Rehn: Montenegro should break U.S. treaty

Olli Rehn asked Montenegrin government to break non-extradition treaty with U.S.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 12.05.2007.


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Rehn: Montenegro should break U.S. treaty

In a diplomatic exchange with the US Government on April 19, the Montenegrin Government agreed to ratify an agreement on the immunity of U.S. citizens from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, which sparked a considerable public backlash.

Prime Minister Šturanović said the treaty with the U.S. did not affect the stance of the Montenegrin Government that their strategic goal was EU integration.

“Good relations with the U.S. will help, not impair, the realization of this goal”, Šturanović said.

The Montenegrin Ministry of Exterior said earlier that the treaty had already been accepted with the diplomatic exchange and there was no need to ratify it in Parliament.

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