Based on Vučić's order, more than 15.000 soldiers got "alerted" this morning PHOTO

As the Ministry of Defense announced, the joint exercise "Lightning Strike 2021" started early this morning.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 15.06.2021.


Based on Vučić's order, more than 15.000 soldiers got
Foto: Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije

Based on Vučić's order, more than 15.000 soldiers got "alerted" this morning PHOTO

"Based on the directive of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army and the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, a check of the combat readiness of the commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Army began early this morning," it was stated at the beginning of the press release.

The inspection, as it is further stated, is being realized in order to determine the reached level of operational capabilities of the General Staff, commands and units for the execution of assigned tasks, and it started by alerting more than 15.000 members of the Serbian Army.

This morning's activities are an introduction to the Joint Tactical Exercise with Combat Shooting "Lightning Strike 2021", which is being carried out in eight locations throughout the Republic of Serbia by units of the Army, Air Force and Air Defense, 72nd Special Operations Brigade and 63rd Parachute Brigade.
"During the exercise activities, several tactical exercises and tactical exercises with combat shooting will be realized, and the most complex will be a joint exercise with combat shooting of a reinforced tactical group in conducting an offensive operation, which will be held on June 27 at the temporary training ground 'Pester' in order to show the state leadership the determination, training, firepower and high level of cooperation and cooperation of the units of the Serbian Army to respond to challenges, risks and threats to the security of the Republic of Serbia", the Ministry of Defense states.

It is added that at the end of the exercise, on June 28, an open day will be organized in Kragujevac, when citizens will have the opportunity to see a review of the latest means of war equipment of the Serbian Army and development funds.

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