Thursday, 01.06.2023.


5 permanent UN Security Council members condemned Pristina: "Unprecedented consensus"

All five permanent members of the UN Security Council have voiced their unequivocal condemnation of Pristina's aggressive and destabilizing actions.

Izvor: Novosti

5 permanent UN Security Council members condemned Pristina: "Unprecedented consensus" IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 1 godinu

No one but the Serbian Yellow Press is feebly attempting to deceive the world that Serbia has the support of the permanent UNSC.
(Tanja D., 1 June 2023 06:22)

"All five permanent members of the UN Security Council have voiced their unequivocal condemnation of Pristina's aggressive and destabilizing actions."
What? Your unable to understand written English?

David J

pre 1 godinu

Took them long enough to realize what an asshole Albin Kurti is!
now are thy going to stop them?
I don't now? Serbia is Balkans punching bag so... Who knows?
I'm with Serbia BTW(and live in Belgrade)


pre 1 godinu

Just means that US isn't able to have another war going right now.
Give them time and they'll jump in there to "protect" Albanians when they have managed to regroup. Russia is taking away all their toys right now.


pre 1 godinu

Just means that US isn't able to have another war going right now.
Give them time and they'll jump in there to "protect" Albanians when they have managed to regroup. Russia is taking away all their toys right now.

David J

pre 1 godinu

Took them long enough to realize what an asshole Albin Kurti is!
now are thy going to stop them?
I don't now? Serbia is Balkans punching bag so... Who knows?
I'm with Serbia BTW(and live in Belgrade)


pre 1 godinu

No one but the Serbian Yellow Press is feebly attempting to deceive the world that Serbia has the support of the permanent UNSC.
(Tanja D., 1 June 2023 06:22)

"All five permanent members of the UN Security Council have voiced their unequivocal condemnation of Pristina's aggressive and destabilizing actions."
What? Your unable to understand written English?


pre 1 godinu

Just means that US isn't able to have another war going right now.
Give them time and they'll jump in there to "protect" Albanians when they have managed to regroup. Russia is taking away all their toys right now.

David J

pre 1 godinu

Took them long enough to realize what an asshole Albin Kurti is!
now are thy going to stop them?
I don't now? Serbia is Balkans punching bag so... Who knows?
I'm with Serbia BTW(and live in Belgrade)


pre 1 godinu

No one but the Serbian Yellow Press is feebly attempting to deceive the world that Serbia has the support of the permanent UNSC.
(Tanja D., 1 June 2023 06:22)

"All five permanent members of the UN Security Council have voiced their unequivocal condemnation of Pristina's aggressive and destabilizing actions."
What? Your unable to understand written English?