Media: Soros to establish "NATO Plus"

Western countries and Japan, united in a global political alliance, received a new member at a meeting in the Czech Republic.

Izvor: Novosti

Friday, 08.09.2023.


Media: Soros to establish

Media: Soros to establish "NATO Plus"

Western countries and Japan, united in a global political alliance whose task is to suppress Beijing's influence in the world, received a new member at a meeting in the Czech Republic.

As Novosti writes, it is about the Philippines. It is further stated that the third meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance for China Affairs (IPAC), founded with the ambition that NATO would receive political, that is, propaganda support, attracted MPs from Kenya and Paraguay for the first time.

Most of the members of IPAC are parliamentarians from the EU, Japan and the USA, but British, Australian and Canadian legislators also joined the founders. The ideological coloring of the Alliance is not debatable, since it includes members of the parliaments of countries that are Washington's military and political allies, Novosti further states.

A kind of confirmation of this is the very date of the establishment of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance, June 4, 2020, on the anniversary of the great anti-government protest on Tiananmen in Beijing in 1989.

IPAC is mostly funded by the US government and the Open Society Foundation of billionaire George Soros. The political orientation of IPAC is also visible in some public declarations, such as, for example, the announcement from the IPAC symposium, earlier this year, held in the Japanese capital Tokyo, in which it is said that "the aim of its holding is to encourage a coordinated democratic response to distortion of order, based on rules enforced by Beijing".

IPAC needs to convince everyone of the Western thesis that China is an autocracy that, by violating the rights and freedoms of its citizens, is collapsing the international order. The goal of the deputies belonging to that organization, among other things, includes work on mechanisms for introducing sanctions, under the pretext of human rights violations in China, and the list also includes passing a law that would enable the seizure of property of individuals and entities that violated those rights.

IPAC, as interpreted by the media, is "a cunningly designed instrument of lobbying and pressure, a child of the new bloc, Cold War politics".

The encirclement of the most populous country in the world and a growing economy that threatens to become the number one economic power has been in the works for a long time, and it needs to get its propaganda machinery in the Alliance.

The establishment of the IPAC coincides, analysts note, with the efforts of the US to "include the European members of NATO, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy, in addition to Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, in joint military exercises aimed at encircling and containing China in the Indo-Pacific region".

At the same time, the thesis about the need to create a "global NATO" or "NATO Plus", which would extend over the entire northern hemisphere and, together with China, surround Russia as well, is being argued more and more. The Philippines, India, Singapore, and possibly Vietnam, as well as the predominantly Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia, are also welcome in the military ring that is tightening around Beijing.

They will ensure that the South China Sea does not become Chinese territory, but also that, when the government in Washington decides to do so, they will militarily support nearby Taiwan, on the northern edge of that sea. Knowing this, China these days is concentrating huge military forces in cities on its mainland, "opposite" from Taiwan.

The entry of the Philippines into IPAC shows that the new president Ferdinand Marcos Jr., in the clash of powers in the Asia-Pacific region, is siding with the US. The return of the Marcos family to the helm of the country also means the return of US forces to the Philippine soil from which they left at the end of the Cold War.

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