Who is Jovana Stojkovic, an anti-vaxxer and an anti-masker protester?

One of those responsible for the smallpox epidemic in Serbia was taken in for questioning.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 01.04.2021.


Who is Jovana Stojkovic, an anti-vaxxer and an anti-masker protester?
Printskrin: TV B92

Who is Jovana Stojkovic, an anti-vaxxer and an anti-masker protester?

According to unofficial information, she was detained.

However, this is not the first time that Ms. Stojkovic has a "problem" because of her point of view. She was previously accused of, as determined by the epidemiologists, smallpox break out in October 2017, which took 15 lives during that and the following year.

In 2018, a procedure was initiated against her before the Court of the Regional Medical Chamber of Belgrade for revoking the work license, due to the spread of anti-vaccination ideas and discouraging parents from vaccinating their children. However, the same procedure was soon discontinued. As it was said at the time - "Her media appearances are not a sufficient reason to conduct a procedure for revoking the medical license."

Her official Facebook page states that "the page is used exclusively for educational and informative purposes", but also says that all those in search of health advice, or those having any dilemma should still contact their medical practitioner.

As already said in 2018 - the most dangerous aspect of this anti-vaxxer is the fact that she is a medical doctor, therefore people tend to take her views more seriously, is very much still relevant today, during the Coronavirus pandemic in Serbia. In addition to being a doctor, she is the chairperson of the Living for Serbia movement, which participated in the parliamentary elections together with the Leviathan movement, and every thought she uttered can affect a large number of people, which is especially dangerous when it comes to the nation's health.

Relevant Wikipedia page about Jovana Stojkovic reads that "since 2015, she has been known for her social engagements and as the successor of Sladjana Velkov at the head of the anti-vaxxer movement in Serbia and one of the persons organizing street and other types of protests and tribunes against mandatory vaccination."

In addition to fighting against mandatory vaccination, she also opposes wearing protective masks. The "I live for Serbia" movement also posted a video on YouTube of their request submission to the Minister of Education, against wearing masks.

Police inspectors came with a warrant to her residence to her take in for questioning on her anti-vaxxer and anti-mask statements, Ms. Jovana Stojkovic, announced early this morning.

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