Monday, 20.07.2020.


"Resolve the issue of visas for Kosovo"; "Tell that to Macron"

German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger called on European officials to resolve the issue of visa liberalization for Kosovo as soon as possible.

Izvor: Kosovo online

"Resolve the issue of visas for Kosovo"; "Tell that to Macron" IMAGE SOURCE

30 Komentari

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pre 4 godine

I pay nothing for my inter City journey leading Budapest Airport to the Szeged.

No one huft did I ever paid for the train ticket. If, when we travel via Hungary. My husband pays plus 1000 hu ft.
for the seat reservation.
I also pay 1000 hu ft for the seat reservation. But none for the ticket.


pre 4 godine

Smart Serb,
And vice versa, you watch how fast France and Germany throw out Albos out of their countries.
For overstaying the period of three months.
Every day is like this.
219 thrown out by France
And 19 from Germany.
I am British and when crossing out of Hungary into the rep Serbia my passport is combed for ages by the passport controllers.
And well examined.
Its very embarrassing sometimes.
MAKING it out hm. Serbian face travelling on the EU passport and husband English.
Our passports are placed under the mascine and the rest.
Yeah, terrorist.
For the real criminal and drug smugglers HORGOS is where real clever people work. True professionals.
One drug smuggler was explaining "he only had a 2 kg of the drugs. That is 12 yrs in prison.

IP addresses of a sociopath

pre 4 godine

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.
(Hungarian toll booth on M5, 23 July 2020 19:38)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-4)

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34
(Atamanov brat od strica, 23 July 2020 04:26)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-3)

Something tells me, our resident sociopath from juzna Srbija is diligent to look back days and days. And he bought at least four IP addresses. A money spent in vain, by the way. Completely unnecessary.

Hungarian toll booth on M5

pre 4 godine

Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
(British, 22 July 2020 20:14)

Maybe more than 19, maybe less.

But please tell everyone, how many toll booth have you pass in Hungary between Horgos and M0 near Budapest? It is a toll motorway, you have to pay toll on certain sections of it. I don't ask you how much Forint is the toll - only how many toll booth you have to pass.

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, oh right, here we go with insults and ethnicity...... thats what you do when you are stumped and have nothing to say.
So tell us whats funny about Kosovo and Albania losing huge chunks of population? Far bigger than Serbia. These are facts.
Visa free travel is not for K Albos because Europe knows most 20 to 50 year olds would flood into the EU. We also know that Albos (per head of population) are the biggest jailbirds in Europe, fact.
And yes, Ablos signed UN1244 and ignore it. You signed the Brussels agreement and have not honoured a single thing. These are facts.
So tell us why should Europe give you visa free travel? And dont forget 5 EU nations dont even recognise Kosovo.....lol.
As for your big friends, the USA, whats it got to do with them??? This is Europe not America, right??
Anyway, why dont your best friends give you visa free travel???? You are best friends, right?
Why do they criticise Europe on visas when they have the same policy towards you. Some friend, eh???
Too funny......


pre 4 godine

When we're you last at the SPECSAVERS?
Put on your glasses.
A view from. UK had replied to every and each post.
In black and white he got 34 recommendation! So far
See the opticians.


pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox
Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
And some double decker buses heading for UK.
I am afraid
View from UK is correct

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox, in april 2019 EPIK study group published a report named "The Great Escape".
Data is for the period 2008-2018.
203,330 K- Albos filed for asylum (hoping to settle in the EU). Over
143,000 were found to be illegally present in the EU.
Thats slmost 350k decided to leave Kosovo. But this figure does not capture additional K-Albo citizens who migrated by legal means via work permits (doctors, nurses, builders, engineers, electricians, etc).
The figures also do not account for those illegals living and working in the EU but not yet found (over 143k were found but how many were not?).
Further more 58% of Kos youth would likely consider leaving in the next 3 years... Only 17.9% said they would definitely stay in Kosovo.
The report suggests that approx 30% of Kosovo has left between 2008-2018.
By the way, this is not a Serbian site or study/working group.
Seems to me that the greatest achievement in Kosovo is escaping from it.
Hope that clears it up, but you can google it yourself.

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Visas are unnecessary.

'And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.'
2 Corinthians 3:18


pre 4 godine

One would expect that " clever" Germans in 2008 have thought of everything such as visas, membership of int. organisations, UN...
Frequently brainless Germany runs before it can walk. Doing things the other way around by the ones prematurely recognizing kosovo * contributed to the high emigration, substandard, high unemployment, corruption and other.
America and Germany doing.
And still at it. Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
Whilst only the other day the German factory making butter megli is moving from Croatia to BiH and Serbia.
Not kosovo *


pre 4 godine

Just found this document of an international organization in Brussels.


This is about cross-EU car insurance system.

That pan-EU organization, located at:

COUNCIL OF BUREAUX AISBL - Avenue Louise 166 BE-1050 Brussels - VAT: BE 0877104682

say about Serbia:

"Kosovo and Metohija, the southern Province of the Republic of Serbia, is not politically disputed or claimed by any country".

There is nothing more clear legally. I.e. who disputes - is not a country.


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.
(Time, 20 July 2020 15:59)

Why are migrating Serbs causing hesitation and causing concern? EU prisons are filled with your Albos not Serbs. The reason why visa free travel has not been given to Kosovo is as as plain as the nose on your face. Within 18 months Kosovo would be empty.

Daniel Knox

pre 4 godine

View from the uk,
I worked in Kosova for two years. What you claim is preposterous. Would you please document your claims. The population of Kosova increased dramatically the last two years.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.
(Bright, 20 July 2020 13:55)

Forget it. "She" was 74 year old two years ago already, still 74 year old.

Most likely same troll as "Lenard", "Tom L'Orizi", "Adrian from Bucharest", "js", "Make Serbia Great", "Atamanov brat od strica" and few more.

Every Albanian version of "her" does not speak Albanian, except few words.
The Croatian version knows nothing about Zagreb.
The Serb versions know about Serbia at the level you can learn from Google Map.

But be careful: this "granny" just recently told everyone, "she" is regular in the White House.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

>>>educated in the two countries
>>>How things go by the time you reach my age of 74
(British, 20 July 2020 18:06)

Except your faked English, barely distinguishable from the one of Lenard.
Except you were 74 two years ago, still 74.

Except you stated you grew up in UK, what is the second country you are talking about?
You just proved, you have no idea about Father Sava Janjic and have no idea about frescoes in Decani. So the second country can't be Serbia.

You stated recently, you weren't in Serbia much, except BG and NS.

There is one more thing, connecting you and Lenard: LaTeX typesetting language, allowing easily create double acute accent characters, see here in better details:


This "account" is a total farce, including some recent claims to be regular in the White House.

And, of course, again the peak of the stupidity: 74 + 2 = 74.

Humor is OK, but this "account" is long overdue to retire. Few times it's funny, now it makes people vomit just looking at these brain-farts. Same about your "peer", who is mega-Albanian and has sometimes a mock war with you.

If anyone dares to touch either you or "him" the most poisonous trash will be posted. Eventually a gibberish - but it's not funny anymore.

Seems for me like an autistic psychopath was allowed to come near to a keyboard.


pre 4 godine

Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......
(View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50)

@ View from the UK -
Thats why it's not worth even replying to trolls like this "time" moron! They're losing their grip on the whole "kosovaaaaa is europes youngest democracy" abortion fiasco that they look to distract everyone with other pure stupidity issues!
Thats their way!


pre 4 godine

View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50

The View from the sheltered serb in UK must be running low on lies these days as his reply to my comment is filled with bunch of lol's and empty nothings. Please write something worth reading for once in your life.


pre 4 godine

@ bright,
When you become a granny or granddad,
And if you are educated in the two countries,
work for 46 years I hope you become like me having knowledge, life experience to make comments on many things.
And I am not the poor, I am just the opposite.
How things go by the time you reach my age of 74 you will be still on the b92. net seeking visas, EU membership, UN, Interpol, UNESCO.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, what a comedian you are.....
The EU needs to do its obligations you say????
And tell us about UN1244. Tell us abut Brussels agreement. Albanians have not honoured a single agreement they ever signed and here you are going on about signed agreements and obligations....!!!
Amazing indeed....lol....
As for Serbia losing their population, yes 8% of them between 2008-2018. But Kosovo has lost 30% of its population during that same period. And Albania lost 44% of their people (2008 to 2018).
Any comments???? No??? LOL...
Serbia has visa free travel and lost just 8%. Albanians from Albania lost approaching half of their people (they also have visa free travel). If Kosovo has visa free travel 60 to 70% would leave.
Comment also on Croatia which has lost just over 20% of their people since EU membership.......
No? Croatia, Albania and Kosovo are not to be criticised, right????
Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......


pre 4 godine

You watch how fast they run out of Priština and go to Germany and France.
(Smart Serb, 20 July 2020 11:36)

They already do that with Serbian, Albanian, or Macedonian passports. It's only when someone finds out they're coming from Kosovo and are *not* Serbian, they're thrown back. Still, Albanians love lining up at the Serbian passport office, declaring their Serbian citizenship to get their passports and leave.

But why should we give Kosovo visa free for nothing? Make them work for it. They want visas? Full autonomy for all K-Serb municipalities. If they don't want that, throw all their "war heroes" at the Hague and apologize for their acts of terrorism they glorify as valor.

I know this is hard for Albanians, but they have to work some to get some :)


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

The problem for K Albos is that they are not a UN member. And thats not going to change for a long time, if ever. Another issue is 5 EU member states dont recognise Kosovo. Further more I think we now see that Serbia has a narrow majority in relation to K recognition (97 UN members do not recognise Kosovo and 96 do).
European nations know that Kosovo is dirt poor and if visa free travel is allowed then Kosovo would empty very quickly. Dont believe me.....??? Between 2008-2018 Kosovo last 30% of its population. Some emigrated by legal means but most just work and live on the black. Kosovo now has a population barely one million, no matter what Albos say.
Another big problem is that Albanians occupy many jail cells for drugs, prostitution/pimping, people smuggling, violent crimes, etc, across Europe. This is a fact, no matter what Albos say.


pre 4 godine

Danke Her Ischinger for reminding us that the Serbian province of KiM is a criminally dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto whose residents can’t even get visa-free EU access unless they have passports from Serbia.


pre 4 godine

Gutten Tag Mr ischinger,
Hm, I was hopping you know that kosovo" is not the country so fortherefor cannot get a visa liberalisation.
Apart in Germany. Have them all.
Besides no many EU want them anywear near.


pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.

Tony (a Brit seconded to Berlin)

pre 4 godine

Well Herr Ischinger, they can all come to Germany. Germany needs more Gastarbeiter. And whilst you're about it, you can call them "refugees" and grant them German citizenship too. Anything that de-germanises this place is more than welcome.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

The problem for K Albos is that they are not a UN member. And thats not going to change for a long time, if ever. Another issue is 5 EU member states dont recognise Kosovo. Further more I think we now see that Serbia has a narrow majority in relation to K recognition (97 UN members do not recognise Kosovo and 96 do).
European nations know that Kosovo is dirt poor and if visa free travel is allowed then Kosovo would empty very quickly. Dont believe me.....??? Between 2008-2018 Kosovo last 30% of its population. Some emigrated by legal means but most just work and live on the black. Kosovo now has a population barely one million, no matter what Albos say.
Another big problem is that Albanians occupy many jail cells for drugs, prostitution/pimping, people smuggling, violent crimes, etc, across Europe. This is a fact, no matter what Albos say.


pre 4 godine

Danke Her Ischinger for reminding us that the Serbian province of KiM is a criminally dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto whose residents can’t even get visa-free EU access unless they have passports from Serbia.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, what a comedian you are.....
The EU needs to do its obligations you say????
And tell us about UN1244. Tell us abut Brussels agreement. Albanians have not honoured a single agreement they ever signed and here you are going on about signed agreements and obligations....!!!
Amazing indeed....lol....
As for Serbia losing their population, yes 8% of them between 2008-2018. But Kosovo has lost 30% of its population during that same period. And Albania lost 44% of their people (2008 to 2018).
Any comments???? No??? LOL...
Serbia has visa free travel and lost just 8%. Albanians from Albania lost approaching half of their people (they also have visa free travel). If Kosovo has visa free travel 60 to 70% would leave.
Comment also on Croatia which has lost just over 20% of their people since EU membership.......
No? Croatia, Albania and Kosovo are not to be criticised, right????
Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......


pre 4 godine

Gutten Tag Mr ischinger,
Hm, I was hopping you know that kosovo" is not the country so fortherefor cannot get a visa liberalisation.
Apart in Germany. Have them all.
Besides no many EU want them anywear near.

Tony (a Brit seconded to Berlin)

pre 4 godine

Well Herr Ischinger, they can all come to Germany. Germany needs more Gastarbeiter. And whilst you're about it, you can call them "refugees" and grant them German citizenship too. Anything that de-germanises this place is more than welcome.


pre 4 godine

You watch how fast they run out of Priština and go to Germany and France.
(Smart Serb, 20 July 2020 11:36)

They already do that with Serbian, Albanian, or Macedonian passports. It's only when someone finds out they're coming from Kosovo and are *not* Serbian, they're thrown back. Still, Albanians love lining up at the Serbian passport office, declaring their Serbian citizenship to get their passports and leave.

But why should we give Kosovo visa free for nothing? Make them work for it. They want visas? Full autonomy for all K-Serb municipalities. If they don't want that, throw all their "war heroes" at the Hague and apologize for their acts of terrorism they glorify as valor.

I know this is hard for Albanians, but they have to work some to get some :)


pre 4 godine

@ bright,
When you become a granny or granddad,
And if you are educated in the two countries,
work for 46 years I hope you become like me having knowledge, life experience to make comments on many things.
And I am not the poor, I am just the opposite.
How things go by the time you reach my age of 74 you will be still on the b92. net seeking visas, EU membership, UN, Interpol, UNESCO.


pre 4 godine

When we're you last at the SPECSAVERS?
Put on your glasses.
A view from. UK had replied to every and each post.
In black and white he got 34 recommendation! So far
See the opticians.


pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox
Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
And some double decker buses heading for UK.
I am afraid
View from UK is correct

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, oh right, here we go with insults and ethnicity...... thats what you do when you are stumped and have nothing to say.
So tell us whats funny about Kosovo and Albania losing huge chunks of population? Far bigger than Serbia. These are facts.
Visa free travel is not for K Albos because Europe knows most 20 to 50 year olds would flood into the EU. We also know that Albos (per head of population) are the biggest jailbirds in Europe, fact.
And yes, Ablos signed UN1244 and ignore it. You signed the Brussels agreement and have not honoured a single thing. These are facts.
So tell us why should Europe give you visa free travel? And dont forget 5 EU nations dont even recognise Kosovo.....lol.
As for your big friends, the USA, whats it got to do with them??? This is Europe not America, right??
Anyway, why dont your best friends give you visa free travel???? You are best friends, right?
Why do they criticise Europe on visas when they have the same policy towards you. Some friend, eh???
Too funny......

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox, in april 2019 EPIK study group published a report named "The Great Escape".
Data is for the period 2008-2018.
203,330 K- Albos filed for asylum (hoping to settle in the EU). Over
143,000 were found to be illegally present in the EU.
Thats slmost 350k decided to leave Kosovo. But this figure does not capture additional K-Albo citizens who migrated by legal means via work permits (doctors, nurses, builders, engineers, electricians, etc).
The figures also do not account for those illegals living and working in the EU but not yet found (over 143k were found but how many were not?).
Further more 58% of Kos youth would likely consider leaving in the next 3 years... Only 17.9% said they would definitely stay in Kosovo.
The report suggests that approx 30% of Kosovo has left between 2008-2018.
By the way, this is not a Serbian site or study/working group.
Seems to me that the greatest achievement in Kosovo is escaping from it.
Hope that clears it up, but you can google it yourself.


pre 4 godine

One would expect that " clever" Germans in 2008 have thought of everything such as visas, membership of int. organisations, UN...
Frequently brainless Germany runs before it can walk. Doing things the other way around by the ones prematurely recognizing kosovo * contributed to the high emigration, substandard, high unemployment, corruption and other.
America and Germany doing.
And still at it. Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
Whilst only the other day the German factory making butter megli is moving from Croatia to BiH and Serbia.
Not kosovo *


pre 4 godine

Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......
(View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50)

@ View from the UK -
Thats why it's not worth even replying to trolls like this "time" moron! They're losing their grip on the whole "kosovaaaaa is europes youngest democracy" abortion fiasco that they look to distract everyone with other pure stupidity issues!
Thats their way!


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.
(Time, 20 July 2020 15:59)

Why are migrating Serbs causing hesitation and causing concern? EU prisons are filled with your Albos not Serbs. The reason why visa free travel has not been given to Kosovo is as as plain as the nose on your face. Within 18 months Kosovo would be empty.


pre 4 godine

I pay nothing for my inter City journey leading Budapest Airport to the Szeged.

No one huft did I ever paid for the train ticket. If, when we travel via Hungary. My husband pays plus 1000 hu ft.
for the seat reservation.
I also pay 1000 hu ft for the seat reservation. But none for the ticket.


pre 4 godine

Smart Serb,
And vice versa, you watch how fast France and Germany throw out Albos out of their countries.
For overstaying the period of three months.
Every day is like this.
219 thrown out by France
And 19 from Germany.
I am British and when crossing out of Hungary into the rep Serbia my passport is combed for ages by the passport controllers.
And well examined.
Its very embarrassing sometimes.
MAKING it out hm. Serbian face travelling on the EU passport and husband English.
Our passports are placed under the mascine and the rest.
Yeah, terrorist.
For the real criminal and drug smugglers HORGOS is where real clever people work. True professionals.
One drug smuggler was explaining "he only had a 2 kg of the drugs. That is 12 yrs in prison.


pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.


pre 4 godine

View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50

The View from the sheltered serb in UK must be running low on lies these days as his reply to my comment is filled with bunch of lol's and empty nothings. Please write something worth reading for once in your life.

Daniel Knox

pre 4 godine

View from the uk,
I worked in Kosova for two years. What you claim is preposterous. Would you please document your claims. The population of Kosova increased dramatically the last two years.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

>>>educated in the two countries
>>>How things go by the time you reach my age of 74
(British, 20 July 2020 18:06)

Except your faked English, barely distinguishable from the one of Lenard.
Except you were 74 two years ago, still 74.

Except you stated you grew up in UK, what is the second country you are talking about?
You just proved, you have no idea about Father Sava Janjic and have no idea about frescoes in Decani. So the second country can't be Serbia.

You stated recently, you weren't in Serbia much, except BG and NS.

There is one more thing, connecting you and Lenard: LaTeX typesetting language, allowing easily create double acute accent characters, see here in better details:


This "account" is a total farce, including some recent claims to be regular in the White House.

And, of course, again the peak of the stupidity: 74 + 2 = 74.

Humor is OK, but this "account" is long overdue to retire. Few times it's funny, now it makes people vomit just looking at these brain-farts. Same about your "peer", who is mega-Albanian and has sometimes a mock war with you.

If anyone dares to touch either you or "him" the most poisonous trash will be posted. Eventually a gibberish - but it's not funny anymore.

Seems for me like an autistic psychopath was allowed to come near to a keyboard.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.
(Bright, 20 July 2020 13:55)

Forget it. "She" was 74 year old two years ago already, still 74 year old.

Most likely same troll as "Lenard", "Tom L'Orizi", "Adrian from Bucharest", "js", "Make Serbia Great", "Atamanov brat od strica" and few more.

Every Albanian version of "her" does not speak Albanian, except few words.
The Croatian version knows nothing about Zagreb.
The Serb versions know about Serbia at the level you can learn from Google Map.

But be careful: this "granny" just recently told everyone, "she" is regular in the White House.


pre 4 godine

Just found this document of an international organization in Brussels.


This is about cross-EU car insurance system.

That pan-EU organization, located at:

COUNCIL OF BUREAUX AISBL - Avenue Louise 166 BE-1050 Brussels - VAT: BE 0877104682

say about Serbia:

"Kosovo and Metohija, the southern Province of the Republic of Serbia, is not politically disputed or claimed by any country".

There is nothing more clear legally. I.e. who disputes - is not a country.

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Visas are unnecessary.

'And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.'
2 Corinthians 3:18

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34

Hungarian toll booth on M5

pre 4 godine

Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
(British, 22 July 2020 20:14)

Maybe more than 19, maybe less.

But please tell everyone, how many toll booth have you pass in Hungary between Horgos and M0 near Budapest? It is a toll motorway, you have to pay toll on certain sections of it. I don't ask you how much Forint is the toll - only how many toll booth you have to pass.

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.

IP addresses of a sociopath

pre 4 godine

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.
(Hungarian toll booth on M5, 23 July 2020 19:38)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-4)

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34
(Atamanov brat od strica, 23 July 2020 04:26)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-3)

Something tells me, our resident sociopath from juzna Srbija is diligent to look back days and days. And he bought at least four IP addresses. A money spent in vain, by the way. Completely unnecessary.


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.


pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.

Hungarian toll booth on M5

pre 4 godine

Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
(British, 22 July 2020 20:14)

Maybe more than 19, maybe less.

But please tell everyone, how many toll booth have you pass in Hungary between Horgos and M0 near Budapest? It is a toll motorway, you have to pay toll on certain sections of it. I don't ask you how much Forint is the toll - only how many toll booth you have to pass.

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34

IP addresses of a sociopath

pre 4 godine

Just don't tell here, you reach Horgoš via air.
(Hungarian toll booth on M5, 23 July 2020 19:38)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-4)

Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
(Lilly, 21 July 2020 19:11)

They are ignorant, indeed.

'Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.'

1 Corinthians 15:34
(Atamanov brat od strica, 23 July 2020 04:26)
Recommend (0)Poor comment (-3)

Something tells me, our resident sociopath from juzna Srbija is diligent to look back days and days. And he bought at least four IP addresses. A money spent in vain, by the way. Completely unnecessary.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

(British, 20 July 2020 13:08) #

Poor granny that feels the need to address every subject with her usual babbling that has ZERO value.
(Bright, 20 July 2020 13:55)

Forget it. "She" was 74 year old two years ago already, still 74 year old.

Most likely same troll as "Lenard", "Tom L'Orizi", "Adrian from Bucharest", "js", "Make Serbia Great", "Atamanov brat od strica" and few more.

Every Albanian version of "her" does not speak Albanian, except few words.
The Croatian version knows nothing about Zagreb.
The Serb versions know about Serbia at the level you can learn from Google Map.

But be careful: this "granny" just recently told everyone, "she" is regular in the White House.

Daniel Knox

pre 4 godine

View from the uk,
I worked in Kosova for two years. What you claim is preposterous. Would you please document your claims. The population of Kosova increased dramatically the last two years.


pre 4 godine

View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50

The View from the sheltered serb in UK must be running low on lies these days as his reply to my comment is filled with bunch of lol's and empty nothings. Please write something worth reading for once in your life.


pre 4 godine

Just found this document of an international organization in Brussels.


This is about cross-EU car insurance system.

That pan-EU organization, located at:

COUNCIL OF BUREAUX AISBL - Avenue Louise 166 BE-1050 Brussels - VAT: BE 0877104682

say about Serbia:

"Kosovo and Metohija, the southern Province of the Republic of Serbia, is not politically disputed or claimed by any country".

There is nothing more clear legally. I.e. who disputes - is not a country.

Atamanov brat od strica

pre 4 godine

Visas are unnecessary.

'And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.'
2 Corinthians 3:18


pre 4 godine

Gutten Tag Mr ischinger,
Hm, I was hopping you know that kosovo" is not the country so fortherefor cannot get a visa liberalisation.
Apart in Germany. Have them all.
Besides no many EU want them anywear near.

Инженер Карасик

pre 4 godine

>>>educated in the two countries
>>>How things go by the time you reach my age of 74
(British, 20 July 2020 18:06)

Except your faked English, barely distinguishable from the one of Lenard.
Except you were 74 two years ago, still 74.

Except you stated you grew up in UK, what is the second country you are talking about?
You just proved, you have no idea about Father Sava Janjic and have no idea about frescoes in Decani. So the second country can't be Serbia.

You stated recently, you weren't in Serbia much, except BG and NS.

There is one more thing, connecting you and Lenard: LaTeX typesetting language, allowing easily create double acute accent characters, see here in better details:


This "account" is a total farce, including some recent claims to be regular in the White House.

And, of course, again the peak of the stupidity: 74 + 2 = 74.

Humor is OK, but this "account" is long overdue to retire. Few times it's funny, now it makes people vomit just looking at these brain-farts. Same about your "peer", who is mega-Albanian and has sometimes a mock war with you.

If anyone dares to touch either you or "him" the most poisonous trash will be posted. Eventually a gibberish - but it's not funny anymore.

Seems for me like an autistic psychopath was allowed to come near to a keyboard.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

The problem for K Albos is that they are not a UN member. And thats not going to change for a long time, if ever. Another issue is 5 EU member states dont recognise Kosovo. Further more I think we now see that Serbia has a narrow majority in relation to K recognition (97 UN members do not recognise Kosovo and 96 do).
European nations know that Kosovo is dirt poor and if visa free travel is allowed then Kosovo would empty very quickly. Dont believe me.....??? Between 2008-2018 Kosovo last 30% of its population. Some emigrated by legal means but most just work and live on the black. Kosovo now has a population barely one million, no matter what Albos say.
Another big problem is that Albanians occupy many jail cells for drugs, prostitution/pimping, people smuggling, violent crimes, etc, across Europe. This is a fact, no matter what Albos say.


pre 4 godine

Danke Her Ischinger for reminding us that the Serbian province of KiM is a criminally dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto whose residents can’t even get visa-free EU access unless they have passports from Serbia.


pre 4 godine

@ bright,
When you become a granny or granddad,
And if you are educated in the two countries,
work for 46 years I hope you become like me having knowledge, life experience to make comments on many things.
And I am not the poor, I am just the opposite.
How things go by the time you reach my age of 74 you will be still on the b92. net seeking visas, EU membership, UN, Interpol, UNESCO.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, what a comedian you are.....
The EU needs to do its obligations you say????
And tell us about UN1244. Tell us abut Brussels agreement. Albanians have not honoured a single agreement they ever signed and here you are going on about signed agreements and obligations....!!!
Amazing indeed....lol....
As for Serbia losing their population, yes 8% of them between 2008-2018. But Kosovo has lost 30% of its population during that same period. And Albania lost 44% of their people (2008 to 2018).
Any comments???? No??? LOL...
Serbia has visa free travel and lost just 8%. Albanians from Albania lost approaching half of their people (they also have visa free travel). If Kosovo has visa free travel 60 to 70% would leave.
Comment also on Croatia which has lost just over 20% of their people since EU membership.......
No? Croatia, Albania and Kosovo are not to be criticised, right????
Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......


pre 4 godine

You watch how fast they run out of Priština and go to Germany and France.
(Smart Serb, 20 July 2020 11:36)

They already do that with Serbian, Albanian, or Macedonian passports. It's only when someone finds out they're coming from Kosovo and are *not* Serbian, they're thrown back. Still, Albanians love lining up at the Serbian passport office, declaring their Serbian citizenship to get their passports and leave.

But why should we give Kosovo visa free for nothing? Make them work for it. They want visas? Full autonomy for all K-Serb municipalities. If they don't want that, throw all their "war heroes" at the Hague and apologize for their acts of terrorism they glorify as valor.

I know this is hard for Albanians, but they have to work some to get some :)

Tony (a Brit seconded to Berlin)

pre 4 godine

Well Herr Ischinger, they can all come to Germany. Germany needs more Gastarbeiter. And whilst you're about it, you can call them "refugees" and grant them German citizenship too. Anything that de-germanises this place is more than welcome.


pre 4 godine

Get your facts right, you are a laughing stock.......
(View from the uk, 20 July 2020 18:50)

@ View from the UK -
Thats why it's not worth even replying to trolls like this "time" moron! They're losing their grip on the whole "kosovaaaaa is europes youngest democracy" abortion fiasco that they look to distract everyone with other pure stupidity issues!
Thats their way!


pre 4 godine

The pressure for EU to fulfill its part in the agreement for visa liberalization for Kosova is coming from all sides, including the USA. The EU will lose its credibility if it doesn't keep its promises. Countries like Serbia that have been emptied with massive migration to EU countries are causing hesitation and making the situation worse.
(Time, 20 July 2020 15:59)

Why are migrating Serbs causing hesitation and causing concern? EU prisons are filled with your Albos not Serbs. The reason why visa free travel has not been given to Kosovo is as as plain as the nose on your face. Within 18 months Kosovo would be empty.


pre 4 godine

One would expect that " clever" Germans in 2008 have thought of everything such as visas, membership of int. organisations, UN...
Frequently brainless Germany runs before it can walk. Doing things the other way around by the ones prematurely recognizing kosovo * contributed to the high emigration, substandard, high unemployment, corruption and other.
America and Germany doing.
And still at it. Just a volume of empty words for kosovaaaa.
Whilst only the other day the German factory making butter megli is moving from Croatia to BiH and Serbia.
Not kosovo *

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox, in april 2019 EPIK study group published a report named "The Great Escape".
Data is for the period 2008-2018.
203,330 K- Albos filed for asylum (hoping to settle in the EU). Over
143,000 were found to be illegally present in the EU.
Thats slmost 350k decided to leave Kosovo. But this figure does not capture additional K-Albo citizens who migrated by legal means via work permits (doctors, nurses, builders, engineers, electricians, etc).
The figures also do not account for those illegals living and working in the EU but not yet found (over 143k were found but how many were not?).
Further more 58% of Kos youth would likely consider leaving in the next 3 years... Only 17.9% said they would definitely stay in Kosovo.
The report suggests that approx 30% of Kosovo has left between 2008-2018.
By the way, this is not a Serbian site or study/working group.
Seems to me that the greatest achievement in Kosovo is escaping from it.
Hope that clears it up, but you can google it yourself.


pre 4 godine

When we're you last at the SPECSAVERS?
Put on your glasses.
A view from. UK had replied to every and each post.
In black and white he got 34 recommendation! So far
See the opticians.


pre 4 godine

Daniel Knox
Frequently I travel via HORGOS in rep Serbia and emigration from kosovo is high per day.
Sometimes 19 bus loads
And some double decker buses heading for UK.
I am afraid
View from UK is correct

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Time, oh right, here we go with insults and ethnicity...... thats what you do when you are stumped and have nothing to say.
So tell us whats funny about Kosovo and Albania losing huge chunks of population? Far bigger than Serbia. These are facts.
Visa free travel is not for K Albos because Europe knows most 20 to 50 year olds would flood into the EU. We also know that Albos (per head of population) are the biggest jailbirds in Europe, fact.
And yes, Ablos signed UN1244 and ignore it. You signed the Brussels agreement and have not honoured a single thing. These are facts.
So tell us why should Europe give you visa free travel? And dont forget 5 EU nations dont even recognise Kosovo.....lol.
As for your big friends, the USA, whats it got to do with them??? This is Europe not America, right??
Anyway, why dont your best friends give you visa free travel???? You are best friends, right?
Why do they criticise Europe on visas when they have the same policy towards you. Some friend, eh???
Too funny......


pre 4 godine

Smart Serb,
And vice versa, you watch how fast France and Germany throw out Albos out of their countries.
For overstaying the period of three months.
Every day is like this.
219 thrown out by France
And 19 from Germany.
I am British and when crossing out of Hungary into the rep Serbia my passport is combed for ages by the passport controllers.
And well examined.
Its very embarrassing sometimes.
MAKING it out hm. Serbian face travelling on the EU passport and husband English.
Our passports are placed under the mascine and the rest.
Yeah, terrorist.
For the real criminal and drug smugglers HORGOS is where real clever people work. True professionals.
One drug smuggler was explaining "he only had a 2 kg of the drugs. That is 12 yrs in prison.


pre 4 godine

I pay nothing for my inter City journey leading Budapest Airport to the Szeged.

No one huft did I ever paid for the train ticket. If, when we travel via Hungary. My husband pays plus 1000 hu ft.
for the seat reservation.
I also pay 1000 hu ft for the seat reservation. But none for the ticket.