NATO threatens Turkey: "We were clear about our expectations"

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg said that Turkey was informed that the alliance expects all members to impose sanctions on Russia.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 11.03.2022.


NATO threatens Turkey:

NATO threatens Turkey: "We were clear about our expectations"

He said that the conflict in Ukraine should not escalate into a war between Russia and NATO, that would lead to a large number of victims.

NATO has called on all European allies to increase their defense budgets, Stoltenberg said.

"Yes, we expect all our partners to impose sanctions. It is a way to force Russia to pay the price. I also informed Mevlüt Çavuºoğlu about it. Turkey has a role to play here," Stoltenberg said.

"NATO understands Ukraine's frustration over the alliance's unwillingness to close the skies, but the escalation will result in casualties and suffering outside the country," Stoltenberg concluded.

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