The highest number of confirmed cases since the outbreak of pandemic, 45 people died

Until the last review, 8.467 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Serbia, while 45 people died.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 28.09.2021.


The highest number of confirmed cases since the outbreak of pandemic, 45 people died
Foto: Profimedia

The highest number of confirmed cases since the outbreak of pandemic, 45 people died

In the last 24 hours, 26.292 people were tested for coronavirus in Serbia. There are 251 patients on respirators.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 926.269 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Serbia, and 5.601.570 people have been tested.

So far, 8.142 people have died as a result of the infection.

The mortality rate is 0.88.

Brnabić on COVID passes: "We have prepared everything"

Today, Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, commented on the introduction of COVID passes due to the current epidemiological situation.

"We have prepared everything for the COVID pass. They are not a silver bullet to solve the situation, they are just a way to motivate young people to get vaccinated and nothing more. The answer to all this is vaccination. It is devastating, because it is part of civic solidarity. Democracy is like that, we cannot introduce mandatory vaccination", she said during a tour of the new landfill in Vinca.

"We did our part of the job, we were among the first to get vaccines. We will soon get the fifth vaccine, we opened three new hospitals, bought medical equipment, respirators, medicines... There is a part where personal responsibility lies. We can introduce them (COVID passes) and we are talking about it… We can talk about it until tomorrow, but that will not solve the problem", she pointed out and repeated that the vaccine is the only solution against the coronavirus pandemic.

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