Politics 1



The terror against the Serbs continues: Director of Poštanska Štedionica Bank was detained and then released

The so-called Kosovo police detained Igor Radić, the director of the Poštanska štedionica branch in Kosovska Mitrovica, as a witness, who was released from the police after giving a statement.

Izvor: Tanjug

The terror against the Serbs continues: Director of Poštanska Štedionica Bank was detained and then released
Kosovo online


This was stated for Tanjug by the director of the so-called Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elšani.

He stated that Radić was brought in as a witness as a responsible person to confirm that everything was seized during today's operation.

"He was taken to the police station so that, as a witness and director, he would sign the minutes about what was found in the branch in Mitrovica during the operation," Elšani told Tanjug.

The so-called Kosovo police announced that yesterday they closed six units of Poštanska Štedionica in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, based on, as they stated, the report of the "financial monitoring institution".

Previously, members of the so-called Kosovo Police with rifles and body armor raided the Poštanska Štedionica branches in Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvečan, Zubin potok and Leposavić, while citizens were trying to withdraw their pensions, social assistance and other financial resources, the Tanjug correspondent from KiM reported earlier.

The police also raided the building of the Treasury Administration in Kosovska Mitrovica.

When the policemen entered the buildings, the parties who were in the premises of the savings bank were thrown out of the building, while the workers were detained, and there were policemen armed with long barrels in front of all four branches.

In addition, members of the special units were deployed at several checkpoints in the streets leading to the banks.


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