Response to Western politicians: "You forgot about the bombing of Yugoslavia"

In an interview with "RT", Emir Kusturica responded to Western politicians who say that Ukraine is now the first military conflict since the Second World War.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 22.03.2022.


Response to Western politicians:
Foto: Profimedia

Response to Western politicians: "You forgot about the bombing of Yugoslavia"

In an interview with "RT", Emir Kusturica responded to Western politicians who say that Ukraine is now the first military conflict since the Second World War.

As he said, they forgot about the bombing of Yugoslavia.

"Back then, we saw only the first phase of what is happening now. We were completely alone in our efforts to fight for independence and our borders, until NATO started the bombing, which continued every day for three months, and as a result we got a big death toll", Kusturica underlined.

Kusturica pointed out that everyone who thinks about history, and the consequences of certain actions, will have a better idea of what is happening now.

"I think we are now dealing with the legacy of a permanent and extremely Russophobic layer of history and opposition to what Russia has offered for the last 20 years. A partnership with the West that has never been accepted," he said.

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