Macron is ready, he will answer Putin

French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he is ready to talk with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 23.06.2023.


Macron is ready, he will answer Putin
Tanjug/AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda

Macron is ready, he will answer Putin

But, as he said, he will not call him personally, reports TASS referring to the French media.

"Of course, I will answer if Putin calls. I have no reason to call him. The Ukrainian counter-offensive is underway. I hope that the time will come to negotiate the terms of Kyiv. But if he calls to propose something, I will answer because France has always been a mediator", he said today in an interview with TV channel France 24.

According to the French leader, "today the continuation of the dialogue is possible only under the conditions of returning to international law, which is the only way to live in peace", according to TASS.

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