Friday, 10.05.2019.


"Remove border between Kosovo and Albania without delay"

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci wrote on Facebook on Friday that the border between Albania and self-proclaimed Kosovo must be removed once and for all.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Remove border between Kosovo and Albania without delay" IMAGE SOURCE

42 Komentari

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pre 5 godina

Molotov cocktail anyone?!? Nice to see the peaceful demonstrations in Tirana trying to oust the corrupt government. Hopefully this spills over to KiM and the decent Albanian people throw out their Narco Trafficking Terrorist Leadership - maybe you'll be taken serious for once, because now, you're just not.... which border did you want to take down Mr. Thaci, yeah thought so, none!!!


pre 5 godina

@time you contradict yourself from one comment to another.
On same page you claim albania is great and in another comment you think by demonstration in albania, albania will become democratic.
Serbia is already.
We are talking of etrol bombs flying left, right and centre aiming Mr Ramas office.
Look two wrongs do not make right. In Serbia because kosovo *should not be taken onto the streets of cities. There is place, time.

World traveler

pre 5 godina

If the result is that I can get one more stamp in my passport when I cross between Kosovo and Albania, then by all means keep the border please!


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.
(Ljiljana, 12 May 2019 15:45)

Unlike the serb opposition protesters in Serbia that are oppressed and have no voice because of dictator Vucic, the opposition in Albania will succeed on getting what they are demanding. This is how things work in any democratic country. People can't and shouldn't ever be silenced by the government.


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.


pre 5 godina

Is this bozo saying to remove border between Kosovo and Albania? On that day that this would happen Albanians would be on the bottom of the Adriatic see.


pre 5 godina

And in Tirana demonstration continue, petrol bombs flying
Left, right¢er.
Not so great albania at work.
Regular w/end job only.


pre 5 godina

Albania was never great.Just a ring fenced gheto with dark past.
Where many innocent Albanians were killed by the communist regime back in 70's.Bodies never to be found.Killed in the woods or the mountains.
You call that great?


pre 5 godina

Albanian Kosovo will last as long as the Clintons are alive after that American view on Kosovo will change dramatically. The Clintons have big investment in Kosovo and so does their friends like General Clarke and Madeline Albright. Nato was used to obtain Serbian wealth that was the real reason for attacking Serbia. The occupying force KFOR is still in Kosovo that could change when the Clintons are arrested or dead.


pre 5 godina

No open borders.
Because if it were all sort will come&go. Horgos is one example where many drug traffickers from Kosovo*and Albania are caught.
And I heard one says it's only 1.5kg.
For that he got 14yrs in szeged court.
Borders must never be removed in order to deal with undesirable.
If you do not have anything to hide you wait in a queue. In a civilized manner.
Because of drug traffickers I have been delayed for long hours many of times.
No free for all.


pre 5 godina



pre 5 godina

"Remove the border without delay..." say Hashim.

Is this some kind of joke. This clown who may very well find himself in prison after the KLA court in the Hague gets through with him, thinks country borders will change because he says so. Someone tell Hashim to join the real world. Nobody listens to the president of Kosovo. They're one rung below Albania in terms of global respect and you can't get any lower than that. Good one Hashim, good one...and good luck in court. LOL


pre 5 godina

There is border between Albania and Kosovo and the wait times varies at which border crossing you cross. Last summer it took me over an hour to cross into Albania from Kosovo. Totally unnecessary. So I do agree that borders are relics and they shouldnt exists. People and goods should flow without issues but sadly this is Balkans and hate goes to deep to think rationally. What purpose is border serving between Kosovo and Albania aside from causing major delays and headaches...short of employing a few border officers that's the only benefit that I can think of. So please tear down that border so the next time I am in Kosovo I can travel to Albania without hassle. Albania is amazing a fantastic country to visit.


pre 5 godina

I cant see how kosovo and Albania can arrive at this bilateral agreement when kosovo's status is undetermined even within the EU, a block that both entities are striving to become a part of.


pre 5 godina

Reading the comments of our dear k-albanian friends, one must get the impression that it's just a bunch of schoolboys with too much time at hand.
"United States of Albania"! 😂
USA, "the one and only global superpower" 😂

These are just two example of albanian phantasy...

I will laugh when the day has come and the Albanians get humiliated to the bones.
And after all what they did, that's the least they deserve.


pre 5 godina

I actually feel the same way. Borders are relics of the past and must be removed once and for all.Last time I was visiting family in RS I had to wait on Drina border for more then an hour.


pre 5 godina

Greetings from the United States of Albania -USA

MAGA=Making Albania Great Again!

Our regional family reunification promotes peace and stability of indigenous ancestral homelands that saved All her Jewish inhabitants from Nazi extermination.

EU Dude

pre 5 godina

I suspect they'll see that removing the border will be a bit harder than removing the organs from unwilling 'donors'.

The real question is, do the Greater/Natural/Bio-Albanianists think the US has their back whatever they do? Recently history elsewhere says not.

The US is great at encouraging its puppets to do stupid stuff, but no so much backing them up. And is Europe dumb enough to go along with such ideas as they have already paid a heavy price in mass immigration of refugees?


pre 5 godina

Albania will hedge their bets and never proclaim union with Kosovo. It would open to possible future conflicts directly with Serbia, which they know they cannot win


pre 5 godina

You contradict yourself.
There is no borders. If there is no borders there is no borders in the next sentence its just temporarily. Which is it?
Remove it and all becomes
"Great Serbia"
And Kfor will be there with serbian army to deal with you lot. Disrupting Balkan and EU.
You understand just one thing and one thing only.
There is no room for you in any of int. Nor European organisation.
Just reading what went on in Albania back in 70's.
Killing thousands of own people.
You to be integrated within EU. Never.


pre 5 godina

Have you been asleep, the US supports the Kosova tariffs on Serbian products as well as recommending the bringing down the border between Kosova and Albania.


pre 5 godina

Desperate times, call for desperate measures! It's no secret that this was the KiM Albs original strategy, to connect themselves with their Southern Anatolian Brothers, the Albanians of Albania. They say that if someone is drowning, they will take whomever down with them in the hopes of saving themselves. Well, here you have it, Thaci is drowning and he has no life vest left to keep him afloat. The KiM Alb leadership has isolated themselves from their world, and in particular their allies, and have left themselves exposed so much that they are grasping at straws. Their unconventional and poorly thought out tactics have backfired. By not complying to any agreement and trying to use strong arm tactics, the rest of the world has final seen who the Albanians are, and this is not a good thing - breaking agreements such as no ZSO, 100% tax, forming an illegal army on Serbian soil and this is just a few, and I won't include the harassment of Serbian citizens.

I hope that Thaci understand that thee is no one in Europe that would like to see a Greater Albania - well, maybe the British, for some reason they have always like the Turks.


pre 5 godina

It looks like there's a big national celebration for Albanians coming up. The recognition of Kosova by Serbia and creating the Great Albania are happening all at once. See you in Great Albania soon!


pre 5 godina

Keep it up Thaci! Vucic will remove the Autonomous Border between KiM and then you'll lose the carrot that was thrown to you. No Autonomy, no special rights, no terrorist activity no illegal drug trade, no organ trafficking, no welfare....


pre 5 godina

I don't Think NATO or the EU will allow that it's also illegal under the UN. Then the Serbian army could intervene as well That is the last thing nato needs another Balkan war. Trump will most likely settle Kosovo.


pre 5 godina

What Kosovo needs is a "president" with an understanding of real life politics.
Thaci, with his BS rhetoric about abandoning borders between Kosovo and Albania (before the issue of independence has been settled) is dangerous for peace in the Balkans.
First they provoke with ridiculous taxes and now this.
It's time for the EU and especially the USA to put these quasi politicians in their place before this whole matter gets out of hand.


pre 5 godina

@Liljana There are no borders between Albania and Kosova. It is just a temporary. The most enjoyable is that when you arrive at Morina police greeting with Mirdita, Mir se Vini😀🇦🇱. Not anymore Dober dan, Dobrodošli. Beck to normal as it was long time before. You never can rewrite the history.

ISIS supports albania

pre 5 godina

The "Snake" has no credibility! More hot wind coming from a former terrorist, organ trafficker and soon to be prisoner at the Hague!


pre 5 godina

Hashim, you cant ask or do that as kosovo is not recognized.... This is legaly and technicaly still Serbia. And thank you for speaking about your intentions because now the european leaders will see that you want to be part of albania instead of europe and will drop you soon enough.

Prepare for what is coming after everyone denounced you as we wont forget your antics.


pre 5 godina

Ugh, double standards demanded by you Taci.
Freedom of movements?
Free goods flow?
Exactly you cannot bloody have it both ways. This is what you are in breach of exactly. Remember Cefta agreement? EU?
As for removal of borders between the Albznia&KiM? If you dare.
What do you think Kfor is there for? Not only to represent k albos and side with or to strike Serbs or prevent there are there to hit you had too.
Do it, if you can.
What else can come out of you big,poisoned mouth. Sooner you are snookered in at Hague court room the better for all.
You are guilty of enticing k albos into committing all sorts.
You have lost your marbles.

Principa, Gracanica, kosovo & Metohija Srbija

pre 5 godina

"should have freedom of movement and goods flow in accordance with European standards"

Oh the irony & hypocrisy of what the Muppet/puppets Haradinaj/Thaci say and do is glaring for all to see especially their masters in the US-EU. Keep at it Thaci dig the hole deeper!


pre 5 godina

Hashim, you cant ask or do that as kosovo is not recognized.... This is legaly and technicaly still Serbia. And thank you for speaking about your intentions because now the european leaders will see that you want to be part of albania instead of europe and will drop you soon enough.

Prepare for what is coming after everyone denounced you as we wont forget your antics.

ISIS supports albania

pre 5 godina

The "Snake" has no credibility! More hot wind coming from a former terrorist, organ trafficker and soon to be prisoner at the Hague!


pre 5 godina

Ugh, double standards demanded by you Taci.
Freedom of movements?
Free goods flow?
Exactly you cannot bloody have it both ways. This is what you are in breach of exactly. Remember Cefta agreement? EU?
As for removal of borders between the Albznia&KiM? If you dare.
What do you think Kfor is there for? Not only to represent k albos and side with or to strike Serbs or prevent there are there to hit you had too.
Do it, if you can.
What else can come out of you big,poisoned mouth. Sooner you are snookered in at Hague court room the better for all.
You are guilty of enticing k albos into committing all sorts.
You have lost your marbles.

Principa, Gracanica, kosovo & Metohija Srbija

pre 5 godina

"should have freedom of movement and goods flow in accordance with European standards"

Oh the irony & hypocrisy of what the Muppet/puppets Haradinaj/Thaci say and do is glaring for all to see especially their masters in the US-EU. Keep at it Thaci dig the hole deeper!


pre 5 godina

What Kosovo needs is a "president" with an understanding of real life politics.
Thaci, with his BS rhetoric about abandoning borders between Kosovo and Albania (before the issue of independence has been settled) is dangerous for peace in the Balkans.
First they provoke with ridiculous taxes and now this.
It's time for the EU and especially the USA to put these quasi politicians in their place before this whole matter gets out of hand.


pre 5 godina

Desperate times, call for desperate measures! It's no secret that this was the KiM Albs original strategy, to connect themselves with their Southern Anatolian Brothers, the Albanians of Albania. They say that if someone is drowning, they will take whomever down with them in the hopes of saving themselves. Well, here you have it, Thaci is drowning and he has no life vest left to keep him afloat. The KiM Alb leadership has isolated themselves from their world, and in particular their allies, and have left themselves exposed so much that they are grasping at straws. Their unconventional and poorly thought out tactics have backfired. By not complying to any agreement and trying to use strong arm tactics, the rest of the world has final seen who the Albanians are, and this is not a good thing - breaking agreements such as no ZSO, 100% tax, forming an illegal army on Serbian soil and this is just a few, and I won't include the harassment of Serbian citizens.

I hope that Thaci understand that thee is no one in Europe that would like to see a Greater Albania - well, maybe the British, for some reason they have always like the Turks.


pre 5 godina

Keep it up Thaci! Vucic will remove the Autonomous Border between KiM and then you'll lose the carrot that was thrown to you. No Autonomy, no special rights, no terrorist activity no illegal drug trade, no organ trafficking, no welfare....


pre 5 godina

Reading the comments of our dear k-albanian friends, one must get the impression that it's just a bunch of schoolboys with too much time at hand.
"United States of Albania"! 😂
USA, "the one and only global superpower" 😂

These are just two example of albanian phantasy...

I will laugh when the day has come and the Albanians get humiliated to the bones.
And after all what they did, that's the least they deserve.


pre 5 godina

@Liljana There are no borders between Albania and Kosova. It is just a temporary. The most enjoyable is that when you arrive at Morina police greeting with Mirdita, Mir se Vini😀🇦🇱. Not anymore Dober dan, Dobrodošli. Beck to normal as it was long time before. You never can rewrite the history.


pre 5 godina

Albania will hedge their bets and never proclaim union with Kosovo. It would open to possible future conflicts directly with Serbia, which they know they cannot win


pre 5 godina

"Remove the border without delay..." say Hashim.

Is this some kind of joke. This clown who may very well find himself in prison after the KLA court in the Hague gets through with him, thinks country borders will change because he says so. Someone tell Hashim to join the real world. Nobody listens to the president of Kosovo. They're one rung below Albania in terms of global respect and you can't get any lower than that. Good one Hashim, good one...and good luck in court. LOL

EU Dude

pre 5 godina

I suspect they'll see that removing the border will be a bit harder than removing the organs from unwilling 'donors'.

The real question is, do the Greater/Natural/Bio-Albanianists think the US has their back whatever they do? Recently history elsewhere says not.

The US is great at encouraging its puppets to do stupid stuff, but no so much backing them up. And is Europe dumb enough to go along with such ideas as they have already paid a heavy price in mass immigration of refugees?


pre 5 godina

I cant see how kosovo and Albania can arrive at this bilateral agreement when kosovo's status is undetermined even within the EU, a block that both entities are striving to become a part of.


pre 5 godina

Have you been asleep, the US supports the Kosova tariffs on Serbian products as well as recommending the bringing down the border between Kosova and Albania.


pre 5 godina

It looks like there's a big national celebration for Albanians coming up. The recognition of Kosova by Serbia and creating the Great Albania are happening all at once. See you in Great Albania soon!


pre 5 godina

You contradict yourself.
There is no borders. If there is no borders there is no borders in the next sentence its just temporarily. Which is it?
Remove it and all becomes
"Great Serbia"
And Kfor will be there with serbian army to deal with you lot. Disrupting Balkan and EU.
You understand just one thing and one thing only.
There is no room for you in any of int. Nor European organisation.
Just reading what went on in Albania back in 70's.
Killing thousands of own people.
You to be integrated within EU. Never.


pre 5 godina

I actually feel the same way. Borders are relics of the past and must be removed once and for all.Last time I was visiting family in RS I had to wait on Drina border for more then an hour.


pre 5 godina

I don't Think NATO or the EU will allow that it's also illegal under the UN. Then the Serbian army could intervene as well That is the last thing nato needs another Balkan war. Trump will most likely settle Kosovo.


pre 5 godina

Greetings from the United States of Albania -USA

MAGA=Making Albania Great Again!

Our regional family reunification promotes peace and stability of indigenous ancestral homelands that saved All her Jewish inhabitants from Nazi extermination.


pre 5 godina

Albania was never great.Just a ring fenced gheto with dark past.
Where many innocent Albanians were killed by the communist regime back in 70's.Bodies never to be found.Killed in the woods or the mountains.
You call that great?


pre 5 godina

There is border between Albania and Kosovo and the wait times varies at which border crossing you cross. Last summer it took me over an hour to cross into Albania from Kosovo. Totally unnecessary. So I do agree that borders are relics and they shouldnt exists. People and goods should flow without issues but sadly this is Balkans and hate goes to deep to think rationally. What purpose is border serving between Kosovo and Albania aside from causing major delays and headaches...short of employing a few border officers that's the only benefit that I can think of. So please tear down that border so the next time I am in Kosovo I can travel to Albania without hassle. Albania is amazing a fantastic country to visit.


pre 5 godina

Albanian Kosovo will last as long as the Clintons are alive after that American view on Kosovo will change dramatically. The Clintons have big investment in Kosovo and so does their friends like General Clarke and Madeline Albright. Nato was used to obtain Serbian wealth that was the real reason for attacking Serbia. The occupying force KFOR is still in Kosovo that could change when the Clintons are arrested or dead.


pre 5 godina

No open borders.
Because if it were all sort will come&go. Horgos is one example where many drug traffickers from Kosovo*and Albania are caught.
And I heard one says it's only 1.5kg.
For that he got 14yrs in szeged court.
Borders must never be removed in order to deal with undesirable.
If you do not have anything to hide you wait in a queue. In a civilized manner.
Because of drug traffickers I have been delayed for long hours many of times.
No free for all.


pre 5 godina

Is this bozo saying to remove border between Kosovo and Albania? On that day that this would happen Albanians would be on the bottom of the Adriatic see.


pre 5 godina

And in Tirana demonstration continue, petrol bombs flying
Left, right¢er.
Not so great albania at work.
Regular w/end job only.


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.


pre 5 godina



pre 5 godina

Molotov cocktail anyone?!? Nice to see the peaceful demonstrations in Tirana trying to oust the corrupt government. Hopefully this spills over to KiM and the decent Albanian people throw out their Narco Trafficking Terrorist Leadership - maybe you'll be taken serious for once, because now, you're just not.... which border did you want to take down Mr. Thaci, yeah thought so, none!!!


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.
(Ljiljana, 12 May 2019 15:45)

Unlike the serb opposition protesters in Serbia that are oppressed and have no voice because of dictator Vucic, the opposition in Albania will succeed on getting what they are demanding. This is how things work in any democratic country. People can't and shouldn't ever be silenced by the government.

World traveler

pre 5 godina

If the result is that I can get one more stamp in my passport when I cross between Kosovo and Albania, then by all means keep the border please!


pre 5 godina

@time you contradict yourself from one comment to another.
On same page you claim albania is great and in another comment you think by demonstration in albania, albania will become democratic.
Serbia is already.
We are talking of etrol bombs flying left, right and centre aiming Mr Ramas office.
Look two wrongs do not make right. In Serbia because kosovo *should not be taken onto the streets of cities. There is place, time.


pre 5 godina

It looks like there's a big national celebration for Albanians coming up. The recognition of Kosova by Serbia and creating the Great Albania are happening all at once. See you in Great Albania soon!


pre 5 godina

@Liljana There are no borders between Albania and Kosova. It is just a temporary. The most enjoyable is that when you arrive at Morina police greeting with Mirdita, Mir se Vini😀🇦🇱. Not anymore Dober dan, Dobrodošli. Beck to normal as it was long time before. You never can rewrite the history.


pre 5 godina

Greetings from the United States of Albania -USA

MAGA=Making Albania Great Again!

Our regional family reunification promotes peace and stability of indigenous ancestral homelands that saved All her Jewish inhabitants from Nazi extermination.


pre 5 godina

Have you been asleep, the US supports the Kosova tariffs on Serbian products as well as recommending the bringing down the border between Kosova and Albania.

ISIS supports albania

pre 5 godina

The "Snake" has no credibility! More hot wind coming from a former terrorist, organ trafficker and soon to be prisoner at the Hague!


pre 5 godina

Ugh, double standards demanded by you Taci.
Freedom of movements?
Free goods flow?
Exactly you cannot bloody have it both ways. This is what you are in breach of exactly. Remember Cefta agreement? EU?
As for removal of borders between the Albznia&KiM? If you dare.
What do you think Kfor is there for? Not only to represent k albos and side with or to strike Serbs or prevent there are there to hit you had too.
Do it, if you can.
What else can come out of you big,poisoned mouth. Sooner you are snookered in at Hague court room the better for all.
You are guilty of enticing k albos into committing all sorts.
You have lost your marbles.

Principa, Gracanica, kosovo & Metohija Srbija

pre 5 godina

"should have freedom of movement and goods flow in accordance with European standards"

Oh the irony & hypocrisy of what the Muppet/puppets Haradinaj/Thaci say and do is glaring for all to see especially their masters in the US-EU. Keep at it Thaci dig the hole deeper!


pre 5 godina

Keep it up Thaci! Vucic will remove the Autonomous Border between KiM and then you'll lose the carrot that was thrown to you. No Autonomy, no special rights, no terrorist activity no illegal drug trade, no organ trafficking, no welfare....


pre 5 godina

Hashim, you cant ask or do that as kosovo is not recognized.... This is legaly and technicaly still Serbia. And thank you for speaking about your intentions because now the european leaders will see that you want to be part of albania instead of europe and will drop you soon enough.

Prepare for what is coming after everyone denounced you as we wont forget your antics.


pre 5 godina

What Kosovo needs is a "president" with an understanding of real life politics.
Thaci, with his BS rhetoric about abandoning borders between Kosovo and Albania (before the issue of independence has been settled) is dangerous for peace in the Balkans.
First they provoke with ridiculous taxes and now this.
It's time for the EU and especially the USA to put these quasi politicians in their place before this whole matter gets out of hand.


pre 5 godina

Desperate times, call for desperate measures! It's no secret that this was the KiM Albs original strategy, to connect themselves with their Southern Anatolian Brothers, the Albanians of Albania. They say that if someone is drowning, they will take whomever down with them in the hopes of saving themselves. Well, here you have it, Thaci is drowning and he has no life vest left to keep him afloat. The KiM Alb leadership has isolated themselves from their world, and in particular their allies, and have left themselves exposed so much that they are grasping at straws. Their unconventional and poorly thought out tactics have backfired. By not complying to any agreement and trying to use strong arm tactics, the rest of the world has final seen who the Albanians are, and this is not a good thing - breaking agreements such as no ZSO, 100% tax, forming an illegal army on Serbian soil and this is just a few, and I won't include the harassment of Serbian citizens.

I hope that Thaci understand that thee is no one in Europe that would like to see a Greater Albania - well, maybe the British, for some reason they have always like the Turks.


pre 5 godina

I actually feel the same way. Borders are relics of the past and must be removed once and for all.Last time I was visiting family in RS I had to wait on Drina border for more then an hour.


pre 5 godina

Reading the comments of our dear k-albanian friends, one must get the impression that it's just a bunch of schoolboys with too much time at hand.
"United States of Albania"! 😂
USA, "the one and only global superpower" 😂

These are just two example of albanian phantasy...

I will laugh when the day has come and the Albanians get humiliated to the bones.
And after all what they did, that's the least they deserve.


pre 5 godina

There is border between Albania and Kosovo and the wait times varies at which border crossing you cross. Last summer it took me over an hour to cross into Albania from Kosovo. Totally unnecessary. So I do agree that borders are relics and they shouldnt exists. People and goods should flow without issues but sadly this is Balkans and hate goes to deep to think rationally. What purpose is border serving between Kosovo and Albania aside from causing major delays and headaches...short of employing a few border officers that's the only benefit that I can think of. So please tear down that border so the next time I am in Kosovo I can travel to Albania without hassle. Albania is amazing a fantastic country to visit.


pre 5 godina

You contradict yourself.
There is no borders. If there is no borders there is no borders in the next sentence its just temporarily. Which is it?
Remove it and all becomes
"Great Serbia"
And Kfor will be there with serbian army to deal with you lot. Disrupting Balkan and EU.
You understand just one thing and one thing only.
There is no room for you in any of int. Nor European organisation.
Just reading what went on in Albania back in 70's.
Killing thousands of own people.
You to be integrated within EU. Never.


pre 5 godina

I don't Think NATO or the EU will allow that it's also illegal under the UN. Then the Serbian army could intervene as well That is the last thing nato needs another Balkan war. Trump will most likely settle Kosovo.


pre 5 godina

Albania will hedge their bets and never proclaim union with Kosovo. It would open to possible future conflicts directly with Serbia, which they know they cannot win


pre 5 godina

I cant see how kosovo and Albania can arrive at this bilateral agreement when kosovo's status is undetermined even within the EU, a block that both entities are striving to become a part of.


pre 5 godina

"Remove the border without delay..." say Hashim.

Is this some kind of joke. This clown who may very well find himself in prison after the KLA court in the Hague gets through with him, thinks country borders will change because he says so. Someone tell Hashim to join the real world. Nobody listens to the president of Kosovo. They're one rung below Albania in terms of global respect and you can't get any lower than that. Good one Hashim, good one...and good luck in court. LOL

EU Dude

pre 5 godina

I suspect they'll see that removing the border will be a bit harder than removing the organs from unwilling 'donors'.

The real question is, do the Greater/Natural/Bio-Albanianists think the US has their back whatever they do? Recently history elsewhere says not.

The US is great at encouraging its puppets to do stupid stuff, but no so much backing them up. And is Europe dumb enough to go along with such ideas as they have already paid a heavy price in mass immigration of refugees?


pre 5 godina



pre 5 godina

Albania was never great.Just a ring fenced gheto with dark past.
Where many innocent Albanians were killed by the communist regime back in 70's.Bodies never to be found.Killed in the woods or the mountains.
You call that great?


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.
(Ljiljana, 12 May 2019 15:45)

Unlike the serb opposition protesters in Serbia that are oppressed and have no voice because of dictator Vucic, the opposition in Albania will succeed on getting what they are demanding. This is how things work in any democratic country. People can't and shouldn't ever be silenced by the government.


pre 5 godina

Albanian Kosovo will last as long as the Clintons are alive after that American view on Kosovo will change dramatically. The Clintons have big investment in Kosovo and so does their friends like General Clarke and Madeline Albright. Nato was used to obtain Serbian wealth that was the real reason for attacking Serbia. The occupying force KFOR is still in Kosovo that could change when the Clintons are arrested or dead.


pre 5 godina

No open borders.
Because if it were all sort will come&go. Horgos is one example where many drug traffickers from Kosovo*and Albania are caught.
And I heard one says it's only 1.5kg.
For that he got 14yrs in szeged court.
Borders must never be removed in order to deal with undesirable.
If you do not have anything to hide you wait in a queue. In a civilized manner.
Because of drug traffickers I have been delayed for long hours many of times.
No free for all.


pre 5 godina

Is this bozo saying to remove border between Kosovo and Albania? On that day that this would happen Albanians would be on the bottom of the Adriatic see.


pre 5 godina

Molotov cocktail anyone?!? Nice to see the peaceful demonstrations in Tirana trying to oust the corrupt government. Hopefully this spills over to KiM and the decent Albanian people throw out their Narco Trafficking Terrorist Leadership - maybe you'll be taken serious for once, because now, you're just not.... which border did you want to take down Mr. Thaci, yeah thought so, none!!!


pre 5 godina

And in Tirana demonstration continue, petrol bombs flying
Left, right¢er.
Not so great albania at work.
Regular w/end job only.


pre 5 godina

@time."great albania Wil rule again balkans", you think?
Yes it would over the w/end petrol bombs are flying left, right and centre in Tirana.
Ash only? Perhaps? With a bit of luck.


pre 5 godina

@time you contradict yourself from one comment to another.
On same page you claim albania is great and in another comment you think by demonstration in albania, albania will become democratic.
Serbia is already.
We are talking of etrol bombs flying left, right and centre aiming Mr Ramas office.
Look two wrongs do not make right. In Serbia because kosovo *should not be taken onto the streets of cities. There is place, time.

World traveler

pre 5 godina

If the result is that I can get one more stamp in my passport when I cross between Kosovo and Albania, then by all means keep the border please!