Police swoop on Novi Pazar drugs ring

Novi Pazar police have arrested two people on suspicion of manufacturing and selling drugs, and have charged 13 others.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 03.09.2008.


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Novi Pazar police have arrested two people on suspicion of manufacturing and selling drugs, and have charged 13 others. According to a police statement, Jusuf M. (40) and Ahmedin K. (36) were arrested and brought before the investigative judge at the District Court in Novi Pazar, where they were remanded in custody for a period of 30 days. Police swoop on Novi Pazar drugs ring Working on the same case, police filed charges against 13 others between August 24-28: Salih R. (36), Fikret D. (30), Elvis K. (25), Rijad D. (23), Ferid A. (30), Enes A. (31), Muhamed K. (20), Samir G. (25), Fahrudin K. (24), Nermin M. (25) i Asmir E. (34) from Novi Pazar, and Elvis G. (27) and Denis N. (27) from Tutin.

Police swoop on Novi Pazar drugs ring

Working on the same case, police filed charges against 13 others between August 24-28: Salih R. (36), Fikret D. (30), Elvis K. (25), Rijad D. (23), Ferid A. (30), Enes A. (31), Muhamed K. (20), Samir G. (25), Fahrudin K. (24), Nermin M. (25) i Asmir E. (34) from Novi Pazar, and Elvis G. (27) and Denis N. (27) from Tutin.

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