Serbia votes against Kiev-proposed UN resolution on Crimea

The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for international monitoring of the situation regarding human rights in Crimea, Sputnik has reported.

Izvor: Sputnik

Tuesday, 20.12.2016.


Serbia votes against Kiev-proposed UN resolution on Crimea

Serbia votes against Kiev-proposed UN resolution on Crimea

Voting in favor were most European countries and the United States, while those against included the Russian Federation, Serbia, China, India, South Africa, Armenia, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Belarus and others.

The resolution asks the UN secretary-general to find a way to allow access of international human rights observing mission to Crimea. The document calls on Russia to provide this access to international missions and non-governmental human rights organizations.

It further states that "the international presence is necessary in Crimea to prevent further deterioration of the situation." The document condemns "violations of the rights of the inhabitants of Crimea," including "the Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians and persons belonging to other ethnic and religious groups".

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the document proposed by Kiev "a useless propaganda leaflet" which has nothing to do with the real situation in the peninsula, or the interests of its residents.

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