If Germany leaves EU, that's the end

If threats of the leader of the German far-right party Alternative for Germany, Alice Weidel, about Germany leaving EU come true, the EU is dead, media write.

Izvor: index.hr

Tuesday, 23.01.2024.


If Germany leaves EU, that's the end
Tanjug/AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi

If Germany leaves EU, that's the end

Weidel stated that if her party, which is constantly growing in popularity, wins the elections, she will ask for a referendum on leaving the European Union.

She still thinks the AfD will not come to power in Germany before 2029, but insists that the AfD's future role in government is inevitable. However, in Germany the so-called "Windshield" - an agreement that prevents any form of coalition or cooperation of the AfD with other parties is in effect.

As a result, despite its strength in the polls, the AfD does not have a leading role in any of Germany's 16 state governments. Germany is the heart of the European Union, it is impossible to imagine the EU without Germany. I guess that's why the German mainstream parties are devotedly pro-European and simply don't argue about the need to stay in the community of European nations, writes the Croatian portal Index.hr.

Germans, who are recognized as Europhiles, are also strongly in favor of the EU idea, according to a poll conducted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, a think tank linked to the main opposition center-right CDU party.

Political analyst Žarko Puhovski tells Index that the right itself in Germany is divided in relation to the EU.

"One pragmatic concept on the right is that it is a tool that we can use for German domination of Europe, for a peaceful takeover of Europe. There is a lot of truth in that, and Germany has played an important role in the EU for years. That role was also strengthened by the exit of Great Britain. Second part he literally applies his own sovereigntist ideology, which is not in favor of the concept of the state over the state, and, like all nationalists, they believe that only God can be above the state", he explains.

In response to a hypothetical question about the possible exit of Germany from the EU, Puhovski states that the scenario is unrealistic, but that, if that happens, the EU would have a hard time surviving without Germany.

"Under the assumption of an unrealistic scenario that Germany would leave the EU, my belief is that the EU would have a very hard time sustaining itself without it. The exit would strengthen such tendencies in countries like Slovakia, Hungary, and perhaps Poland if there is a reversal in the majority relations of politics there. In general, the EU would survive as a form, but it would lose its meaning. It might even disintegrate. This is a hypothetical situation and I don't see it as a realistic possibility," he said.

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