
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had a striking promotion of his candidacy for the U.S. President on Wednesday, US media write.

Izvor: Jutarnji list

Thursday, 25.05.2023.


AP Photo/John Raoux, File


DeSantis has launched relatively simple messages that correspond with the general preferences of the right-wing spectrum of the electorate. However, the question was raised whether it was wise to choose Twitter as a platform and its owner, Elon Musk, as an interlocutor for the launch of the presidential campaign.

Namely, when someone ambitious and influential in America like DeSantis runs for president, then it is expected that the first presentation will be spectacular in the media because the elections for the US President are a competition in which millions are not spared and any technical problems are considered an unacceptable risk.

However, it seems that Twitter no longer has the characteristics of a stable platform after Musk's cuts, which turned out to be the case with DeSantis' presidential promotion, and caused the euphoric delight of the media that prefers Democrats. The presentation of DeSantis as a presidential candidate began with 20 minutes of various technical problems: audio problems, microphone difficulties, unfinished conversations... that is, with everything that anyone, on the promotion of anything, does not want for themselves, let alone DeSantis, who has the most difficult challenge to beat Donald Trump.

He is already far worse in the polls in relation to Trump than in relation to Biden, towards whom he is the favorite, and because of Musk's Twitter, he started clumsily. At one point, the live stream was abruptly interrupted after millions of interested people tried to join. Musk only commented on that: "It was a crazy story."

Jutarnji list reminds us that Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion dollars in the ecstasy of the fight for freedom of speech. He subsequently fired 75 percent of employees, changed the rules and reinstated some of the suspended users, such as former President Donald Trump.

Musk's intention to profile Twitter as one of the most influential media platforms through the presentation of DeSantis as a presidential candidate was very cunning, but the execution was unprofessional.

So, instead of DeSantis, #DeSaster was the general post, and even the aging U.S. President Joe Biden made a little joke on social media saying that the link to collect donations for DeSantis was reliable, unlike Twitter. "This link is working," Biden wrote.

Technical difficulties can always happen, but in case of Twitter, the big problem is what happened with the promotion of DeSantis, and not with a very large number of users.

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