Wednesday, 23.08.2017.


Greeks upset as consul speaks under "Greater Macedonia" map

Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov has said his country is "looking forward" to the visit of Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias.

Izvor: B92

Greeks upset as consul speaks under "Greater Macedonia" map IMAGE SOURCE

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Lee Psarros

pre 7 godina

Nobody denies Greece’s neighbours the right to an identity, but to outright claim that Alexander was not Greek but a Macedonian in the ethnic sense like them, suggesting he was a Slav, is nothing short of an insult to our common intelligence and a lack of respect for history.

Not only abrogated geographic and historic fact, but it also has unleashed a dangerous epidemic of historical revisionism, of which the most obvious symptom is the misappropriation by the government in Skopje of the most famous of Macedonians, Alexander the Great. We believe that this silliness has gone too far.

These are a newly emergent people in search of a past to help legitimise their precarious present as they attempt to establish their singular identity in a Slavic world dominated historically by Serbs and Bulgarians’’

Archaeology, history, art, literature and the unearthed material culture of the last 2,500 years testify to the fact that ancient Macedonians spoke and wrote Greek, and like other Greek city states might have had local dialects, worshipped the same Gods and had incorporated regional deities into their belief system. Indeed, Alexander the Great was Macedonian, Pericles was Athenian, King Leonidas was Spartan and all of them Greek.

We wonder, would FYROM have claimed the name had Alexander the Great not existed?


pre 7 godina

There will be zero tolerance with FYROM. If Zaev wanted to mend relations with Greece he would have announced the demolition of the grotesque Italian made Hellenic reproduction statues that litter the FYROM landscape, the renaming of the airport in Skopje, the renaming of the highway, the renaming of the football stadium, the removal of the repulsive Baroque Hellenic style facades, the correcting of school carriculum, the removal of the Hellenic symbol on the national flag, the removal of all greater Macedonia maps from government institutions and a heartfelt apolgy to the nation of Greece for his nation being vile for the last two and a half decades. Cultural theft cannot be forgiven easily. Actions speak louder than words. Greeks do not want to hear politicians trying new age diplomacy that they learnt in their political science classes. Dimitrov, Šekerinska, Zaevand all the Slavic Fyromians currently running FYROM are just as dogmatic about an exclusivity of the name as the Gruevski ultra nationalists. There is no scope for negotiation with these antiques. Greece is the victim here. Our history has been hijacked by Fyromian Slavs. Leave our history alone. It’s not a good fit for you. You cannot pronounce nor read the Ancient inscriptions for they are in Greek. If FYROM wants exclusivity to the name Macedonia they will have to change their official language to Greek for this corresponds with the Ancient Macedonian language.


pre 7 godina

all over the Internet speaking your bitter and resentful rubbish same word by word
get over yourself you took our land and stole our Homes and think you are one great proud Greek when you don’t even come from Greece or a freaking a Greek in the first place
stop hating Macedonians they have done nothing to you
you cant kid us


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"
(Greek, 23 August 2017 20:04)

My greek friend, just like pontic greek settlers in Aegean Macedonia still proudly display maps of 'Pontus' (NorthEast Turkey) in there homes and monuments in parks and circle the villages they originality come from pre 1920s, ethnic macedonians from Aegean macedonia, displaced by greeks, also do the same. Its just a visual illustration of there roots not a map of greater nacedonia or in the pontics case a map of greater greece.


pre 7 godina

Its the Balkans every country has at least 2 maps "Then and Now" very normal. Greeks just keep crying, have the Germans payed the war reparations to you Greeks yet?

Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

The Republik of Macedonia will come for its territory one day. The Macedonians army is en 254th largest in the world so Greece, be aware! Serbia be aware! Albania and Bulgaria be aware! We the macedonians people where in the balkans before the Big Bang and we will be here after the world is no more.


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"

Please tell your pity proganganda to the Greek hating ethnic engineers who dishonestly pretend they don't notice you Skopians quick change into 'ancient Macedonians" and accompanying irredentism against Greece. They obviously have no ethics and are more concerned with hiding their mistake of recognizing you obvious frauds as "Macedonians". They are morons so they might believe your garbage.

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

During his visit in Albania Kotzias held a warm meeting with albanian students of the University of Tirana. My daughter told me that she was surprised by his huge knowledge of historic issues and diplomatic skills. We like him a lot and not only because he replied that Greece is proud of the community of albanians who live in Greece when our President thanked him for the help and support that the greek people has given to albanians in our most difficult years.


pre 7 godina

This is not fair.. the consular offical was just a speaker at an event organised by macedonians from both agean and the republic of macedonia. The map just illistrated the origins of the people in the audience, nothing more, and is not a map of greater macedonia.
Greece is just looking for an excuse to not negotiate a solution to the 'so called' name issue, and wants to continue blocking Macedonia's entry into nato and eu.


pre 7 godina

This is not fair.. the consular offical was just a speaker at an event organised by macedonians from both agean and the republic of macedonia. The map just illistrated the origins of the people in the audience, nothing more, and is not a map of greater macedonia.
Greece is just looking for an excuse to not negotiate a solution to the 'so called' name issue, and wants to continue blocking Macedonia's entry into nato and eu.

Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

The Republik of Macedonia will come for its territory one day. The Macedonians army is en 254th largest in the world so Greece, be aware! Serbia be aware! Albania and Bulgaria be aware! We the macedonians people where in the balkans before the Big Bang and we will be here after the world is no more.


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"

Please tell your pity proganganda to the Greek hating ethnic engineers who dishonestly pretend they don't notice you Skopians quick change into 'ancient Macedonians" and accompanying irredentism against Greece. They obviously have no ethics and are more concerned with hiding their mistake of recognizing you obvious frauds as "Macedonians". They are morons so they might believe your garbage.

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

During his visit in Albania Kotzias held a warm meeting with albanian students of the University of Tirana. My daughter told me that she was surprised by his huge knowledge of historic issues and diplomatic skills. We like him a lot and not only because he replied that Greece is proud of the community of albanians who live in Greece when our President thanked him for the help and support that the greek people has given to albanians in our most difficult years.


pre 7 godina

Its the Balkans every country has at least 2 maps "Then and Now" very normal. Greeks just keep crying, have the Germans payed the war reparations to you Greeks yet?


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"
(Greek, 23 August 2017 20:04)

My greek friend, just like pontic greek settlers in Aegean Macedonia still proudly display maps of 'Pontus' (NorthEast Turkey) in there homes and monuments in parks and circle the villages they originality come from pre 1920s, ethnic macedonians from Aegean macedonia, displaced by greeks, also do the same. Its just a visual illustration of there roots not a map of greater nacedonia or in the pontics case a map of greater greece.


pre 7 godina

all over the Internet speaking your bitter and resentful rubbish same word by word
get over yourself you took our land and stole our Homes and think you are one great proud Greek when you don’t even come from Greece or a freaking a Greek in the first place
stop hating Macedonians they have done nothing to you
you cant kid us


pre 7 godina

There will be zero tolerance with FYROM. If Zaev wanted to mend relations with Greece he would have announced the demolition of the grotesque Italian made Hellenic reproduction statues that litter the FYROM landscape, the renaming of the airport in Skopje, the renaming of the highway, the renaming of the football stadium, the removal of the repulsive Baroque Hellenic style facades, the correcting of school carriculum, the removal of the Hellenic symbol on the national flag, the removal of all greater Macedonia maps from government institutions and a heartfelt apolgy to the nation of Greece for his nation being vile for the last two and a half decades. Cultural theft cannot be forgiven easily. Actions speak louder than words. Greeks do not want to hear politicians trying new age diplomacy that they learnt in their political science classes. Dimitrov, Šekerinska, Zaevand all the Slavic Fyromians currently running FYROM are just as dogmatic about an exclusivity of the name as the Gruevski ultra nationalists. There is no scope for negotiation with these antiques. Greece is the victim here. Our history has been hijacked by Fyromian Slavs. Leave our history alone. It’s not a good fit for you. You cannot pronounce nor read the Ancient inscriptions for they are in Greek. If FYROM wants exclusivity to the name Macedonia they will have to change their official language to Greek for this corresponds with the Ancient Macedonian language.

Lee Psarros

pre 7 godina

Nobody denies Greece’s neighbours the right to an identity, but to outright claim that Alexander was not Greek but a Macedonian in the ethnic sense like them, suggesting he was a Slav, is nothing short of an insult to our common intelligence and a lack of respect for history.

Not only abrogated geographic and historic fact, but it also has unleashed a dangerous epidemic of historical revisionism, of which the most obvious symptom is the misappropriation by the government in Skopje of the most famous of Macedonians, Alexander the Great. We believe that this silliness has gone too far.

These are a newly emergent people in search of a past to help legitimise their precarious present as they attempt to establish their singular identity in a Slavic world dominated historically by Serbs and Bulgarians’’

Archaeology, history, art, literature and the unearthed material culture of the last 2,500 years testify to the fact that ancient Macedonians spoke and wrote Greek, and like other Greek city states might have had local dialects, worshipped the same Gods and had incorporated regional deities into their belief system. Indeed, Alexander the Great was Macedonian, Pericles was Athenian, King Leonidas was Spartan and all of them Greek.

We wonder, would FYROM have claimed the name had Alexander the Great not existed?


pre 7 godina

This is not fair.. the consular offical was just a speaker at an event organised by macedonians from both agean and the republic of macedonia. The map just illistrated the origins of the people in the audience, nothing more, and is not a map of greater macedonia.
Greece is just looking for an excuse to not negotiate a solution to the 'so called' name issue, and wants to continue blocking Macedonia's entry into nato and eu.

Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

The Republik of Macedonia will come for its territory one day. The Macedonians army is en 254th largest in the world so Greece, be aware! Serbia be aware! Albania and Bulgaria be aware! We the macedonians people where in the balkans before the Big Bang and we will be here after the world is no more.

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

During his visit in Albania Kotzias held a warm meeting with albanian students of the University of Tirana. My daughter told me that she was surprised by his huge knowledge of historic issues and diplomatic skills. We like him a lot and not only because he replied that Greece is proud of the community of albanians who live in Greece when our President thanked him for the help and support that the greek people has given to albanians in our most difficult years.


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"

Please tell your pity proganganda to the Greek hating ethnic engineers who dishonestly pretend they don't notice you Skopians quick change into 'ancient Macedonians" and accompanying irredentism against Greece. They obviously have no ethics and are more concerned with hiding their mistake of recognizing you obvious frauds as "Macedonians". They are morons so they might believe your garbage.


pre 7 godina

@former Yugoslavian propagandist

Sorry. Fascist propaganda maps showing Macedonia annexed to ancient Paeonia isn't "human rights"
(Greek, 23 August 2017 20:04)

My greek friend, just like pontic greek settlers in Aegean Macedonia still proudly display maps of 'Pontus' (NorthEast Turkey) in there homes and monuments in parks and circle the villages they originality come from pre 1920s, ethnic macedonians from Aegean macedonia, displaced by greeks, also do the same. Its just a visual illustration of there roots not a map of greater nacedonia or in the pontics case a map of greater greece.


pre 7 godina

Its the Balkans every country has at least 2 maps "Then and Now" very normal. Greeks just keep crying, have the Germans payed the war reparations to you Greeks yet?


pre 7 godina

all over the Internet speaking your bitter and resentful rubbish same word by word
get over yourself you took our land and stole our Homes and think you are one great proud Greek when you don’t even come from Greece or a freaking a Greek in the first place
stop hating Macedonians they have done nothing to you
you cant kid us


pre 7 godina

There will be zero tolerance with FYROM. If Zaev wanted to mend relations with Greece he would have announced the demolition of the grotesque Italian made Hellenic reproduction statues that litter the FYROM landscape, the renaming of the airport in Skopje, the renaming of the highway, the renaming of the football stadium, the removal of the repulsive Baroque Hellenic style facades, the correcting of school carriculum, the removal of the Hellenic symbol on the national flag, the removal of all greater Macedonia maps from government institutions and a heartfelt apolgy to the nation of Greece for his nation being vile for the last two and a half decades. Cultural theft cannot be forgiven easily. Actions speak louder than words. Greeks do not want to hear politicians trying new age diplomacy that they learnt in their political science classes. Dimitrov, Šekerinska, Zaevand all the Slavic Fyromians currently running FYROM are just as dogmatic about an exclusivity of the name as the Gruevski ultra nationalists. There is no scope for negotiation with these antiques. Greece is the victim here. Our history has been hijacked by Fyromian Slavs. Leave our history alone. It’s not a good fit for you. You cannot pronounce nor read the Ancient inscriptions for they are in Greek. If FYROM wants exclusivity to the name Macedonia they will have to change their official language to Greek for this corresponds with the Ancient Macedonian language.

Lee Psarros

pre 7 godina

Nobody denies Greece’s neighbours the right to an identity, but to outright claim that Alexander was not Greek but a Macedonian in the ethnic sense like them, suggesting he was a Slav, is nothing short of an insult to our common intelligence and a lack of respect for history.

Not only abrogated geographic and historic fact, but it also has unleashed a dangerous epidemic of historical revisionism, of which the most obvious symptom is the misappropriation by the government in Skopje of the most famous of Macedonians, Alexander the Great. We believe that this silliness has gone too far.

These are a newly emergent people in search of a past to help legitimise their precarious present as they attempt to establish their singular identity in a Slavic world dominated historically by Serbs and Bulgarians’’

Archaeology, history, art, literature and the unearthed material culture of the last 2,500 years testify to the fact that ancient Macedonians spoke and wrote Greek, and like other Greek city states might have had local dialects, worshipped the same Gods and had incorporated regional deities into their belief system. Indeed, Alexander the Great was Macedonian, Pericles was Athenian, King Leonidas was Spartan and all of them Greek.

We wonder, would FYROM have claimed the name had Alexander the Great not existed?