Tuesday, 01.08.2023.


The photo clearly shows: The door was open PHOTO

Opposition media reported falsehoods that their journalists were allegedly locked in the hall where Prime Minister Ana Brnabić held a press conference.

Izvor: B92

The photo clearly shows: The door was open PHOTO IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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Not for me

pre 10 meseci

USAus,please,if you are going to contribute something to a debate have the decency to a least come up with something substantial and if it's at all possible for you,something that is true.You know nothing about Serbian politics and indeed it's very doubtful you personally know President Vucic or any of his associates.Silly,sweeping generalizations which have no foundation in reality seem to be plastered all over many of the comments found on this site!!

USA 🇺🇸

pre 10 meseci

There is no media freedom in Serbia , all is propaganda controlled by Alexander vucic and the Serbian criminal gangs, I hope the Serbian people stand up and fight against corrupt politicians they have and get with reality on the world !!!!!


pre 10 meseci

Yah next time lock then in the room, journalists are pretty much useless. They serve no function except to only inflate their own heads.


pre 10 meseci

Yah next time lock then in the room, journalists are pretty much useless. They serve no function except to only inflate their own heads.

USA 🇺🇸

pre 10 meseci

There is no media freedom in Serbia , all is propaganda controlled by Alexander vucic and the Serbian criminal gangs, I hope the Serbian people stand up and fight against corrupt politicians they have and get with reality on the world !!!!!

Not for me

pre 10 meseci

USAus,please,if you are going to contribute something to a debate have the decency to a least come up with something substantial and if it's at all possible for you,something that is true.You know nothing about Serbian politics and indeed it's very doubtful you personally know President Vucic or any of his associates.Silly,sweeping generalizations which have no foundation in reality seem to be plastered all over many of the comments found on this site!!

USA 🇺🇸

pre 10 meseci

There is no media freedom in Serbia , all is propaganda controlled by Alexander vucic and the Serbian criminal gangs, I hope the Serbian people stand up and fight against corrupt politicians they have and get with reality on the world !!!!!


pre 10 meseci

Yah next time lock then in the room, journalists are pretty much useless. They serve no function except to only inflate their own heads.

Not for me

pre 10 meseci

USAus,please,if you are going to contribute something to a debate have the decency to a least come up with something substantial and if it's at all possible for you,something that is true.You know nothing about Serbian politics and indeed it's very doubtful you personally know President Vucic or any of his associates.Silly,sweeping generalizations which have no foundation in reality seem to be plastered all over many of the comments found on this site!!