Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): Macron's gift to the Russian authorities

Speaking about NATO's "brain death", French President Emmanuel Macron gave a gift to Russian officials, Sputnik quoted the Swiss newspaper NZZ as saying

Izvor: Sputnik

Tuesday, 12.11.2019.


Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): Macron's gift to the Russian authorities
Tanjug/AP Photo/Michel Euler, Pool

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): Macron's gift to the Russian authorities

The French Presidential Declaration addressed to Moscow could be a signal of strategic dialogue and a call to Berlin to take action.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung points out that Russian officials understand that the North Atlantic Alliance will not disappear and that reforms are not foreseen. So the Macron Declaration only made Moscow "happy", and no one else.

The newspaper acknowledged that Russia was "surprisingly quickly" capable of restoring its military and political performance on the international scene, including in the Near and Middle East, and bring about a deterioration in Turkish-NATO relations.

Moreover, "there is no decision in Syria without Moscow", the paper concluded.

On earlier occasion, French President stated, in an interview with "The Economist" that NATO is "brain-dead".

He added that there is no coordination in adopting strategic decisions, while according to his opinion, US is turning its back on its allies, leading an independent politics towards Syria.

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