Monday, 02.10.2023.


Vucic on CNN with Amanpour

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will be a guest tonight from 19:00 live on the CNN program, with Christiane Amanpour.

Izvor: B92

Vucic on CNN with Amanpour IMAGE SOURCE

2 Komentari

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Suzzane Cohan

pre 8 meseci

Christiane Amanpour , a very skilled journalist, asked the right questions. She put Vucic on the spot, getting him to admit he refused to sign the agreement leading to a peace with Kosovo. Vucic tried to weasel out of answering but, Christiane his feet to the fire!


pre 8 meseci

She will grill him. No question in advance,
Don’t get to choose what to talk about. If the press it’s free in serbia you won’t lie and bs like that

Suzzane Cohan

pre 8 meseci

Christiane Amanpour , a very skilled journalist, asked the right questions. She put Vucic on the spot, getting him to admit he refused to sign the agreement leading to a peace with Kosovo. Vucic tried to weasel out of answering but, Christiane his feet to the fire!


pre 8 meseci

She will grill him. No question in advance,
Don’t get to choose what to talk about. If the press it’s free in serbia you won’t lie and bs like that


pre 8 meseci

She will grill him. No question in advance,
Don’t get to choose what to talk about. If the press it’s free in serbia you won’t lie and bs like that

Suzzane Cohan

pre 8 meseci

Christiane Amanpour , a very skilled journalist, asked the right questions. She put Vucic on the spot, getting him to admit he refused to sign the agreement leading to a peace with Kosovo. Vucic tried to weasel out of answering but, Christiane his feet to the fire!