Ethnically pure Albanian group fighting for ISIS in Syria considered "the cruelest"

Some Kosovo Albanians had joined ISIS, while their group operating in Syria has been dubbed the "strike group" and is also known as the ethnically pure group

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 12.08.2019.


Ethnically pure Albanian group fighting for ISIS in Syria considered
Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images

Ethnically pure Albanian group fighting for ISIS in Syria considered "the cruelest"

This strike group is considered to be "the cruelest" on Syrian battlefields.

As portal Metro News reports, these data are released in the Report of U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Combating Terrorism Center.

"The last active presence of jihadists from the region in Syria is the ethnic Albanian unit within the HTS. The Albanian community, called "Katiba", which means a combat unit, is made up of Albanian fighters operating around the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib", it is said in the report, carried out by Gazeta Express.

Other fighters originally from the Western Balkans participating in the war in Syria are found in other units, while Albanians are kept as ethnically pure units, highly prepared units that had undergone military training.

Monoethnic Albanian unit has its own commanding structure, which clearly show that their number is not insignificant.

It is also reported that unlike other Western Balkan countries that hand down severe penalties to their foreign battlefields' fighters upon their coming home, Pristina is quite tolerant with this regard, with an average sentence of three and a half years in prison.

Accordingly, 40 percent of those who have been convicted of terrorism in Kosovo have already served their sentences and are released.

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