Tuesday, 15.08.2017.


US envoy "promised Milosevic US would not recognize Kosovo"

Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days - after <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2017&mm=08&dd=15&nav_id=102068" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the Kosovo "delimitation" proposal</a>, he has spoken about "Holbrooke's Kosovo letter."

Izvor: B92

US envoy "promised Milosevic US would not recognize Kosovo" IMAGE SOURCE

11 Komentari

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pre 7 godina

Holbrook was devil!!!He is in the hell now like he deserve.The thing is that American people don't know what they politicians doing arround the world!!!
American politicians making their own bussiness,but American people don't have nothing!!!People should know that!They still have credit at bank and they still own money to people who borow money to US when they was in the problem!
That people who give money to US to survive was not patriot,they was just people who like money and power.
Since that time American people become slaves of rich people until today!!!!But they forgott something important......God's word will be last!!!!

Mendo twice

pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.
(peace, 15 August 2017 21:16)

Talk us about the terrorism in Croatia and Bosnia in 1990!
Talk us about Srebrenica GENOCIDE! SPERMIAN


pre 7 godina

Please tell me smart people. Kosovo is Serbian even when no one wants to live there it stays Serbian if there is no Serb near Kosovo it stays Serbia. When Africans come live there its Serbia. Do you understand ? Its not so hard its really easy Bill Clinton bombed Serbia because he was a shame for the US and the whole world But that is history and that dumb monument in Kosovo he can put it in his back yard.

Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

NATO or the E.U is Not Serbia Friend they made that very clear from the start What did NATO or EU did to Help Serbia'? NOTHING They have taken form you Yugoslavia and now Kosovo everything you had is gone and you have nothing. Lying is part of their policy. You should never trust people who want's you destroyed and gone. if you Serbians don't understand NATO or the EU by now and how much they Hate you, then they already won serbia. and there is no hope for you.


pre 7 godina

(ned taylor, 15 August 2017 19:03)

That is not correct. Richard Holbrook was not an ordinary US Ambassador but an envoy that was tasked with settling disputes in the Balkans.

Prior to leaving Washington he would have been briefed on what measures he could and could not take. If he was unsure on an issue he would have sought clarification from Washington. So if he did sign a document it would have been with the full knowledge and approval of his masters.

Holbrooke would have kept his bosses well appraised of the situation. Now you have hit on the problem with the US and its reputation. If Holbrooke did sign the document that only means that the US reneges on its commitment and that my friend is the reason Washington is not trusted in any corner of this world.

The real problem is that the US comes on board, but then reneges. Just look at the US/Iran deal or Climate change. You cant do this otherwise your reputation and word are both worthless.


pre 7 godina

"Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days"

LOL. Dacic is not a credible policy maker both home and abroad. He is portrayed as a retired relic that longs for the "good old" days.

It's time for him to go away.



pre 7 godina

Why did Dacic not come forward while Holbrook was alive, but now that he is dead.

Holbrook also has the signed document where Milosevic signed Kosovo to Albania but was lost with all tooth fairies boxes.


pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Even if such a document signed by Holbrooke does indeed exist, no US envoy can bind future governments to a foreign policy. Such envoys do not have this authority and in the US they usually leave when the administration is replaced. The President is not bound by the promises of his predecessor on such issues and certainly not the agreement of an envoy. International treaties and accords are a different issue but as we have seen with the Paris climate agreement even these can be withdrawn from.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Even if such a document signed by Holbrooke does indeed exist, no US envoy can bind future governments to a foreign policy. Such envoys do not have this authority and in the US they usually leave when the administration is replaced. The President is not bound by the promises of his predecessor on such issues and certainly not the agreement of an envoy. International treaties and accords are a different issue but as we have seen with the Paris climate agreement even these can be withdrawn from.


pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.


pre 7 godina

Why did Dacic not come forward while Holbrook was alive, but now that he is dead.

Holbrook also has the signed document where Milosevic signed Kosovo to Albania but was lost with all tooth fairies boxes.


pre 7 godina

"Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days"

LOL. Dacic is not a credible policy maker both home and abroad. He is portrayed as a retired relic that longs for the "good old" days.

It's time for him to go away.



pre 7 godina

(ned taylor, 15 August 2017 19:03)

That is not correct. Richard Holbrook was not an ordinary US Ambassador but an envoy that was tasked with settling disputes in the Balkans.

Prior to leaving Washington he would have been briefed on what measures he could and could not take. If he was unsure on an issue he would have sought clarification from Washington. So if he did sign a document it would have been with the full knowledge and approval of his masters.

Holbrooke would have kept his bosses well appraised of the situation. Now you have hit on the problem with the US and its reputation. If Holbrooke did sign the document that only means that the US reneges on its commitment and that my friend is the reason Washington is not trusted in any corner of this world.

The real problem is that the US comes on board, but then reneges. Just look at the US/Iran deal or Climate change. You cant do this otherwise your reputation and word are both worthless.


pre 7 godina

Please tell me smart people. Kosovo is Serbian even when no one wants to live there it stays Serbian if there is no Serb near Kosovo it stays Serbia. When Africans come live there its Serbia. Do you understand ? Its not so hard its really easy Bill Clinton bombed Serbia because he was a shame for the US and the whole world But that is history and that dumb monument in Kosovo he can put it in his back yard.


pre 7 godina

Holbrook was devil!!!He is in the hell now like he deserve.The thing is that American people don't know what they politicians doing arround the world!!!
American politicians making their own bussiness,but American people don't have nothing!!!People should know that!They still have credit at bank and they still own money to people who borow money to US when they was in the problem!
That people who give money to US to survive was not patriot,they was just people who like money and power.
Since that time American people become slaves of rich people until today!!!!But they forgott something important......God's word will be last!!!!

Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

NATO or the E.U is Not Serbia Friend they made that very clear from the start What did NATO or EU did to Help Serbia'? NOTHING They have taken form you Yugoslavia and now Kosovo everything you had is gone and you have nothing. Lying is part of their policy. You should never trust people who want's you destroyed and gone. if you Serbians don't understand NATO or the EU by now and how much they Hate you, then they already won serbia. and there is no hope for you.

Mendo twice

pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.
(peace, 15 August 2017 21:16)

Talk us about the terrorism in Croatia and Bosnia in 1990!
Talk us about Srebrenica GENOCIDE! SPERMIAN


pre 7 godina

Holbrook was devil!!!He is in the hell now like he deserve.The thing is that American people don't know what they politicians doing arround the world!!!
American politicians making their own bussiness,but American people don't have nothing!!!People should know that!They still have credit at bank and they still own money to people who borow money to US when they was in the problem!
That people who give money to US to survive was not patriot,they was just people who like money and power.
Since that time American people become slaves of rich people until today!!!!But they forgott something important......God's word will be last!!!!

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Even if such a document signed by Holbrooke does indeed exist, no US envoy can bind future governments to a foreign policy. Such envoys do not have this authority and in the US they usually leave when the administration is replaced. The President is not bound by the promises of his predecessor on such issues and certainly not the agreement of an envoy. International treaties and accords are a different issue but as we have seen with the Paris climate agreement even these can be withdrawn from.


pre 7 godina

"Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days"

LOL. Dacic is not a credible policy maker both home and abroad. He is portrayed as a retired relic that longs for the "good old" days.

It's time for him to go away.


Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

NATO or the E.U is Not Serbia Friend they made that very clear from the start What did NATO or EU did to Help Serbia'? NOTHING They have taken form you Yugoslavia and now Kosovo everything you had is gone and you have nothing. Lying is part of their policy. You should never trust people who want's you destroyed and gone. if you Serbians don't understand NATO or the EU by now and how much they Hate you, then they already won serbia. and there is no hope for you.


pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.


pre 7 godina

Why did Dacic not come forward while Holbrook was alive, but now that he is dead.

Holbrook also has the signed document where Milosevic signed Kosovo to Albania but was lost with all tooth fairies boxes.


pre 7 godina

Please tell me smart people. Kosovo is Serbian even when no one wants to live there it stays Serbian if there is no Serb near Kosovo it stays Serbia. When Africans come live there its Serbia. Do you understand ? Its not so hard its really easy Bill Clinton bombed Serbia because he was a shame for the US and the whole world But that is history and that dumb monument in Kosovo he can put it in his back yard.

Mendo twice

pre 7 godina

Its trips down memory lane season I see. Isn't it always. For us.
NYT late 80s

Cato Institute late 90s

Something in between. My friends.
(peace, 15 August 2017 21:16)

Talk us about the terrorism in Croatia and Bosnia in 1990!
Talk us about Srebrenica GENOCIDE! SPERMIAN


pre 7 godina

(ned taylor, 15 August 2017 19:03)

That is not correct. Richard Holbrook was not an ordinary US Ambassador but an envoy that was tasked with settling disputes in the Balkans.

Prior to leaving Washington he would have been briefed on what measures he could and could not take. If he was unsure on an issue he would have sought clarification from Washington. So if he did sign a document it would have been with the full knowledge and approval of his masters.

Holbrooke would have kept his bosses well appraised of the situation. Now you have hit on the problem with the US and its reputation. If Holbrooke did sign the document that only means that the US reneges on its commitment and that my friend is the reason Washington is not trusted in any corner of this world.

The real problem is that the US comes on board, but then reneges. Just look at the US/Iran deal or Climate change. You cant do this otherwise your reputation and word are both worthless.