of Serbs from Kosovo that were forced to leave pre-1989 and mostly from illegals from Albania. The Albanians can point to 1999, but we are both to blame. Let's stop the stupidity and live peacefully and help each other survive. There are hundreds of thousands of Albanians living in peace in Serbia and Montengro. Why can't the 300,000 Serbs live in peace in Kosovo? Remove leaders with blood on their hands and it shall be. You can say all the negative things about Kostunica and Tadic, but they don't have blood on their hands. There are 500+ Canadian soldiers ready to testify against Ceku's atrocities in the Medak Pocket.

Thaci and Haridnaj were responsible for killing hundreds of Serb police and civilians pre-1999, so you can't use self-defense as an excuse. Get rid of the radical elements and our two nations will enjoy better relations. Remember, the Serbs sent Milosevic, Ojdanic, etc. to the Hague. The Albanians will have to do the same. Watch, the international community will require you to do so.

God Speed!

Robelli Arber

pre 17 godina

As you can the president already is saying to Serbian people what US is thinking about Kosovo`s future ,this is a very important thing he is doing by leting people know that Kosovo is getting independence and there is no way of stoping this not because just US wants it but this is the reality on the ground too.Now Serbs should not take this as Kosovo is gone bacause Kosovo is not going anywhere it is going to be a very good neighbour and of course we should all live together because I think we have no other choice.Albanians should respect all other ethnic groups not because international community wants that but because you cannot say we are a democratic place and people cannot move out of their villages ,but of course you need to understand Albanians too that they have gonne thru so much just seven years ago and people cannot just forget overnight.Kosovo getting independence will also help Serbia which should focus on their real problems that as we know are many and not act lile the West is against them because it is contradikting saying that the West does not want us and at the same time say we are westerners ,if you are then you need to act like one .The US,EU are saying what the real problems are in Serbia and asking to work solve them and most of the time what we see is Serbian politicians acting just the opposite and I wonder sometimes WHY??!! since this people are chosen by democratic vote is this the way serbian people think .And another thing what Ahtisari said dont take so wrongly because it was responsibility of Serbian people to stop what their president and army were doing in Kosovo and of course except Natasha Kandic I have never heard any Serb recognizing the pain and suffrage that was done to Albanians and in top of all that to say that Kosovo should be a part of Serbia it is just out of comprehension at least for Albanians.

Robelli Arber

pre 17 godina

As you can the president already is saying to Serbian people what US is thinking about Kosovo`s future ,this is a very important thing he is doing by leting people know that Kosovo is getting independence and there is no way of stoping this not because just US wants it but this is the reality on the ground too.Now Serbs should not take this as Kosovo is gone bacause Kosovo is not going anywhere it is going to be a very good neighbour and of course we should all live together because I think we have no other choice.Albanians should respect all other ethnic groups not because international community wants that but because you cannot say we are a democratic place and people cannot move out of their villages ,but of course you need to understand Albanians too that they have gonne thru so much just seven years ago and people cannot just forget overnight.Kosovo getting independence will also help Serbia which should focus on their real problems that as we know are many and not act lile the West is against them because it is contradikting saying that the West does not want us and at the same time say we are westerners ,if you are then you need to act like one .The US,EU are saying what the real problems are in Serbia and asking to work solve them and most of the time what we see is Serbian politicians acting just the opposite and I wonder sometimes WHY??!! since this people are chosen by democratic vote is this the way serbian people think .And another thing what Ahtisari said dont take so wrongly because it was responsibility of Serbian people to stop what their president and army were doing in Kosovo and of course except Natasha Kandic I have never heard any Serb recognizing the pain and suffrage that was done to Albanians and in top of all that to say that Kosovo should be a part of Serbia it is just out of comprehension at least for Albanians.


pre 17 godina

It appears that Kosovo will have some sort of conditional independence. The US doesn't give Christmas presents so easily. There will be stipulations of course, like removing Ceka, Thaci, and Haridinaj from political life and most probably sending them to some sort of resort prison. But, there will be other moving targets that the Albanians cannot possibly meet. Hence, the EU and all other organizations will be a pipe dream. Not only for Kosovo, but for Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and even Croatia. We in the Balkans are still Europe's Red-Headed step child! I do agree, it's time that we all started to live together and start protecting each other and each other's heritage.

Trust me, the Wahhabists, the American's, and even the Russian's could give a hoot about our people. They only want geo-political influence in the region, to the detriment of all the people in the Balkans. We should be watching each others back and protecting our respective heritage; rather, than shooting bullets at each other.

We can blame each side equally. I know thousands of Serbs from Kosovo that were forced to leave pre-1989 and mostly from illegals from Albania. The Albanians can point to 1999, but we are both to blame. Let's stop the stupidity and live peacefully and help each other survive. There are hundreds of thousands of Albanians living in peace in Serbia and Montengro. Why can't the 300,000 Serbs live in peace in Kosovo? Remove leaders with blood on their hands and it shall be. You can say all the negative things about Kostunica and Tadic, but they don't have blood on their hands. There are 500+ Canadian soldiers ready to testify against Ceku's atrocities in the Medak Pocket.

Thaci and Haridnaj were responsible for killing hundreds of Serb police and civilians pre-1999, so you can't use self-defense as an excuse. Get rid of the radical elements and our two nations will enjoy better relations. Remember, the Serbs sent Milosevic, Ojdanic, etc. to the Hague. The Albanians will have to do the same. Watch, the international community will require you to do so.

God Speed!

Robelli Arber

pre 17 godina

As you can the president already is saying to Serbian people what US is thinking about Kosovo`s future ,this is a very important thing he is doing by leting people know that Kosovo is getting independence and there is no way of stoping this not because just US wants it but this is the reality on the ground too.Now Serbs should not take this as Kosovo is gone bacause Kosovo is not going anywhere it is going to be a very good neighbour and of course we should all live together because I think we have no other choice.Albanians should respect all other ethnic groups not because international community wants that but because you cannot say we are a democratic place and people cannot move out of their villages ,but of course you need to understand Albanians too that they have gonne thru so much just seven years ago and people cannot just forget overnight.Kosovo getting independence will also help Serbia which should focus on their real problems that as we know are many and not act lile the West is against them because it is contradikting saying that the West does not want us and at the same time say we are westerners ,if you are then you need to act like one .The US,EU are saying what the real problems are in Serbia and asking to work solve them and most of the time what we see is Serbian politicians acting just the opposite and I wonder sometimes WHY??!! since this people are chosen by democratic vote is this the way serbian people think .And another thing what Ahtisari said dont take so wrongly because it was responsibility of Serbian people to stop what their president and army were doing in Kosovo and of course except Natasha Kandic I have never heard any Serb recognizing the pain and suffrage that was done to Albanians and in top of all that to say that Kosovo should be a part of Serbia it is just out of comprehension at least for Albanians.


pre 17 godina

It appears that Kosovo will have some sort of conditional independence. The US doesn't give Christmas presents so easily. There will be stipulations of course, like removing Ceka, Thaci, and Haridinaj from political life and most probably sending them to some sort of resort prison. But, there will be other moving targets that the Albanians cannot possibly meet. Hence, the EU and all other organizations will be a pipe dream. Not only for Kosovo, but for Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and even Croatia. We in the Balkans are still Europe's Red-Headed step child! I do agree, it's time that we all started to live together and start protecting each other and each other's heritage.

Trust me, the Wahhabists, the American's, and even the Russian's could give a hoot about our people. They only want geo-political influence in the region, to the detriment of all the people in the Balkans. We should be watching each others back and protecting our respective heritage; rather, than shooting bullets at each other.

We can blame each side equally. I know thousands of Serbs from Kosovo that were forced to leave pre-1989 and mostly from illegals from Albania. The Albanians can point to 1999, but we are both to blame. Let's stop the stupidity and live peacefully and help each other survive. There are hundreds of thousands of Albanians living in peace in Serbia and Montengro. Why can't the 300,000 Serbs live in peace in Kosovo? Remove leaders with blood on their hands and it shall be. You can say all the negative things about Kostunica and Tadic, but they don't have blood on their hands. There are 500+ Canadian soldiers ready to testify against Ceku's atrocities in the Medak Pocket.

Thaci and Haridnaj were responsible for killing hundreds of Serb police and civilians pre-1999, so you can't use self-defense as an excuse. Get rid of the radical elements and our two nations will enjoy better relations. Remember, the Serbs sent Milosevic, Ojdanic, etc. to the Hague. The Albanians will have to do the same. Watch, the international community will require you to do so.

God Speed!